The Guy Who Called Me An A-cl...

By Hersheys_1602

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"Well, because she's an A-class bitch." He replied, casually, like calling random girls a bitch was nothing t... More

Chapter 1 - My BFF Ruined My Chocolate World
Chapter 2 - You Can't Be A Teacher
Chapter 3 - My Cookie And Dough Ice Cream
Chapter 4 - Don't Bang Her Today
Chapter 5 - This Isn't Perfect
Chapter 6 - Were You Checking Me Out?
Chapter 7 - I Meet My Long Lost Best Friend
Chapter 8 - So, This Is What Happens When I Get Home Late
Chapter 9 - Just A Friend
Chapter 10 - Goodbye Emma
Chapter 11 - I'm No One's Juliet
Chapter 12 - War Of Insults
Chapter 13 - We've Had Enough Drama To Last Us A Year
Chapter 14 - Curse My Stupid Life, Along With Me
Chapter 15 - Injustice Against The Teachers
Chapter 16 - Even Global Warming Seemed Intresting
Chapter 16 - Asher's POV
Chapter 17- Or Else Pikachu Will Suicide
Chapter 18 - This is just not my day/night
Chapter 19 - Bad dream and lots of puke
Chapter 20 - Not So True Explanations And Desicion Making Time
Chapter 21 - Mr. perfect Isn't So Perfect After All
Chapter 22 - I Had Lost My First Kiss To My Best Friend's Boyfriend
Chapter 23 - The Truth Always Sucks
Chapter 24 - Tears Are The Symbol Of Pain
Chapter 25 - The Kiss-Cass Talk
Chapter 26 - I'm Gonna Buy My Happiness
Chapter 28 - Cass, Be Okay
Chapter 29 - Let's break down
Chapter 30 - True Friend
Chapter 31 - Eleven AM And Not The Damn PM
Chapter 32 - Bloody Nose Is Not Good
Chapter 33 - I Like Him, I Like Him Not. Nah, I Actually Do Like Him
Chapter 34 - What Do Boys Even Want For A Birthday Gift?
Chapter 35 - Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 36 - I Didn't Mean To Bite You
Chapter 37 - Kiddie Cookies With Sprinkles
Chapter 38 - We Go Crazy. Literally.
Chapter 39 - Until We Crashed
Chapter 40 - I'll Be Waiting For Your Distressed Help Call
Chapter 41 - We'll Drift Apart, Forget Each Other
Chapter 42 - Elliot's POV (Part 1)
Chapter 43 - I'm Sorry Cass
Chapter 44 - Elliot's POV (Part 2)
Chapter 45 - Hope You Don't Go Bald
Chapter 46 - Hollow Shell
Chapter 47 - We've Got Love
Chapter 48 - You As My Wife
Chapter 49 - Brilliant Job, Daniel. Brilliant
Chapter 50 - He Has No Empathy
Chapter 51 - Officially Most Important Person In This Wicked World
Chapter 52 - Asher's POV
Chapter 53 - I'm Sorry
Epilogue (Part 2)

Chapter 27 - Best Friend Goals

1.1K 230 91
By Hersheys_1602

That's another one of Elliot's cars. That guy is seriously rich. *sighs*
I think it's a Lamborghini Veneno.

It was time.

Time for the date with none other than your rich and unbelievably handsome Elliot.

And guess what? I wasn't ready.

No, mentally I was all set up. I meant physically. I wasn't exactly what you'd call a 'fashion expert'. As a matter of fact, I'm quite the opposite.

The best I could put up was a pink top with frills accompanied by a pair of black skinny jeans, certain parts of it covered with a layer of undefinable substance.

What could I do? I haven't gone clothes shopping in ages. I generally just take Cass's advice and clothes. And she loves dressing me up, so why not?

This outfit was definitely not right for me.

Sighing, I made my way to the kitchen for a drink of water. On my way, I sneaked a glance at Cass, who was typing something furiously on her phone. Since that night, and I hope you know which night I'm talking about, she hasn't been talking to me. Not a word.

And me being me, I haven't said anything to her either.

