female Jason Voorhees x fem r...

By theawesome_chick

61.2K 884 184

I don't know I was bored and had nothing else to do so I came up with this is a girl x girl so yeah if you do... More

this nightmare is real!!?
the predator and prey
happy halloween
1 k views!!!
First time(lemon)
happy New year
Last time I see you
happy valentines
fire vs water
(on hold)
reunion part 1
reunion part 2
end of this book

accidental confession

4.3K 67 18
By theawesome_chick

The song does not belong to me it belong to littlejayneycakes all the credit belongs to her.
(Y/n)'s pov
It's been 2 weeks since those murders Fredda committed I've found out a lot about her on the website about her dying in a fire after angry parents threw something that caused a explosion and burned Fredda alive I don't know why I feel bad I mean she was a child murderer after all I think it's time to confront Fredda I've been ignoring her this 2 week's I noticed she was starting to get angry but I ignored bad idea but I wasn't ready to talk to her plus with her getting all touchy with me makes me want to talk to her even less but I have to today when I go to sleep it's time to master my courage again like when I first meet her it is Friday so I have more time to talk to her much less someone disturbing me *sigh* here I go
~~~~~Dream world~~~~~
Oh hello there is what I heard behind me I jumped a little and looked behind me and saw her by the look on her face she was waiting for a response so I said hi her face changed to happiness when I responded I grabbed her shoulders and told her I needed to talk she said alright and sat and patted were she wanted me to sit so I did when I did I stayed quiet she against the Palm of her hand and said what did I want to talk I don't know why but now I was afraid to tell her she grabbed my shirt I don't know why but I yelled I'm in love with you it was silent until I noticed what I said I never wanted to say that but my panicked form made me say that I blushed and got up about to run until I got tackled down and turned around by Fredda once she did she kissed leaving me a blushing mess her made same sound when they scrape together she put to my neck saying if I ever left that I'd be dead in less than a second I nodded ,she got off me she looked at me and said what should we do now all I told her I really don't know honestly I didn't even think I would be with someone in a dream She just smiled and tilted her head I almost forgot I have to talk to her I had an idea I told Fredda let's get to know each other more all I know about you is that kill teenager in their dreams and a psychopath..........i-i-I'm sorry that just came out I di-
Fredda just laughed and said its alright don't freak out I was about to ask question until she was hit with pole I was grabbed and being yanked I looked to see Nancy I haven't communicated with her within 2 weeks she hugged me and said she was glad I was ok that she was worried because she hasn't heard about me in 2 weeks we heard a male voice but mixed with a female voice yelling don't touch what's not yours Nancy pushed me out the way when Fredda came charging I looked back at them to see Nancy had been injured and was bleeding seeing this caused protection mode to turn on ran past fredda picking up Nancy bridal style and then began to run I left the room I told Nancy to wake up she wouldn't so I did the only thing I could think of scream I did she jumped and vanished leaving me alone.
~~~~End of pov~~~~
~~~~Nancy's pov~~~~
When (y/n) yelled I jumped I woke up yelling my mom came in threw the door she had the look of horror when she saw my arm it was bleeding she grabbed me and immediately took me to the hospital I didn't care about my arm I cared about (y/n) She could be in danger while I'm here being driven to the hospital I was worried but I was also mad that (y/n) decided to take on that monster alone ,please be alright.
~~~~End of pov~~~~
~~~Fredda's pov~~~
Again why does this keep happening I finally have (y/n) someone just had to come and take her well not exactly (y/n) was the who took that low rate of a woman I mean the girl has nothing compared to me so why did (y/n) want to protect her so much what does that girl have that I don't whatever it is I won't let her steal (y/n) from m- what that's (y/n) scream I think either way I went to were I heard the scream I found (y/n) there alone did that girl die either way I don't care I went right next to (y/n) She gave me look like if I was ready to kill her instead of that I just grabbed her head and forced her down I could see the fear by her body signal I let go of her head and layed her on her back and used her chest as a pillow her heart was racing but after a while it calmed down I looked up at (y/n) and told her to hold me she did I couldn't help myself so I had to tease by grinding myself a little on her I heard a surprised gasp from her after I did I got out of her hold and Sat up she also Sat up giving me the what the hell's the matter with you look while blushing at the same time all I did was give her my smug face

And say "what?" She gave me a playful glare I just laughed and told her I had some killing to do it was my hobbie after all I just told I'm sorry she got a confused face until I turned into my burned body put my claws in front of her face made it look like I was going to stab her I saw her jump and poof away here I was alone but that didn't matter I'd see her again.
~~~~End of pov~~~~
~~~~3 person pov~~~~
(Y/n) woke about to scream but held it in which worked she just sat there until a certain someone popped in her mind Nancy she feared the worst there she was having fun with someone that could've killed Nancy but never thinking if she was even alright during that time she quickly got up got dressed until someone entered her room it was (d/n) She was a little surprised since he never came into her he went to (y/n) and told her to sit down when she did (d/n) told her that Nancy was in the hospital her mom found her cut on her left arm that she'll be alright but she will have to stay in the hospital the cut was deep and she did lose quite the amount of blood (y/n) just looked down feeling guilty for not doing anything sooner Nancy would never have been in the hospital if it weren't for her (y/n) saw her reaction touch head and said its going to be alright that if She wants he could take her (y/n)'s head bolted up and she said yes he smiled and said let's go since (y/n) is already ready ,(y/n) smiled and followed her dad to his car got in and left
~~~Time skip~~~
When (y/n) and (d/n) to the (y/n) immediately got out of the car and went inside the hospital and went to the woman behind the counter and asked for Nancy Thompson .
~~~(y/n)s pov~~~
When they told me what room she was in I quickly went for her room when I came in I saw her mom there sitting looking at Nancy, Nancy looked up at me her eyes lit up and she said that she was glad I was alright Nancy was about to get up until her mom keeped her from getting up so I walked over to her Nancys mom blocked my way Nancy told her mom that I was friend of hers that there's nothing to worry about her mother just gave me a look to not try anything Nancy told her mom she wanted to talk to me alone her mom didn't want to leave but did anyways my dad was there I looked at him he smiled and left the room Nancy immediately pulled me into a hug and then she pinched me I flinched and asked why she did that after she told me why I looked at her then she did something I did not expect at all she kissed me in suprise backed away from her I was blushing like crazy she said sorry and laid down I was going to tell her something but decided not to and left the room. I told my dad I was ready to leave he nodded and got up,Nancy's mom just gave me a glare before walking off, my dad was ready to tell her something until I looked at him and shook my head no he nodded and began to walk away i just followed.
~~~~5 months later~~~~
Nancy moved away ever since that incident I haven't heard from her at all Fredda didn't want to talk to me for these 5 month's time but every time I would ask her why she'd just say I'm just busy and walk away I got bored and went searching random things on the internet and found something about camp crystal lake it said things about murderers it caught my attention since there was a lake I could relax myself there I made quite some friends so I went to group chat told them what I found while on the browser they dared me to go there I said no but they started calling me coward and all that I said ok I'll go they said if I wanted they could take me I accepted I told them yes they were cheering in the group chat they said they would come today to text them when my parents were asleep. yeah I can't believe I went to being good girl to bad girl I began to sneak out and do what I wanted they haven't caught me at all ever since I started 2 months ago.my friend texted me again saying am I told them yes I would after that I logged off and after 4 hours of waiting my family went to sleep I texted my friend she/he said I'll be right over 7 minutes later I hear something being thrown at my window I open my window just to be hit in the face with a rock I look back out and see my friend I glared at her/him they just shrugged I climbed out of my window and went to their car all my friends said hi I said hello all of you and sat down after I did we left everyone was hyper as hell saying how fucking crazy I was for doing this specially knowing about all those murders I asked them if anyone was coming with they said no that I was going alone that they want to see how long I survive I didn't say anything I did get myself into this after all I said I'll handle it they just looked and laughed saying they hope I survive until my friend said were here and gave a backpack full of supplies they told me good luck before getting me out of the car leaving they yelled they'd be back at 10:30am I slapped myself for getting into this mess I looked into the backpack they gave me it had 3 cans of food 5 water bottles a lighter ,first aid kit ,sleeping bag, flashlight with 4 double a batteries and a hunting knife it looked bad ass plus its my first time holding one

