
By luescris

1.9K 120 42

Ten years has passed without any excitement. Eggman has died, so our lives were pretty peaceful. Or at least... More

Chapter Zero
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

143 10 8
By luescris

A/N: I think I should stop doing these for two reasons: 1. It's a waste of words. 2. I don't think anyone reads them. So yeah, enjoy the chapter.


"Boss! They're here!" Dart cried as we entered a room.

Apparently, all the doors were like secret doors, because all we passed were literally secret doors. Territory had ooed and ahhed at almost everything that looked unusual or techy that we passed.

But I guessed it was a geek thing, and shrugged it off. Tails would've probably done the same thing. But that was if he was there with us.. And he wasn't. Which was a painful thought, so I kept it to myself and stayed silent.

A tigress sat at a desk in a dark room full of file organizers and other things I never knew existed. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You must be the outsiders." She said, standing and holding out her paw to me.

I shook it awkwardly. Wasn't really expecting her to be so... Cheery.

Once she was done shaking our hands, she sat back down at her desk and motioned to three seats. "Please. Sit. Dart, you may leave."

The cat nodded and left.

"So," The tigress said. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Boss. I am the leader of this entire orginization." She frowned. "Unfortunately it doesn't have a name, but we've dealt with it."

I gave Amy a look of confusion.

Boss waved her paw dismissively. "Yes I know. Anywho enough stalling. Show me the chip."

I slowly brought it out to let her see it.

She placed a hand under her chin. "At least it's safe. But the question is, how did you get it? We put a very talented gaurd for it's protection. How did you get it?"

"A girl gave it to me. She said something about protecting it from someone--who we now know as Glitch--and then died right after we brought her to a hospital."

Boss' face was still unreadable. "I see." She sat back into her chair and folded her hands, finally turning her gaze to us. "That girl was the gaurd we placed. It is... Very unfortunate that we lost her. She worked closely with Dart as well. You can imagine they were close."

Shoot. I thought guiltily.

"You realize we must tell him the news. Dart is very keen to things like secrets. He'll snoop them out eventually." She gave a small smile. " If you would like, I will tell him for you."

I looked at Amy. She had guilt in her eyrs as well. "... Sure." Was my response.

Boss nodded. "Very well. I shall have you all escorted back to your world. If you don't mind.." She held out her hand expectantly.

I held the chip out to her slowly. Boss picked it from my hand, then gasped and let it fall. I caught it quickly.

"It... Shocked me." Boss said, rubbing her hand slowly while staring at the chip.

"Same thing happened to Dart. Which was why he dragged us here." I replied. "He thinks the chip's got a mind of its own."

"With a chip more powerful than Glitch himself, it very well might have one. And for whatever reason it seems to like you."

Figured that out already, thanks. I thought.

Boss sat back into her chair. "Then in that case, I think I should let you all stay here in the orginizations' walls. You'll be safe here."

"No. Not happening." I replied stubbornly. "We've wasted enough time here thank you very much."

"We have lives back in Mobius," Amy added. "Friends who'll be worrying! We can't just leave them to worry!"

"I am sorry. But it is essential that you listen. Your and our worlds are in danger, and we are close to putting our plan into action again."

"But--" I began.

"In order to do that, we need the computer chip. Noone else can touch it except you. I will not allow it out of my sight." She pressed a button on her desk. That told me the conversation was over.

Territory pushed her way through Amy and I. "Look, we don't want anything to do with this world. We--"

"You will be escorted to the weapon room. There you'll recieve your activations for your weapon bands." Boss inturrupted. "Good day."

A green Pixel creature came in and stared at us. Guess we had no choice but to follow it.

"Guess we have no choice..." I mittered.

The door shut when we left.

We followed it down the black hallway, footsteps echoing down the hallway and reflections in the ground and walls. I felt like I was walking on water, which sent a chill through my body. An gray dog waited for us with no emotion.

"Guessing you're here for activations." He said. "This way."

Another door opened and led us into a room full of small chips that floated in midair arround us.

It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Amy began to reach for one, a glint of wonder in her eyes, but the dog stopped her. "Don't touch them!! They'll choose you!"

She jerked her hand away.

"Just wait." He looked up at the room.

So we all waited. I noticed one making its way to Amy, glowing pinkish. She looked at me. I shrugged. She reached out her hand and the chip dropped into it, its green surface changing pink.

