Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom AU

By Cutegirlmayra

28.9K 572 2.7K

Sonic is made king after his 23rd Birthday, but he's not thrilled about it. Immortal Prince Shadow threatens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 FINAL
Bonus Story: Sonar and The Chaos Kingdom
Bonus Story: Skid and The Chaos Kingdom

Chapter 13

1.5K 32 227
By Cutegirlmayra

Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 13

(I know there was a lot of controversy last chapter... but I promise you, don't give up on Sonic just yet. At the end of this chapter, we're all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya as we sway.)

Amy, for the past several months, has been doing incredible at governing and ruling over the Chaos Kingdom. With no word on Sonic yet, the kingdom has begun to speculate, against Amy's wishes to try and keep it only within the walls of the castle. However, she has began, as her friends have noticed, to become stone cold in her expressions, having been disciplined many times by the Council for being too caring and heavily invested in debates and decisions that should be taking with a professional standpoint.

Before this, her heart had ruled her decisions, but now, it was becoming more and more apparent that her emotions were staying hidden behind a mask of solemn refinement, and with all the learning she rapidly absorbed at amazing rates, her remarkable way of handling affairs began to spread even further love and appreciation throughout the kingdom.

Though her reign wasn't perfect, it did sustain the kingdom, but the Council began to wonder if Sonic had fully given up all right of King to Amy, and questioned whether he was still fit to reign...

"It's perpostrous to leave his new Queen in charge for so long, even if his mission was dire, he once again left without the consent of the council! He has yet to mature into the king this land needs to be maintained and strengthened by!"

A councilmen slammed his fist to his pulpit, standing straight up, as the chief of them stroked his beard, and turned to see Tails's expression.

Low, he held himself in humble reverence and sorrow, knowing his words would fall on deaf ears.

They're wasn't much to reclaim a standing for Sonic in the Council much anymore, considering they were all very much on Amy's side, and wanted some form of justice for such a long-lasting crime of being away from the judgment seat so long.

"He may have won a war, but he lost the prisoner!" another roared out, as Tails's head flinched.

The news of Shadow's escape was definitely alarming, and that's when people started demanding Sonic's sentence, for him to do something... but that's also when they learned that Amy was the only one in power at this certain time.

Needless to say, the people took it on a personal matter, feeling rejected and forgotten, as if Amy represented them in some form.

"The people adore their Queen, but even she has not the skill, capacity, or upbringing of years of commitment and dedication to this craft. To rule is not one can just so easily learn-"

"Yes, but she has been substantial in keeping this kingdom afloat. We cannot excuse her natural ability to lead-"

"Objection! Sonic is still king! She is still limited to right that only a king can make!"

"Further opposition, my friend! I declare that she should be sole heir and there should be a new king to replace!"

"The bloodline would be shamed!"

"Silence!" The chief councilmen hammered his rebuttal. "Sonic is king by birth, unless dead, or fit unworthy, we can't decide these matters."

"...But Chief... he's gone."

The truth was a sad matter, but the Chief sighed, not really favoring Sonic either, but stood up, rising to his position and stature, and put a hand over his long judgment robes. "He has not abandoned us completely. I wish to believe that he is once again doing another wonder, even if it is beneath protocol. If our Queen is right, then he's protecting and saving us all. I wish to believe that than the later."

He then did a very honorable thing.

"It has also come to this humble Councilmen's heart that we are unfairly advantaged in our opposition over the favored. For this cause... I call upon the King's friend, Prower, to speak on his behalf."

He outstretched his hand to the side of himself, and gestured for Tails to rise.

Tails's head shot up, feeling the pressures of the eyes all on him.

Most, like the Chief Councilmen had stated, are against Sonic.

This would be a tough court to change.

He stood up, forcing himself to lean against the pulpit and say something, anything! Although he was furious with his friend, he was still his friend... nevertheless.

"...My good fellowmen." He started, head down, eyes covered in looming shadows of doubt but undying faith. "Sonic has made a lot of bad decisions... but marrying Amy was clearly not one of them." He stood a little straighter, and took a deep breath, before showing the resolve of his spirit in his eyes.

"I call upon all your hearts, to hear me out, and let me testify of the character of Sonic. The character.. that is being swarmed with conflict, due to his natural will of staying adventurous and free. I know this is against the lifestyle of the royal bloodline, but he is just trying to live out childhood whims and dreams."

"But as you know, dear boy, this... is a world of men. And we can't tolerate such insolence in our kingdom, especially when lives are at stake here." The Chief Councilmen had taken his seat, but still addressed Tails.

"I understand this." Tails nodded, showing his consent, as the Chief Councilmen nodded back in agreement. "But I also understand that his heart has yet to realize the gravity of his actions. He has been reckless in war, but he's won. This can't be denied." He turned to the many rings above him and below him in the room, all with seated men of valor and just cause before him. All men of high understanding and enlightenment.

He would really have to make a good argument for this one...

He fiddled with his collar a moment, sweating, before taking a gulp and losing himself up.

"Sonic has defeated Shadow, defended the Chaos Kingdom, and restored it through the power of Chaos! He has reclaimed his birthright of the wielder of the Chaos Blade, lost for many centuries. But he has also made many mistakes... he is no where near a perfect king, nor much like his father. But he has his father's courage and heart. I want to believe he's still saving the kingdom, somewhere, wherever he may be. I want to believe... not just because he's my friend... but because he really can be a great king."

Tails looked down, not sure if his plight was doing any good, before he took one last breath in.

"Just like with war, he has married the perfect match for the kingdom, and also has betrayed that trust. His decisions have been one good thing traded with another wrong. He is still learning, but are we not all fortunate that he has made some outstanding changes that were for the better? What king has ended a thousand year war? What king has married and received such astonishing approval from the people? Overwhelmingly, he has even began an alliance with the newly formed Ark Kingdom! He may not be perfect, but as this council has said. We are of men. And men, in ourselves... are not perfect. We have all made mistakes... can we not forgive and try and tutor one whose mistakes mean so much to millions of lives... the way to make many more righteous decisions as consecutively as possible..."

The Chief Councilmen smiled, and nodded to Tails his approval, as Tails nervously smiled and nodded back politely, sitting down.

"...The boy believes in yin and yang... our soul is divided... our mind most often unclear." A wiser looking, more aged man stated from below the rings, but not on the furthest one down.

"...Shall we say, we give him a time limit then?" A younger one spoke, but nodded his respects to the words of the wiser and older councilmen, who nodded his consent of the interruption.

"Aye... let us test our King once more. And for his poor Queen's sake, let us pray that Chaos brings him back... before war does inflict us once again."

"...the presentation ceremony... will be the shame of us all, Chief Councilmen, far before war doth knock."

A few older elders spoke out again, looking to their Chief, who stroked his beard once more, before looking sternly below him, thinking...

"Yes... I'm aware that the celebration to present the Queen to our allies is quickly dawning upon us... and without our King to properly present her, we will be shamed."

The councilman looked to Tails, great worry in his eyes, before letting out a displeased sigh-ish moan and looking forward again. "The time limit will be the ball. If he doesn't attend, then he will have truly been found guilty of giving his birthright up to his Queen, and Amy shall be forced to marry. Until then, we shall assist our Queen as we have been, before we persuade and convince her to give all authority that truly matters to us. So that we may keep this land breathing in Chaos's light. Dismissed."

As they started to all rise and file out, Tails was stopped by the older wiser looking gentlmen, leaning down on a cane with a considerable arch in his back, having the sweetest and wrinklest old smile on his face.

"I like friends like you." He wheezed out, before patting Tails's back, and hobbling on his way.

Tails was touched by the man's words and encouragement of his character. He really did want to believe in Sonic, no matter what, but his actions of late have been... well,... all but admirable.

Tails began to walk to the study, opening the door to see Amy cramming knowledge into her mind, sitting with unprecedented amount of books, even for Tails, who was an avid reader. She was flipping one book's page, writing something down, and then reached out to grab another.

"..." He was so grateful for taking her duties seriously, unlike Sonic, and actually taking time to learn the laws of the kingdom and the situations that were happening outside and inside the borders of the land.

"How's it coming?" Tails asked, holding a drink for her and walking over to greet her. "Have you eaten at all today?"

"I'm fine." She barely gave him a second to smile at him, still being polite, but went right back to her work.

"...Need any help?" He noticed that one of the books in her pile was the book of the Chaos Kingdoms laws and legends, and pulled it out to flip it open.

It wasn't stained or wrinkled or ripped.

He sighed in relief and closed it.

Knuckles hadn't gotten to it yet.

Amy dug around and searched her piles, having books topple over and fall in front of the desk, before looking up and seeing Tails holding the book.

They're eyes met for a second, as she quickly snatched the book from him and opened it up.

"Uh.. may I ask what you're studying for today?" he peered over her shoulder, leaning behind her chair to the side, and seeing that she was on the page where it listed the duties, rights, privileges, and responsibilities associated with royalty. Especially for King and Queen.

"AH-HA!" Amy had turned the page a moment and slammed a finger on where she was looking for.

Tails excited flew upward, peering even closer at the book, "What, what!? What is it!?"

"The King and Queen may leave the castle as a unit if and only if they leave a temporary heir in command. They then must return immediately from ally nations, unexplored territory, or war efforts to reclaim the throne and its properties! Now that we're married, Sonic doesn't need to worry about being coped up here forever!"

Tails stared at her.

She was still so kind to him, no matter what cruelty they saw, she only looked for a way to make him comfortable and happy.

She didn't see evil, only mistakes with good intent.

He looked away.

"Enough..." he whispered out, almost in a plea as he whimpered beside her.

He flew down as she looked at him funny, seeing his face was completely away from hers.

"Tails? What's wrong? I still have some ordinances to get done and could really use your help before I present my solution to the defendants so-"

"... Amy... he used you."

".....He was only trying to live out the freedoms he never could before."

"...You're making excuses for him... enough already..." Tails's shoulders bounced, his tears were heard, and she slowly withdrew back into her professional undertone.

"Tails. I know a lot of people are pitying me. But I was hoping you'd act differently." She was much stronger than before, and her stone-cold face came back on her face. "I'd like to speak to my advisor then, if you're going to bring up sad topics, then let's talk about the farm raids and bandits on the east fields. They've killed 12 officers of the court, and 10 civilians. I'm determined to find them and exact punishment by the law." She put her hands, gently but firmly down to her desk.

She glared, "Although I do appreciate the attempt to sway me into misery, I'd very much like to focus on my task at hand, and give a little more faith to your king."

Tails flung around, his tears spiraling out towards her, "You still aren't convinced! You still won't believe he didn't marry you out of love!"

She threw a huge book at him, that knocked him down as he caught it, hitting him square in the gut, as he took a moment to reclaim his breath, and stumbled up to glare back at Amy, before turning back to his sorrowful expression of pity.

"I don't order my colleagues around, but as your Queen, I will ask you to please silence all abrupt expresses of emotion. I've no time to dilly-dally."

"Amy... you're going to work yourself to the bone. You're going to do this and realize soon enough that-!"

"I'm leaving!" Amy stormed out of the room, past Tails, "I don't need sympathy, I've had enough of that the first month! I need work done, I need answers, and I need-"

"Sleep? Food? Think of yourself for once, Amy! Admit that-!"

"Life's unfair? I knew that marrying Sonic would have it's challenges,... maybe not this much so..." She lost her mask for a moment, showing forth the true pain deep inside her, before shaking her head and looking back firmly towards Tails, "But I intend to do my part for my people. I love them... I care about you too, Tails. And Knuckles, and Vanilla... little Cream... Cheese... I know that Shadow has escaped, and the Ark Kingdom isn't saying it but they're terrified. I'm here to bring peace and prosperity. Starting with that presentation ball!"

"Amy! You'll be a laughing stock! You can't-!" Tails kept trying to speak, but every time she interrupted him.

This time, he stepped forward, forgetting all formalities, and declaring pure truth to her. "Look, you want answers!? Here's your answer! You go to that ball alone and the allies will see Sonic as a fraud king! That he leaves his responsibilities for pleasures and whims and doesn't even honor his new Queen at the reception! It'll bring shame and embarrassment to the kingdom! That he's not serious, that you're a phony bride, and that the kingdom is riddled with dishonest and shameful acts! We can't allow you to-!"

