Just a crush

By smokeysunflower

8.7K 714 532

My name is Emery, I'm in a band with my two best friends, Liam and Ricky. Our band is called forever in your... More

Twenty- Seven
Twenty- Eight
Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six (The End.)


326 21 11
By smokeysunflower

Emery's POV

A week has gone by, so far everything's been amazing. Ricky and I are officially dating, we're not out to the world, but as long as we know it's okay.

We kind of make it obvious that something's going on, we don't try to but we like to be touching on another in some sort of way. So the fans have been shipping Remery a bit more lately.

We are currently laying in bed cuddling, I was running my fingers through his hair while he softly hummed a 5sos song. "Ricky.." "what love?" He asked " I love you." I say with a smile on my face.

He smiles back and takes my free hand and kisses it, "I love you too baby."

These past week has been amazing, we have just been laying in bed talking and cuddling for hours.

I feel my phone buzz, I look down the see a text from our manager.

From Paul:

You and the boys need to get down to the office now.

I tell Ricky, so we go out and get Liam.

We got the the building and made our way to Paul's office. Once there he welcomed us, "welcome boys, it's good to see you all!" He said happily, a little too happy.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why were we called here." Liam asked, "ahh, have a seat boys. Okay, so like I told Emery about his song and someone buying it, we have an offer." He said, I bite my lip a little excited to see who wants to buy it.

"That's great! Who is it?" Ricky asks, "well, it's this artist named gnash, he's willing to pay $50,000" Paul replied. My eyes widen and a huge smile spreads across my face. "Woah, that's a lot... I-I mean it's okay with me." I say in awe, I have never been offered that much money for anything let alone one of my songs.

"Great! I'll call him up and set everything up, now I still need to know if you're going to want to be credited for it." He said, I just smile and nod yes.

"Alright boys, that's it for that topic, now getting into something a little more serious." He said with a sigh, the look on his face is making me nervous.

"I know that you and Emery are together, it's obvious." He said and my stomach dropped. "Now, I have no problem with it, but the record label does. The fans are starting to notice that there's something more than a friendship between the two of you." He said and looked at me.

"Where are you getting at Paul?" Ricky asked and reached under the table and grabbed my hand tightly. "Either you two break up or one of you gets a beard. It's bad for publicity, we can't have a gay couple out there, you'll lose fans because they'll think they don't have a shot or their parents will make them stop listening. It's not my ca-" He said, I zoned out and I just froze. Everything in me wanted to run, scream, cry, something! But all I could do was sit there with a blank face.

I see Liam stand up and start defending us, but I can't hear him. Everything is going in slow motion, I just got Ricky... I just made him mine. I went through hell for him and now I have to give him up or share him?! I feel Ricky shake me, I slowly look at him and I feel the tears run down my face.

I just stare, then all of sudden I hear words that made my world fall apart. Ricky stands up and says, "I'll do it! Okay, I'll do it. I'll get a beard, just please don't make us break up!"

My heart literally stops and my stomach drops. I stand up quickly but nearly fall over from the blood rushing to my head. Everyone just looks at me, "W-Why? Why would you do this to me?!" I yell at Ricky, "I went through hell for you! I love you" I continue.

"Em, babe calm down.." Ricky said as he tries to put a hand on my shoulder, I just shove him off. "No! No.. fuck you, fuck you all!!" I scream and storm out of the building.

*two hours later*

I've been at this meadow place just outside of a local park. I've got 35 missed calls from Ricky, 20 from Liam and 30 from Paul. I'm kind of ignoring everyone at the moment, I cannot believe Ricky did that. He didn't even fight for us, just said it like it was easy for him to give us up or to hide our so called love.

I've been sitting this big oak tree for almost three hours just sobbing. I hate feeling like this, it makes me feel so damn weak.

I climb out of the tree and head back to the hotel before they report me missing, although I doubt they care.

Once I got in the door I see Ricky and some brunette bitch, She looks stuck up.

My heart drops, I just walk past them or at least I try. Ricky grabs my wrist and says "where the hell where you? We were worried sick!" I just roll my eyes and say "sure you were, it didn't seem like you were to worried when you decided to jump at the chance to get a fucking beard."

"Oh come on, I was doing that to save us! I love you Emery!" He said and tried kissing me, I shove him off and scoff. "You love me? Sure. You didn't even fucking fight for us! If you loved me you would have tried to find another way." I yell and storm off to our room.

Why, why me? I don't understand why this always happens to me.

About an hour later I hear someone come in and sit on the bed so I just pretend I'm sleeping. "Baby, I'm so sorry.. I love you so fucking much. I didn't mean for this to happen, I just want to protect you. This is for the best, you'll see, I promise you're my one and only. Baby you're my goddamn world." He said as he sobs.

I feel him wrap his arms around me and kiss my forehead, I let a few tears slip from my eyes as I turn around to hold him.

" I love you em, please know that." He whispered "I love you too, but please promise you won't leave me for her." I say and I begin to cry more, I feel he laugh " I promise no girl what so ever will ever take me from you." He says and kisses my lips softly, maybe this is for the best.

Honestly as long as I'm in his arms and I can call him mine, my world is complete.

A/N: drama!! Lmao, thank you for 1K reads, if you have any suggestions on this book let me know, also if you have requests Dm me and I'll try my hardest to put it in the book. Bye guys I hope you liked the chapter, looovvveee youuuuu💖💖💖💖

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