You Don't Come Close.

By DarkGreenGraveyard

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It starts as a simple threesome, but it's not what Slash and Axl really want. "I can read the embarrassment f... More



3K 70 33
By DarkGreenGraveyard

When I try to get up, my legs are shaky, weak and as soon as I'm on my feet, there's a stinging pain increasing from my ass, making me grimace and hiss quietly. I'm all sticky from my own mess and Axls cum in between my ass cheeks and my inner thighs, but I just pull my pants up, too lazy and still too drunk to get rid of it now.

Axl watches me all the time, almost observing every move. "You're disgusting...", he says with a grin, cheeks flushed.

"You're not fuckin' better, man. And I'm going to shower later."

"You're not."

"Yeah...maybe not...I need a drink first. And something to fuckin' eat. I'm starving."

"Can you even walk?", he asks, not even hiding the sadistic laugh.

"Yes. Fuck you."

I'm a little stiff, careful when I walk out, less for my body, but I'm sure when I leave and return he'll start the thinking, the regretting, the pushing me away again. Damn, it was worth it, yes, but nevertheless- the bad part is still coming. But what can I do? I can't force him into being nice and staying close, allowing me to get a little nearer than he can stand.

I'm caught in my own thoughts when I enter the kitchen finding Duff standing there, searching for something. "Girls are gone?", I asks, but stop in the conversation when I see the look on his face as our eyes meet. I am not sure if he's going to burst out laughing or if he's just totally confused, but I am sure that he knows exactly what happened.

"Uhm...yes. No. Amy is still there. "

"Which one was it?"

Ok. Just trying to avoid talking about it.

"The blonde."

"Uh ok. Do we have something to eat?"


"Hm?" I almost dive into the fridge, hiding my face in there, searching too long for just a few beer cans and nothing else, just wishing for my blushed face to cool down.

"Are you ok?"

I lay my chin to the opened fridge door, watching him suspiciously. "What?!"

"Well...we heard your fight...I heard what you said to Axl."


"Well...two options...he tried to beat you to death...or..."

Oh dear god. "Or?"

"Well judged by...uhm...the sounds..."

I dive back into the fridge, trembling hands grabbing for a beer, then I suddenly close it, standing up, annoyed by his slow attempts to just ask me what he wants to know. "If you want to say or ask something, just spill it, man."

And suddenly he's grinning and it can't mean anything good.

"What, Duff?!"

"I ...'Just fuck me bastard'...?"

I am blushing so hard like, I think, never before in my life, my fingers digging deep into the metal of my can of beer. Oh god. Goddammit. No. No. No. For a second I am searching for an answer, but I can't stand his amused and curious face, so I just turn around and leave, hurrying back into our room.

"Really Slash? Just running away?!", Duff shouts, laughing, but I'm ignoring him, closing the door behind me with force and waking a sleeping Axl with it.

He looks at me from half closed, sleepy looking eyes, humming lazily without really noticing what is going on as it seems. When he sees me there's another smile. "Come here", he murmurs while he roles to the side and I sit on the bed beside him, letting him pull me down and cuddle against me; affectionate, calm and quiet.

"Are you going to push me away again?"

"No. Not now."

"But in a few hours?"

His voice stays collected, just a little timid, but casual. "Yes...maybe..."

I give a deep sigh and get a little space between us. "Axl I can't do that. I don't want to."

He nods, but comes near again, head on my shoulder. "Do you wanna leave?", he asks, while his fingers smoothly stroke over the back of my hand, then he grabs it and my will breaks with him holding it firmly.

"No...", I whisper, weakly, feebly, "I don't."

It's friday and I called Adriana, like promised. It's friday and I am finding myself on her couch with her head against my shoulder and Axls bare feet on my thighs. He has been constantly confiding the last week, as I cared for him the best I could and although his sickness is fully gone, he hasn't abandoned me by now again.

Yes, he snarled at me, he suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night, twice, to leave mine and crawl into his own bed, but he came back, every morning or night or afternoon, depending on when I got shit faced with Stevie. He didn't say anything when I came back one morning, being so wasted I crawled into our room, falling unconscious right there on the floor and woke in my own vomit.

He did say nothing when I came into his bed the day after, my face pressed against his back and he stayed with me as I felt into some weird kind of apathetic depression, caught in the aftermaths of having had a speed-ball party that hit me a little too hard. Good signs.

I still don't know what I want and I still don't wanna figure it out. I don't wanna talk about it. But I stopped being angry since I noticed him trying to be nice. Maybe it was jealousy when he saw me with that girl, maybe he just understood that I could stop dealing with his shit every second- but he deals with mine as well, right?-, I really can't figure out what it was, but something changed and I won't complain.

I watch him loosen some knots in his hair, smiling at me with those small, beautifully formed and pink lips, while his toes are curling, tighten the cloth of my jeans. Adriana is drunk, cause' Axl brought her a bottle of wine and she's always talkative then, so she's telling us stories from work, making Axl laugh every five seconds and I just enjoy that I'm so used to being drunk as fuck that I'm feeling quiet normal, more or less just listening and bathing in the certainty that everything is just alright for a change.

"And that dude just comes to me, asking if he can fuck my armpit. I am all like 'No, I don't fuck people and when I do then really not into my armpits'..."


"Yeah. And he was fat and hairy and sweaty."

"Maybe you chose the wrong job.", I interpose, while smoking deeply.

"No, no. I'm absolutely fuckin' happy with it. By the way guys, you gotta' do me a favor!"

She leans back into the couch, throwing her high heels on the desk and grinning drunkenly.

"What favor?"

Biting her lips, she's looking all excited and really sexy with her boobs almost falling from her transparent shirt. And yes, I goddamn love her tits. Well and all in general.

"I wanna see you fucking."

Axls expression is probably described the best as a mixture out of shock, embarrassment, disbelief and maybe a little hint of amusement. "What?!", he gasps and I laugh at his visible helplessness, face all blushed.

"Ya' heard me, sugar. I saw everything, but that particular part happened without me", she shrugs her shoulders, "and I wanna watch."

"Naughty girl...", I murmur, knowing that Axl will never, ever give in to that, but suddenly he's shrugging his shoulders as well, looking all careless. "Why not? I don't fuckin' care."

I can feel my stomach clenching and my mouth opening as now I am gasping out a shocked, "What?"; but Adriana is already grinning all over her face, pulling Axl near at his shirt to kiss him wet and deeply directly in front of my face, while she pulls her shirt down, letting her round, absolutely gorgeous tits fall out, her nipples delicately hard and stiff and immediately meeting Axls hands cupping them.

I feel exactly like months ago, watching them getting it on, hoping for them to let me take part, for Axl to give me a small kiss, a heated gaze or an almost involuntary touch. It's not pleasant, rather frustrating, giving me the feeling that nothing changed at all, but just as I'm almost about to complain or leave or whatever else, Axl lets go of Adriana to turn around and kiss me instead, creating the perfect bi- threesome porn scenario and making Adriana giggle. Great. What has he gotten us into?

Axls hands are under my shirt, stroking my stomach, touching my nipples, surprisingly eager as he pushes my shirt up to lick one while looking into my face from beyond, letting me watch every slow move of his tongue.

"Get undressed.", he tells me then, all demanding and using that kind of voice I can't resist. I really never met someone having such power, that kind of might over people with just his tone, his use of words, the way he can let horrible things sound smooth and sexy and attracting, wonderful facts sound like a jeremiad straight from hell. He can create everything. He can make you feel anything he wants and I have to secretly admit it again: I am on my goddamn knees for him and there's no way to escape.

They are both watching me get undressed, my dick hard and swollen, my balls all tight and tensed, while some dark, black curls are falling over my chest, sticking to my sweaty skin. Axl has his hand in Adrianas panties, absently touching her pussy while he's intensely staring at my naked body, panting.

