Trust | Jastin |

By beliebers4ever1994

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Justin Bieber lives a seemingly happy life with his fiancé. It looks perfect to everyone on the outside when... More

~ Introduction ~
~ Chapter One ~
~ Chapter Three ~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
~ Chapter Eight ~
~ Chapter Nine ~
~ Chapter Ten ~
~ Chapter Eleven ~
~ Chapter Twelve ~
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
~ Chapter Fourteen ~
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
~ Chapter Sixteen ~
~ Chapter Seventeen ~
~ The End ~

~ Chapter Two ~

2.2K 138 163
By beliebers4ever1994

~ Read End Notes ~

Justin stared over at Jason in complete and utter shock. His auburn eyes were wide and he began to fiddle with his fingers nervously as Jason smiled over at him kindly.
"O-oh You're Jason McCann?" He stuttered a little and Jason nodded and Justin's mouth fell open. How the hell didn't he know he was talking to Jason McCann? He was standing in the man's very own building and he didn't know.
"Oh... I'm sorry. I-i didn't even realise." Justin rambled quickly as he began to wish the elevator would hurry up and open because he was staring to get claustrophobic.

Jason waved him off as if he were being stupid and he laughed.
"Relax. It's not as if I'm the president or something." He chuckled slightly and Justin stared at him still in shock and wasn't able to laugh along with him. Jason stopper laughing and simply smiled at him.
"It's fine, honestly..." he trailed off realising that he didn't know his name and Justin shook himself from his thoughts to enlighten him.
"J-Justin...Justin bieber." He told him and Jason's smile brightened and before he could speak there was a pinging sound and immediately after the elevator doors slide open.

Justin's eyes flicked over at the now open doors and then back at Jason to allow him to walk out first but Jason stayed still in his spot, his smile never leaving his face. Justin watched as he lifted his arms from his side and motioned them towards the door.
"After you." He smiled politely and Justin couldn't help it when he blushed and he quickly scurried out of the elevator before Jason could notice. If Jordan were to see him right now then he'd be so disappointed.

Jason walked out behind Justin and watched him carefully as he looked around confused and he felt his chest rumble again when he chuckled and he walked up to stand by Justin's side.
"I'll show you where your fiancé's office is. Come on." Jason smiled as he placed his hand on Justin's back and guided him down the corridor.
"I-it's alright. I'm sure you're busy. I can find it on my own...n-not that I don't appreciate it because I's just you might be b-bus..." Jason cut him off from his nervous rambling and stopped walking to look down at this smaller frame and he smiled at him. He was so cute, too bad he was engaged.
"Justin." He started as he laughed a little. Justin's face was flushed because he was nervous and his hands were tangled together at his front and Jason found him so adorable.
"If I was busy I wouldn't have offered to show you. It's okay now come on." He laughed and Justin cracked a nervous smile as he followed along with Jason.

They passed a few other workers that stared at Jason as if he really were the president. Justin took notice that Jason would crack a small joke now and then to help ease Justin's nerves a little and it was working. Justin found himself laughing along with Jason as they made their way down the very long corridor on floor thirty.

Jason slowed down his walking and Justin followed his lead and just as they were about to stop outside a door it swung open and Justin was met with Jordan was he walked out of the room.
Jordan's eyes met Jason's first and he seemed shocked as they traveled over to Justin and he widened just a little more.
"Mr McCann...Justin?" He spoke confused and Justin looked up at Jason as he began to grow nervous again. Jason only smiled his signature smile again as he replied for Justin.
"I met your fiancé in the elevator as he was coming up and I decided to assure he found your office well because it's a busy day today. Everyone is getting lost." Jason chuckled kindly and Justin watched as Jordan stared at them both for a short while before cracking a smile as well.

Justin watched as Jordan looked at Jason and chuckled.
"Well thank you sir, I hope you weren't busy." He told him and Justin certainly didn't miss the small glare that Jordan threw him from the side of his eyes and he gulped as he looked at the floor. Jason shook his head.
"No of course not. I wanted to speak with you anyway." Jason said and Justin looked up to face Jason and then back at Jordan who's facial expressions had turned confused again.
"Oh. What about?" Jordan asked and Justin licked his lips as he faced Jason again. He watched as Jason straightened his posture and smiled before he replied.
"My brother and I believe that you deserve to be promoted." Jason spoke causally and Justin's eyes widened as he looked over at Jordan and smiled at him.
"U-ugh, really sir?" Jordan spoke and Justin was shocked at how he spoke to Jason. He had never heard him stutter before. Jason nodded and he smiled down at Justin.
"Alex will have a meeting arranged for next week and we will discuss the details." Jason told him and Jordan nodded as he reached out to shake Jason's hand.
"Thank you sir." Jordan smiled as they shook hands.

