Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFi...

נכתב על ידי ShoeyDawceffa

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When Joey Graceffa announces that he loves Shane Dawson to his bestfriend Luke, Shane realizes that he might... עוד

Chapter 1: Joey has a Crush
Chapter 2: The Phone Call That Changed Everything.
Chapter 3: Leading up
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Roomies!
Chapter 7: Confessions
Chapter 8: Only 24 Hours
Chapter 9: Thanks Sawyer!
Chapter 10: Joey's New Favourite Restaurant
Chapter 11: Same Bed?
Chapter 12: The Empty Room
Chapter 13: Covered in Paint!
Chapter 14: The Benny Fine Issue
Chapter 15: Naked Joey!
Chapter 16: To The Bedroom
Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey
Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat
Chapter 19: A Little Heated
Chapter 20: Punched in The Face
Chapter 21: Emergency Room
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Suspicions
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 25: Freaking Hospitals
Chapter 26: Sweet Dreams.
Chapter 27: Stress
Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!
Chapter 29: For You
Chapter 30: Hit Me!
Chapter 31: Teach Me
Chapter 32: Scoping for Drama
Chapter 33: Broke The Promise
Chapter 34: Sick of This Place
Chapter 35: Mom, I left her...
Chapter 36: #AskShoey
Chapter 37: Give Me a Break!
Chapter 38: Party Invite!
Chapter 39: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 40: Who Posted These?!!
Chapter 41: She's in Love With Me?
Chapter 42: Break Ups and a Whole Lot of Tears.
Chapter 43: Joey's Coming Out.
Chapter 44: They Saw It!?
Chapter 45: From The Real Person
Chapter 46: Lisa! Don't Do This!
Chapter 47: Smosh Idiot...
Chapter 48: Shipping Ianthony!
Chapter 49: Prank'd
Chapter 50: I Don't Think I Like It Here Anymore...
Chapter 51: Alliance.
Chapter 52: I Promise.
Chapter 53: I Haven't Seen You Since...
Chapter 54: That's Deep!
Chapter 55: #AskShoey 2.0! You Like This One?
Chapter 56: Mine?
Chapter 57: Shane, Stop!
Chapter 58: Joey Leaned In
Chapter 59: Boston!
Chapter 60: Why Do You Need Permission?
Chapter 61: Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 62: What The F*ck is Wrong With Her!
Chapter 63: Take Your Pants Off!
Chapter 64: Ring Shopping!
Chapter 65: Today Is The Day!
Chapter 66: Second Home
Chapter 67: Shane and Joey's Guest Room
Chapter 68: "Joey4Shane"
Chapter 69: Engaged Life.
Chapter 70: Luke! Be My Best Man!
Chapter 71: But It's Shane!
Chapter 72: The End?
Chapter 73: Congrats-u-f*cking-lations
Chapter 74: Panic.
Chapter 75: Crash and Burn
Chapter 76: Kiss The Person To Your Right!
Chapter 77: Wild Night at Shoey's!
Chapter 78: On The News?!
Chapter 79: Just Keep Swimming.
Chapter 80: Kiss kiss?
Chapter 81: Nope, Don't Believe It.
Chapter 82: Jealous
Chapter 83: Left a Mark...
Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 85: What
Chapter 86: The Last Chapter.
Chapter 87: Just Wedding Things...
Chapter 88: Cute Sleepy Boy
Chapter 89: Surprise!
Chapter 90: Revenge
Chapter 91: My Hero
Chapter 92: Wedding Planning
Chapter 93: Already Shirtless
Chapter 94: Of All Places!
Chapter 95: Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 96: Dads
Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat
Chapter 98: Have A Nice Flight!
Chapter 99: Lisa Ships It
Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy
Chapter 100: Part Two - Our Little Family
Chapter 101: Used To It
Chapter 102: Next To Me
Chapter 103: Missed Our Flight
Chapter 104: Black Tie
Chapter 105: Bad Memories Come Crashing Back
Chapter 106: It's Over.
Chapter 107: Go After Him
Chapter 108: Lost
Chapter 109: Dark Day
Chapter 111: Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 112: Boy That You Love
The Last Chapter: The End Of All Things

Chapter 110: Make It Special

16.3K 210 153
נכתב על ידי ShoeyDawceffa

[Joey's POV]

Joey: How are you feeling?

Shane: I'm okay.

Joey: I'm always here, Shane.

Shane: I know... I just wish she was here too.

Yesterday was probably the hardest thing Shane has gone through. He had to watch as his mom was buried. Now he had to be at her house, going through all of her possessions, including pictures, all of the things she had kept from when fans sent Shane stuff and all of the memories Shane had from this house.

Shane was collecting picture frames from the fire place and putting them inside boxes that we were going to take back to our apartment with us.

Shane: It hasn't hit me yet that she's gone. It's like she's on a vacation or something, a vacation that will never end.

Joey: I don't want to say she's in a better place... because who knows. But I do know that no matter what, you made her very proud to be your mom Shane, making me very proud to be the fiancé of her son.

