Chapter 6

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"Would you excuse me for a minute?"

"Sure" Jeff smiled.

I thanked him and stepped out of the office. Bathroom, bathroom, I need a fucking bathroom!!! When I saw a door with the sign "Ladies" on it, I immediatley ran in. I locked the door behind me and slid down on it.

Knock Knock

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Valerie?" Oh no... "Are you okay? Open the fucking door!" That was Demi.

I opened the door and a concernd looking Demi stared down at me.

"What areyou doing here?" I asked as nice as possible.

"You forgot your purse. I wanted to bring it to you when I saw you running in here. You were about to cut, weren't you?"

"No, I was not. I just think I'm about to have my period and if you don't mind I would like to check"

She turned red "Oh...umm...sorry.Yeah, I don't mind. Here's your purse. We'll see each other later...bye" And with that she turned around and left. Was it that embarrassing for her to talk about my period? Whatevs... As long as she believed me everything's perfect.

I checked the time. Dammit, I've been gone for over five minutes I need to go back. I ran back to Jeff's office. Zachery and Jeff were laughing about something, I didn't really care about what though.

Jeff:"Hey Valerie, sit down. We have to go through some stuff, then I'll show the two of you the set. And later we'll have a table read"

Valerie:"Sounds good" I sat down.

Jeff:"So I've been thinking. I want this show to be as successfull as possible, that's why I hired you, the most popular teenage stars. I spoke to Rebecca McLeod, the best publicist you'll find out there, and a little idea popped into our heads..." He smirked.

Valerie:"I'm not so sure, if I wanna hear the rest of this..."

Jeff:"Don't worry, it's a good idea. The two of you are going to pretend to be in a relationship"

Valerie:"NO! That's a bad idea.I won't do that"

Jeff:"I'm afraid you'll have to. In the contract you signed st-"

"I know! I read it" I snapped.

Oh god...please tell me that's not happening. At first Demi finds out my biggest secret and then this...I want no I need to cut!!

Then Jeff showed us around.The studio was freaking huge. I had a nice dressing room with attaches bathroom and you could lock the doors from both rooms which meant that I could cut without anyone interrupting. Yay! Zachery's dressing room was right across the hallway...unfortunately. I know the 'fake-relationship' wasn't his fault but I didn't really wanted to see him though, 

Jeff:"This is the room, where all of the actors and some crew members can hang out, when they don't have to shoot a scene" We entered a big room. There were like seven couches and ten tables and a huge TV. Right next to that room was the cafeteria and the kitchen. Yeah well, I guess I won't be using those two rooms too often.

 Jeff:"You have 30 minutes, guys. Make yourself comfortable. We'll meet infront of my office for the table read"

Zach and I made our way to our dressing rooms.

Zachery:"You wanna hang out for a bit? Get to know each other?"

Valerie:"Nah, I'll get some rest. See ya later"

With that I turned around, entered my room and locked the door behind me. I obviously lied. I didn't plan on laying down...I already had other plans.

A/N: Is it just me or is this chapter complete crap? It's boring, short...everything I hate...

Please give me some ideas!!!!! (writer's block ): )

 Love y'all

Behind the scenes ( A Demi Lovato fanfiction )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu