The One That Understands Me |...

By livluxlapis

131K 4.5K 2.2K

{ Old and ew, read at your own risk!! } "All my life has been heartache. Since when did it become so interest... More

Chapter I - Introduction
Chapter II - Karaoke
Chapter IV - Hulu Night
Chapter V - Halloween Party
Chapter VI - Storm (Pt.1)
Chapter VII - Storm (Pt.2)
Chapter VIII - Concern
Chapter IX - Cupcakes
Chapter X - Sleep
Chapter XI - Thanksgiving
Chapter XII - Snowed In
Chapter XIII - Truth or Dare (Pt.1)
Chapter XIV - Truth or Dare (Pt.2)
Chapter XV - Christmas Eve
Chapter XVI - Christmas Day
Chapter XVII - New Years
Chapter XVIII - The Walk
Chapter XIX - The Park
Chapter XX - Ice
Chapter XXI - Snow Fight
Chapter XXII - The Revisit (Pt.1)
Chapter XXIII - The Revisit (Pt.2)
Chapter XXIV - The Revisit (Pt.3)
Chapter XXV - Ask
Chapter XXVI - Dinner
Chapter XXVII - Night
Chapter XXVIII - In Town
Chapter XXIX - Rides
Chapter XXX - Amusement?
Chapter XXXI - Amusement.
Chapter XXXII - Meet
Chapter XXXIII - Feelings
Chapter XXXIV - Interview
Chapter XXXV - Planning
Chapter XXXVI - Date?
Chapter XXXVII - Picnic
Chapter XXXVIII - Strange
Chapter XXXIX - Grump
Chapter XXXX - Netflix
Chapter XXXXI - Help?
Chapter XXXXII - Help.
Chapter XXXXIII - Dance
Chapter XXXXIV - Baking
Chapter XXXXV - Ask (Pt.2)
Chapter XXXXVI - Water
Chapter XXXXVII - Karaoke (Pt.2)
Chapter XXXXVIII - Knowing (Pt.1)
Chapter XXXXIX - Knowing (Pt.2)
☆ Chapter XXXXX - Love ☆

Chapter III - BBQ

4.9K 120 65
By livluxlapis

~Zane's PoV~

       After the party, it was basically the same routine. Wake up, try and find a job, exist, and then go back to bed. Though, I have to admit, having Garroth and Laurance here does shake things up a bit once in while. Like this morning when Laurance was trying to bake something and ended up using salt instead of sugar. I'm surprised he hasn't already burnt the place down with all the sweets he's been attempting. He's a good cook, I'll give him that, but when it comes to baking, I'm still supreme. I do have the sweet tooth for it.
I was in my room, on my computer, searching for a job. My bank fund was getting low, and rent was coming up.
I might just have to take Aphmau's offer and work at her new maid cafe. I mean, it shouldn't be all bad - just as long as I don't have to wear the horrid maid outfit again in my life. I still have flashbacks of the strange encounter where I switched clothes with Aphmau so she didn't have to be seen in the rather revealing outfit.
I shudder at the thought.
"Gah!" I jump at Garroth's voice startling me awake from my thoughts.
"Oh, geez, sorry baby brother."
"It's fine," I recomposed myself, "but what do you want?"
"Oh, I just wanted to say that we're hosting a small get-together and serving BBQ chicken."
I mentally groaned, responding, "Another 'get-together'? Aphmau's party was about four days ago." I thought I already got enough social interaction for one day, seeing as I said 'hello' to Laurance earlier today.
"Yeah, I know, it's a bit close, but I just really want to take advantage of today, seeing as it's Saturday, and this is usually the day everyone gets off, excluding some people." He giggled out of excitement, smiling his strange goofy smile.
"Okay, but if you don't see me come out of my room, just know I am perfectly fine and will be excluded from the party." I looked back down to what I was working on.
"Oh, c'mon baby bro, it'll be fun. Loosen up for a change. I just want to have fun with everyone here, especially now that you're living with us."
I looked back up at him. "That's the problem I'm trying to fix. I need a job soon or else I won't be able to pay rent."
"Why not just work for Aphmau?" He questioned. "Only thing, though, just please don't put on the maid outfit again. My soul still hasn't been cleansed."
"I'm definitely thinking about working for her. And don't worry. I'm not necessarily eager to do that again." I remember the guys' shocked expressions.
        "I've made up my mind. You're going to attend the party, all the way."
        I almost chocked on the hot coffee I was sipping on. "Uh, no, Garroth I need to work on this."
        "No, what you need to do is stop being uptight. We're going to go buy some things for the party, and when we get back, you're helping us." Garroth left before I could protest. I grumbled.
He doesn't get it. They all don't get it. Life isn't all parties and sunshine you know.
I took another small sip on my warm coffee.
What's important here and now is that I get a job. I am not going to let either of them pay for my part of the rent. I can do this by myself, I don't need them.
I kept searching, for about an hour after they left. With now a headache, I grabbed my coffee cup. There was no longer steam rising from it, like before. It was cold.
Ugh, whatever. This is giving me too much of a headache to continue anyways.
Sluggishly, I dragged myself out of bed to put away my half empty mug. Leaving my computer on, I went downstairs, as just then, I heard Garroth and Laurance enter.
"Oh hi Zane. Ready to help out?" Laurance approached me after setting down the groceries. He leaned an elbow on my shoulder.
"Okay, I get I'm shorter than you but I'm not that short." I grumbled and shook him off, annoyed from my previous mission on my computer.
"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the coffin?" He teased.
"For the last time, I am not a vampire."
He went on still. "Wouldn't be surprised if you were. Pale enough. And you-"
"So, are we going to bicker or are we going to actually set up the 'get-together' or whatever the heck we're doing?" I changed the subject. This wasn't helping the pain in my head.
Garroth's eyes lit up. "You're actually going to help? Awh, thanks little bro." He spread his arms, walking toward me.
"No, no no no," I started walked away, "N-O. No hugs."
Garroth pouted a bit, but he comtinued, saying, "Okay, so I'm thinking about having a barbecue. Laurance, you can be outside, cooking the chicken. I'll set out some chips or something, and get the place overall ready. Zane, you can help me."
        "Alright." We started work on the place, while Laurance was making chicken outside on the grill. I smirked to myself.
Glad he isn't making baked goods or anything like that.

