The Zodiac Spirit Guardians

By KristynRene

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Since the dawn of her existence, Akira has kept a ruthless and other-worldly power caged inside of her. Her f... More

The Meaning of Memories
The Crow of Death
My Home Planet
Lightning and Ice
Nurse Sheeno
Journey Forward
Cave of Words
Haruka the Ram
First Impressions
The Aries Contract
Tears of the Reaper
Her Majesty's Dog
Haruka's Short Fuse
Ezra the Lion
Reasonable Paranoia
Secret Words at Secret Hours
Catching Up
The Blind Lead the Hopeful
What They Wouldn't Give
The Truth About Conspiracies
The People of the Elements
The Calm Before the Storm
The Others
Playing With Fire

The Dead Will Rise

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By KristynRene

"I see you all still haven't achieved what most people call: common sense." The speaker steps out from hiding between the purple and grey dragons. His midnight blue hair is medium length on the top and sides, and a long braid forms at the nape of his neck, draping over his shoulder. His grey eyes match the eyes of the dragons too perfectly.

"Miyazu." Haruka spits his name out as if he'd thrown it up. Rayce glances back and forth between Miyazu and Haruka. Steele doesn't move an inch. Kappie's hand slowly brings itself to his mouth. Everyone but Rayce and I recognize him, only the name draws up the memories from earlier this week, when he was being talked about. But even those conversations, from what I can remember, were centered around Ezra killing Miyazu. And that doesn't quite fit the situation we're in now.

"You're supposed to be dead." Ezra exclaims in an arrogant huff, repeating what I'm thinking. He forms fists on his hips and shifts his weight, giving off an antsy vibe. His hair jostles around in the wind, flipping the silver parts of his bangs around his head, "I made sure your heart stopped beating." Ezra's timid hands find his jaw and massage the bone.

"Ah," Miyazu starts, stepping even further out from hiding which reveals a fair skinned man with a black collared vest, wearing no shirt underneath, and black pants, "You thought I was weak enough to be killed by you?" He walks out in front of us and paces, "Only someone as stupid as you would believe something so simple." His legs abruptly stop and his head rotates in my direction, sending daring eyes to meet mine. "Lady Akira Sheeno...long time no see." The voice that aims for my ears lacks any emotion at all. "I don't suppose you remember me, do you?" I open my mouth but Ezra cuts me off.

"What do you want, Miyazu?" He continues their conversation with foul hatred slipping through gritted teeth. Lion ears sprout from his head and the katana, attached to his hip, is loosened from the saya. Ezra is getting too close to starting a battle with these reactionary movements of his. And not everyone needs to be thrusted into fighting.

Miyazu flickers over to Ezra in a flash of movement, "Oh Ezzy...Don't you realize I'm here to kill you and take Lady Akira with me?" His face is a hair away from touching Ezra's, and his voice is heard even by the trees across the meadow. How does someone move so fast?

Most importantly, I had a hunch about the reason for this trap, but hearing its confirmation is a whole other issue I honestly hadn't anticipated. I didn't want to entertain that idea because living in the ignorance can be addictive. I was somewhat enjoying assuming everything might work out. Now that the illusion is shattered, fear crawls like a centipede through my mind and my body to shake my hands and turn my skin whiter than it already is.

"It's silly of you to think otherwise. Obviously," Miyazu steps back and swings his arms around motioning to the dragons and the open field, "this is a trap!" Hysterical laughing ensues and each dramatic breath Miyazu takes, the darkness inside me builds. "And you fell right into it!" More laughing persists before he finishes his speech, "Only something so outrageous could happen in some fictional world!...But here you all are."

My brain finds the image of the future version of me I met in my dream. Her darkened soul and fiery eyes are exactly what I need right now. She was strong with the kind of power that creates such an intimidating aura that any person could sense it just from being in her presence. She was threatening and inspiring at the same time, a true Goddess.

