A Crown of Winter Roses

By imintheblackparade

217K 5.4K 275

Game of Thrones Fanfic This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5 Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his el... More

Prologue Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Prologue Part 4

Prologue Part 2

7K 156 3
By imintheblackparade

Elia had been out for days, her crying babe just inches away. Rhaegar couldn't stand seeing his wife this way, she was too sick, too ill, and the treatments the Westerosi physicians were using just wasn't working. 

It pained his heart.

Rhaegar pushed back Elia's stray curl, her eyes surrounded by dark circles. If he could take away the pain he would, but he couldn't. With a chastise kiss on her forehead, he held his son, Aegon. He was so small, his fair hair falling across his forehead. 

There was nothing they could do, they say; they can't wake her. Rhaegar had spent days huddled in this damned castle, just awaiting the sweet Dornish voice of Elia. Aegon smiled up at him, very few teeth had come few but he was only a year old, there was no cause of concern. 

The ever growing knowledgeable mumbles and sputters that fell from Aegon's mouth was enough to keep his two sisters amused whenever they were around, but here he was opposite his father and barely a murmur slipped from his lips. 

With his feet carrying them to the window, Rhaegar placed his son upright, the harp always remaining in arm's reach. Soft melodies filled the air, dancing with the silence that had once settled there. 

His son, the Promised Prince. 

"Papa, when will mother wake up? I haven't seen her in days?" Rhaegar's fingers stopped playing for a moment, his eyes cast towards the younger of the two girls, Rhaenys. She was the spitting image of Elia, from the shape of her lips to the way she spoke. 

"Soon, my little Princess, your mother will awake soon." He continued the delicate plucking of each string, making some music and making none. She approached, her own eyes growing wide at her father's actions. He hadn't played int he longest of times, and she loved the songs he would sing! 

"Papa, are the bad men coming?" Rhaegar didn't stop playing this time, he needed a distraction. Rhaenys was too young to understand what was happening, what that Usurper was planning. It made him sick. 

Her eyes grew wide as she watched her father. 

"Of course not Rhae, Papa will protect you always." He pulled her close this time, Rhaenys small hands winding through his pale hair. 

"And Aegon and Rosaerys?" 

"Always Princess, Papa will do anything for you three. He will fight to his dying breath, with only you three in mind." But there wasn't just the three of them; there was his new babe expected with Lyanna Stark. He hoped for a boy this time, a boy who would grow up to be just like his father. 

He would have a kind heart, he would seek fair justice, and he would love furiously. 

If Rhaegar died, what would happen to his children? He need them safe, with people surrounding them that cared for their well-being and weren't full of false promises. "Run along now, Rhaenys, I need to speak with your grandmother." 

"I love you Papa." 

"I love you too, Princess." With a brief kiss to the cheek she fled, his arms seeking Aegon once more. They trailed down the stairs and into the throne room. The two Targaryen rulers rarely leave this place anymore, the gilded gold armor of the King's Guard watching, surrounding them. 

Aerys looked sick, like his mind was beginning to rot his appearance. He was a harsh man, an almost vile creature that these past few months Rhaegar could barely even look at him. His wild hair and matted beard was a sight to behold against the forever beautiful Rhaella. 

Her hair had become wild with curls, managing to hold more of the gold in than her husband counterpart; her violet eyes always holding love when glancing at her son and grandchildren. Rhaegar and his mother sharing many similar features; she lifted from her seat, a warm long-sleeved dress covering her cold frame, embracing Rhaegar quickly. 

"My son!" She exclaimed, before stepping away. "It was only this morning that I saw you, isn't it around now that you have mentor time with Rosaerys?" Rhaegar nodded, he hadn't seen Rosaerys all day and the thought of his eldest daughter made him sad. She was becoming distant. 

"Yes, yes, of course; however, Rosaerys sent a note this morning saying she couldn't attend, some business or other. I don't know what a five year old does anymore." His mother chuckled before placing a frail hand on his arm, leading him across the hall. 

"Rosaerys is a sweet girl, Rhaegar; she's finding her own thing to do." Again he nodded, before pushing on to more pressing matters. 

"Mother, I was hoping to speak to you in private, away from all of these people." His eyes moved, motioning to those who would quickly tell Aerys what the two Targaryens were discussing. Rhaella looked towards her husband, before back to her son and nodded; the two slipping from the throne room and into a deserted corridor. 

"Speak, speak, Rhaegar; before your father hunts these halls." There was something about Rhaella's paranoia that made him speak quick and fast. 

"I have fears about my children, mother; whether they'll survive this rebellion or not. I'd like to hope that they do." He couldn't think of a time where he didn't envision the three together; Aegon growing to be a fine young man ready for the throne, meanwhile Rhaenys was hot-tempered like all those in Dorne, and Rosaerys would care for them, the same way she cared for him. 

"Why fear this Rhaegar, as long as all goes to plan and your father doesn't botch this up, they will be safe. I will ensure it for you." Rhaegar nodded before bringing his mother in close, arms wrapping tight around her small frame. 

"Thank you, mother." He whispered before their eyes fell to Aegon, his head had been buried among his father's silver hair, his breathing soon pacing out. 

"You'll keep them safe for me, even if father speaks against it, please?" Again, she nodded her head, a tender hand stroking small patterns into Aegon's back. 

"I know your father and I have never truly seen eye to eye but I'll try my best when it comes to keeping them children safe and alive. Even if it kills me." He knew of the love she had for her children, she had lost so many of them; a woman with a soft heart like hers wasn't right for the throne, she needed to be protected from the horrors of this world; including his father. 

The sadness that twinged around her own eyes meant it was time she was to retire; the lost loves that were her own children remaining present in her mind. Rhaella wasn't one for giving up, instead continuing as she placed one arm on Rhaegar's and pulled him out and through the gardens. 

It was beautiful this time of year, the thick walls of vines grew alongside the brick, roses of all colours twining around them. It was warm out, the rays of the sun sinking around them all. "Speak to me of your Dornish wife, Elia is ill yes?" 

"Yes, incredibly." Rhaella nodded to her son, before their walk ventured further into the gardens. 

"I'll send for some of the best Maesters in Essos, hopefully they'll find something to help Elia. Now go, I can see your father's guards now." Rhaegar didn't need telling twice, with a simple kiss pressed to his cheek he went in search of his eldest. 

Rhaegar search the courtyard, before looking in her bedroom, and then back outside. No matter where he looked, or who he asked, she wasn't to be found. Rhaegar was becoming desperate, it was going to soon approach sundown and the later it got the more he worried. 

Aegon had long since woken, instead choosing to play with Rhaenys who also hadn't seen her sister since this morning. Rhaegar's eyebrows creased, the last place to look was the throne room, which was now vacant. 

His body carried him there by instinct, the tight bond he shared with his eldest drawing him closer and closer. She was small, less than a quarter of the size that the skulls were. Her large eyes staring up at them, taking in the shape of them. 

"Rosaerys! Where have you been?" His voice was sharp, yet not scolding as Rosaerys whipped around, her eyes growing just as wide as the approaching figure of her father. She wasn't willing to see him just yet, but she had waltzed through the hall only to be entranced by the skulls once more. Her grandfather would never let her go near them, in fear that she would break them; but she always would when he wasn't looking. 

She was dazed, her memory counjuring up the type of dragon she would have ridden if she was around then. Perhaps it would have been like Balerion, or Meraxes! Perhaps even Vhagar! 

"I asked you a question young lady." Rhaegar bought Rose forward, an eyebrow raised at her behaviour. 

"It's none of your business, daddy!" Her voice was sweet but you knew she was everything the Targaryen's preyed upon. Fire and Blood ran through her. 

"Rosarys, I've been searching for you all day and no sign of you anywhere; please tell me where you've been." Rosaerys stopped for a moment, the blush rising to her cheeks from her foolish actions. 

"I wanted to hunt for dragons, but one of the maids told me there was no more in existence, but there was still dragon eggs! I wanted a dragon egg but there is none in Westeros or so they say." Rhaegar gripped onto his daughter, picking her up and cradling her in his large arms. Why she was always chasing fables was beyond him, but either way he would help her. 

"Rosaerys, my sweet, of course there are no dragon's here; there haven't been any in the longest of years. When you are old enough we will go in search of them but for now please remain inside the castle and away from your grandfather, it would be safer for all of us." He voice was pleading with the small girl who nodded, before settling down once more. 

"Do you promise?" 

"I promise." 

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