"Welcome to your first Huntin...

By just_a_small_bite

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Sam, Dean and Castiel become teachers at Hogwarts for a week. What could go wrong ? Just a fun little fic I d... More

Author's note
DAY 5 (part one)
News !

DAY 5 (part two)

6.6K 218 529
By just_a_small_bite

Three hours later, Harry was storming out of their Transfiguration class, closely followed by his best friends.

"Come on Harry, you knew she would react like this..."

"No ! How doesn't she see it ?! It's more obvious than ever now, that Malfoy was behind all of this ! Who else would send threats signed with "The Dark Lord" ?"

Harry had talked to Professor McGonagall at the end of the lesson, trying to explain her why she should consider the possibility and at least interrogate the Slytherin students. But she dismissed him with a glacial stare and a snappy "just because you have a personal issue with the boy doesn't mean the rest of Hogwarts should" as well as a "be glad I'm not retrieving any points from Gryffindor for your little nocturnal stroll".

He wasn't obsessed with Malfoy. The scenario of yesterday's events was crystal clear but lacked evidences, and without evidences he wouldn't be taken seriously. Unless...

"I'm going to talk to the Winchesters. I'll explain them my theory and see what they think of it. They said we should come to them if we had an idea, didn't they ?"

Ron and Hermione looked at each other hesitantly, uncertain of what to say.

"I'm not sure it's the best idea. They might go after Malfoy unnecessarily..." Hermione said.

"It's not unnecessary !"

"Listen to me Harry, please. This cannot turn into a vendetta between Dean and Sam and whoever tried to harm them – probably Malfoy, I know. Be careful."

"She's right you know" Ron said, smiling half-heartedly. "These guys look like they can be pretty impulsive sometimes..."

"Of course, no worries. I'll tell them it's just a theory. But I have to do it now."

They turned into hallways and climbed multiple stairs until they reached the North wing and Harry knocked loudly on the door, taking a deep breath.

The faint murmur of conversation behind the shiny wood stopped instantly and for a few seconds, everything was silent. Then heavy footsteps resonated closer and closer to the door, until it clicked and Dean's frowning face appeared in the gap.

"What is it ?"

"We'd like to talk to you Sir, about what happened yesterday. I have... A theory."

Dean's face dropped and he opened the door completely.

"Well that's good, 'cause Sam just had some weird nightmare vision and it would be really helpful if someone could clear things up. Come on in."

Castiel was sitting on a bed, next to Sam who had changed into his pajamas and looked rough from sleep ; a probably not-so-relaxing sleep. He looked at the students without saying a word, one arm wrapped around his chest, his face blank. Dean gestured at them to sit on the other bed and grabbed a chair.

"So, you think you know who Freddy-Kruegered my brother ?"

"Uhmmmm... Yes Sir"

Whatever that meant.

"Yesterday evening we saw three people run away in a corridor, obviously coming from the restroom considering the direction they were taking. They looked like they were headed to the Dungeon, which is were the Slytherin dorms and common room are situated : that's why I believe the attack was perpetrated by Slytherin students."

Dean narrowed his eyes. "Okay... Three people ?"

"Yes Sir"

"I only saw two" Sam whispered, his voice raspy as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So you remember them ?"

"From his dream, yes. Around what time did that happen ?" Dean asked.

"I'd say ten thirty, maybe thirty five" Ron replied.

"And you were found a bit before eleven..." Dean muttered, facing Sam who nodded once.

"What were you doing out of your room so late ? I thought the curfew here was 10PM." Castiel asked in a severe voice.

Hermione squirmed slightly. "We were paying Hagrid a visit. You know, the friendly, bearded giant ? He's the groundkeeper, and we're really close to him. He's busy during the day, and so are we, so we wait until the evening to go see him... And we often forget the curfew."

Castel stood up swiftly. "Should I go interrogate him ?"

"No no, Cas— sit down, it's okay" Dean asserted, raising a hand in front of the angel. "Those three people, did you recognize them ? Could you like, make a portrait or something ?"

"Well, this is just a theory so I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think they were three Slytherins that we know quite well. One of them is a tall, skinny blonde boy with pale skin called Malfoy. The other two, Crabbe and Goyle, are very big-boned, hulky guys that follow Malfoy everywhere. They have really long arms, short dark hair, and they're just as stupid as they look, if not more."

Dean snorted at that, but Sam started, sitting up straighter.

"That's it. That's what I saw."

"Are you sure ?" Castiel asked gravely.

"Yeah, definitely. Did these guys wear school uniforms with a green tie ?" Sam asked, suddenly energized.

"Probably, green and silver are Slytherin's colors. What did you see ?" Harry replied.