"....Tails..." Amy finally broke just slightly, a tear dripping down her face. "I have too."

Tails held his stance, before seeing that Amy did at least registered that. She understood the public embarrassment of her husband not attending her own celebration to introduce her to the ally nations. She knew they would mock her, and mock the kingdom, and Sonic.

But what could she do? It was coming up, and there was nothing that could postpone it.

It's true that Amy had accomplished more in 2 months than Sonic had in 2 years... but it was starting to take a toll on her usual cheeriness.

The pains of hearing her friends suffering, the constant cries for mercy from her people that she couldn't always meet their demands, and their sorrowful and desperate expressions, were beginning to haunt her conscience at night.

As she walked down the hallway, a few days had already passed, and the ball was today.

She still hadn't heard of even a sighting of a Blue Blur, crashing through some window and saving the day like the hero she knew he was. But she was more hoping that window would be within the castle somewhere...

As she walked with as much strength her heart could lend her, she put her hands tightly together and up to her chest, lowering her head and silently speaking with her father.

"That's a girl! This isn't death row! You've got this! My little girl, a princess! A queen! They'll be so stunned at your radiance and glamour, that they won't even think twice about that swine!"

In her imagination, she giggled and scolded her father for calling her husband a swine, although, she knew it was appropriate too.

She smiled as she moved down some stairs and came upon a turn to the ballroom... the dinner would be presented soon enough, and it was nearing the time to introduce herself...

"Remember, my dear, a true knight wears his heart upon his sleeve, and his sword by his side. Though he has the power to kill, he never draws his weapon first, but second. It's always the heart that you present in mercy and comradely before you result to battle. We win wars with hearts, not blades."

His image disappeared as the dancing and music played behind the lit door, and she knew in her heart that she had to be brave, she had to strong, and that she should only draw her blade when the heart failed.

She put her hands to the door, still praying and hoping...

She turned to the window nearest her.

A bright day today... but no hero.

She stucked up her pride, and lowered her head, holding back the tears.

Did he really just use me?

She opened the doors and held her head high.

"Hello... trusted friends." She bowed her head, holding her hands in front of her and keeping her eyes mostly closed, not willing to imagine anyone in their underwear.

"I am Queen Amy Rose The Hedgehog, of the Chaos Kingdom. I'm honored you have come our kingdom to celebrate on such a warmhearted occasion."

Warmhearted? Really!?

She mentally scolded herself, wishing for a better word.

"Please," she outstretched her hand to the side, "Enjoy the entertainment and refreshments."

"Hmm? Just the Queen?"

"Is the King ill?"

"This doesn't look to be a good sign..."

Already rumors began, and mumbling and murmuring.

Laughs, and judging stares, women fanned themselves, concealing their smirking glee at her embarrassment, as she desperately tried to keep her calm and regal demeanor.

She walked up to her position of the throne, and sat down.

She only took a moment to glance up from the dancing to the king's throne... a for a moment, she could literally feel the awaiting heart break.

She had already accepted he wasn't coming back soon... but not that he had abandoned her.

It was too cruel for her to fathom, she couldn't believe he married her for just the job.

In a pub, a man with a brown riding hood and cape took a drink and spat at the awful taste of it. "What kind of drink is this?" he muttered, and pushed it away.

His satchel was rustling with treasures from all over, his hands were dirty from all the climbing of mountains and tough matches he's faced.

Blade dulled by the countless adventures and duels it has won through.

Then, the man turned to hear three men, bickering about something.

"...Then I would be king! And have the lovely lass! He doesn't deserve a crown!"

"Aye, he's a monster! Taking something so loved and leaving it in the dust!"

"Hear, hear..."

"Another drink, would ya, love?"

"Leave the maid alone! The real thing we need is him to crash that party!"

"Aye, letting his new queen introduce herself to a bunch of foreign royalties."

"The shame."

"The crying shame!"

"He's dooming the entire kingdom over a small spat with her I bet!"

"She's probably the sweetest thing. Even shrews would pity her."

"Aye! The Queen was beloved before her rule. One of us, she was!"

The guy swished his drink in a circle, gesturing to his comrades.

"Aye, aye... we are in agreement, but that doesn't help our Queen there.. trembling in her poor new dusty throne... we 'aven't had a real queen in some time. She's got no one to look up too!"

"She's all alone, she is."

"I'd like to smash my fist againsts the King's face, I would!"

"Hush, Michael. Your loyalties, mate..."

"Whut? I be loyal to me country. It's the king I like to face! Teach him about leaving a poor blossoming flower to ruin! Hmph! They're probably trampling her to smithereens!"

"That lass will make it through."

"Make it? In whut? Pieces?"

"Are you deaf, man? She's done more for the kingdom than the king himself."

"Might as well call ourselves a Queendom!"

The men all laughed, as the on-listener looked down, and fiddled with a ring on his arm.

"He's a lucky jerk though... maybe he'll stay away and be gone for good! Good riddance!"

"The bloodline, mate... people are staring at your words.."

"Let'em stare! They agree in ayes!"


"Aye, mate... but loyalties."

"Be loyal to your mates, mate! That's what I say! An' any man who abandons his mate, his true mate-"

"Aye, aye."

"He is a monster!"

"Aye! Be faithful to the Emeralds and dames!"

"Exactly! This man knows what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

The man had stood up, praising his right hand man as the other turned his head and tried to not create a scene.

"The king's got himself a fine lass... shame." One drank.

"Shame on us all!" the other, more louder one stated, and they clanged their drinks together before chugging.

Sonic couldn't take it. He didn't realize that by loading Amy with all the duties, that he was selfishly loading her with an entire kingdom!

Now that he was a full-fledge king, of course the council would surrender rights!

He had thought that maybe, if he left, they'd be lenient with Amy, since she was so new, and just take over for a while, let her do judgments.

He was wrong, so wrong.

He thought she gave him permission, but maybe he out-lasted any lasting forgiveness that could be extended.

Amy would forgive him, right?

She loved him, right?

He took one final chug, sighed, licked his lips, slightly chapped, and flung the glass.

"Alright!" he cried out to himself, and dashed out of the pub. "Here comes the king!"