Justin watched patiently as he twirled his fingers. Jason pulled his hand back and dropped them by his side. Smiling at Jordan quickly before turning to face Justin.
"Well Mr Justin Bieber. It was very nice to meet you." He spoke and Justin nodded quickly as he smiled politely.
"It was nice to meet you to." He replied and Jason smiled at him before nodding over at Jordan once more and stepping backwards and making his way down the hallway. Jordan turned to lock his office door and Justin watched for a little longer as Jason walked down the corridor that they just walked up. He watched as Jason briefly turned his head to look back and their eyes met once again. He was shocked when Jason smiled and winked at him quickly before turning his head back around and disappearing leaving Justin standing with Jordan and a slight blush on his face.


Justin winced as Jordan dragged him roughly towards his car. He tripped over his feet a few times because Jordan was taller than him and he could walk faster. He wasn't giving Justin enough time to catch his step and if he wasn't holding his arm then Justin would have fallen.

He tripped once again and Jordan groaned loudly as he stopped in front of the car and let Justin fall to the floor as he roughly let go of his strong hold on his arm and slightly pushed him to the floor. Justin gasped as the air was knocked straight out of him and his eyes watered as he looked up at Jordan's angry form that stared down at him.
"Now look what you've done. You're going to be all dirty at my parents now!" Jordan yelled but his voice was quieter than usual and Justin was glad because he didn't want anyone to see.

Justin gasped and choked out an apology but he wasn't getting enough air to even mutter anything and Jordan ran his hand through his hair angry and reached down quickly and yanked Justin up from the floor and threw him against the car door.
Jordan stepped in front of him and wrapped his hands around Justin's neck and violently shoved his head against the door and then tightened his grip on Justin's neck, cutting of his air supply a little.

Justin's hands immediately pushed themselves against Jordan's hard chest and he struggled against him for a moment but realising he was getting nowhere his hands then latched onto Jordan's hands that had secured themselves around his small neck and he scratched at them desperately to get them to realise their strong hold. He squirmed against him and he began to grow really scared when Jordan wouldn't let go. He's never choked him this long and he wasn't sure he was going to stop this time.

His watery eyes began to leak and his voice was hoarse as he attempted to speak.
"J-Jor-dan..." he struggled out and his vision was beginning to blur and his throat burned terribly and just as he felt himself slowly slip away from consciousness Jordan let go and Justin dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and gripped his aching neck to protect it from his angry fiancé.
"Get in the car. We are already late, we don't need you on the floor crying like a baby." Jordan spat viciously as he stared down at Justin in disgust before leaving him struggling on the floor and walking around the car to get in the drivers side.

Justin removed one hand from his stinging neck and wiped his wet cheeks and sighed as he attempted to stand up but he fell flat on his ass almost and few more tears fell down his cheeks and he choked on a sob as he tried again but fell almost as quickly as the first time. It hurt to breath and his throat was scratchy but he was glad that he could breath now.
"Justin! Hurry up you pathetic piece of shit!" He heard Jordan shout from the car and he grew a little more frightened when he heard his angry voice.

He was really angry. He was angry at Justin and he wasn't going to comfort Justin anytime soon like normal. Justin wiped the tears as they fell and slide his aching back up the car door and grabbed onto the door handle for support. He stood up on shaky legs and wiped the stray tears and fumbled with the door. He managed to open in and he stumbled backwards to allow for enough room so that he could climb in. He fell forwards once the door was fully open and climbed into the front seat carefully.

His eyes never once looked at Jordan as he shut the door and focused on the dashboard as Jordan stared the car. He looked out the window as the pulled out of the driveway and watched as the large building that was McCann enterprises disappear from his sight.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter!
I couldn't just leave you's hanging because you really seemed to like that chapter!
I got so much comments and that's honestly what made me update this because I love them!!!
So please comment!
Anyway, "she don't like the lights" just started on my playlist so I'm going to go and dance alone in my room to that!
Until next time!

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