Ebony Mist -Original

By ElfyTheRinger

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To save her people from a plight of darkness, ten year old Alaura promises herself to a mysterious dark Druid... More

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Intro: The Promise
Part I: Power of Muse
Part II: Mirror and Anger
Part III: To My Master's Manor
Part IV: Xi
Part VI: Canvas Blood
Part VII: Runaway Kitten
Part VIII: Dungeon Dread
Part IX: Escape The Darkness
Part X: Floating Stars
Part XI: Calm Before the Storm
Part XII: Hurricane
Part XIII: The Price To Pay
Part XIV: Shaman Art
Part XV: The Library
Part XVI: Strength of Kiss
Part XVII: Trespasser
Part XVIII: The Ride
Part XIX: Fog of Loneliness
Part XX: The Army of Everim
Part XXI: Prepare for Siege

Part V: Dinner

90 10 2
By ElfyTheRinger

When Alaura turned to look at the entering druid, she was expecting black robes and a face covered in stringy hair and a deep cowl. Instead a completely different sight came to her. The strange shadowy figure from before had been replaced by a man. The cloak was gone, revealing his form. Tall and broad shouldered with a strong chest and pleasantly stalky figure. He wore a black shirt with billowed sleeves, pale hands gloveless. The shirt was covered in a vest covered in fine embroidery. Trousers, and knee-high boots. His hair was combed and held back in a pony tail, showing to go beyond his shoulders. Though there was a lock loose enough that it came forward and covered a portion of his face. The part of his face that was always covered. But in the firelight, what she could see, was more handsome than she remembered. Strong, clefted jaw covered in a fine layer of black beard, prominent nose, with sunken cheeks, and dark, emotionless eyes. He looked not two years older than Alaura, yet she knew this wasn't true, for this was the same face she saw ten years ago. It hadn't changed at all.

"You're here early," Xavier commented, watching Alaura's expression. "I was surprised to hear you come in. Are you hungry already? I suppose we may go ahead and eat."

He walked around to the other side of the table, taking his seat, and leaving Alaura standing there, watching him. His dark eyes looked up at her. "Well? Sit."

Alaura nodded, and swallowed down the lump in her throat and wished the knots to leave her stomach. How could someone so dark be so beautiful? The question wouldn't leave her mind as she sat down at the place across from him.

"Who made this? I haven't seen any servants. I haven't seen another living thing here aside from the horses and Xi," Alaura said, placing a napkin on her lap and picking up her utensils just as Xavier did.

"You've seen Xi?" the black druid asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes, I have. He just... appeared next to me while I was in my room," Alaura admitted. "Said he was just curious about me."

"Sounds like Xi," the druid said with a nod as he started to eat. Alaura followed suite and they ate together in silence, the only sounds being the crackle of the fire and the clinking of utensils on plates. Finally, the druid spoke. "As for who made it, I did. There are no servants, not proper ones anyway. The kind of servants I have are not cooks or maids, but different kinds for different things."

At his words, Alaura was both surprised and confused. The lamb was delicious! But this made a question come to her mind. "What is it that you do, exactly?" she asked sheepishly, sinking back when he glared up at her.

"I do a great many things, for what I can do is only limited by how much I know, and how powerful I am. But I would suggest you never ask that question again," he said in a steely voice that caused Alaura to look down with a nod. She had another questions, but didn't ask it, simply continued eating her food.

To her surprise, the food was delicious. Perfectly cooked, and seasoned in such a way that brought out the flavor and caused her mouth to water even as it seemed to melt on her tongue. Even the meat went down so smoothly and shocked her mouth with its flavor. For awhile this was all she focused on, momentarilly forgetting the darkness around her and focusing only on the food. Thirsty, she reached forward and take the ornate goblet and brought its rim to her lips to be pleasantly surprised with rich red wine.

That's when she looked back up at the druid, who she found to be staring at her intently. Uncertain, she put the cup down and patted her lips with a napkin before looking back down at her place of food, now half eaten. Then the druid's deep voice spoke up.

"From now on you will be supplied with painting supplies and canvases. But these are not for casual use. The reason you are here is for your power, so use it. Experiment with it, find your limits. See what you can make or change, within reason," he told her. The way he voiced it caused a lump to rise in Alaura's throat, which she swallowed down. Her mind went back to her moment of anger with her mother. When fire and horse lifted from the paintings, creating chaos.

"No," she said it before she realized she had. "I won't use my power." She wanted to paint, she so badly wanted to. It was one of the ways she escaped. But not if it meant something disasterous like that would happen again. Daring to look up, Alaura met with the red scrutinizing gase of the black druid.

"No? You are out right defying me already?" Xavier growled, watching her intently. "That is why you're here. Why I had you come. And I am even being lenient and giving you the freedom to choose how you experiment and what you paint."

"I-it's not that," she said in a small voice, starting to shakep. Xavier stood abruptly.

"It's not that? Then what is it?" he demanded, the whole room suddenly growing dark.

"I had set fire to my room the night of the ball! And a frantic horse into the castle, causing who knows how much chaos. In my anger I caused such horrible destruction! I can't have that happen again! I won't let it! I hadn't even meant to do it, it just happened. Please, don't make me do it!" Alaura cried, tears springing to her eyes and threatening to fall from her face. The druid was silent, regarding her for a long moment, but the anger never leaving his eyes.

"Then I must show you something," he insisted, "we're done eating, you're following me."

He left the table and started walking towards the door he had entered through, stopping on the threshold and turning to wait for Alaura. She hesitated, but rose, and bowing her head, followed him down the dark passageway.


There's nothing like a relaxing dinner with a handsome man... wait what? Relaxing? Well, at least he's handsome ;)

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