Behind the scenes ( A Demi Lo...

By newuseridk

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Valerie King has it all... She may only be 15 years old but she is one of the most famous and successfull act... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

1.6K 64 9
By newuseridk

Valerie's POV

Whatever it takes! She's gonna help me...whatever it takes...Wow. It actually sounds like she cared. Does she? Can I trust her? I really don't know. Nobody ever gave a shit about how I was, so why would she? This whole situation was just confusing. And another question popped into my head: Do I want to get better? Not really... and what if she tells somebody?

"Please don't tell anyone, Demi. I don't want the world to know what a freak I am"

"Valerie you are NOT a freak, okay? And I'm not gonna tell your secret. Recovering with the public watching you is terrible"

"Thank you" I blurted out and hugged her.

She put her arms around my body and I felt something I've never felt before. I felt save. This is a complete new feeling for me... and I loved it.

"Okay, so at first you're gonna give me your blades" Demi commended "Where are they?"

"Umm...okay. They're in my handbag" I said. There is NO way I'll give all of them to her. Maybe one or two but I really have to cut every now and then.

She grabbed my bag and went through it. After around one minute she had found the two blades that I had in there. Little did she know that I had a whole collection of these at home.

"This is gonna be very hard. But I know you can do this Valerie" she wiped my tears away. I nodded although I knew that there was no fucking chance that I was gonna stop cutting. I just needed it

"What are you doing the next two weeks?" Demi asked.

"We'll start shooting the pilot for my new TV-show"

"Okay...Is your mom still on holiday?"

Valerie:" Yes. She won't come back until the 20th"

Demi:"The 20th? In 18 days? You're can't stay alone for that long, especially not in your state"

I really do not like where this is going...

Valerie:" It's okay. I'll be on set from 5AM to around 11PM anyway. I won't be alone that long and actually I would only be alone for 14 days since the next auditons are in two weeks"

Demi:"No that's not okay. Who knows what you could do to yourself within those 6 hours. It's my duty, as a responsible adult, to make sure you're being looked after"

Oh no...please don't suggest what I think you're about to suggest.

Demi:"You're gonna stay with me" 

Valerie:"No Demi. I'll be fine on my own. But thanks for the offer"

Demi:"Oh hunny...That wasn't an offer. You'll stay with me. Pointe"

Valerie:"Pointe? You mean punto"

Demi:"Can't speak spanish..."

She won't change her mind...Dang it. I guess I'm stuck with her for 18 fucking days.

---------------------------- back in L.A.------------------------------

 After we landed we went to my house first so I could pack some of the things I'll need. When we arrived I headed to my room. Demi waited downstairs in the living room.

I emptied my suitcase and put fresh clothes, make-up, a book and, of course, blades in it. But I obviously hid them...just in case.

I heard Demi's voice yell "Are you done? Ready to leave?"

"Yes. Just one minute" I answered and made my way to her.

Demi:"Got everything you need?"

Valerie:"I think so"

Demi:"Great. Let's go"

 We then drove to her apartment. It was really fancy but at the same time cozy.

"Make yourself a home" Demi smiled and let herself fall on the couch. She patted with her left hand on the couch, telling me to sit next to her. So that's what I did.

Demi:"When do you start shooting the show?"

Valerie:"Tomorrow mornig at 5 I have to be on set. They'll sent a driver but I guess I should call and say that he has to come here"

Demi:"No no no. Tell them I'll drive you"

Valerie:"You do know that that means getting up at around 4 AM, right?"

Demi:"Yeah I do. I used to be on a TV-show myself...I'm used to waking up that early"

Valerie:"Okay...I guess"

Demi looked at her watch and said "It's already 9 PM. You wanna head to bed or have dinner first?"

Valerie:"I take the first option" Obviously..."Since I already got the get up in a couple of hours"

Demi:"Okay. Let me show you your room" She led me to the guest bedroom. It was very nice.

"I suggest you should call the people who sent the driver and tell them I'll drive you. Have a good night Val" She hugged me and left the room.

 I made the call and then decided to hid my blades. I brought four. One in my shoe, 2 in my make-up bag and the other one landed under the matress of the bed. Although I felt the urge to cut, since I let Demi find out my secret, I decided not to and go straight to bed. Because I had a really long day infront of me. After changing into my pyjamas and the rest of the routine I fell asleep immediatley.

 -------------------- 4 AM ----------------------

I was awoken by the alarm of my phone. First day of shooting my TV-show...which still doen't have a name. I was really excited because I had amazing co-stars. But I still had no idea who was going to play Preston. Ugh...I had to know because Preston is going to be my character's love interest and I seriously wanted to know who I had to kiss in a couple of weeks... I guess I'll find out later.

After showering and the other stuff people usually do in the mornig I heard a knock on the door. It opened and Demi stood infront of me...obviously...who else could it be?

Demi:"You ready? It's 4.30 AM...Time to leave"

Valerie:"Yes. Let's go"

I quickly grabbed my hand bag and the script for the show which I also brought here with me. We went to the car. The ride was an uncomfortable silence. When we arrived I thanked Demi for driving me and was about to get out of the car when she suddenly grabbed my arm .

Demi:"Promise me you're not gonna do anything to yourself"

Valerie:"I promise" I wasn't too sure about that though. When I had to cut then I cut. It's that simple. Demi seemed fine with my answer and let go of my arm. We said goodbye and I enterd the studio.

As soon as I walked through the door I was surrounded by the crew greeting me and asking how I was. Jeff the director walked up to me.

Jeff:"Hey Valerie. How are you?"

Valerie:"Great and you?"

Jeff:"Me too. Just a little tired. Nobody should be up this ungodly hour. But we've got a lot to do so...Whatever you wanna meet the lucky boy who gets to play Preston?"

Valerie:"Sure" Finally!!!!

Jeff and I went to his office. Jeff opened the door and reveald Zachary Storm....

Oh god...Not that I don't like him because I really do but it's just that the media already thinks we're dating although we only met once...what's gonna happen now that we would hang out with each other all the time? I felt the panic rise inside of me... I always got anxious because of rumors.

"Hey Valerie. Nice to see you again" His voice snatched me outta my houghts.

"Hi Zachary. What's up?"

"Call me Zach. I'm very that I finally got to see you again" Is he really trying to flirt with me?!? I felt myself blushing...

I'm not that good in stuff like could I be? All I did my whole life was working. There was no time for things like flirting.

My panic grew every second... The press is going to make my life a living hell...actually it already is...but it could be worse. As soon as they see me and Zach together... I-i-i needed to cut! But I promised Demi that I won't! But I had to...

"Would you excuse me for a minute?"

A/N: Hey people of the internet !!!! I know...this chapter sucks. But I finally finished writing all the stupid tests at school...for now So I've got more time to write my stories.

I was thinking about starting 2 new fan fictions. 1) Fith Harmony and 2) One direction. What do you guys think? Yes or No?

If you have an idea for this or my other stories (Please check them out) then let me know :)

Please Comment and Vote :D

Love y'all <33

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