If there was ever a time to finally become her, it would be now. Before I can do anything to stop it, my mouth preemptively opens and speaks words that only the girl in my imagination could say, "Only ridiculous people like you would believe your plan succeeded." I marvel at the display of muscles on Miyazu's body and wonder how much strength it really takes to betray a family. "Tell me," every single eye watches me carefully, "do you really believe everything you're told?" The instant my sight locks with Miyazu's, I feel the old me sneak back, with crippling fear, to the gates of my mind. I refuse to let her in.

"Since when have you been ornery?" Miyazu's tone now contains amusement that irritates my every bone as he whips my confidence back at me. I not only want to smack the smirk off his face, but also annihilate him from this planet. I don't care about who he used to be because the old me already mourned his death. She doesn't need to live through seeing this mess of a man.

Anger boils my blood and brings me closer to the girl I need to be, I can feel it. I need it and I want it. I welcome the fury with open arms as it widens my black hole. The greater the darkness, the stronger the power. The frightened girl clawing at the door to my mind is taken away to the dungeons, locked in her cage to be forgotten about and left behind to rot there. Fear is weakness. Destruction cannot afford apprehension, even if it devastates everything in its path.

"Why haven't you stopped talking? If you really wanted to kill us, you would've done it already." Ezra adds in as my cynical sidekick. "Unless you think there's a chance-"

"This isn't some cartoon or fantasy." The features on Miyazu's face contort into anger, "This is your reality. Whether or not you die here, I'm not going to explain anything to you. I owe you nothing." Bitterness is the only emotion I take from his rant.

He reveals several daggers from his long sleeves. The tips of the blades glow with liquid that changes color in the light. The only reason a blade's edge would be wet is either from the blood of a battle or for use of poison. I assume Miyazu's weapon of choice is toxic daggers and he has a small army of dragons, the odds are constantly stacking themselves against us.

A Plan starts to formulate in my mind, but not before all my Zodiac spirit guardians transform into their second bodies at once. Except for Rayce who clings to my side to protect me. A cold chill spills over the trees into the field as we all hunker down for battle.

My fingers find Rayce's thin hand and I bring him closer to me, "They'll need your help." I whisper directly to his ear, because my voice is too shaky to speak any louder. He nods once and a gigantic smile spreads like butter across his lips. I could've sworn I had just told him to fight for his life, but he looks like I've just given him a piece of candy. He skips over to join the line of guardians. Watching them makes me feel like a mother desperately hoping for her children to survive a deadly task.

It's strange for me to feel like a mother when I'm more like a lover with her harem of men fighting to save their lady's life. I shake that image out of my head, not sure why such immature things would reveal themselves at this awful moment. My mind must be lost in a sea of confusing emotions. Subconcious me, clearly, would grasp for any form of life preserver, no matter what it looked like.

Kappie and Ezra stand firmly in front of the others with katanas at their sides. Haruka wields his dual blade scythe next to Steele's enormous axe. They each carry an expression of determination and anger toward Miyazu, knowing good and well that they have a chance of dying today. I can see the desperation for each of them to say something to Miyazu, but only rustling leaves make noise in the wind.

Rayce, on the other hand, spins in a pirouette and transforms into his second spirit guardian body. I don't spot a difference with him aside from the chainsaw sword he now carries. He throws it into the air and watches it flip around above him. His eyes sparkle with wonder and childish excitement. Then I spot an unusual flicker of light that reveals his second spirit body as a literal second body. There are now two of Rayce, reminding me of the platinum gemini symbol on his right forearm. His replica catches the sword and creates another one identical to it out of thin air. They stand side by side with their chainsaw swords like a circus act ecstatic to perform.

I understand why the other guardians rarely allow him to change bodies. Two of Rayce is a nightmare to them. My pupils stare in awe at the purely identical replica of the gemini guardian. In any other situation I would investigate the impossibilities, but not now. I can only pray I'll get another chance later.