Shane bowed his head down and smiled, looking down at one of the pictures he had lifted from the mantelpiece.

Joey: That's like the first time you've smiled in days.

Shane: What can I say? You made me.

I smiled back at him. This is what I needed to do, I had to make him happy. Even though it may take a lot of work after his mom passing away, I'll try and keep the man I love his normal uplifting, happy self. Otherwise I might lose him, he lose his personality and become a different Shane.

Shane: Well this is new.

Joey: What is it?

"Here." He said handing me over a frame. Inside was a picture of me us from the moment he proposed to me. Shane was knelt down with the ring in hand, I was in awe. Happiest moment of my life?

Joey: Aww! I never knew she had a picture of us together sitting around.

Shane: Same...

Shane flipped the frame over and tore off the back. He took out the photograph and I'm sure he was about to cry again, so I reacting my throwing my arms around him and holding him tight.

Shane: Joey, I'm okay.

Joey: I don't want you to be upset.

Shane: Well, I'm not upset in a sad way...

Joey: What do you mean.

He held the photo out with his palm, waiting for me to take it.

Shane: Read the back.

Even I began crying.

Joey: Shane, oh my God.

Shane: See what I mean!

I re-read the note on the back, aloud this time.

Joey and Shane Graceffa, my son and his amazing husband.

Joey: We aren't even married yet.

Shane: You heard what I said yesterday, she wanted us to get married and have a future together.

Joey: But it says husband.

Shane: She believed in us maybe?

Joey: I like how she also gave you my name!

Shane: Yeah, I like it.

Again, Shane wiped a tear from his eye. I hate seeing him cry, but at least this time he was happy.

Shane: Moving on?


We took a break from going through stuff and talked with Shane's brother, Jerid, who had just arrived to help out.

Jerid: Where's Alex?

Shane: Whitney, our friend who lives across the hall is 'dog sitting' for us.

Jerid: So uhh... what are we going to do with all the pets Shane?

Shane: Fuck. I don't know.

Joey: Could we take them?

Shane: Our apartment is too small, and I think we're only allowed one small pet in the apartment.

Jerid: I have my house, I'll take them.

Shane: Are you sure?

Jerid: Yeah. It's better I take them rather than have a shelter take them. I don't trust animal shelters.

Shane: How are you going to manage to keep up with 3 dogs, and 2 cats?

Jerid: Easy. I have a backyard for Miley, Chocolate and Charlie. The two cats can stay in the house.

Shane: I wish we could have taken them with us.

Jerid: Shane, you can come to my house anytime, it's not like you're never going to see them again.

Shane: I know but- I was used to coming here and seeing them.


Everything was packed up. There were box loads of things Shane was going to keep. More box loads of things to be donated, like clothes and then a few boxes of stuff to be thrown away.

A realtor had come to the house knowing we'd be there that day. He inspected it and made sure it was fit to go on sale. Shane wanted to sell the house as soon as he could. Today would be our last day ever being inside this house. Or so we thought it would be.

Realtor: Mr Yaw. This house was bought under your name. Shane Lee Yaw?

Shane: Yep.

Realtor: Could you give me a reason why you're selling it?

Shane: Umm ok? I moved out and my mom stayed here, and now she has passed away and I no longer want the house.

Realtor: Thank you. Now could you sign these papers?

Joey: Wait, could you give us a second before he signs anything?

Realtor: Sure.

A pulled Shane aside, "Keep the house." I told him.

Shane: Why?

Joey: For us. We should move in here.

Shane: What?

Joey: You own this house Shane. We could move out of our apartment and live here instead. And since you do own the house, we can just move in right away.

Shane: You want to?

Joey: Yeah!

Shane: I don't think that's a good idea Joey.

Joey: Why not?

Shane: Because my mom died in this house.

Joey: She died at the hospital.

Shane: Joey, she died here. Her last living moments were in this house.

Joey: That scares you to live here?

Shane: Yes! I've seen enough creepy shit in this house.

"Oh c'mon! You scared of ghosts?" I teased.

Shane: Fine, you really want to live here?

Joey: YUP!

Shane: Really?

Joey: Yeah Shane!

Shane: Ok then.

Shane approached the realtor guy, "Actually, it's okay."

Realtor: Sorry?

Shane: We're keeping the house.

Realtor: Oh! That's great. One less job for me to take care of. I'll cancel all the requests for it to be sold.

Shane: Thank you.

Realtor: You're welcome.


Joey: We're really moving into a house?

Shane: We are.

Joey: Wow. This is, this is big.

Shane: I already lived here, but now that I'm living here with you makes it, special.

Joey: I make it special?

Shane: You do. Let's be real. You make everything special. You were able to make me smile today after all.


Yay new chapter! I don't really know how I feel about this one, at least it's not sad. Do you like the idea of Joey and Shane moving into the house? ALSO I'll have another chapter up tomorrow for sure since I haven't updated in a while!

Comment what you think!


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