At dinner, the royal allies all ate quickly, only making small talk with themselves, and almost rudely ignoring Amy.

Though, not entirely on purpose, it was seen as an offense to the kingdom.

Amy held her head low, gripping the loose fabric on her knees from her dress, and holding back any sign of embarrassment she may feel.

This was more than a bad image for them, Amy by her lonesome created questions, and caused them to wonder more than just about Sonic's maturity.

Was Amy a gold-digger? A power hungry woman?

Was this her plan all along?

Her honor and virtue was at stake too, and she could slightly hear the murmuring of her name from time to time, or Queen, be mentioned and spoken.

Then, taking some amount of pity on her, a king turned to address her.

"Your highness?"

Amy rose her head, in a bit of a cute jolt.

The audience chuckled lightly, a sweet remark of her innocent reactions.

"Haha... You look lovely this day. May I ask, since it has been the question on everyone's mind, but... when will the King be joining us today?"

It was innocent question, the man held no harm for the girl or the kingdom, but Amy knew she couldn't keep lying anymore...

She couldn't handle the rejection though, and if she would lie, she may cry...

"He's..." she began...



"Present and accounted for!"

A large gasp came over the room, as the main doors swung open.

Sonic was wearing his crown, adorned in his royal red cape, and having that same ring around his arm.

"Did I miss the memo?" He teased, and strut forward, "King Adam! How are ya? Lucy! It's been years! Tuck-Tuck, is that you? Wow! You've grown, friend! Philip! Come 'ere, you big lug!" Sonic, typical as usual, was breaking code and tradition to greet his friends, and shook their hands welcomingly as he walked down the line to get to his seat at the table.

Vanilla glared at him, a cruel sorrow and injustice showing forth in her eyes.

She only dared to glance, for at events like this, the help was seen but not heard.

Tails folded his arms, he fuming too.

How could he just strut in and act like everything's okay!? Does he not realize the gravity of this situation!?

Knuckles... oh boy.

Outside, he was raging, swinging his axe with grunts and ruffs. His solders were frightened, shaking at his powerful swings and seeing death in his eyes.

Sonic took his place at the head, next to Amy, and raised his arms out, "Ladies and Gentlegaints!"

The crowd laughed, they did like Sonic's attitude for entertaining, but maybe not so much leading...

"I present to you my Queen, Amy Rose!" he gestured down to her, putting on a show.

He then leaned closer and whispered, "Sorry for the delay!" he winked, and moved around to take his seat.

Her jaw dropped.

Sorry for the delay?

What did he think this was!? A Game?!

Two months, not a word, and suddenly he's just prancing back in and acting like nothing happened!?

The party did go smoother with Sonic around.

He sat at his throne, and hers to the right, just a little lower than him.

"A gift! For the happy newly weds." A fatter bear king, lowered in a humble bow, and presented a gift before Sonic's feet.

Sonic flicked his head to the side, gesturing to present it to Amy instead.

"Ah." The man turned to Amy, and bowed his head, walking over to her as she gave him the signal to approach.

"My dear friend, I hope you grow old in love together." He bowed even deeper this time, showing more respect for a woman and Queen, as was costumed, and placed the gift at her feet.

When she bent down to get it, he leaned up and whispered to her, "Patience with the young king... he's not as bright as a man quite yet. I'm sorry for his actions."

The silent exchanged happened quickly, and the bear king waddled down the stairs, and back to his family. A happy wife and three kids, one in her hand, and the other two racing to their dad again, as they begged to have seconds on the food.

He billowed a laugh, holding them close to his sides, his three sons, and walked off to enjoy the merriment of the party again.

Amy held the present on her lap, and looked down at it.

So pretty... so wonderfully wrapped and decorated...

Sonic, having his usual look about him, had a hand holding up his head, his leg up and ankle sitting on his other knee, shaking in his energy at not liking to stay still, but with a peppy smile on his face.

He looked to Amy, "Open it! It's yours." He grinned, as if nothing was wrong in the world. As if he had been there this whole time...

He had no idea...

The severity of what he put her though...

What he put them all through.

She looked away from him, his carefree attitude was like a thousand knifes in her heart, and she just couldn't look at him the same.

She opened the present though, as instructed, and inside was a beautiful necklace, with a brass slate that read, 'Long live the Chaos Kingdom, and Prosperity from the Emeralds.'.

She smiled.

"Heh, kinda pretty." Sonic commented, gently looking at it and then to Amy.

Then, the cruelest thing came out of his mouth....

"How ya been?"

Stop... stop acting like everything okay...

"Amy? You haven't talked to me all night..."

Stop pretending its okay.


He poked his head up, realizing she was flat out ignoring him.

"...hmm.." he thought a moment, raising an eyebrow, then got an idea and gleefully spun up, standing to his feet. "Friends! I'd like to propose a toast!"

'This'll make her smile!'

She looked up at him, her head still low, only her eyes moving.

Was he really this blind?

"A toast to the Queen!" Sonic was handed a glass by a servant, and walked over to Amy. "For her fearless leadership! She's been doing amazing, having only just ascended into fame and fortune, she's really goodheartedly carrying out her duties with no shame and no complaint! Truly, I've been blessed by the Emeralds." He turned back to her, but his face dropped.

Why wasn't she smiling...

Her head was so low, her face in a tight line, her stare fixed to the ground...


"And how lovely she is!"

Sonic turned to see his friend, a king from far back north, who threw up his own glass, and cheered.

"For the king! And for the Queen!"

The awkward tension was dispelled by good friends, seeing what Sonic couldn't, and realizing what he hadn't.

As the crowds started to be dispersed, leaving in sections at a time, Amy ran out into the hall, bursting the doors open, and heading back to her room.

"W-woah! Hey! Uhh... have a great night everyone!" he waved goodbye and reached out for Amy, confused.

In the darkened light of the moon, Amy paced through the open gardens and past the pillars that stood in rows, creating a look of a film of a camera, moving swiftly as her eyes remained hidden in shadows.

"Hey-hey! Amy! Hold up! Where's the rush? No hellos?" He ran after her, chasing up to her easily and stopping as he noticed her abrupt halt.

"...You... you okay?"

"It's all true... isn't it?"

"I-I beg your pardon?" Sonic stepped back, sweatdropping. "What's true-?"

"You used me!" she turned around, her face full of betrayal and hurt. "I didn't want to believe it. I thought you needed time to cool your head and get over with your boyhood fantasies... but you... Did you really... and answer me!"

"Okay, okay! What are you talking about? You said I could go!"

"For two months!?"

"I thought you were okay with this!?"


"I thought you liked judging..." he stepped back further, holding his arms up and back, afraid of seeing a different, and more terrifying side of Amy than before.

She was either in need of help, or cheerfully smiling,... this... this was different.

"Judging!?" She stomped her foot down, looking to him with bewildered puzzle. "I've had to take all your duties on, the council's, and my own while you've been gone!"

"...AND the council's...?" Sonic's eyes widened. "Wait... how much were you-?"

"Doing!? Everything! It's a miracle that I had help, or I'd been a drowning fish out of water! Suffocating from the oxygen of a new territory! How could you leave me..? Knowing I knew nothing about what I was to do..? How could you..."

Her voice grew more shaky, as she slowly turned and leaned on the side wall.

Sonic looked away, realizing fully that it wasn't just the matters he had...

She literally had the whole world to deal with.

He was shocked, and guilt flooded through him like a powerful crashing blow to his heart.

"I... I didn't know it was that severe... I had assumed... Tails, Knuckles... no one helped you?"

"I had help. I said I did. Are you even listening?" she turned a harsh tone to him, and he flinched back.

"Sonic.. Answer me." She stepped forward, being brave and standing right before him... face... to face.

"Did you marry me out of love?"

He remained silent, his eyes widening before he took a serious look, and kept his mouth shut.

She didn't know?

"...Did you..? Or did you marry me for the job."

It was the hardest thing she ever had to ask.

The moon shined like a cruel portrait over them, half their faces were like glass pieces shattered through the pillars making the illusion.

Sonic just kept his stare, a look of silent favor in his eyes, "Amy... I'm sorry."

"No..." Amy stepped back, her head shaking. "No... please..."

"... You fit the part." He looked away.

He was hoping to avoid this. He thought she understood...

He thought she understood enough... after all this time.

"The marriage... those vows... it was all a show?" She was choking on the tears she was fighting.

"Amy..." Sonic moved forward-


Her outburst flung him back, shocked.

"Don't say that... don't say that! I believed in you! I trusted you! I thought you wanted to be a great king!"

"You've never been born into this fate! You don't-!"

"I could have helped you... I could have really cared for you... I looked so hard for answers to help you be okay... to help you cope and feel alright... but you... you never... you never cared... you're...

You're a monster!"

A feeling of complete doom fell over Sonic.

For the first time, something stirred in him that literally spiraled him into a forever darkness in the night.

The wind flew right through him.

His heart felt he sting of the cold.

And he realized...

She wasn't going to forgive him this time.

"Amy... I thought... of all people... you'd understand my pain..."

"PAIN!? You don't know the meaning of the word!" Amy was now crying, not being able to take it.

She was so upset with herself, that she brutally wiped her eyes away and cried out again,




He had dashed up to her, holding her arms as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Amy! Get a hold of yourself!"

"LET ME GO!" she slammed him down to the ground, having him hold his shoulder as a sharp pain flung through it.

"You..." she shook her head, stepping back. "You're no king... and you're no hero."

She dashed off, as Sonic quickly recovered, getting up. "Amy! Wait!" he dashed after her, but upon the turn, Knuckles slammed him into the wall.


"Well, well... look at the scum they dragged in with the rats." He cracked his knuckles.

"K..Knuckles..." he barely got up when Knuckles walked over, and kicked him back into the wall.


"Don't talk to me like your in PAIN." He spat near Sonic, and wiped his mouth. "We believed in you, ya know. And what do we get for it? A spoiled bratt!" he grabbed his legs and swung him around, back into another pillar where he once was.


"What kind of man leaves his wife on their wedding night, eh!? We all knew you would do something horrible, but we were hoping your heart would lead you otherwise!" he tried to slam down his fists, but Sonic rolled out of the way, jumping up and holding his hands out.

"Listen, Knuckles! I know I kinda deserve this..." he was walking back slowly.

"Oh? Kinda?" Knuckles threateningly advanced on him quickly.

"But hear me out! RAH!"

Sonic was once again slammed against the wall, Knuckles holding him by his throat, or what little one he had...

"Sorry, kid. I don't have ears."

"All jokes aside-ack!- I-I have to catch Amy.. or she'll escape."

"Oh really? Well good for her!" he swung him back down to the ground, this time, Sonic's head pounded loudly in his skull.

Knuckles wasn't letting up...

"It's about time she gave you a taste of your own toxic medicine!"

Rolling back on the ground from the brutal revenge he knew was just, Sonic crawled up and stretched his back, before turning around to Knuckles.

"Alright, I get it. I'm a jerk. I'm worse than the swine's stew. But please... Kncukles... let me try and make this right.."

"Make this RIGHT!? All you ever do is WRONG! When are you gonna man-up and take the throne, and all your responsibilities, and start caring about others besides yourself?!"

Sonic held his arm, unable to really feel any feeling in it anymore, and the tingling pain soaring up through it.

He took faint breaths, before nodding his head down. "Okay,... I'm the filth of the sewers, but I didn't know the full extents of Amy's suffering... I didn't know they were putting all duties on her! I thought it was only half!"

"I don't care WHAT you thought... I'm gonna tear you apart until the only thing left is any decency of a king still left in ya... which means... you're not going anywhere..."

"Sonic! Knuckles! Although I don't really disapprove of this, Amy's gone to the stables! I think she's really leaving!" Tails flew in, running the rest of the way to get between them.

"We can kick Sonic's butt AFTER we stop Amy!"

"I agree." Sonic looked to Knuckles, "You in, big guy?" he smiled, mockingly.

Knuckles tensed up, his whole body shaking in righteous rage. "You take that pretty smug off your face... I'm not threw with you yet..."

The three raced off to the stables, only to see the backend of Amy's horse charging out of the gates.

"Make way for the Queen!" a man called out, as the gates were opened.

"No!" Sonic called out, waving his good arm around, "Close gates! Close gates!"