"The first mistake you all made was trusting each other." Miyazu brushes back his colorful bangs and turns the daggers in his palms. "The second mistake will be handing over Lady Akira and proving to Them that she's still an idiot," I lurch forward at the insult, " could let me kill all of you." He takes a moment to meet each pair of eyes of the guardians, "Your decision." His voice carries out the last syllable in a playful way that still reeks of hatred. "But I prefer the latter."

"Oh my hell," Haruka smacks his face with his palm, "would you shut up already?" He charges forward initiating the battle before I can mentally prepare for it. I've done a pretty swell job of keeping myself distracted up to this point, but now all of it falls apart before my eyes as every guardians takes off sprinting toward the incredibly massive dragons. Up until now, it was snarky wordplay. This is real, blood is already being shed onto the perfectly green grass of the meadow.

My bones freeze and I stand here, watching with rounded eyes from terror.

Kappie and Ezra head for Black and Grey, Steele lunges for Purple, Rayce and his replica dance off to battle Red, and Haruka faces Miyazu. My job has to be conjuring back up my black hole and obliterating three dragons. I also need to figure out why Black came back after I killed him because that fact is still haunting me.

There's so much to do and so little time, the anxiety is rushing in through my pores and spreading through my bloodstream in a flash so fast I shut my eyes tightly to rest my still-shaking body. I need to focus and I need to feed the darkness because it's not my job to participate in the fight. It's my job to end it.

Fire spews from the mouth of the red dragon in all directions. Even though the flames don't hit Rayce and his clone, they hit the trees and the grass all around us, setting things on fire. The electricity from the black dragon doesn't help, more fires are started from the lightning strikes hitting bark and plants. I watch the grey dragon eject liquid metal from its throat, melting whatever it touches. Ezra easily dodges the initial attacks but I know he'll get tired eventually, and I have no idea how strong these creatures are, or how they can throw up elements that kill living things.

Purple opens its gargantuan mouth and erupts a sound so loud it radiates energy greater than a sonic boom. I can only imagine what it would do to human eardrums. Thank god I'm not human. He relentlessly shrieks, violently enough to make my ears bleed and the grass bow down towards the ground. Steele isn't even phased by this challenge, he carries on with the strength of a warrior, slashing the dragon's scales. Anxiety rises inside me, just observing the battle taking place causes a tremble to roll through me.

Kappie and Ezra fight just as they did at Linkai's capitol, using identical tactics and impressive defenses. Electricity and metal collide into life threatening electric liquified metal. This attack seems impossible to beat. But the threat of having any part of their body seared off from touching these elements doesn't keep the twins from slashing with confidence. Their blades are painted red and their clothes are doused in the blood of the dragons and their own. Kappie turns his katana upside down and uses both hands to stab Black in the foot. Ezra takes his blade and swings it around himself in a sharp line to rip open the flesh of Grey's stomach.

I look away from the growingly gruesome scene to Steele and the violet beast. Watching Steele in combat is like watching a prodigy perform his best act. He gracefully whips his axe around with powerful force while keeping a straight face. Citrine eyes dissect every move made by himself and the dragon. The moment his axe comes down on one of Purple's feet, I look away.

Rayce and his clone skip and dance among the fire like little fairies. I rub my eyes in disbelief, almost laughing out loud at the impossible cheerfulness. The two identical boys use each other to maneuver around the dragon. By bouncing off one another and throwing each other like flying discs. Their chainsaw swords stab rather than slice, covering Red with crimson holes.

I underestimate these men time and time again, and here I am, the only one sitting around on my butt just watching the slaughter.

Blood covers every weapon in shimmering scarlet. The smell pollutes the meadow and mixes with the smoke from blazing plants to create a wretched scent worthy of vomit. I hold back my desire to run from the odor, and watch Haruka fight Miyazu. While they're in close combat, the others are sprinting and jumping around to avoid the elements pouring out of the dragons. It's hard to decide which battle is the hardest, and I honestly don't want to think about that.

The need to help them tugs at my heart, but my eyes glance down to my bare arm as a reminder of the last time I tried assisting in a fight. The only memories inside my head are telling me that I'm not supposed to do anything. They say my guardians are disposable and replaceable. My thumbs crush my temple, there's no way something so heartless could be true.

