Chapter 7

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Valerie's POV

After I made sure the door was locked, I sat down on the floor because I didn't want to gat any blood on the couch. In the back of my head I thanked Demi for bringing my purse because that's where I hid my blade. I opened it and threw everything out. Make up, phone, charger, money, note, book but no blade. What the hell? Wait a second...note? I was quite sure that the note wasn't in there this moring. I decided to open it:

Dear Valerie,

I just wanted to let you know that I went through your bag and found your blade. Please don't be mad at me for doing that but I just wanted to make sure you can't hurt yourself. Since you're reading this, I guess you were looking for your blade 'cause you wanna cut, right?Just know that you're beautiful and there are different ways to deal with this situation.

Love ya,

Demi xx

I wasn't exactly sure if I was mad at her or not. Usually I would freak out if I couldn't cut but for some reason I was pretty calm. Weird...I-I-I don't even know why I'm feeling like this. Maybe because Demi was right and there was another way to cope with this. I sat there in silence until I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and opened it. Jeff, who was now standing infront of me said:" Table read starts in 5 minutes. I wanna make sure everyone's there on time" I stepped out of the dressing room and walked with him towards the table read room.

"Sooo..." he started "Are the rumors true?" I tensed up.

Valerie:"What rumors?"

Jeff:"About you cutting?"

Valerie:" No, of course not! I was backstage at X-Factor auditions and fell. If I had would've hurt myself I would've covered it up more carefully"

Jeff:"Makes sense...I guess. But it's all over twitter. It's still a trending topic. And I hope you know that interviewers and paps are going to ask you about it"

"Yeah,,,I know"

Jeff:"Soo... Here we are" we entered the room "Hey guys, everyone please be quiet for a second. This is Valerie. Well, y'all know who she is but whatever. I'll be in my office if you need anything"

Then he left and we started the table read. And that's what we did for the rest of the day. Well, we did have a couple of breaks in between but I was damn happy when we were finally allowed to leave. On the two table read days we're always done at 6 PM, I seriously didn't know that. Before leaving I wanted to say goodbye to Jeff. While I was approaching his office door I heard a familiar laugh coming from the room. What the...? I was about to knock when the door opened. Infront of me stood Demi.

"Oh hey, Val" she chirped.

Valerie:"Ummm... what are you doing here?"

Demi :"I'll tell you in the car" she grinned.

Valerie :"Okay then. Just wanted to say bye, Jeff"

He returned my goodbye and Demi led me to her car. After we were both sitting in it she turned her head to me, still smiling like an idiot.

Demi :"So, you're probably wondering why I was talking to Jeff. Well, I came here to pick you up and he recognized me because we've worked together before. Then he asked me...if...drum roll please...if I wanted to play one of the main characters on the show"


Demi:" I'll play Quinn, your character's older sister, right? The actress, who was planned on being Quinn, got pregnant and Jeff thought I would be perfect for the role"

Ohh no...working with Demi means not being able to hide anything. She's gonna watch me like a hawk.

Valerie :"That explains why Quinn's lines were read by a guy from the catering service"

Demi :"Yeaaah...And the best thing is that I can look after you and help you even more!"

Valerie :"If that is the best thing I really don't wanna know what the worst one is"

"Val...I know you don't wanna have me around 24/7 because you wanna hurt yourself without being interrupted but if you were in my position you would understand. Oh and did you get my note?" Demi sighed.

"Yes, I did. Never do that again. Going through my stuff I mean" I hissed.

Demi: "As long as I can't trust you I have to"

She then started the engine and drove off. We arrived at her apartment half an hour later. After we were inside and our shoes were taken off Demi asked :"What do you want for dinner?"

"I don't really think I'm hungry"

Demi :"Why not?"

Valerie :"I don't know! How should I know why I'm not hungry? It's not something I can control" I snapped. Way to go, Valerie. My plan was to NOT make her suspicious about the eating disorder but I was just about to completely ruin it.

Demi :"Geez...Calm down. Your hormones are going crazy, aren't they? No dinner for you then. Actually I'm not too hungry either because I had late lunch. Sooo...What do you wanna do? Watch a movie? Exchange secrets? I personally like the latter. Oooh or we could play truth or dare"

Valerie:"Truth or dare?"

"You have to be kidding me! You don't know that game?" I shook my head. Should I know it? "It's pretty easy actually. You have to pick either truth or dare. If you take truth, I can ask you any question I want and you have to answer it truthfully. And if you pick dare I can tell you to do something and you have to do it whether you want or not"

Valerie :"Doesn't sound like fun to me. Can we just talk? Without dares or truths or whatever?"

Demi :"You're a party pooper, but okay. Let's talk about...umm...boys. Jeff told me that Zachary Storm is playing your love interest on the show"

Valerie :"Yup...unfortunately"

"Wow, you seem very happy about that. What's wrong with him?"

Valerie :"'s just that we are forced to pretend to be in a relationship and that sucks"

Demi :"Wut? That's disgusting. Is Jeff responsible for that?" I nodded "I'm going to talk to him about it, don't worry. Forcing teenagers to something like that isn't okay"

Valerie :"Agreed"

Demi :"But you still have to kiss him on the show. Excited?"

"No...I don't want my first kiss to be with someone I don't even really like, surrounded by a hundred people"

Demi :"Your first kiss? Aww...It hasn't happened yet?"

Valerie :"No, it hasn't. I barely have time for myself, there is no time for boys left"

Demi :"Well, the first kissing scene is in the second part of the season, which we won't start shooting until October, so you still have over six months time to fall in love with a guy and kiss him"

Valerie :"Because that's gonna happen..."

Who the fuck would voluntarily kiss me? No one!

The rest of the evening we spent laughing and practicing our lines for tomorrow. It was really funny. I love hanging out with Demi because she makes me feel special and safe. And she compliments me all the time but I still don't know how to deal with compliments because I simply can't believe it when someone says something nice about me.

Demi promised that I'm gonna be fine and strong if I agree to let her help me but is that what I want?

A/N: Heyo guys! Shame on me for not updating in...I don't even know. Here's chapter 7. It's kinda boring but I still have a writers block for this story...

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Love y'all <33

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Behind the scenes ( A Demi Lovato fanfiction )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang