Web Of Twisted Truths...

By background21

75.6K 4K 734

A man walking into the forest like he owns it with his face covered with all the anger in the whole world if... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Neetha's note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

1.8K 129 34
By background21

*Lily Pov*

"Olivia!" I smiled hearing him calling me with that and glanced up from the new plan they came up with.

I always knew he wished to call me by my old name but I never let him. However, now there is no reason to stop him.

"What is it, Dad?" I asked and he frowned at me.

"Is this Jack boy serious?" he asked, to which I sighed and completely moved to sit properly before him.

"I am not saying I fallen in love with him. But I am just dating. He thinks I am beautiful and compliments. And also he is sweet, giving me respect. He actually likes me. How can I not date him, Dad? Who knows, I may fall for him too in future?" I replied smiling.

"So, this time it is not because of him?" he asked curiously.

"No, Dad! That time I was stupid, but not anymore when I realized what my feelings actually were. He is right, you know saying that I really don't love him." I replied getting up.

"What?" he asked, frowning.

"Yeah! As usual, he is again right." I replied, shrugging and walked away from the office room.

"Why are you so lost?" Kevin asked making me come out of my thoughts.

"Nothing!" I replied, shaking my head and checked my mobile only to frown.

"He didn't reply to my message." I mumbled and sighed keeping back the phone.

"Now, what happened?" Kevin asked frowning.

"Today Jack said he wants to talk when I was leaving college, but now not lifting my phone and also not replying to the messages." I replied to which he sighed.

"He will not suddenly disappear from earth. Do not worry and continue the practice." He said, pulling me up and I did as he asked.

"Where is he?" I asked, gesturing to the grounds.

"Don't know!" he replied, shrugging and walked away.

"Lily!" I halted my steps hearing his voice and turned to see him standing near his house door.

"What is it?" I asked, glancing at the stairs, I can just climb and reach my room.

"Office room!" that's all he replied before turning and walked inside the house.

"Arrogant, stupid, the worst... urgh!" I mumbled, feeling the frustration and walked inside following him.

"What is it?" I repeated the question to which he gestured the chair before him and he calmly sat in his chair.

"One day, one question." He simply uttered, making me sigh.

"What is today's question?" I asked lazily leaning on my hand, placing it on the table.

"I remember strongly you saying how your Simon dated other girls before you because of which you felt hurt and even tried to date someone to make him jealous. Is it really happened or... happening?" he asked making me cough.

What does he mean by that? I thought, frowning and then realized what he actually means by that.

"First of all, I am dating Jack for no stupid reasons except that he likes me and he is cute too. Second of all, everything already happened." I replied, turning my head towards him to which he leaned forward.

"Explain!" he ordered to which I started thinking how to explain.

"Fine! On my eighteenth birthday, I asked my Dad to tell me your location which he didn't again. I got angry and left the base to very far city before entering a club. I was sulking in a corner thinking when will I be able to meet you and all. Then, as if god heard my wish for the first time, I saw you before my eyes." I started explaining and sighed.

"However, I still wish I didn't." I added to which he frowned.

"Why?" he asked making me look away from him.

"Because I saw you not alone, but with another girl. I don't know what to say or what to do feeling the hurt and walked away. Then, realizing my mistake I returned, but you let, which is s per one bartender. After that, every day I returned hoping to find you. After three weeks I saw you again but with another girl." I replied fisting my hands.

"At that time I realized actually enquired who are those girls and what is actually going on ignoring my shock realizing all these things also happen." I added shaking my head.

"And?" he asked when I kept quiet.

"And I returned to the base with anger. I started dating a guy who is Kevin after telling Dad your location and also everything in my anger. After a few days, he told Kevin my real identity along with a class to me when he realized I am dating Kevin to hurt you." I replied before laughing.

"How silly can I be? I mean you don't know my existence and there I was dating to hurt you as if you will know everything by some magic." I added standing up before giving into another humorless laugh.

"He gave me a big class saying how it will hurt Kevin. So, I explained everything to Kevin, who was little angry, but was fine." I said shrugging.

"Can I leave?" I asked, wishing to walk away right now.

"Then, what did you do to come over the hurt?" he asked standing up.

"God! This is embarrassing." I mumbled and turned to stare at him.

"I went to the place from where you take the women and... and warned them. I warned them that if they ever let you near any one of them, then they will disappear. I took Kevin and Dan with me." I replied and saw his jaw dropping along with the stiffness in his posture.

"I know! See, how worse was my obsession. Now I am seeing clearly from past many days what you meant by your words. Who does that? I was such a stupid and a crack head. However, do not worry that I will do that again because I am moving on with the right mind and all. I am sorry for that." I added and started walking away ignoring the tears falling.

"Lily! Your room is here." I heard his voice following me when I opened the gate.

"I am going for a walk. Good night and once again I am sorry." I said without turning back trying a normal voice and walked away in fast pace.

After a few minutes, my phone buzzed and I opened it only to frown at his message.