        People have started arriving, so I knew Garroth was going to soon pull me back downstairs. After we finished the house, I went back to my room, switched to a light gray shirt that says, 'Hope You Have A Horrible Day', and then just blasted Melanie Martinez for the next few hours. My room was completely dark, and I had my earbuds in, so I was oblivious to Laurance creeping in my room. The lights flicked on, blinding me in the process. I pulled my blanket over me in an attempt to make it dark again so that my eye could adjust again. I took one earbud out.
        "Told you you were a vampire." I heard a certain annoying voice come from the door.
        "I'm not! You just turned on the lights so suddenly that was my reaction!" I rubbed my eye. "I'm blind enough, thank you."
        "Yeah, with that hair covering half your face, you can't see anything. Now, Garroth told me to come get you, so, let's go One Eye."
        "I told you to not call me that, Little Laurance." I get out of bed once again.
        Laurance chuckled. "I'll stop if you stop calling me that."
        I pretended to think about it, and responded, "Hmm, no, I think I'll just bear the name One Eye." I could hear him grumble behind me, as I passed him, heading downstairs. Aph, KC, Travis, Dante, and Lucinda were already here. Getting bored rather easily, I headed to the couch and sat, turning on the TV, browsing some channels.
"Hey Zane~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan started. "What are you watching?"
        I kept clicking through. "Oh, hey KC. And, I don't know yet. Maybe-"
        I heard a gasp, and then, "Stop!" I did, and it landed on Cartoon Network, and I saw a show I liked. "Kawaii~Chan loves this show!" She squealed.
        "Oh, you like Steven Universe too?" I said.
        "'Too'? Are you saying that you like this show too?"
        "Yeah. It's actually a really nice show." I remember binging season one when it came out fully on Hulu.
She gasped, "You need to have Netflix nights with Kawaii~Chan where we can just binge all of the episodes! Well, I guess it'd have to be Hulu, but still! Kawaii~Chan would have Katelyn~Sama watch it with her, since she likes the show and all, but she always ends up bailing to do something else." Kawaii~Chan whines at the last part.
"I dunno.. maybe, though." I shrugged.
I don't know... I mean, I hardly know the cat-girl-woman-thing, so, wouldn't it be rather strange?
I then heard two hands smack down on the back of the sofa. "So! What are we talking 'bout?" It was the white-haired Casanova, Travis.
"Kawaii~Chan was just telling Zane~Kun how we should have Hulu nights to binge Steven Universe!" The meif'wa explained.
Travis's face changed from calm to excited and intrigued very quickly. "Can I join?"
"Sure! The more the merrier." Beamed Kawaii~Chan.
"Are you gonna be there too, Zane?" Travis asked.
        Why does he care..? I mean, it'd be nice to be around people when there's just about two or three. It'd be a different change of pace.
"Maybe.. I still don't know."
"Awh, but Zane~Kun! You always seem locked up in your room, and the only times you come out are for these parties." KC complained.
Travis finally sat down on the couch beside Kawaii~Chan. "Yeah, I'm going to agree with KC here."
"....Fine." I roll my eyes, only one being visible. "I'll go." Travis and KC cheered. It's almost like they had a plan before. "Where and when is it going to be, then?"
"Hey, that rhymed. And we can have it at Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama's place." The pink haired spoke up. "I'm sure she won't mind, as long as we don't interrupt her sleeping."
"Speaking of which, why isn't she here?" Travis questioned.
"Oh, Katelyn~Sama is probably still at work, so she'll either get here pretty late, or knowing her, not come at all." Kawaii~Chan stated. "You know how lazy she can be. But hey, Kawaii~Chan can't really say anything." I heard her giggle.
        Yeah, because you and Lucinda would seem to always be sleeping from 10pm to 12pm the next day at Love~Love Paradise. I mean I like to sleep, but that's more than half the day.
I kept quiet, though, and mostly listened to their conversation. That's how the night went on, and soon, people started to leave. KC and Travis were basically the only ones here, until KC had to leave as well.
"Remember, Hulu night is at your place on Tuesday." Travis reminded KC just before she headed out the door. The door closed. Travis returned to sit, this time, next to me. Rather too close if you ask me.
         "So I noticed you kinda just sat there listening and didn't really speak." Travis faced me. "Can I know why?"
        The question kind of confused me. "I'm just quiet, I guess." I shrugged.
        "Hm.. not buying it."
        "What do you mean 'not buying it'? That's the response." I retorted, even more confused.
        "You're confused, aren't you?" He said, and I looked at him, nodding.
How can he read me so easily if, literally, the only part you can see of me is my left eye.
        "Well, I dunno. You just seem kind of mysterious, and it's almost like we know nothing about you, other than the fact that you are sarcastic, love black, and love cupcakes and ponies."
        "Hey!" I exclaimed.
        I swear I could hear him chuckle. "Oh, c'mon already everyone knows about you liking My Little Horsies. Plus, you've been the main topic of talk at the parties. Haven't you noticed?"
        "I have?" I'm usually not really talking to anyone, so, I couldn't have possibly known.
        "Yeah you have. Aphmau's kind of the one that started them. She just wants you to be able to feel comfortable with us, considering that you've been with us for some of winter and spring, and basically all of summer." Travis grinned. "And I guess I just got interested too. So did KC, Garroth, Laurance, and more. You know we're always here for you, and we care for you, even though we sometimes may not express it." He realized he was ranting and stopped. "Uh, sorry, got a little too serious there... I should, um, go."
I guess he thought things got a little too awkward, but I was just beginning to get comfortable.
I heard him shift off the couch and towards the door. "Um.." I should say something. "Thanks." I looked up at him, and he just smiled back and waved. Then he left.
I sat there for a while, processing.
Maybe I should just try to have fun once in a while... I suppose it won't hurt. Maybe it'll even do me some good.
"Baby brother!" Two hands slapped down on my shoulders while I sat there.
I nearly jump out of my skin. "Gahh!!" I jump slightly and then squirm, trying to avoid falling down on the floor. "Why would you scare me like that?!" I growled.
I see Garroth and Laurance laughing, barely able to keep themselves from falling. "Sorry.. baby-bro..." Garroth was able to say in between laughs and breaths.
"We just couldn't... help.. ourselves...." Laurance added, making me growl. They took a while before stopping, tear-stained cheeks from laughing too hard.
Garroth finally said, "It's just time to clean up, so we came to get you."
"Oh really?" I raised a brow. "Well, I hope you can do it by yourselves, because after that I am no going to help either of you." I started towards my room.
"But Zane-"
"Nope, good night." I shut my door.
Idiots. Of course they would. Where were they anyways? Probably in their room together.
I chuckle, as that is probably the case. I don't bother to change into pajamas, as I don't have a job to go to tomorrow, so I just take my mask off, and slump into bed. I think over what Travis said to me earlier today, until I let sleep consume me.

Word count: 2268
(I don't know why I made this chapter so long.. *shrugs*)
Ahh, yes, another part! Wow I am on a roll. But, since this week I was on fall break, I was able to get three parts ready. Another reason why I was on a roll is because I do actually have quite a few ~ideas~ planned
*rubs hands together*
School will start again on Monday, soooo I probably can't get parts out very often, just a heads up!
Keep calm and ship on! Bye my little Gems!

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