Upside Down • Agents of Shie...

By ___starrynight

1K 51 9

"All its takes is a second and your whole life can get turned ------------------- upside down." - Jodi... More

[1] Flipped
[2] Discovered

[3] The Truth

290 16 9
By ___starrynight

Alone time is great. It's great if you haven't been locked in a cell for who know how many hours. Those two Agents who abducted me earlier still haven't returned.

I got up and began pacing around the room getting angrier as the minutes passed by. They couldn't keep me locked up in here like a rat, somewhere in the Constitution it must say something along the lines of 'you can't hold people against their will', right?

They really do need some air conditioning in here, it's so stuffy. At least this room is a little spacious or else I would get very claustrophobic. Instead of walking I decided that jogging in place would pass the time faster. Maybe if I run fast enough I can make a hole in the floor and escape.

In the middle of carrying out my escape plan the door to the cell squeaked open. Agent Coulson came marching in with Agent Ward in tow.

"Avery lets go, we're bringing you to Skye for more answers." Coulson explained as Ward escorted me out of the room.

"And how are you going to do that? I already told you I won't say anything more."

"You'll see." Coulson replied.

       Yet again I was thrown into a metal chair quite harshly.  Agent Ward really needs some manners. 

        Moments after I was thrown in the chair beside Skye, Agent Coulson and Agent Ward left the room.

       "So did you spill anything?" I immediately questioned.  I needed to know if she gave up anything about Mike.

        "I spilled absolutely nothing."  Skye replied with a smirk.

       "Okay good," I said with a sigh, "We need to keep Mike and his son safe." 

      She nodded her head in agreement,  "Agreed, if these people got ahold of him his life would suck." 

     "Yeah, so uh, what do you think they're gonna do?"  I asked a little worried.  It's a government agency with scary people, who wouldn't be afraid?

     "Well probably something big, something to make us talk since they clearly couldn't get anything from solitary interrogations."  Skye explained.

       "That's just lovely."  I replied sarcastically. I slumped into the back of my chair and began to pick at my nails. It's a habit I have when I get nervous. And in this situation I was particularly on edge.
        The metal door opened and in walked Coulson and Ward, again.  I was getting serious déjà vu, it's like their jobs must consist of walking in and out of prison cells.

       Ward stalked over to the opposite side of the table and placed a metal box in front of Skye and I.

      "What's in there?"  I asked, my voice wavering slightly.

      He smirked and had a devious look in his eyes, "You'll see shortly."

Coulson maneuvered around Ward so he was standing directly in front of us.

      "You guys are making a big mistake." Skye immediately said.

"You two don't look that big." Ward shot back, unaffected by Skye's "threat".

      "Alright let's get started."  Coulson said, breaking the tension between Ward and Skye, "We need a name." 

      "We already told you our names, I don't-". I was cut off, again.

      "Not your names, we need the name of the man you filmed."  Ward stated, sounding bored.

      "I only know a little bit about him, not his name."  I lied.

       "If you don't know what his name is then how could you do research?"  Ward asked.  I just stayed quiet, if I stop talking maybe I can stop digging myself into the ground.

      "What makes you think we know anything?"  Skye piped up, saving me.

      "Well considering the cryptographic signature we already went over we have reason to believe you three are affiliated with each other."  Coulson explained. 

      "How can you just assume that?  You have nothing on us and by now you've probably discovered that you can't beat the encryption on my equipment." Skye said defending herself from these Agent's "assumptions".

"My equipment is fairly hard to hack into as well, so you basically have nothing." I added in.

"You say we have nothing but in fact we do," the older agent said with that smirk that never seemed to leave his face, "We have a fairly strong coincidence, you two being on the scene right before it went up in flames. You want to tell me what my team is gonna find out?"

      "Well they won't find much considering there was an explosion."  I whispered under my breath, earning a small smirk from Skye.

      "How did you know the hooded man was in the building?"

      "Did you blow it up to draw him out?" Ward accused immediately after Coulson's question, the stark expression never leaving his face.

      My face contorted with disgust as his accusation, I would never intentionally blow something up.

      "Did you?" Skye shot back apparently finding it offensive as well.

       "That's not our style." Coulson said, surprisingly calm.

      "Yeah? Well your style just kidnapped the both of us," I said getting fired up now, my words were venomous, "S.H.I.E.L.D covered up New Mexico, Project Pegasus. Of course you'd cover up Centipede."  

      The two Agents' faces went blank at the mention of Centipede. Ward did a nervous pace as he scratched his ear and mouthed something to the older agent. Skye and I must've realized the same thing, I saw a glimmer of triumph flash in her eyes.  They hadn't had a clue about Centipede.

     "Holy no way!" I snickered, "You don't know what that is. You're what? A government agency with millions of dollars and we, two random girls beat you with laptops." Skye was enjoying this as much as I was, she had a satisfied gleam in her eyes and laughed along with me.

"You need to think about your friend," Coulson said changing the subject, "We're not the only ones interested In people with powers.
We'd like to contain him, yeah. The next guy will want to exploit him, And the guy after that will want to dissect him."

      Ward leaned over the table in a very threatening manner and malice in his eyes, "What is Centipede?"

      Skye got up out of her seat, brushing Ward out of the way. How she's so confident around these government agents, I don't know! Even if I don't show it I'm trembling in my seat. As the confident brunette slowly paced around the room she began to explain what Centipede was.

      "Centipede- it was chatter in the web then gone I traced the access point mac-address to that building and I'm assuming Avery did too."  I nodded as she looked at me.

      "What were you after?" Ward pressed.

     "The truth, what were you after?" Skye said while whipping around to face Ward.

      "World peace."

      "You pseudo-anarchist hacker types love to stir things up, but you're never around for the fallout." Ward got up out of his seat to face Skye and towered over her. 

      "People keep secrets for a reason."

      "Well just because you're reasonable and... firm doesn't mean that you're not an evil government tool bag."

      "Just give us your guy's name." Ward pleaded with annoyance.

      "He's not my guy!"

      "You both understand he's in danger, right?"  Coulson piped up, he wore a grim expression now.

      "I have an idea," I spoke, leaning my elbows on the table," why don't you let us go and talk to him. Not you, not T-1000 over here, us."

      "That is a great idea." Skye agreed.

      "You want to be alone with him, of course." Ward spat.   "Their groupies. All this hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D, tracking powers.  They might as well be one of those sweaty cosplay girls crowding around Stark tower."

      "What!? I would- it was one time."  Skye finished her sentence with defeat.

      "Actually that's false information about me, I would never cosplay Stark.  I only cosplay as Captain American." I said proudly earning an eye roll from Ward and a slight smirk from Coulson. Once team Cap, always team Cap.

      The older agent got up and walked to the door, probably fed up with our shenanigans. He called to the younger agent who was now brooding in the corner.  They began a conversation but shut the door before I could hear anything.

      "So," Skye breathed out, " When do you think they will let us out of here?"

      "I don't know."

A/n: ok so I haven't been on since like 3 billion years ago. I'm sorry, but here's a new chapter. I also have something important to tell you,  this book will be super long so I will be skipping a few episodes after I finish writing the first episode. If you've seen the show try to insert my character in there😂 if not you should really go watch the show. Anyways thanks for reading!

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