Meeting Magcon (My Quotev Sto...

By TeriLouiseTV

157 21 0

This is my story from the website Quotev! If any stories are similar that aren't from this account or my Quot... More



8 1 0
By TeriLouiseTV

Matt's P.O.V

I have a secret crush on Imogen and I don't know how to tell her! No one knows but me and I feel like I need to tell someone before I loose my mind!
If I don't tell her soon she might end up with someone! I need to act fast....NOW!!!

I go to her room to ask her if she wanted to go somewhere. I knock on the door and Cameron opens the door!
"Cam? Why are you in Imogen's room?" I ask confused!
"Uh just helping her unpack!" He replied with a 'I'm up to something' face!
"Shirtless?" I ask while crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow.
"Yeah!" He smiled awkwardly as Imogen came to the door.

"Hey Matt" She said sweetly with a big smile on her face
"Hi Imogen! Do you wanna come hang out with me and the Jack's?" I ask while glimpsing over at Cam then back to her.
"Sure, Give me a minute to get ready and I'll come over your room!" She said confidently.
I could tell that Cam wasn't happy with her response but it's her choice, not his!
So I went back to my room and waited!

Cameron's P.O.V

"Umm...why did you just agree to hang out with Matt?" I asked Imi as she grabbed some clothes to get changed into.
"I haven't seen them in ages and I want to catch up! That's all" She looked at me with a smile, but that smile faded as she realised I was upset.
"What's wrong Cam?" She came over to me and looked me in the eye. I tried to look away, but she kept pulling my head back to face her.
"Nothing, I just love spending time with you!" I say quietly as I start to walk out of her room.
"Cam, wait! We can hang out later, Ok?" She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, her lips were so soft and it made me blush and smile at the floor.
I walked out of her room after saying goodbye and went to go tell Nash how I felt about her!

Imogen's P.O.V

I started getting ready after cam left. He seamed quite upset but I'll ask him later when I get back.
I got changed into a cream crop top and some white high waisted skinny jeans. I put my hair up into a messy bun and finally left.
I got to Matt's room when Gilinsky came up behind be and scared the living life out of me. Matt opened the door to me screaming and came out with a worried look on his face. As soon as he saw Gilinsky and I on the floor laughing, his worried look lightened into a smile.

"What was that for?" I ask Gilinsky as Matt helps me up.
"I don't know, just felt like it!" He was still laughing on the floor.

At that point Johnson walked out of their room, which is opposite Matt's room, and looks confused as to why Jack is lying on the floor laughing.

"Umm......should I be concerned?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"No" I said giggling.

Jack finally got up and we headed out the hotel.
They didn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing, but I didn't mind as long as I got food at some point!

Matt's P.O.V

I think I'm gonna tell her how I feel, If I don't then it's going to kill me inside.
We are taking her to the pool, I forgot to tell her to put a swim suit on but I guess I could just buy her a new one!
We get to the pool and she gave us a confused look.

"Why are we at the pool?" She asks us.
"Going swimming" Gilinsky replied while taking his shirt off.
"But I don't have a swim suit on!" She said in the 'Duh' tone.
"I'll buy you one" I smiled at her and took her to this little shop that sells things for swimming pools.

She picked out this peachy, pink bikini and I paid for it. She went into the changing room and came back out with clothes on top, obviously because it's a 5 minute walk away from the pool.
We got back to the pool and the Jacks were having a diving competition.
Imogen undressed, revealing her new bikini I just bought her, and all I did was stare. I probably looked like a creep.

"What?" She said while blushing, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Uh...umm.....WOW" Is all I could say.
"Take a picture it will last longer!" She joked and ran towards the pool.

I took my shirt off and ran after her. She was standing on the edge of the pool talking to Gilinsky, then Johnson ran up behind her and pushed her in. She swam up and frowned at him while he was laughing. I decide to do the same to him so I pushed him in making Imogen laugh.
Imogen swam to the side as I sat on the edge by her. She thanked me for pushing him in and we just had some small talk.

