Lady Killer | Kylo Ren

By stylesdove

23.9K 751 873

Kylo Ren had always struggled to keep the hungry and pesky, darkness inside of him away from the light - but... More



2.1K 84 77
By stylesdove

Silence has its own echo, one too strange to ignore as she furrows her brows and turns back to check what had caused the scuffling sound which she swore that she heard on this quiet morning, but ultimately when she was only faced with her locked door and the empty hallway, she only sighed and reluctantly began her journey to campus.

He had hidden behind the corner of her complex's hallway, waiting for the right time when she would walk out of her apartment with her hands filled with canvasses and portfolios, her arms trembling beneath the weight as she tries to balance her morning coffee above it all.

And although, Kylo really wanted to reach out and become her saviour, he only did what he had come to do and just slipped right between the gap of her open door, which slowly creaked its way to close behind her as she sauntered her way down the hall.

When the door thuds behind him, he grins to himself as the sunlight bursts in through the windows of her apartment and casts upon the pale flesh of his face. Kylo's beloved, conquest had a home which resembled all the other women's homes who he had killed, in her age bracket – it was clean and polished, but there was a slight mess to it which Kylo could never figure out if it was on purpose or not.

She had many ornaments and decorations lining the surfaces and pinned to her white walls, succulents and greeneries were perched upon the windowsill in her kitchen, the window which never gave him a view quite like the one in her studio – where the bitter smell of paint and oil is ever-present in the cracks of her hardwood floors and the tarp beneath her easel resembles the one he kept in the trunk of his car. It was a sturdy sheet of plastic, flexible and viable – the perfect tarp for moving bodies, or for faint attempts at keeping your ruined floors from getting any worse.

Kylo Ren runs his long and trembling finger along the wood of her easel, which held the painting from days ago – she hadn't painted since then, Kylo wondered if it was because she was worried about Alaska, who she messaged everyday.

He chokes a little as he takes in the bounty of her artistry. Her mere sketch was nothing compared to the final product. It took his breath away, the ability she possesses to be able to make such a tangible etching of a figure and yet, it was all in different shades of red – crimson, cherry, ruby, rouge, scarlet, his favourite colour.

He couldn't help but wonder if it was the songbird's which followed her everywhere, who had whispered in her ear that it was his favourite shade, and as he walked out of the room, he thanked those little birds on her windowsill and promised them that he would return the favour, one day.

He would paint her red.

She was everything from his dreamscapes, that is the least he could give to her.

His cruel heart wants what it wants, Kylo has done and will continue to do, everything to make her his own personal sorcery. After all this time, he still can't figure out what she was unknowingly, doing to him but with the baring of more days tearing between them, he only continues to fall harder and more violently for her.

Knowing what he was capable of doing to and with her, frightens his darkness for with a burning and bright intensity, Kylo is determined to prolong his hunger until the right moment – he knows she's attracted to him, he sees it in the innocent way her lips twitch when he coincidentally, keeps crossing paths with her. It was fate, surely she would see that soon too, surely the least she could do was be his muse and allow him to truely see the way her heart would slowly beat a sorrowful tune in his hand.

Her bed is as plush as a wintry blanket of snow, which folds and sinks beneath him, although he can still smell the flowery scent beneath the cascade, the very rose of her shampoo. He smiles into her pillows and cocoons himself in her silky sheets as he recalls the natured spirit he captured in the gleam of her eyes, yesterday morning on her way home from campus.

She was courageous, adventures and liked the same type of coffee that he enjoyed. She was a bit wary of him at first but he can see why – it's such a gratifying coincidence that they had brushed paths four times in only eight days – but after a scant few moments later, the formidable power sparked in the desire which they held for one another.

Yes – she was slowly creeping her way into his tender claws, and Kylo's yearning at the knowledge of her yearning was enough to sedate his darkness for a while longer as it fed his off arrogance instead.

He moaned into the scent of her sheets as he curled his hand around his throbbing craving. His eyes burning straight into the high ceiling above him, which became incredibly dark as he rolled the brown of his dilated orbs to the back of his head and climaxed.

Kylo Ren loved her, he truely did. She was nothing compared to the usual scum of the Earth and air, she was beyond anything he had ever laid his hooded eyes upon.

Her beaming, slick light ate away at his darkness. It devoured his intellect, his reasoning, his passion and loyalty. She was the brightest part of his life and yet, Kylo was struck blind by her as if she was a deep, midnight crescent.