"Sorry Cass." I muttered and walked towards the fridge. Gulping down almost all the contents of my water bottle, I walked back into my room to face the horror aka my clothing selection.

But the horror had vanished. Instead, there lay a sexy, long black dress, spread out on the bed.

This has got be Cass's doings, unless we've got new ghost in our neighbourhood. Or the fashion fairy has taken pity on me.

The last two options seem quite unlikely. The first choice sounds better.

I'll go say a thanks cause' I've got manners.

"Um, uh, Cass?" I said once I was close enough for Cass to hear me. I was facing her backside, and she was still on her phone. She sighed, like she didn't want to talk to me.

That hurt.

Nah, not much. I already know she's upset with me. Lack of conversation between us should make that obvious.

"What?" She asked, not facing me. Her tone was filled with anger.

"I-uh, thank you, you know, for the clothes," I stuttered.

"Whatever." She muttered as she continued typing unknown shit on her phone.

Now this was rude. I was trying to thank her here, and she blandly muttered 'whatever'. But I didn't fuss over it cause' I was the reason, no, part of the reason we were in this situation.

Changing into the dress provided by ex-best friend, for the moment, I checked myself in the mirror.

Something important was missing.


I sighed, not entirely sure of what to do. Like, how is a person supposed to know how much blush to be applied? Or even lipstick for that matter?

Cluelessly, I started eyeing each instrument used to appear attractive.

They didn't look too bad.

With a deep breath, I began applying them slowly and carefully so that none of that goes in my eyes or even nose.

And within the next five minutes, I was done. I felt proud of myself. I mean, can anyone do their entire makeup in just three hundred seconds?

I don't think so.

You may want to ask, how did I look?

Just imperfect.

The lipstick colour was too dark for my skin's complexion and the blush was spread all over my cheeks, almost reaching my forehead. The kohl looked really messy and some of it even went in my eyes, and the foundation didn't even make a difference on my face.

In other words, I looked like I fell out of an ugly tree and hit all the branches on my way down.

I'm not doing this anymore. Me, Jessica Walkers, officially discontinues the procedure of applying substances on her face to look better.

And if this wasn't bad enough, my beautiful and cheap vase was peacefully resting on the floor in the form of tiny pieces because it crashed into a wall.

In other words, my vase was broken due to me smashing it into the wall opposite to me.

What? I was displeased at that moment.

Cass must have heard the crashing sound and came inside to check on me. From the look on her face, I guess that she must've already guessed that this must've happened.

She sighed and then looked at me, clearly not surprised with the outcome of my unhappiness.

"Jessica, I don't really wanna talk right now, but seriously, what the heck?" 

She used my full name. Not 'Jess' or 'Jessie'. And yeah, she calls me 'Jessie' sometimes.

That did not help my mood.

"Sorry." I muttered, looking down.

She then took a better look at my face and noticed the make up. I had washed it slightly earlier, so it wasn't very visible but not completely invisible either.

"What happened to your face?" She said in a tone which clearly meant that she doesn't give a shit about my face but is asking for the sake of it.

Geez, I can totally see the love.

"Makeup happened," I murmured. Why was I muttering and murmuring? I don't know. I just felt too intimidated by her.

I wasn't sure what to expect from her after my reply of makeup spoiling my face, but it definitely wasn't laughter.

In other words, she began laughing.

The weird thing is, I didn't find anything funny about this situation. In fact, I found it pretty upsetting.

"You could've asked me," she said with a big grin.

"I didn't think that you'd help me," I spoke in a quiet voice. Her enormous smile began disappearing slowly.

"I'll always help you, Jess. Even if we aren't at the best of terms for no reason," she said, matching my quiet voice now.

No response from my side. It's like, as soon as this topic is uplifted, I suddenly become tongue-tied.

She sighed.

"Alright. Sit now. Wait, first remove all that from your face," she said, gesturing to the makeup spread on my face.

I nodded, not saying anything.

After an hour, assuming it was an hour, I was all set to go on the first step of our relationship. Our first date.

I looked good, I mean by now you guys must know that Cass is an amazing makeup artist.

Right now, the time was 8:50 pm.

