Alexandria And Ezekiel

By CheshireKitty13

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I want to warn you now this does have self harm and depression in it. Anyway, it's a story about 2 best frien... More

Chapter 2: Alex
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Authors note
Another Author's Note
Q & A
Final Update
Important Update
Final Update


19 1 0
By CheshireKitty13

I smiled as he pulled back. My eyes never leaving his. His blue eyes were so deep and bright. They reminded me of a sunny day with a bright blue sky. He leaned in again and continued to kiss me. My mind went blank yet thoughts raced at the same time. Is this what love feels like? His lips were soft yet a little rough from chewing on them. I felt like he needed me. He needed the things I could offer. He needed my love. Affection. Kisses. Even cuddles. I could feel it. I hope I'm not wrong about this feeling. The sound of my phone vibrating made us jump away from one another. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled at the message.
"Jeremy and his mom want us to come back home and have dinner with them.", I said while smiling. He smiled back at me. So bright.
"Better not keep them waiting then.", he laughed. He left the room to grab a few things before we could leave. I took the extra time to carefully place the gifts in my bag. He's always known me so well. I smiled to myself. The though of him knowing all of these things about me, even the littlest details, warmed my heart. I heard him walk back into the room and turned to face him. My smile grew wider as I saw him smile at me. After making sure we both had everything, we made our way to Jeremy's house hand in hand. We had the biggest, goofiest smiles on our faces. It took a bit to get there, but we eventually made it to Jeremy's house. When I rang the doorbell, Jeremy's mom Carmen answered with a smile.
"Well look at you two! Holding hands and everything! So cute!", she cooed at us. I could feel my cheeks starting to burn. Jeremy walked over to us laughing.
"Mom you know how much she hates to blush!", he laughed. Oh god he's gonna bring attention to my blush! Carmen giggled as she invited us inside. The house was as neat as it was when I left earlier. Hopefully no one has seen the bathroom yet. I looked over at Zeke and noticed him staring in awe. He stared at the sofas and the size of the living room. I smiled at him and led him down a hallways that led into the kitchen. His eyes went wide as we reached the kitchen. I let go of his hand and went to the island in the middle of the kitchen. His eyes studied the kitchen with interest. I guess he's never seen a kitchen this big. I, on the other hand, was attempting to push myself onto the island where I usually sit. For some reason I couldn't seem to get up there today. I must still be in shock from the day. I'm also still pretty nervous. I could hear Zeke chuckle as I continued attempting to lift myself. I eventually gave up and leaned against the counter. I looked up and my eyes met Zeke's.
"Alex do you need help?", he asked. I felt my cheeks burn a little as I nodded at him. It only took seconds for him to grab me by my waist, lift me up, and set me in the counter. It also only took seconds for me to wrap my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a minute. My arms around his neck. His hands on my waist. Until I realized that I hadn't let go yet. I let him go and looked at the ground. His hands never left my waist as he laid his forehead against mine. He stared into my eyes as I stared into his. I pulled back a little and began studying his face. Every scar, perfection, and imperfection all right in front of me. Without even knowing it I laid my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb against his stubble. He softly leaned into my hand and closed his eyes. It looked like he was enjoying it. Noted.
"Don't mind us guys we're just making you dinner.", Jeremy laughed. Carmen smacked his shoulder as I quickly let go and resumed looking at the floor. Zeke stepped back and leaned against the counter. I could feel him staring at me. Even when I got up and helped Jeremy. After 20 minutes of feeling his eyes on me and helping make dinner, it was finally ready. There was so much pasta! All of my favorite kinds to be more exact. I wonder what the special occasion is.
"Um is there a special occasion I forgot about? Did I do something good?", I asked. They only ever made all of my favorites for my birthday and for when I did something REALLY good. Carmen and Jeremy smiled at each other.
"We have a surprise for you Alex.", Jeremy stated. His smile grew wider. Carmen laughed.
"Ma'am? What do you mean by a surprise?", I asked.
"Please Alex you can call me Carmen. So can you Zeke. Well we've been talking and since we have an empty but usable basement we were thinking-"
"That you could move in!", Jeremy shouted as he jumped around. "Please say yes! I'd love to have my best friend here with me all the time! We can talk about our days, boys, do each other's hair, and so much more! It'll be like a forever sleep over!", he yelled. Carmen laughed as I sat there in shock. I stood up and laughed as I finally answered them.
"I'd love to live here with you guys!", I laughed. Jeremy tackled me into a hug and spun me in the air. I had to hold onto him for support after he put me down.
"Mom get the car we've gotta start her packing!", he shouted as he started walking outside.
"After dinner Hun!", she shouted back. He quickly came back to the table, ate all of his food, and sat patiently. We all laughed as he waited.
"So how did you guys meet?", Carmen asked.
"In our 3rd hour. We had American History together. I was the why girl that didn't know how to talk to the male race and he was the guy in the back trying to pass. We were put next to each other after a month of school. After about a month of two of that we started talking.", I answered.
"Thanks to your smart comments and funny jokes. And I was more of the shy guy trying to pass while I was distracted by you.", he chuckled. I blushed slightly and continued eating. Carmen stared with a smile.
"How long have you known each other?", she asked.
"About 8 months.", we stated at the same time. My cheeks burned with slight embarrassment. Carmen only laughed.
"I think you two are adorable together.", she said with a smile.
"Great now let's go get Alex's stuff!", Jeremy yelled as he drug us out the door.

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