"It's kinda... It's a bit blurry but I remember a snake, a real snake, and I got thrown against a wall. And then I opened a door and there were these two guys that you described, but I only saw them for a fraction of second because immediately after that everything went black and I felt this horrible pain... Like swords in my gut."

"Are you sure there wasn't a third person ?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't see anything... But I think I heard a voice behind me before completely passing out. Can't remember what it said though..."

Ron shook Harry's arm.

"A snake. Slytherin. It adds up, right ?"

"Yes, but where did it come from ?"

"Serpensortia" Hermione whispered, making every head turn to her in confusion. "It's a spell that makes a snake appear. Malfoy used it during your duel in second year."

"Yes, yes, I remember" Harry said with a sharp intake of breath.

"OK wait a second, you lost me right there. Are you saying a snake did it ?" Dean asked slowly, raising his eyebrows.

"No no, there's no way a snake could've done that. Maybe they were trying to scare him... But it didn't work, so they resorted to more brutal methods..." Hermione mumbled, lost in thought.

"Because I caught them" Sam breathed. "They were busted, so they tried to... Kill me ?"

"It still doesn't make sense. What were the students doing there ? Why would they try to scare Sam ?" Castiel said, frowning.

Harry sighed. "I don't know why they were hiding in the restroom, but the Slytherins have a long history of hating Muggles and everything that has to do with them. They despise not only Muggles but also Muggle-born wizards ; they think their blood is unclean and call them 'Mudbloods', and say they don't deserve their place in the wizarding world."

"So, racism. That's lovely." Dean grumbled.

"We have to go to Dumbledore, and explain him what you saw. If we consider this, plus my testimony and the letter they found this afternoon, it looks like we might uncover the truth." Harry urged.

Sam got to his feet. "Alright, let's do this. Just let me get dressed first."

Twenty minutes later, the six of them were climbing up the slowly ascending staircase behind Professor McGonagall, whom Hermione smartly decided to warn first, considering she probably knew the password to the gargoyle that kept the entrance to the Headmaster's office and they definitely didn't. Harry could feel his insides tying up in a tight knot, as they were wont to do every time he visited this office ; but as soon as they passed the threshold and stepped into the large circular room, a warm and welcoming aura enveloped them and he felt his shoulders relax a little. His eyes embraced the countless bookshelves, the delicate instruments set upon spindly tables, the Pensieve glowing faintly in a corner, the portraits hanging on the wall, and he smiled to himself.

"What the hell is this ?" Dean hissed as he laid eyes on a large, fierce-looking bird covered in crimson feathers, its golden beak and claws gleaming in the soft light that filled the room.

"Allow me to present to you Fawkes, my phoenix" a quiet voice replied. Dean's head shot up : Dumbledore was coming down a narrow staircase that opened into the office. "Do not worry, Mr Winchester : phoenixes are highly intelligent, loyal and peaceful creatures. There is no reason for any of you to feel threatened."

He sat down behind the impressively-sized desk and crossed his hands, peering at the group over the rim of his half-moon glasses.

"Minerva told me that you managed to elucidate the mystery surrounding Sam's assailant. Please, do explain."

Sam gave his companions a hesitant look and stepped forward.

"Yes Sir. I had some sort of vision this afternoon, in my sleep ; like a dream, but a lot more vivid. And I managed to recall some parts of what happened, but it's all jumbled and hazy. There was a snake at some point, a real snake charging at me. Also, I got thrown against a wall by some sort of invisible force. But then I remember opening a door, probably a cubicle door, and there were these two guys... Two students, in their school uniforms, and I didn't recognize them but they said something and I immediately felt a huge pain and blacked out. I also heard a third voice but didn't see who it belonged to."

Dumbledore nodded, listening intently.

"That sounds like a rather confusing experience. I suppose Mr Potter, as well as Mr Weasley and Ms Granger, are involved in the recognition of those two young students ?"

Harry cleared his throat. "That's right, Sir. We were out late that night..."

"Visiting our dear friend Hagrid, I presume ?"

There wasn't a hint of reproach in Dumbledore's voice, and his blue eyes twinkled almost reassuringly. Harry exhaled slowly, forever thankful for their Headmaster's indulgence.

"Yes Sir. We were coming back from Hagrid's and we saw three people running away from the restroom. I recognized them as Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, and I couldn't be perfectly sure, but when I described them to Sam he recognized them instantly."

Standing up slowly, the old wizard looked pointedly at Sam.

"Are you certain of what you saw, Mr Winchester ? Do you feel like you can trust your eyes and memory ?"

"Oh yeah, absolutely. I could easily single them out in a row of ten other people."