The same happened to Territory, except she handled the technology as if it was a child, gently and with awe. As if she's recognized it before. I looked around for mine. I didn't see one.

"Uhm," I voiced. "Where's mine?"

The dog looked over at me. "You already have yours. The Computer Chip. As long as it lets you keep it, it's yours to use."

"So.... What do we do with them..?" Territory asked in a whisper.

He smiled. "The square slot in the middle of your weapon bands are where you put your bands in. You just put them in there, and it will do the rest."

Amy rose her arm and put her chip in. She gave a gasp when it sparked pink, and her hand began to glow. One by one, pixels came to form a handle of a weapon. It climbed and connected, until it was the shape of a Piko Piko Hammer. More specifically, her hammer.

She blinked at it with awe, seeming to way it in her hands. "This... Is a strange world..."

I looked at Territory. I jumped when seeing the weapon she had: A small double-sided axe, which was white. She slowly looked up at me with wide eyes. "Woah....."

"What about you, hedgehog?" The dog said. "What's your weapon?"

I looked at my weapon band. I didn't understand why, but something made me hesitate. Something told me it was wrong. But I pushed it aside, and plugged the Chip in.

A sharp pain went through my wrist like electricity going through my hand, making it clench with pain. I saw blue lines form on my glove, pain increasing as it glew and formed. I grit my teeth and held my wrist, trying to hold in the pain.

Then it stopped. The lines faded with the pain. I felt a heavy object in my hand and rose it to see a sword, curved at the edge and glowing blue. I blinked at it, then back up at the dog. He stared at it with wide eyes.

"Sonic..?" I turned to Amy. "A-are you.. Okay?" She seemed frightened, a few steps away from where I thought she was.

"Yeah." I gulped. "Yeah I'm fine. I just... I don't know what that was."

"It's nothing. That happens with others." The dog said.

"Then why are you staring at it like it's gonna kill you?" Territory asked.

He hesitated on answering, keeping his wide gaze on tbe sword. "Because. That's the exact same sword Glitch has. The exact same replica..."

I stared at the sword, suddenly not so excited about my new weapon.

◻🔲◼◾◽Normal POV

Glitch watched the floating holographic films around him with a slight frown. They were videos of the outsiders that had just arrived, that had recieved their activations. Black Pixel creatures stood at the far end of the room.

Tails stood beside him, fear and guilt on his face, trying to keep his tears from falling to make himself look strong next to his newly found enemy while mentally scolding himself.

"You did good work, fox." Glitch said finally. He turned to him slowly. "But I am unsure about one thing. Why?"

Despite his fear, Tails responded bodly, "So we can go home. I want to go back to my friends and help defeat you and your stupid army!!"

Glitch flickered again for a second, as if pondering what he said. When he recovered, he had a sly grin across his face. "My dear Tails," He sauntered towards him. "Don't you remember our little agreement earlier?"

"I didn't agree to anything." Tails snarled back.

Glitch chuckled. "Well then, I guess I'll have to kill your friends right here and now then. I have that power. And I will use it."

"No!" Tails cried when he began to turn away. "No! I won't allow it!"

"Then you will do what I say, when I say it. You will be my puppet, and I your master." He bent into Tails' face. "Do you understand?"

Tails stared back for a second. Then he looked away and shut his eyes, grit his teeth, and clenched his fists. More tears seemed to build.

Glitch smirked triumphantly. "Good puppet." He rose and looked at the Pixel Creatures. "Take him to the Deactive Rooms. Make sure he doesn't try to escape. If he does, give him what he deserves."

The Pixels floated towards Tails and grabbed his arms. He began to protest loudly as he was dragged away, his voice echoing around the room until the door hissed closed.

"Mortals. They're like toys." Glitch chuckled. "Soon, the Chip will be mine."

The Pixels threw Tails into the cell door carelessly and wordlessly. A loud crack came from his arm as he landed in an uncomfortable position.

They left just as suddenly, leaving the fox in the room to himself. He cradled his arm on the ground in a feeble position. Pained whimpers escaped his throat like a wounded pup. He looked up at where the ceiling would be with tears in his eyes.

"S-sonic..." He gasped, tears finally falling. "I... Am so... So-sorry..."

He curled up on the floor, wrapping his tails around himself tightly, and sobbed.


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