I look up at the sound of metal clashing against metal, the deep scraping sound is what catches my attention apart from the other noises in this clearing. Miyazu has managed to stab Haruka in the thigh with one of his poisoned daggers right after Haruka had blocked an attempted strike with his scythe. There's so much blood everywhere, and it's only getting worse to look at and watch without doing anything. I haven't moved at all.

You can't expect a change if you're unwilling to stand up. "I won't be any help to them." I say back to my thoughts. "I'm just in the way."

Ezra and Kappie both yelp in pain when fire from the red dragon hits them. About that same time, Rayce tumbles to the ground toward his sword after being slammed against a tree from the arms of the purple dragon. The guardians are being attacked by different dragons than they started out fighting. Instead of one against one, it has become all against all. They've been launched into a massacre. Fire, metal, electricity, and sound all team up to conquer and destroy.

My team has taken the defense now, no longer attacking only defending. Steele holds his own and tries to aid Rayce by standing in front of his limp body curled up on the ground. His axe swings in all directions acting as a shield for both of them. Ezra and Kappie stand back to back with their katanas at the ready, watching out for each other.

This train wreck is headed for the end of the tracks and I'm too lost on what to do to help.

A large black crow lands softly beside me and I know it's Itsu. I risk a look at his solid white eyes and realize I can't have doubts, not now and not ever. Whatever internal battle I'm struggling with, it doesn't matter a bit of difference in comparison to the actual battle taking place in this meadow. I need to get rid of every single weak thing about myself and it has to happen right now or everyone could die. Helplessness is something I hope I never feel again.

"Itsu, I have an idea." He tilts his head at me and a wicked grin buds on my lips, "Tell my guardians not to transform into their final stages, and do it quickly." I pick him up off the ground the toss him into the air. He flaps his eagle sized wings and obeys my command.

My eyelids shut tightly and I concentrate on the black hole. I picture the face of the darkness and try to lure it out of hiding. I won't be able to count on this destructive power out of the blue, due to lack of training, but I'm the only who knows that.

My eyes lock onto the poisoned dagger's hilt still stuck in Haruka's leg. I force my body to move as fast as it can toward Miyazu and Haruka even as my nerves persuade me the other way. It only takes me seconds to reach them. With all the strength in me, I utilize the few precious seconds I have from taking them completely off guard. I duck under a sudden punch thrown my way, my eyes still on that hilt. Just breathe. My hand reaches out and grabs onto the tough metal, and with one sudden yank--that urges a painful cry from Haruka--the dagger slides out. It's in my hand now and I'm terrified.

The black hole pulses, sending something foreign through my limbs, and before I try to even think what it is, my muscles remember my past faster than I do. My arm blocks a kick from Miyazu, while the free hand holding the dagger aims for his hip. My mind keeps screaming blood, blood, blood everywhere, while my body says, "Follow through, breathe, and follow through." The blade goes right in, and Miyazu goes down, he just falls over after hunching over from the pain.

My arm draws itself back and throws my fist with as much physical power as it can muster and hits Miyazu right in the jaw bone. The contact alone thrills the black hole in my gut, pleasing the darkness with destruction. I don't even understand what's happening, and when Miyazu comes back and thrusts his heel into my gut, I'm sent flying away several feet. All the wind is knocked out of me and I choke on the lack of air.

Haruka uses his injured and poisoned leg to follow my lead. He hits Miyazu with his left foot in a roundhouse kick then backwards kicks with the other foot after planting the first one on the ground. He slams the boy down on his back and shoves his scythe blade up to his neck, "Tell them to stop, now." He spits blood out of his mouth and holds Miyazu down with his injured leg. "I said now!" He jerks the blade further into Miyazu's neck until a sharp whistle halts every movement in the clearing.