"It's no use, they can't hear us!" Tails stated, before turning to slap Sonic.

"Owf!" Sonic turned around and put a hand to his cheek, before looking back at Tails.

"That's for Amy." He stated, then punched his eye.


"That's for me, and this is for everyone else!" he flew up and slammed his two feet down on him.

They all kinda beat him up, but Vanilla only watched, before slipping away back into the shadows of the castle, seeing it fit to leave them alone for now.

Sonic finally rose his good hand up, "Alright, alright! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it to end this way! I just wanted my last taste of freedom before it was all really over!" he admitted, and got up. "I didn't want to have everything stripped from me.. I'm sorry."

"...Shadow's escaped too." Knuckles finally said, breathing before wiping his mouth again.

Sonic's expression completely changed.


"He left the night you were married."


"She couldn't declare war without you, and we didn't want the people to panic... I think... she was protecting your honor."


Sonic's face straightened out from looking up at his friends, a lightning bolt shot through the sky and rain started to descend.

Tails flinched in his fear, before Sonic got up, stumbling.

"...Ready my horse..."

"Wha? You can't be serious!"

"If you leave again, I swear to Chaos, I'll-!"

"Knuckles! Tails! I can't let her go alone!"

The two looked long and hard at him, a look of decision had to be made.

To trust again... or to keep pummeling till justice was satisfied.

"I've made wrongs... but none as bad as this." Sonic admitted, barely able to keep himself up from off the ground.

He was now clutching his shoulder, and held his head down.

"I.. I've never seen her look... so distraught... so upset... so... so hurt and betrayed... I wanted to protect her from those things... I thought making her queen would do the trick... I was wrong. I was jealous of how much they loved her. I wanted an escape. I let her rule and reign so she could make the people happy, and dashed off to make myself happy... if no one could be proud of me, I thought I could at least make myself proud."

He held his head up, letting it lean back as he felt the rain cleaning the sores now on his body.

"I didn't mean to hurt her, I only did it to run. But I've been running my whole life. For once, I need to run for a purpose, for a reason, other than for myself."

He lowered his head again, almost as if ready to collapse.

Tails and Knuckles held their ground...

"I know you two don't believe me. I'm sure it's hard too... with all the awful things I've placed upon you... but please... for Amy's sake... At least let me right this wrong... at least let me beg for forgiveness... before... before it's too late... and I lose the one thing I actually did right." He looked back up at them.

"...Do you love her?" Tails didn't bother to wait, he walked up to Sonic and jabbed his finger into his chest. "Then prove it!"

"All aboard!" Knuckles swung Sonic up on his horse, Wind Rider looked agitated, swaying restlessly back and forth, and whining out from the thundering rain.

"Thank you... both of you. I promise.. I'll never ask anything more of you again." Sonic held the reins with his good arm, as Knuckles 'pfft'd to the side, still upset, as Tails just rolled his eyes.

"Quit lying. It's fair to say you'll be groveling for our help soon enough." Tails smirked, humorously joking before another lightning crashed, and he jolted and clung to Knuckles.

"Wha? Get off of me..!" Knuckles also humorously pushed Tails away, as he then grabbed and clung to his arm, shaking.

"Good luck!" he cried out, before flying as fast as he could to shelter. "Ahhh!"

"Still scared of lightning?" Sonic smiled, addressing Knuckles below him.

"Yeah... but, you have worse things to fear. Like a enraged wife!" He hit the backend of Wind Rider, as it reared and took off. "Don't fail us again!" he cried out, cupping a hand to the side of his mouth as the horse sped off.

His voice trumped the thunder, "Bring her back in one piece! Soooniic!"

"If you do nothing else in this life Amy..." Her father's head gently lay next to hers, as she was still so young, stroking her hair as he comforted her to sleep.

"Marry for love... and love alone."

"But papa, you were demoted..." she frowned.

"Haha... Yes. Best decision of my life! You know why, sweetheart?"

She giggled at her father's funny face, "Why, daddy?"

"Because I got such a wonderful bundle of joy out of it." He kissed her cheek and tickled her, before getting out of the bed and striking a goofy pose.

"And who says Daddy still doesn't got it? Ha! Hyah! Hi-rah! Perfect swing! Look at that!"

"Yay! Daddy! Beat up the monsters!"

"Monsters, you say!? Where!" He spun around, after pretending to hold his hammer and used expert and trained into his muscle memory attacks, began to slay the 'monsters' in the room. "Did I get all, sweety?"

"Emmhmm. All but one!" She jumped up, "Grrr!"

"Why, it's the cutest monster I've ever seen!" Her father pretended to run, as she chased after him.

"Oh, how could I end the sweetest little creature on the Chaos lands!? It would be a shame to even dare!"

"I'm gonna eat you!"

"Oh no!" he stopped, and cringed before the moon outside their window. "I'm.. I'm changing..."

"What are you doing, daddy?" Little Amy giggled.

"Rosy,... Amy dearest... look away... your father is... ahhh!" he pretended to mutate and then grabbed some covers from her bed. "A were-hog!"

"Nooo! Haha!"

"Run, my precious! For you've never seen a monster like this! Ahh!"

"Ahhh! Hahaha!"

They both jumped on the bed and he cuddled up to her close, tickling her before hearing a knock at the door.

"What? At this late at night?" He got up, and turned to Amy. "Alright, sweet one. Just remember, everyone has a true love. The second you find him, you bring him to me for examination, then! You can marry him."

She laughed, "I'm gonna marry Sonic The Hedgehog!"

"Good graces! The King's son!?" Her father exclaimed, but seemed to be half-kidding. "Goodness, doesn't he seem a bit farfetched?"

"I lwove him!" she rolled on her rum, and held her two feet in her hands.

"You lwove him!? Oh, Chaos be it not true! A forbidden love!" He tackled her in another hug, before putting the covers back on and hearing the knock again.

"Coming!" he cried out, "Now darling, stay put. And if it's really royalty your after... huuuu-bahbahbabhabah- Well, if the shoe fits!" he looked down and wiggled his head so that his lips made a weird sound, but shrugged and let his arms flop down, as if saying he wouldn't get in the way.

"But!" he paused before he completely left the door. "If I find out he's truly a monster! I'll never let him have you to wife!"