"Come here. Kneel down."

I am blushing hard at Adrianas surprised face about how Axl is treating me, talking to me and probably the way I am obeying without giving an eyelash as I sink on my knees right in front of him, watching him pulling his dick out and sticking it into my face, stroking over my lips with it, then smears precum down my chin. I let my tongue flick out for a little, teasing lick, but Adriana is stroking through my hair, then pushes me down, Axls dick being rammed down my throat mercilessly.

I'm gagging, almost choking, panicking, until she lets me go again and I come up harshly, coughing and snapping for air with tears in my eyes and saliva all over my face. "What...the fuck, Adriana!"

"What? Don't tell me you haven't done that before."

"Shit, I haven't!"


"Yeah. Oh."

Axl laughs deeply, taking hold of himself to start slow strokes, while Adrianas dumbstruck expression is replaced by a grin and her hands returning to my head. "You need some practice then.", and I have to struggle against her pressing me down again; useless with Axls hand now at my neck as well, a lot stronger than her grip, so I just concentrate on not throwing up when I feel the tip of Axls cock nudge against the back of my throat, his taste filling my mouth.

They make me bob my head up and down for a few times, convincing me in a few seconds that I'm really going to choke as I desperately try to breath through my nose, but the lack of oxygen and Axls growled moans are letting my balls clench and my cock twitch. When Axl finally pulls me up by my hair and on the couch, I fall to my back, breathing hard through my sore throat, eyes closed, but aroused in that needy kind of way that's making me whimper when I don't control my mouth.

"Sit on his face", I hear Axl say, but Adriana gives me a small kiss first, asking quietly for my permission. I nod, wanting to feel her hot, slick, sweet and salty tasting pussy on my lips, run my tongue through it and circle her clit, tongue fucking her to heaven. My wish is full-field when she climbs over me, totally naked now, leaving me with the sight of her dripping slit.

I lean my head back, sticking my tongue out to let it stroke over her labia and she's on fuckin' fire, trembling, moaning at the top of her lungs, like always. I can't see what Axl is doing, but I hear rustling, then feel my legs being spread and lifted up. Oh shit. Adriana sound muted suddenly, humming, sucking at something. Then I feel slicked up fingers at my butt, teasing my hole, fingertips being shoved in. When he penetrates me fully with them, beginning to finger me, I stretch my spine, moaning against Adrianas pussy and she chuckles at my reaction.

"Enjoying being fingered, Slasher?"

I remove my lips from her to talk, but I just manage a hushed "Shut t-", before she sits on my face fully, quietening me with her weight and her cunt tightly pressed to my mouth. I'm not complaining, though it's hard to breath again, especially cause'Axl is hitting my prostate expertly with his middle finger.

But I can just hum against Adriana, my hips jerking, my legs spread as wide as I can.

"Right there, he?", Axl asks mockingly, Adriana giggling and I'm slowly getting the feeling that they are teaming up. One of my hands is holding on to Adrianas thigh, nails pressed to her skin, the other clawed into the cloth of the couch as I'm moving, pushing my hips to Axls fingers, trying to get him deeper. It's shameless, slutty, but goddammit I just wanna be fucked. There are just a few things being more pleasant than a good fix and good sex is definitely one of them.

"C'mon Ax, fuck him already. Our poor boy here is inpatient, ain't he?"

I would bite down her goddamn clit for that comment, but instead just dig my nails to her leg, making her hiss and laugh at the same time. "Are we gettin' sassy?", she asks and I'm sure no woman ever talked to me like that.

I can feel Axls dick being rubbed through my asscrack, hearing him growling, then he positions himself, while Adriana hisses a breathless, "Do it slow, Axl. I wanna see it all...".

"Discovered your inner voyeur, yeah?"

"Just with you two."

It's all a little too much, I'm feeling a little too exposed, watched, like a goddamn whore, knowing that Adriana is able to see every little body reaction, but my pressed out "Wait!" comes way too late when Axl starts entering me, slow, for the first time ever not being rough with me. Just for Adrianas pleasure. Yeah. Awesome. Goddamn bas- I let out a muffled scream, when he's fully inside, just softly rocking his hips, not really moving, but giving pressure to just the right spot.

There are shivers again, cold sweat and that feeling of creeping warmth all over me. I keep on eating Adriana out, just listening to her moans and Axl hissing, sounding like he's grinning all over his face. When the first real thrust hits me I am not sure who's moaning louder, me or Adriana, and I'm slowly starting to give a fuck about it.

Axl starts a faster, but not really harsh pace and fuck, it's even more intensive then the violent screwing, making me wanna grab and ride him until I'm coming all over his chest. I just notice I stopped the licking when Adriana talks again, still all amused, but aroused as fuck as it seems. "What's wrong, sugar? Too occupied to please your girl?"

It's the moment when Axl, probably on purpose, goes deeper, harder, pounding into me like his life depends on it and I don't dare opening my mouth, too afraid to start screaming, so I just have my eyes shut, lips pressed together, humming against them, trying to mute myself, my balls clenching again, telling me that I'm goddamn close. Adriana gets down from me, kneeling beside me and brushing some hair out of my face.

Axl takes the sudden opportunity to press my legs down by my knees, having them in the air nearly beside my head, balls deep buried to my body. Adriana is kissing me but I just register it through a haze, every hard thrust nearly making me loose my composure. I'm still refusing to let him hear how goddamn good it feels.

"Oh Slash...Slasher're so sexy like that...", she is stroking my hair away again, making me feel really uncomfortable cause' she isn't meant to see all this, "C'mon, look at me..."

I really open my eyes, finding her leaned down, studying my face, fingering herself. I'm too distracted by getting pissed on her to concentrate and hold back and when Axl suddenly takes my dick in a hard grip, just to immediately let go of it again, I can't take it anymore and let out a growled scream, followed by a hushed curse. "Fuckin' shit..."

They both chuckle and I'm blushing hard, but Axl keeps on hitting just the right spot with force, making me wriggle and throw my head back, biting down my own lips with the sweet, sweet promise of ultimate pleasure vibrating from my crotch up my chest. It's surprisingly strong and the certainty that I'm really going to come from just the penetration itself hits me as a surprise.

"You're such a pretty little slut...", Adriana whispers, getting Axl snickering and I'm flushed with anger.

"Shut your..." - another, embarrassingly high pitched moan on my tongue- "your fuckin' mouth!"

"Aw, he's getting pissy..."

"Fuck off!"

I'm shouting it, sounding all breathless, helpless, hysteric in a way, cause' I just need a few more movements, a few more thrusts of Axls rock hard dick. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...oh god...fuck..."

"What is it?", Axls deep, now trembling voice over Adrianas pleased hums, "Are you...ok, pretty boy?"

I want to answer, want to shout at him, telling him that they can both fuck off, but there's just a whine, pitiful, desperate, filled with the certainty that I'm fuckin' coming and before I can do any further sound I'm spurting all over my belly, hitting my head against the couch and from side to side.

Axl stops moving when I'm done, letting my legs down a little and leaning on me, but with my arousal gone, embarrassment is setting in, mixing up with blinding rage, so I push him away.

"Get off me!"

A surprised, but grim gaze. "I'm not done, motherfucker."

Another push and he's slipping out of my body. "I don't fuckin' care!"

I'm on my feet in a second, almost jumping into my jeans, without caring for all the smeared jizz, then

stuffing my shirt into my boots, grabbing them together with my whiskey bottle.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!", Axl shouts, but I'm already on my way to the door.

"Slash, wait!" Adriana.

"Fuck off! Fuck each other! Whatever the fuck ever! I'm outta here."

And with that I'm out on the street, bare footed, bare chested, sweaty and so pissed off, I just wanna beat someone to death.

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