He wipes his residue upon her pillows, hoping that she could smell him the same way he smelt her now but he unwillingly, pulls himself out of her warm sheets and inspects her ensuite bathroom, which enticed him with the dirty clothes that hung on the side of her hamper. He burrowed his face in the sweater she wore, the second time he had walked up to her – to which, she pretended as if he was a stranger before falling into the trappings of his handsome nature, once again.

He tests out her faucets, listening to the way she would hear the water clash against the porcelain of her vanity. He brushes his teeth with her toothbrush, needing to taste her brand of paste, folding into the reveire that it was the invasion of her tongue with that minty tang, instead of wood and bristles.

But what truely captures him entirely, is the slight shimmer of the silver necklace which was curled around her mouthwash, Alaska's name forging straight into his un-guilty conscience. He picked it up carefully with a delicate hand, watching the way his reflection slightly wavered in the cursive of the silver – it was strange, there were no photos of Alaska upon the walls of her home, but she wore her name upon her heart everyday. She must have forgotten to put it on this morning – but never shall she worry, Kylo will fix that.

The necklace sinks to the bottom of his coat pocket, the pocket which has the fabric of her underwear, twined around his fingers as he walks through the busy courtyards.

She's a quick walker, which is great because it means that she's an even faster runner – and the chase of his victims, always seems to make the thrill more exciting. He loves the way her shoulders are held high and her spine is straight as she pushes through the crowd of the campus, it shows him that she must know just how grand she is and just how beautiful she is to him.

But she didn't know exactly what she did to him, as he scoops his hand out of his pocket and to the ground behind her, calling out for her to wait, for when she turns around, the world seems to shift and lock into an enchanting glow around her, as if the crown and parting of her soft, flowery hair were haloed by the Almighty above, Himself.

Kylo's lips twinge when he realises that when he dies, she won't be in Hell waiting for him, but joining whichever power had created her into such an exquisite and fair, mortal. Though, when she grins from ear to ear upon him, he smiles too.

"You, again?" She said with a delighted gleam.

Kylo fakes surprise at her presence, furrowing his brows and chuckling, "Ah. It's you." He exclaims with a sarcastic tone.

She clings her portfolio against her chest with her dainty hands, which are covered in various paints, although the collar of her shirt – the one she wore that night as he watched her through her window – is stained a deep red.

He swallows at the slight peeking of her collarbone but she draws him out his inquest of longing as she says, "And, how can I help you today, Kylo Ren?"

A mouthful, but I think that I love it – And she did, so she made sure to speak it to him, whenever she could. Oh, how he loved her.

Kylo Ren's coat pocket suddenly feels as if there is a brick inside of it, instead of the feathery weight of her underwear which he had plucked out of her hamper, only a few hours ago – But he shakes his head and the sinking feeling away as he laughs lightly and protests, "Actually..." He said with a slight raise of his eyebrows as he sprung the silver necklace before her perfect face, "I think that you're the one in need of help today. You dropped this, only a few paces back."

Her soulful eyes cross onto the silver as the bright orbs of a cartoon character's would when they focus on a chest of gold – and her face falters for a moment, whist she twinkles her fingers to the flesh of her naked neck, only for her mouth to widen and a cheery gasp to erupt.

"Oh!" She beamed, extending her palm for the necklace to which Kylo hesitantly hovered the silver above the flesh, "Thank you! I didn't even realise."

He chuckles meekly to himself and shakes his head, "No worries. Here, let me." He offers, using his other hand to motion for her to turn around, to which she gives him that adoring smile of her's and does what he commands.

He clamps his jaw tight and bites the inside of his cheek open, as she brushes her hair to one side over her shoulder and he wants to extend a finger to run it down the tip of her spine which moulds beneath the flesh of her nape, but ultimately, he just lifts the necklace above her head and then lowers it in-front of her, to only pull it back and slowly, clasp the locking shut.

Even now when he licks his lips as she turns back to him, he can taste the succulent perfection of her pale, soft flesh, he can faintly mistake the blood of his own, for her's.

He wants to feel the scratch of her nails on his shoulders and the bite marks of her teeth on his chest. It was totally, unfair how she brought a sense of savagery into his life, even though his life was one that should be put behind bland bars.

"Thank you again, Kylo Ren." She nodded with a subtle smile and eyes that spoke of something more as she slowly began to turn on her heel and walk away – but just as his broad shoulders dropped and he sighed a breath he didn't realise that he was holding, she turned back around swiftly, as if she was fighting an internal battle not to, but she couldn't help herself around him.

"Kylo?" She asked in a tone which had become his new, favourite song.

He picked up his face from his shoes and turned his eyes back to her, surprise evident in the honey-brown, "Y-Yeah?" He stuttered with hope, as if he was a twelve year-old boy, once again.

"There's this frat party on Friday night – Matty Declan's birthday, heard of him?" She uttered as her left shoe began to graze on the pavement in sudden nerves.

She's absolutely wonderstruck by his dark and mysterious lingering, with that small smirk of his and the deep richness of his stunning eyes. She waits for him to respond, but like always, he seems to be captured by the own monologue inside of his head for a slight second, but the constant reservation about him only pulled her further into his enigma.

Matty Declan. Although, Kylo never went nor is way too old to be in college, he knows exactly who that is. He was a young man with too much personality, which matched the golden style of his messy hair. He had seen him a couple of times as he stalked Alaska Black, they seemed close – And Kylo hated him nearly as much as he hated Alaska, with his constant need for attention and dilated eyes of whichever pill he had decided to pop that morning.

"Yeah." Kylo Ren hums.

She smiles and nods, of course he knows who Matty Declan was, he was the most popular person on campus, "Well..." She started, a timid smile stretching upon her face as she only clings onto her portfolio as if it was a raft to save her from a refusal, if it were to come.

She swallows and sighs, rolling her eyes as the scarlet begins to flush upon her face, "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" She asks before the words get caught in her throat and leave her standing before him, like some sort of idiot would – she thought.

Kylo's heart nearly pounces through his chest and devours her whole at the opportunity. All these days, spent watching her and plotting how to pull her into his trap, had been torn out of his blueprints as he came unprepared to her invite. Silence ensures the two of them as his hands begin to tremble and his blood burn within his veins.

She cuts the quiet short and stammers beneath his dazed stare, "You don't have to hang out with me all night, I don't mind if you ditch me for your friends but–"

"I'd love to go with you." He injects with a quick nod.

She watches the way the pink of his tongue pokes out between the gape of his rosy lips and glistens the bottom one in the most, tantalising way – She gulps but when his words truely sink into her, that smile of her's returns with a vengeance.

"O-Oh." She stutters and then laughs at her own nerves, "Cool."

Hell – She made him weak in the knees. Kylo cannot believe that this was truely happening. Sure, all of his female victims were easy to lure, but her? She had no reason to desire someone as bleak as him compared to her everlasting glow.

All he can recall as he looks to the softness of her face, is the way she sways her hips to the music in her studio as she paints with those creative hands, her silhouette sliding and rolling upon the whiteness of her walls, which he had scraped his fingers upon, only this morning.

"Cool." He chimes.

Her brightness appeals to him in ways unlike any other, reflects against his void and lights a fire within his soul, heart and loin. He calls to the optimism wedged in his soul to silence the cries of hunger, much like the way she calls to his darkness.

He adored the way she laughed when she was nervous and can't help himself but to secretly take a whiff of that rose scent of her hair as she wrote her number on the back of his large hand, whilst his other held her portfolio for her as her little hands trembled around the blue pen.

She clicks the lid of the pen on and grins to him, wiggling her brows with excitement, "See you Friday."

He nodded as he handed her back her portfolio, even though there was a sudden urge to sprint away with it instead. He chuckles low, "Meet you here?" He asked, even though he could meet her at her apartment instead – he already knew the address and where she kept the plates.

"Sure." Was all she said, with a nod and a soft biting of her lip.

He wished it were him biting her lip instead. How defecting to his cruel intentions, the sudden way he permitted her to try to demolish the darkness within him, without even knowing what she was doing to him.

He smirked to her ray of light, the beacon in his life of darkness as he nodded and repeated her immature vocabulary, "Cool."

Days and days of watching, stalking and hunting, it seemed that Kylo Ren was suddenly the prey in which, she had captured and cooed to do whatever she would ask. He was the dangerous wolf, with a stomach crumbling and churning in starvation, she was the blood moon in which he howled to.

She pulled the tides her way, only to cluelessly, thrash them upon him and wish to wash upon the gnarling evil which lived in the sharpness of his teeth. Kylo knew just what she was doing to him and like a wolf, her luminescence only made him more insane, but he didn't mind if he became totally deranged beneath the light – so long as it was her's.

She flicked her hair over her shoulder and he caved beneath the sweetness of her perfume as she mimicked him too, "Cool."

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