I look around to everyone, past the blood stained grass and ripped skin. Heavy panting and sweat drips from every Zodiac spirit guardian. Fire crackles nearby and sets more trees aflame. Pools of solid metal, cooled by the air, cover the green field and paint it grey. We've destroyed this forest and looking at it now arouses the darkness inside my gut.

Through a tight throat, Miyazu coughs on his words, "What makes you think killing me would do you any good?" Haruka's eyes narrow at the mouth of the betrayer, but he eases up on the scythe. "You have to take her to Them or the dragons will kill you, and either way you will die!" Hysterical laughing spills from his vial mouth yet again and I yank back my reaction to slam my heel into his stabbed hip, as if i'm some sort of strong now.

"I will obliterate them where they stand now unless you order them off." I hiss at the neurotic boy. My breathing is heavy and thick as I drink in as much air as I can to catch my breath. A dull ache radiates from my stomach but with it comes raw destructive power, a link to the black hole. My shaky knees rise me to my feet as my brain connects pain to strength.

Steele scoops up Rayce--who has reverted back to his human form--and holds the body in his arms, then walks over to Kappie and Ezra. He hands the blonde boy off to them and saunters over to Haruka and Miyazu. I quickly glance around for Itsu and realize there are too many people to keep track of in this forest.

My eyes rocket back to Steele at the sound of Miyazu slamming into the nearest tree trunk after Steele's hand seizes him by the collar of his shirt. The dragons flinch at the crushing of bones but neglect to do anything. This makes me wonder if they're truly under Miyazu's control, or only acting like it.

"Tell me everything you know or I will kill you." Steele asserts without leaking any emotion. Even though the physical battle didn't last as long as I thought it would, we still have a long way to go in figuring out what or who started this mess. And if my eyes aren't decieving me, then none of us know if this is over yet.

"Oh Lady Akira," Miyazu smirks and glares wildly at me, "do you truly think any of us honestly believe that you have your wits about you?" My teeth grind against each other. Everything about this was too easy and Miyazu knows that I've figured out this simple fact. "You do realize you're the bad guy in this situation...right?" The smile that follows his words can only describe true insanity. "The Goddess of Destruction is surely too hefty of a title to be worn by someone who can't even kill an insect!"

"Kill him." I order Steele with one swift statement. Aside from the fire and wind, the meadow lies silent. Steele remains motionless with his massive axe.

I don't have to see their faces to know they doubt me. I even doubt myself. At this point I'm stuck between picking the angel on my left or the devil on my right. Every decision I make is supposed to bring me closer to the girl in my dreams, but I never considered what cost it would take. Maybe my desperation is too much. The decision I make now will ultimately lay the ground for who I will become, and I refuse to succumb to the evil inside me. I'm tired of being helpless.

Underneath the midnight braid, iridescent ink forms the M shaped scorpio symbol on the side of Miyazu's slim neck. His colorful hair sticks up in spikes all over his head. Sweat drips from his forehead down to his throat and underneath his white robe. Our eyes lock and the training initiates.

"Harder!" He yells at me in frustration.

I sprint up to him and throw myself into hyperdrive combat. My heel drives into Miyazu's cheek but I'm easily thrown off guard with a hard punch to the gut. I fall back to the ground on my backside with my white baton still in hand.

"Lady Akira you must be faster than that." His muscular hands wipe his glistening skin. I'm only fourteen and Miyazu is nineteen but the gap in our strengths feels much greater than a few hundred years. He's been training me for several months now and I can't seem to pick up on his technique. It's tiresome and aggravating me.

I breathe heavily and toss my baton to the side. "I'm doing what I can."

"It's not good enough!" Miyazu jeers at me, "You need to focus more." He steps across the floor to close our distance. My wrists are seized by his hands in tight grasps, "One more time, try and escape only using your legs." The grip strengthens on my arms as they're crossed over one another in an uncomfortable position. I feel the beat of his heart through my spine. He has locked my body against his chest with little wiggle room. We've practiced this more than enough times for me to get it right.