"Well then, we should probably go looking for those gentlemen and let them know that their presence is required in my office." Dumbledore said lightly.

McGonagall gasped. "Albus, we can't..."

"... accuse our own students ? Believe me Minerva, doing so saddens me very deeply. But we must accept the fact that some of our pupils might not be as trustworthy as we would like them to be, however disappointing that perspective may be. Will you please make sure that Mr Draco Malfoy, Mr Vincent Crabbe and Mr Gregory Goyle come join us immediately ?"

McGonagall shook her head and stormed out of the office. The rest of the group stood there in lingering awkwardness, staring at the Headmaster questioningly.

"I must say, Harry, that some elements of your story remain... Obscure. The motive, for example. Why would these boys go so far as to attempt murder on the person of Sam Winchester ? And why would they hide in a toilet to do it ?" Dumbledore whispered.

Harry shifted his weight from one foot to another.

"I... I can't say for sure, Professor, but Malfoy's infamous opinion about Muggles obviously has something to do with it."

"Ah yes, yes..." Dumbledore trailed off, walking back to his seat. "I cannot deny that Mr Malfoy's position regarding Muggles has proved itself to be quite problematic in the past. But do you really think that it could be enough to drive him to murder ?"

Harry didn't answer. He didn't know. He didn't know if Malfoy had the guts to actually kill someone, even a Muggle. But he knew that something happened last night, something terrible, and that Malfoy was a part of it.

They remained silent until the circular staircase moved again and the door opened, making way for three newcomers escorted by McGonagall and Snape.

Malfoy kept his head high, but Harry immediately noticed how tensed he was, his mouth set in a hard line and his hands balled in fists. Crabbe and Goyle hunched their shoulders, probably trying to make themselves look smaller, and their beady eyes were filled with fear. None of them dared to look at the Winchesters for longer than two seconds, which just made them look even more suspicious.

Malfoy's eyes landed on Harry, who held his hateful stare without flinching.

Yes, I'm the reason you're here. I know what you did. You can't escape the truth.

"Do you know why I called you here, Mr Malfoy ?" Dumbledore asked calmly, but firmly.

"No, Sir. Not a clue."

"Mr Goyle, an idea ? Or Mr Crabbe maybe ?"

Both shook their head, glancing furtively at their blonde leader.

"The reason why we are all gathered in my office this evening is because I was made aware of some interesting information about yesterday's events. Three of your classmates just told me that you" – he pointed at each Slytherin standing in front of him – "were seen roaming the school's corridors late at night."

Malfoy shot Harry, Ron and Hermione a disgusted glance.

"That's not true. You know Potter hates me, Professor. His judgment is biased. All he wants is to find a reason to get me expelled ! And how would they know anything like that without breaking the curfew ?"

Harry groaned under his breath. Of course, Malfoy was trying to reverse the situation and make them look guilty...

"Now now, there is no need to get so upset. I happen to know Mr Potter's and his friends' whereabouts and already discussed it with them. This reunion is not about them, it is about you. Furthermore, Mr Winchester told me that he just remembered discovering two boys hiding in the restroom yesterday evening ; two boys whose description highly resembles Mr Crabbe's and Mr Goyle's. Did you, or did you not, wander anywhere near the restroom yesterday evening between the hours of 9PM and 11PM ?"

"We didn't ! Please Professor, don't tell me you actually believe them, this is ridiculous !"

Malfoy had barely finished his sentence when Castiel suddenly disappeared and popped up in front of him, towering over him menacingly, his face stone-cold.

"Don't. Lie."

Swallowing with difficulty, Malfoy took a step backwards and exhaled shakily when Dean grabbed Castiel's sleeve, pulling him away.

"So, you deny being involved in the attack whatsoever ?" Dumbledore said, his piercing gaze switching from Malfoy to his acolytes.

"Y-Yes Sir. We didn't do anything !"

"It's not us !"

"We don't even know how the Sectumsempra spell works !"

Everyone froze, and a sudden silence fell on the room. Malfoy gave Goyle a half-panicked, half-murderous stare, his head snapping around so fast Harry feared he might get whiplash.


"I don't remember mentioning anything about the name of the spell, Mr Goyle" McGonagall said in a low voice.

Goyle muttered incoherent onomatopoeias under his breath, flustered and fidgeting. From the corner of his eye, Harry saw the Winchesters straighten their backs.

Snape crossed the room in three strides and extended his left hand.

"Your wand, Mr Goyle" he ordered in a surprisingly soft voice.

The young Slytherin whimpered and looked up timidly.

"Give me your wand, now" Snape demanded again.