"No buts!"

Amy pouted, seeing her father leave, before giggling and curling up in her bed. "I will too marry, Sonic! Hehe~ he's no monster..."

Amy's horse scaled the bridge up to the floating landmass of Angel Island.

The storm was beating wildy down on her, her red riding coat flapping in the mighty wind.

She rolled off her horse and stepped to the alter of the great Master Emerald...

By then, the storm was traveling away, and it was a lighter drizzle then before...

"Am I cursed then?" She asked, tears streaking down her face as she held her riding hood-cape tight around waist, trying to keep himself warm.

She was soaking wet... "You took everything... Now you've had my father's worst fear come true..." she fell to her knees. "My worst fear..."

She held her head as she sobbed, "He's... he's good, isn't he? He has to be! He's just changed so much... Oh Chaos... Master Emerald here me... please hear me for once..." she cried at its altar's feet. "Am I to never find true love and happiness? You took my mother's soul when I was born. Then my father's in war... will you... Please! I only pray that Sonic be the man I know him to be! A kind man... a good king! I know he's reckless and causes so many heartaches but... but I know there must be good in him. I've seen it! Why can't I see it anymore!?"

The Master Emerald remained silent and refined, looming above her.

"You... you've watched war... you've seen the abuse of your power... but please... I pray for Sonic's heart to be purified... I pray that the kingdom may yet live in peace... in tranquility... that all the children and their beloved families... may be watched over and fed. All I pray for me is... is that... is that he could love me..." She shook her head, sobbing in the freezing cold grass as the rain finally stopped, but a harsh wind still blowed.

"....I wish the same."

Amy spun around, seeing a figure come out of the surrounding trees and bush, his horse whining as it was following before finding out it was tied next to Amy's.


He gave her a quick glance, a look of pure apology, before turning determined to the Master Emerald. "Please... All I ever do is cause trouble. All I've ever been is trouble! You gave me this birthright, but it must be for some cause! What is it!? I thought I stopped the war, only to begin it again!? I want to be more than the king my father was... I want to be a better king!"

Deep in the libraries of the castle walls, the palace's seven emeralds danced on their pillow, shaking rapidly, before breaking out into the air and swirling around.

"I don't understand why I can't have my way and still keep the peace... I don't get why I can't be free, without having others suffer for it! I want to be loved... I want to save people... I don't want to hurt or torment them for my own will to be done... I just... I..." he looked back at Amy, a hand on his chest, seeing her pain was probably the worst feeling he had ever felt before.

He remembered the feeling of losing his parents, and how awful that was.

He remembered war, and seeing people be slaughtered by Eggman's robots.

He turned back to the emerald. "Please... whatever this heart is... just make it to where it wants to help people... more than myself."

The emeralds shot out through the window, moving so fast that they looked like colored fireballs in the night sky.

Comets slowly began to glow brighter and bigger behind Amy and Sonic, before Sonic looked to see them about to crash.

"AMY!" he jumped and rolled over, as the Chaos Emeralds zoomed at lightning speeds around the Master Emerald, as it glowed a bright and brilliant green.

"S..Sonic.. what's happening!?" Amy asked from beneath him.

"I ... I don't know." He admitted, and got up to walk over to them.

The light and spiraling made him lift an arm up to cover his eyes, but he kept walking closer.

Amy got up, and moved back. "Sonic!" she cried out, worried still for him, even after all that... "Sonic, be careful!"

Sonic reached a hand out, "Please..." he was so sincere in his words... his efforts showed his true heart finally coming through. "You made a barbarian tame... why not me!?"

The emeralds then shot around him at his bold statement, and suddenly he was lifted into the air.


A powerful energy surged through his veins, throughout his body, a spiritual embodiment of.. of...!

He knew immediately what this was from the Chaos Blade...


He cried out,


He swished his hands inward, and a bright golden light shot through the air.

Shadow and Rouge turned, seeing the bright ripple of yellow through the sky.

"What's that?" Rouge asked, turning around and putting her hand on her hip, leaning to the side.

"..." Shadow also addressed it. "I don't know... but it's not good."

Eggman, sitting on his precious stony seat in the middle of nowhere, was eating a fine turkey dinner prepared by his little robot minions, before also seeing the light stream over his glasses like a quickened sunrise.

"Ohhh... ohohohoh! Chaos has chosen a champion!" he cheered, jumping to his feet, and jabbing the air. "So! It's another war you want! It's another war you'll get! Hehehhehehhe~"

The Chaos kingdom and Ark kingdom both also held their gazes to the sky, as many people that night were awoken or saw it scale the sky.

"...Do you think..?" Wave turned to Jet, having a tilted crown on his head, looking a little too big for him to say the least.

"Heh, nah. It's nothing." He gorged himself on food, as Wave then looked to Storm, who looked nervous, twiddling his fingers as they both continued to look outside.

Jet turned, huffed, and continued to face away from it, eating his fill of luxury.

Tails and Knuckles both stepped outside, looked to each other in wonder, and then back at the sky.

"You don't think...?"

"If we didn't kill him... Chaos might." Knuckles folded his arms. "I know that light... It's the same light that purified me..." Knuckles lowered his eyes.

"Ah! You mean!" Tails turned to Knuckles, shocked.

"Emmhmm... someone's been purified..." Knuckles smiled, knowing exactly who that was. "So,... it takes a lady, huh? Hahahahaha!" he billowed a laugh, before turning around and back into the castle. "Sonic's finally going to be himself for a change! A better him! I can't wait to meet this punk... and teach him a lesson! Hmf."

Tails turned again to the light... "A... A Super Sonic..."

Sonic floated in the air, his whole body glowed a brilliant gold, and his eyes a crimson red.

He looked at his hands, before turning to Amy.

"Amy... it's okay... It's Chaos." He explained, and floated down, seeing she had fallen during the transformation. "It's alright. It's not dangerous. I won't hurt you." He outstretched his hand, as she hesitated, looking him over, before nodding and taking it.

He helped her up, and held her a hand a moment, before looking away.


"W..We're you.. purified?"

He smiled, and nodded.

She slowly let out a huge open-grin. "So... you're you... the real you now."

"Yeah." He admitted, before nodding his head again, "I'm me again."