As fast as I can manage I force my heel into his shin and break my right arm free to elbow his jaw. My hand grabs a fistful of hair and yanks it toward the ground.

I wasn't easily used to the "no mercy" rule Miyazu and his family enforce in training. Now, it's the only rule I use in training and in a real fight.

He takes the same arm I used to pull his hair and forces me to the ground. I roll over and jump to my feet, thrusting my foot into his stomach. Back and forth we fight with more sweat and more pain. I force my way through it all to end this and move on to a lesson I've been eager to learn.

Miyazu is up on his feet and already in position for me to nail the final technique. Every move I make is faster than I've ever performed it. I need him to know that I'm ready.

I step to the side with my right leg and plant the ball of my foot on the wood floor. My shoulders rotate along with my hips and I throw my left leg in the same direction my body is planted. It arcs over my head and the top of my left foot meets with Miyazu's face. The second the ball of my left foot is planted I swing my right leg backwards over my head to make a straight line from heel to heel, plunging my achilles into the same location on his face.

He remains in the same spot and grabs my heel, forcing me to the floor in a painful position.

"You need to be faster!" He yells at me furiously. "Everything I teach you is vital." My body is shoved to the wood with a hard smack, and all the pain from today rushes in at once as the adrenaline fails me.

I spot my baton a few feet away, continuing to pretend the only rule we follow still applies. My feet kick me off and slide me over to the smooth white stick. The cold stone feels perfect in my sweaty palm, I grasp it tighter. Jumping to my feet, I bolt towards Miyazu and attack him with the baton. He dodges every move I make, even though I surprise him.

His hands find the middle of the stick and shove it so hard against me that I let go and stumble backwards. A foot meets my gut one last time, sending me tumbling toward the wood floor once again.

Giving up will never be something I do. However, the temptation always presents itself during my weakest moments. And as I sit here on my sore butt with my thousandth failure, I consider quitting. It never looked so desirable and inviting until now.

Miyazu frowns at me with disappointment dripping from his chin. We're both panting with exhaustion, covered in bruises. This has become my daily life for the past thousand years, and I've grown so very tired of it.

"Why can't I just use the void?" The back of my wrist cools my forehead when I wipe the sweat from my skin.

We're outside in the middle of a lake. The Zaskate family built a large platform in the water to host traditional duels for people to watch from all sides. When these great battles aren't taking place, Miyazu and I use it for defensive lessons. As of lately, I've only been getting myself beaten up.

The glittering water and dancing grass make for brilliant scenery though. Nature is the only thing I admire about this place.

"You can't just cop out and use your destructive power." The maturity in Miyazu has truly sprouted since I first met him, both mentally and physically. He used to explode with frustration, but as I watch him take a seat next to me, I regard the man he's turned into.

His muscular figure fills the clothes he wears, in a more than flattering way. I don't deny my attraction to him, and I couldn't if I tried. My mother made it a priority to contract Miyazu into being my partner, and she never lets me forget it. She schedules most of my time with him in hopes that it would happen naturally, clearly it worked. At least, on my side it has. We both know of the contract, but we've never directly spoken of it. Once it's signed, it becomes permanent until death. I think about it a lot, wondering if it has crossed Miyazu's mind.

My stubbornness insists on continuing our argument, not bringing up the contract, "It's not a cop out if it's my greatest strength-"

"It will kill you." His orange eyes lock with mine. Several different emotions roll through me, helping me to feel like a human teenager. He shakes his beautiful head, "The more you use it, the greater chance it has at consuming you and devouring every good aspect in you." I hear the words he speaks with his rich deep voice but my thoughts have a different agenda.

His face is the perfect shape, diamond jawline and all. Every part of him is symmetrical, from his vibrant apricot eyes to his straight and thick eyebrows down to the full lips. His pointed nose is just the right size for his face, and I'm suddenly realizing how obvious my staring is becoming.

A brief sigh jars me from the daydreaming, "You're missing the key component in your fighting." He says with a grin shaping on his lips.

"I have passion-"

He grabs my face into his hands and glances between my eyes. What I find in them immediately snaps me back into focus. The next time he opens his mouth, his distressed tone carves a permanent memory into my head. "It's not passion that you need," The void inside my gut churns, "Find the pain Sheeno."

I open my eyes to the grass, staring at the blades while panting heavily onto their flimsy surfaces. This is the longest memory I've managed to pull out from hiding, and it's also the most intimate.

There's not a clear way to tell how long I've been out, but looking up and around at my guardians and seeing that nothing has really changed, helps me to know I was only out for a minute or two max. The fires still blaze and my guardians remain exhausted and bloodied. My mind is getting better at recalling my old memories in a quicker manner, but I'm not sure it's enough.

I straighten up and compose myself just like Steele keeps suggesting to me. But when I look at Miyazu my cheeks flush from the emotional memory. Now I know who he was to me, and I'm not sure where to go from here. The others witness my red face and figure out what I've just remembered.

Grey eyes narrow and a sly smirk creeps onto Miyazu's face, "You remembered, didn't you?" All I feel is anger and hatred. I used to think I've never been intrigued by any man to the point of affection, but this memory clearly shows that Miyazu was my first love. Now he's rubbing it in my face and holding it over my head with that devious expression.

"I think you've forgotten that death unbinds me from our contract." I grit my teeth from saying the words, "The Miyazu that I knew, died." My skin feels all the eyes of my guardians. They all know of Miyazu and I's intimacy more so than I do. It must've been less awkward when I conveniently forgot. With the only memory I have right now, of Miyazu, I can easily tell the tugging feeling in my heart is a yearning that's been hidden for longer than I can remember. This emotional attachment is keeping me from hurting him, and I feel blocked.

My mind betrayed me with these memories.

Finding it in myself to kill him has grown exponentially harder. I'll be mourning all over again if I take his life, but allowing him to roam free would put other lives in danger, including my guardians. A fraction of a plan enters my brain, and I already know it is the craziest thing I'll ever do if I go through with it. There are answers I need, and this may be the only opportunity I get, the only partial idea I can come up with.

"I will go to whoever They are...if you stay with my guardians as a prisoner." I state with a clear and concise voice. There's not even a moment of silence after my decision until a chaos of disagreement breaks out.

"Sheeno are you insane?" Haruka is the first voice to penetrate the commotion. His green eyes are wild with rage, "They will kill you. Or worse, they'll use you for mass destruction." He pulls on his silver hair, "Don't be an idiot!" The words sting but I know I've made the right decision. I watch the emotions roll over his face and one of them stands out the most: betrayal. It's not directed at Miyazu, it's directed at me.

Steele's grip on Miyazu doesn't waver, and he also doesn't say a word. By his speechlessness alone, I know he's furious. Nonetheless, I don't cower away from his glare. I take it as his final words to me, a punishment for my selfish plan.

"You've forgotten that we're your best friends," Rayce's shy voice hits home and right on target, "you're supposed to consult us before you make a decision..." His blue eyes tear up and spill over, cascading down his face in a waterfall. I fight the burning sensation at the back of my throat and the blurring vision beginning to take over my eyes.

Ezra is the first one to move from his position and close in on my personal space, "My little duck," He tilts my head back to meet his gaze, his hands are warm against my neck, "You might be dooming Linkai to its end," His thumb strokes my chin, "but I trust you." I almost sob into my hands right then and there, until I witness Ezra close his eyes and move in closer to my face. His palm moves up into my hair and caresses the back of my neck. His presses his lips to the top of my head near my hairline, and I've never been more aware of my nerve endings until now. He lingers there for a few moments before pulling away. Every step he takes I feel my heart break more, and the one organ in my body that seems to remember everything, falls to pieces.

Just as I'm about to leave them, I begin seeing all my present guardians in an affectionate way. This only makes it increasingly difficult to follow through with my plan. I have to do it though, to save them. From now on, everything I do is for them. And anyone who threatens the lives of my guardians will lose their own life.

At least, that's what I'll keep telling myself until my memories come back. I have reason to believe that setting sight on Them will flood my brain with every piece of information I need to get myself out of there alive. What I'm banking on is Their ignorance of my plan.

"Lady Akira, please." Kappie's pleading voice shatters my confidence, but when I meet the colorful eyes of the most optimistic member of our group I know I'm doing the right thing. "At least take one of us with you." His teeth bite on his lower lip in a really attractive way.

I shake my head the instant that thought racks my brain. This ridiculous flash of memory has sent my emotions on a crazy rollercoaster, but I know it's instinct to miss them since being here with them this whole time has kept me safe. Now I'm not so sure I can hold my own all by myself.

Kappie rushes up to me and flings his arms around my body. One wraps around my shoulders while the other finds my hair and strokes my cheek with a tightening embrace. My face is crushed against his clothed chest. His chin rests on the top of my head. I feel every beat his heart makes against my nose. I can't remember the last time I was hugged. My arm raises from my side to cling onto him, but I stop them with all the emotional strength I have in me.

I feel pressure at the crown of my head and I wonder if Kappie has kissed me too. The more they act like I'm about to die, the closer I get to believing them. I close my eyes and enjoy the last few seconds of this embrace.

When I see them again, I will return their kindness tenfold.

Kappie untwines himself from me and turns around without meeting my eyes. I sigh with all the pain inside my heart, focussing on releasing one last tormenting breath. I will make the air I breathe in, my new strength.

"Miyazu," I scrutinize him, "do we have a deal or not?"

"Do I really have a choice in this matter?" He smiles at me and all I see is red.


"Then I guess it will suffice." Miyazu sighs and grabs Steele's wrist, attempting to release himself from the sagittarius spirit guardian's grasp. "How is this going to work then?" Miyazu scowls at Steele but cannot budge an inch.

"Remember that you're a prisoner, not a free man. We are being switched out." I look up to the dragons, "I'll be going with them, while you," My gaze flickers back to Miyazu, "will be staying here with my guardians."

"And how do I win in this situation?" He stops struggling.

"You don't die, and They get what they want." The voice I use comes out hollow, startling me with its bitter sound.

Steele hesitates before releasing Miyazu, he still doesn't trust me. When he finally pushes the traitor over to me, I stick my hand out to shake his for a final agreement, and he obliges with a firm grip. His touch sends chills through me, both sentimental and hateful emotions spread from my hand to my heart.

On a whim, I yank his arm and pull his body close to me, forcing him to hunch over nearly a foot and a half to stare me straight in my ash eyes. We're standing so close that Miyazu's almost-black colored bangs flutter by my forehead.

I whisper, "A deal is a deal, don't you dare forget that." His face is inches from mine when the words hit his ears.

My grip releases and my steady feet walk me up to the black dragon. Without turning back, I peer up to him and assume he understood every single thing that has taken place since the battle began. His gigantic head bends down to me and draws closer. I realize that how tall I am is significantly shorter than the height of just his head.

The words enter my head without a sound: Lady Akira, by order of the Committee of Linkai, you are under arrest for violation of the Founder's Treaty. The dragon's stern voice neutralizes my emotions. I feel numb.

Haruka lets out a disapproving tsk as though he's heard the same voice in his head. I narrow my eyes, not knowing anything about a committee. I remember not seeing any trace of habitation at the capitol and wondering where the people went. Redinon was also vacant of people, as was the house we stayed at. But realizing there are people other than us, on this planet, both intrigues and terrifies me. I originally assumed these dragons were "Them".

If people are still living in this world, they must be the ones who drove the Linkains away. Who's to say that the Linkains were only relocated though. They might've just been killed off at the hands of this "committee" and their pet dragons.

The pathways in my thoughts click and snap together like building blocks. Their connections lead me to the ultimate conclusion that my job and my purpose is to dismantle the Committee of Linkai from the inside, and end their reign forever. And I have to accomplish this without dying. 

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