"Hey...Imogen" I asked slowly
"You know you can call me Imi Right?" She said while smirking at me, She pulled herself out the pool and sat next to me. I felt a shiver go down my spine as her arm touched mine!
"Well...Imi?" I asked again, slower this time.
"Yeah?" She looked at me and all I could do was stare at her beautiful eyes.
" know that..........." I stuttered and then finished the sentence quickly.
"YouknowthatyourreallyprettyandIkindalikeyou!" I said so fast that I don't even think she understood me. She gave me a confused look.
"Please don't make me say it again!" I said to her, still staring into her eyes
"HE SAID HE LIKES YOU!" Johnson shouted from the other side of the pool. We both looked at him and I gave him a death glare but he shrugged it off and carried on doing what he was doing before.
"Wait, Matt is that true?" She asked me while looking back at me. "Do you really like me?" She questioned and smiled at me as if she got told that she was getting a new iPhone or something.
"Uhh....Yeah!" I need to stop with the stuttering!
"That's so cute!" She said to me while giggling.

Imogen's P.O.V

Knowing that Matt likes me made my day! I felt loved for once in my life, But being loved by a Magcon boy was something different!
As we walked down the hallway to where our rooms were, I felt arms Wrap around me from behind. I turn around and Cam was there shirtless. I think I drooled at one point!

"Hey baby girl!" He said while winking.
"Hey!" I replied with a HUGE smile on my face!
He gave me a piggy back ride back to my room as the boys followed behind.

Gilinsky's P.O.V

I saw Cam give Imogen a piggy back ride so I looked at Matt and I've never seen him look so upset!
"Hey Matt, you ok dude?" I whispered to him so only he could hear me!
"Yeah, fine!" He replied, lying straight to my face. I invited him over our room so we could take his mind off things, but he just wanted to go to sleep!
We let him go to his room.

Cameron's P.O.V

We got to her room when she asked me the question I hope she forgot about by now.
"Soo..What was wrong with you earlier?"
"I told you!" I said hopefully.
"I don't think you told me the truth though Cam!" She said looking worried.
"I promise it's nothing!" I said looking at her, reassuring that it was nothing.
"Ok but if there is anything wrong tell me ok?" She asks.
I nod as I sat on the end of her bed.
She walked into the bathroom to get changed.


It was her phone, I couldn't help myself. I looked at who messaged her, it was Matt.


Matt: Today was fun. We should hang out more!

Without thinking I replied.....

Me: Yeah I guess..........
Matt: Is everything ok?
Me: Yeah fine!
Matt: Ok! If you need me I'll be in my room :)

I deleted all the texts, showing no evidence of him texting.
Imogen walks out of the bathroom, she was wearing her pyjamas.

"Not going anywhere else then?" I asked looking her up and down.
"Nah, I don't see a point!" She replied while sorting her hair out.
"Wanna watch Netflix and chill?" I asked While winking.
"Ok!" She giggled. I love it when she giggles.


We were on her bed cuddled up, I looked at her and she was fast asleep. I didn't want to move, but I also didn't want to fall asleep in jeans! I checked the time, it was only 5:30 pm. I quietly and slowly got up, making sure I didn't wake her up, and went to my room.

As I walked out Nash caught me.
"Dude, Why are you in Imogen's room?" He asked while smirking
"Just watching Netflix!" I replied while smiling at the floor.
"Annnddd Chill?" He asked nudging me and winking.
"Maybe..." I replied while chuckling.
"Ok, Take it slow" He said while laughing as I rolled my eyes.

I got changed into my sweats as they were comfy to fall asleep in. I went back to her room and she was in the same position as when I left.
I snuggled next to her and accidentally woke her up.
"Sorry" I said to her, she looked at me and smiled.
"It's ok" She said while yawning. Her tired voice is so cute.
She turned so she was fully facing me, I wrapped my arms around her and she fell back to sleep. I love every second of this moment and I never want to leave.

Imogen's P.O.V
----NEXT DAY----

I woke up and the first thing I saw was Cam asleep, He was so HOT!! I removed his arm from around my waist and got up, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I heard a sleepy Cam behind me standing in the door way watching me with a smile on his face.
"I have to go get ready for Magcon, I'll see you later!" He said while giving me a hug.
"Ok!" I said kissing him on the cheek.
He left my room.

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