I've never been here alone in basically a murder camp I went inside a cabin saw were there was a huge lake when I got in it was dark I saw a chimney with some wood on the left side I put some in I took off some pieces of used the lighter I had and set it on fire I put it back into the chimney and like 50 seconds later the fire started to get big not enough to light up the cabin but enough to keep me warm I was a little hungry and thirsty so I got a can and water bottle I just noticed I had no can opener but I did have the hunting I used it to open the can it was pieces of Orange well it's better than nothing I ate it drank my water after I was done I took out my sleeping bag and was about to lay down until I needed to go per I sighed and went outside went behind a tree did my business and when I remembered I had no toilet paper I sighed again I never thought I would use leafs but I did , I pulled up my pants and went back inside the cabin I felt like I was being watched I looked around not seeing anything for just incase i grabbed my hunting knife and laid down in my sleeping bag and soon fell asleep.
I was in a small room full of pipes I heard yelling the usual thing I got out seeing Fredda stabbing a boy with her claws she looked up seeing me she came up to me and touched my cheek before walking away I felt a stinging pain on my left hand I looked at it saw it was bleeding fredda looked back at me seeing my arm she was going to grab it but before she could I woke up
      ~~~~Real world~~~~
I looked back at my arm seeing the hunting knife with a little blood I fell asleep with the hunting stupid of me I looked out to see it was still night but my arm I was bleeding I went for the first aid kit and cleaned it but I didn't bandage it,it looked like it didn't need to plus it wasn't bleeding no more I heard heavy footsteps and looked were I heard them only to be faced with a humongous female she had a lot of muscle and a hockey mask but the thing I was focused on the most were her axe and machete I noticed my hunting knife beside her foot I ran to the other side of the cabin with my backpack she began to walk my direction I took this opportunity to run towards my hunting knife I grabbed it only to be picked up by to strong arms I used my hunting knife to stab one of the arms but they still weren't budging one of the arms forced the hunting knife out of my hand before throwing it at a wall causing it to go straight threw I just began to struggle soon after I ran out of energy and stopped struggling the hockey masked girl seemed pleased at this action because she began stroking my hair and put me down she also sat down with me she was just staring at me not saying anything I asked what did she want she gently grabbed my knee rubbing it before letting go I saw she was still looking me I just asked if she wanted me to bandage her arm she just looked at her arms and stretched her arms at me I took off my backpack took out my aid kit took out everything I needed once I did I cleaned it I put alchol, I was a little surprised because she didn't even flinch I would be yelling bloody murder once the alcohol touched my cut I found something that would numb skin I told her if that I would stitch up the cuts I looked at to see if I had approved she moved her head up and down I smiled and put the numbing medicine on and began stitching up the wounds about 30 minutes later I finished and began wrapping the bandage around her arms and then I lowered her sleaves what she did next shocked me she hugged me and layed me down she layed right next to me I was blushing my face a burning red but she lifted up her mask a little lowered her head her lips were about to touch mine until I covered my lips she lowered her mask and layed back down I wondered what exactly is she planning whatever it is she isn't trying to harm me....right?

Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter I won't update until I upload two of my books I haven't released yet so see you then bye have a good day.

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