'We are over! Do not call me again as I am shifting from the place too.' I re-read the message from Jack before sighing.

Now what happened to him to break-up and that to like this? Will nothing goes in my life properly? I thought groaning and sat down on the ground.

*Andrew Pov*

"Damn it!" I mumbled hissing when I turn the tap on over the wound.

"Andrew! What happened?" I heard a voice and turned to see Sam walked towards the kitchen counter.

"Nothing!" I replied turning off the tap and walked towards the first aid box.

"What do you mean by that? I can see your knuckles completely blooded and the wound seems to be deep." He asked standing beside me.

"I just hit someone." I replied shrugging.

"Who?" he asked, frowning.

"Jack!" I replied, closing my eyes.

"Who is this Jack? Oh! You mean Lily's Jack?" he asked making me open my eyes before turning with an angry look.

"He is not Lily's Jack. I mean he is that Jack only, but not hers." I replied, walked towards the dining table and sat down.

"But why did you? Did he misbehaved with Lily?" he asked with anger.

"It is a stupid thing." I replied groaning remembering her words.

"Tell me or else I will talk to Lily." He warned to which I nodded.

"I asked him to leave her which he said he will not, as he really likes her or that's what he said. Then I don't know why, but I suddenly hit him and then warned him if he ever comes near her then I will make it more painful. He accepted and then asked for a seat in another college far away after some time, which I arranged." I explained and suddenly heard him laughing out loud.

"That is awesome!" he said slapping my shoulder.

"You don't understand, Sam." I said, getting up from the chair and walked away.

"What is it?" he asked, to which I rubbed my forehead.

"I really believed that she doesn't love me and all this is obsession and that we will be fine on our separate ways. But I don't know what happened to me. Today morning I heard her telling her Dad how she is serious about this guy and I lost it. I tried to control my anger, but after a few hours I couldn't anymore." I replied.

"And?" he asked, to which I turned towards him.

"You know what she did two years back? She threatened those women. If that's what I called as obsession, then what about what I did?" I asked staring at him.

"I know what she did two years back." He replied shrugging.

"How? You said you recently got to know." I said frowning at him.

"That's what they think, but I got to know two years back and the only way I found out is not nice. We all were curious when the Lily, whom we thought as the old woman in a young body with her attitude and the strictness along with anger and we can't forget the dedication suddenly started dating Kevin. I was more curious and kept an eye on her which led me to her supposed class session with her Dad regarding what's wrong, she is doing." He explained to which I frowned.

"And... God! She cried that day, Andrew, I still remember each and every word. She just kept on going how you are going with other women when she is here waiting for you. When her Dad started explaining how it is not your mistake at all, she lashed out at her Dad still crying. Then finally she understood that you don't know about her, after which she decided to never give you a chance regarding something like that and immediately left for the warning." He mumbled before glancing at him.

"I know everything is too silly and too stupid from both of your sides. But maybe that's what makes you both a normal couple. You both deserve each others craziness. Be stupid at all other things, but not towards her." He added and walked away while I calmly sat on the chair.

After a few minutes, I suddenly heard a small startled cry making me rush outside to see her tapping on the stairs.

"Want me to come with you until you reach your room?" I asked already reaching near her.

"No need for that." She replied started climbing slowly while I followed her.

"I said right? You go away." She said in an anger tone.

"Every guy just hell bent on leaving me. Just leave!" she shouted to which I realized he broke up with her like he said he will.

"Should I start dating girls then?" she mumbled completely forgetting me, to which I rolled my eyes and followed.

"Ahh!" she suddenly said before falling back and I immediately held her to me.

"Tomorrow I will fight with Dad for the lights here." She mumbled and started moving away, but I tightened my hold on her finally holding her after so much time.

"Thanks! But you can leave me." She said not moving anymore.

"Leave you?" I asked, walking forward, holding her and felt her stilling in my arms.

"Yes?" I asked, moving my hands over her back.

"Andrew..." she whispered and started moving again.

"What is it, Lily?" I asked, bending my head to whisper in her ear.

"What are you doing?" she asked, to which I tightened the hold and pressed her to something which can be a door or wall.

"What do you think?" I asked, brushing my neck over her throat for which she coughed.

"Look... I... I said I will not threaten the women again. You can go... go there for whatever you need." She replied making me still.

"You wanted to but you couldn't because of my warning. You even said that in the forest and I was laughing. Remember? Now, there is no need for all this. I know you hate me and have very bad opinions, but I can't allow this." She continued feeling me still and slowly pushed me away.

"Good night!" I mumbled pressing a kiss on her forehead.

"So, you are going there? I mean, I should give some excuse for your absence for tomorrows practice right?" she asked when I turned to walk away.

"I am going inside my house for a trip to the washroom so that I can enjoy some cold shower." I replied climbing down the stairs and did as I explained.


So, going to finish mostly... And guys is there any point which u guys want to be explained but i forgot... if there is then comment and let me know so that i can clear it off if i forgot it...

how is the chap?

comment plz and vote...

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