She happily leapt into his arms, "I've been waiting for you!"

He was a little shocked at first, but smiled and pulled her back.

"Hold on.. Amy, I was wondering if... Nah, I'll just say it. I want to redo my vows. If you'll still have me." He nervously looked away, but held her by her waist, as her arms were around his neck.

"Oh, s-sure." Amy tilted her head, already noticing the change in Sonic's demeanor.

"For one, I'm so sorry." He stated, "I should have never-"

"In the past!" Amy put a finger to his lips. "As long... well as long as..." she lowered the finger, and looked away.

"...I vow, Amy Rose... to love you."

She turned around, shocked to hear those words.

"...And the kingdom... and everyone."

They were so close, closer than they'd ever been before.

"You of all people deserve happiness, Amy. And I've been too stupid and blind to see that you were only trying to bring me true happiness too. I'm an idiot. I always have been. But if you'll give me one more chance, I'll never leave your side, or the Chaos Kingdoms. I'll protect the Chaos Emeralds." He turned around, as the two looked back at the shining Master Emerald.

"I'll defend everyone. I'll save the future." He looked back at her. "I'll never disappoint you again."

She couldn't help it, she was beaming from ear to ear, even if he was actually beaming a golden glow, she held a hand up to her mouth and laughed in joy.

"Prayers sometimes... are really answered... huh?" she was still in tears.

Sonic let out a faint chuckle too, and placed his head next to hers. "Amy... You're prayers are always answered."

She giggled.

"I don't think Chaos can deny someone so pure hearted, begging it for peace." He looked behind him, as the Master Emerald's light grew dim, before flashing itself off, almost like a wink.

Sonic winked back, as Amy held him close, and he put his head on top of hers.

"Let's go home."

"Okay... but..."


"You owe me." She looked up, and cupped his face.

His eyes suddenly turned to slight fear, realizing what she meant.

She smiled nervously, and kissed him.

He held his stance, though this energy was very different than the Chaos running through him...

When she parted her lips from his, she nodded in approval. "There, now we're one." She stated, matter of factly.

She blinked her eyes a moment, seeing him not stir.


He shook his head rapidly, "Y-yea-yea-yeah I'm cool-co-co-cool." He looked a little shaken up.

She just rolled her eyes, but hugged him again. "Get used to it~" she chimed.

"Emmhmm..." he nervously scanned whatever was in front of him, and then picked her up. "Alright, we're going!" He called out, and started upward.

"W-Wha-Wait, where!?" Amy held on for dear life, not used to flying!

He flew down and took the branch the two horses were tied to and with one twist of his wrist, broke the mighty branch and flew low so the horses could follow them.

"Home." He stated, and looked back down at Amy in his other hand. "Hold on tight." He leaned closer and whispered to her, as she closed her eyes as he dashed a little faster through the air, the horses barely able to keep up.

That night, when Sonic powered down, Tails was asking an array of questions that Sonic couldn't answer.

Knuckles stated he'd beat him up tomorrow, but asked how the Master Emerald was doing, and about his ticking heart.

Sonic admitted he was purified, and it felt awesome!

And Amy admitted that their second kiss was awesome too, leaving the two to stare at Sonic and secretly mock him when he looked away, slightly blushing.

The two then left as Amy stopped, nearing her bedroom, but was technically, still Sonic's...

Thinking back on her wedding night, her heart sank.

"I.. I'll sleep over here." She started to walk off, as Sonic grabbled her waist and pulled her next to him.

"Where? Our room's over here." He tilted his head in the direction they were walking. "Don't' chicken out now that you've got a taste of me, Amy." He winked.

She blushed.

"Y-you actually want.. to-to... to sleep by me?"

"By you?" his smile held some sort of mischief to it. "Why 'by' you?"

Her face exploded in red.

"Hahaha! I'm only kidding, Amy!" Sonic teased, which made her fall into his arms as he picked her up again, laughing his head off at her reaction.

He laid her on the bed and took off his royal attire, before taking off her soaking coat and then getting into bed.

She blushed again, before looking up and putting a pillow between them. "Night." She turned the other way.

"...Pfft." He took the pillow and jokingly shoved it in her face. "As if!" he wasn't too afraid anymore.

Before, it was because of his selfish pride, but now...

He held her close, pulling her over. "Look, I may never say it but..." he looked away, "I do.. kinda find you..." he then smiled over to her, "Pretty."

"P-pretty?" she was like pudding in his hands.

"Do you forgive me..?" he lowered his head to rest by hers. "Because I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for all my wrongs. Starting with you first."

"...H-how... how do you plan on doing that?" she asked, innocently.

"Oh, I don't know yet, hehe!" he grinned widely, showing his teeth and closing his eyes. "I just know I have too!"

"...You better." She looked away.

He gave her a gentler look, then moved his arms from around her. "Whelp. I'll find my way back into your heart. Goodnight, Amy Rose." Sonic turned his head and got comfy.

The second he thought Amy was asleep, he turned his ear and heard her soft breathing to make sure, he got out of bed and had a panic attack.

He slightly let out a noise of panic, looking at his arms, and then holding himself, and then back to his arms.

He had never held a woman like that before... and it freaked him out how he was even able to say nice things like that and mean it.

Just because his heart was pure, doesn't necessarily mean he likes intimacy now. But boy, that kiss! What a... something!

He got back into bed, but scooted over a little away from her, still nervous.

He eyed her from across the way, then pouted to himself.

'Come on, be a man!' he told himself.

He moved closer and just embraced her from behind.

He closed his eyes...

However, in the morning, the two were spread out each and every which way, in weird positions, snoring at different levels.

Apparently, these two were not used to having someone next to them, and they kicked and shoved and moved each other all night, trying to make space for themselves.

Good thing they didn't notice though! Fast asleep and all.

(Still, this a dawning of a new arch, Change Arch is ended, along with the first real battle with Shadow, but Shadow has returned from imprisionment, bent on hunting down eggman for revenge, then to end the war and finally get back at the Chaos Kingdom! Eggman? Who knows what that mad scientist is up too! Stay tuned! : ) )

(Grabs your hands, and starts swaying, "Kumbaya, My Chaos. Kumbaya...")

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