Ten minutes left. Change that, the longest ten minutes of my life were left.

Cass exited my room without a word. Well, at least she still cares enough for me to make me pleasant to look at.

Sitting down, my mind began wondering the possible outcomes of our date. It could either strengthen our relationship or be the first step towards the destruction of it.

What if I trip or make the situation awkward? That wouldn't be good.

Moreover, where will we go?

In my opinion, a perfect date would be at a small, quiet and lonely garden at night, under the stars and a full moon, and yes, it has to be a full moon, with delicious cookie and dough ice cream laid out on a mat or something.

What if that's exactly what Elliot has planned out for me?

I'd go crazy.

Right then, an annoying 'ding-dong' could be heard.

Elliot's here.

Fuck. I need the mirror. Now.

Staring at myself in the mirror for twenty seconds, approximately, while Cass opened the door for him, I concluded that I looked fine.

It's time.

After taking a few thousand deep breaths, I made my way out towards the hall. There stood Elliot in his handsomeness.

He was wearing a suit. A fucking black suit with a red bow tie.

I can't believe this good looking, dapper and ravishing boy is mine for the night.

Don't think dirty.

I didn't openly gape at him, no. I slowly examined him, took in each detail. From his unusually trimmed hair to his Gucci. It's a shoe brand, in case you didn't know.

Why am I examining him? I'm actually searching for a flaw. Anything, like his tie not being properly set or maybe a wrinkle on his suit.

I found nothing.

Cass also seemed mesmerised by his beauty, which'd explain her open mouth and wide eyes.

"Hey Cassandra," he said as he gave her a nod.

"Uh, hi Elliot," she said. "You look se- nice."

I think she was gonna say 'sexy'.

"Thank you." He gave a charming smile.

I decided to make an appearance now. Hopefully, I match his definition of the word 'beautiful'.

"Hey Elliot," I said, giving him a small wave.

"Hey Jess." He nodded, staring me from down to up.

"Looking nice," he said with a smile. I almost blushed at his comment. But I'd have preferred the word 'gorgeous' or 'mind-blowing' instead of 'nice'.

Nice works too.

"Can't say the same for you." I joked. More like lied.

He raised an eyebrow, or well, attempted to raise an eyebrow. Instead of one eyebrow, both of them went up.

He didn't seem to notice that.

"Really?" He asked, clearly not believing me.

Heck, even I don't believe me.

"Of course," I said.

What's with the confidence today?

"Well, I'll have to prove you wrong. Tonight." He declared.

"Whatever," I said with a small smile.

"Let's get going then." He gave Cass one last smile before entangling my right arm in his and walking out of the gate.

I felt excited to say the least.

"So, I don't look good, huh?" He asked me once we reached his car.

It wasn't the Mercedes this time.

It was a Lamborghini. A fucking Lamborghini.

Holy fuck. This guy is rich.

"Hey? Jess?" Elliot asked as he waved his hand in from of me.

Damn. He interrupted me while I was gawking at his car.

"Yeah?" I asked, not looking at him, yet.

"Nice car, no?" He questioned as he placed his right hand on the hood of the car.

"It's marvellous." I whispered.

"Yeah, guess you could say that." He shrugged.

You know, if I ended up marrying him someday, if not him then some rich guy, I swear I'd be the happiest lady in the world.

Cause' you know, money does effect your life in many ways.

"Wait," Elliot said, a playful smile appearing on his face. "Do you think that this car looks better then me?"

"Duh." I played along. Although I'm not sure which one of them looked better.

"I'm hurt, Whiney." He spoke with a smile.

"Well, that was my intention," I said with a serious look on my face.

What's wrong with me?

I could see his body shaking and he began laughing loud.

And this is how my first date night began. And at that time, I just hoped that this night would end with laughter.

It didn't.

Even slower updates now. Why you may ask?

Cause', well, I dunno. No reason.

Anyways, about that age thing in the previous chap. The wattpader who guessed it right was nobody. Yeah, nobody guessed it right.

If any of you guys get the Percy Jackson reference, congrats.

Anyways, my actual age is *Plane crashes*.

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