With trembling hands, Goyle pulled his wand from his pocket and gave it to his teacher. Snape took out his own wand and, pointing it at the boy's, he exclaimed : "Prior Incantato !"

A few swirls of greyish and orange light taking various shapes escaped from the tip of Goyle's wand, followed by a puff of translucent smoke. Dumbledore slowly walked up to Snape, and Harry was about to ask him what they were looking for when suddenly, a sharp beam of white light shot out of the tip like a blade, accompanied by muffled noise, like a distant scream. A scream that sounded awfully like...

"That's Sam's voice" Dean said shakily, green eyes flickering from Snape to his brother. Sam didn't say a word, his jaw clenched. "That was your voice. How ?..."

"Prior Incantato is a spell designed to force a wand to produce echoes of the spells it performed, usually the most recent ones. This bright ray of white light was the echo of a Sectumsempra curse. Unless Mr Goyle's wand was stolen at some point over the past 24 hours, this strongly suggests that he did cast that spell recently." Snape explained.

"Really ? Well, that's interesting" Dean snarled, taking a few menacing steps forward.

Sam extended an arm in front of his brother's chest and looked at Goyle.

"Why'd you do it ?"

He sounded hurt, rather than offended, and it made Harry sad.

"It-it wasn't just me ! Crabbe casted the spell t-too !" Goyle stuttered, wringing his hands.

Without a word, Snape took Crabbe's wand and gave it the same treatment he gave Goyle's. After a moment, the beam of light and the distant scream reappeared. However, no white light came out of Malfoy's wand ; instead, it suddenly started hissing.

"Was that the echo of a Serpensortia curse ?" a wide-eyed Hermione asked.

"Indeed" Snape replied, his eyes shooting daggers at Malfoy.

"The snake. It was you." Sam whispered. "I... Why ? What were you trying to do ? Kill me ?"

Malfoy's eyes deliberately refused to meet Sam's. "No, Sir."

"Then what ? Scare me, scare us ? What for ?"

Sam's voice was raising fairly quickly now, and he looked more and more upset. When the blonde boy didn't answer, Dumbledore took three pieces of parchment out of a drawer, dipped his long black quill in the inkwell and scribbled a few words on each piece. He then rolled them, sealed them with red wax and handed them to Hermione.

"Miss Granger, can you please run to the Owlery and send those letters to Mr Malfoy's, Mr Crabbe's and Mr Goyle's families ? The matter is, as you noticed, quite urgent."

Hermione quickly nodded and left the office, her brown hair floating behind her like a mane.

"Well, that should give us a good hour of waiting, at least. I propose that Mr Malfoy distracts us by explaining in details what really happened yesterday evening." Dumbledore said.

His neck and shoulders stiff, Malfoy clarified everything : his minutely-prepared scheme, the letter that apparently fell out of his pocket when they hurriedly left the bathroom, the sudden change of plan, Crabbe and Goyle's "remarkably reckless stupidity" and the panic that ensued. By the end of his brief retelling, Harry and Ron were shaking their head in disgusted disapproval and Sam sighed tiredly, leaning against Dumbledore's huge desk.

"So what you're saying is... You wanted to freak us out but it went wrong and you ended up with a non-premeditated homicide attempt on your hands ?"

"Put it how you want" Malfoy replied arrogantly.

A dark shadow passed across Sam's eyes and he inched closer to the boy.

"Hey, you mind your tone with me, alright ? I don't care how superior you think you are, right now you're the one in trouble, not me. So if I were you, I'd keep it shut."

"Or you can go on like that, and let me assure you, it will be my greatest pleasure to smack that smug attitude out of you" Dean added, smirking dangerously.

Malfoy winced and looked away without another word.

"He's scared. Of course he'd rather die than admit it to anyone ever, but he is." Ron whispered in Harry's ear.

Harry huffed and nodded. Malfoy's nervousness was more than obvious, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it. Admittedly, the two hunters looked a little scary with that black expression on their faces ; especially Sam, who was usually quite gentle.

Considering it was already half past seven, Dumbledore sent everyone to the Great Hall for a quick dinner before calling them back to his office. When Harry opened the door, he was greeted with the most unpleasant surprise : Lucius Malfoy was staring right at him, one hand on Draco's shoulder, his cold grey eyes filled with contempt. That contempt turned to sheer disgust when the Winchesters entered the room a second later, and it made Harry angry and jittery. The two other men were massive, big-boned and gruff-looking.

"I'm guessing these are Crabbe's and Goyle's fathers" Hermione whispered. Indeed, each man went to stand next to one of the Slytherin boys. The family resemblance was oddly funny and Harry bit his lip to refrain himself from chuckling, especially since Snape was standing just a few feet away.

"Thank you for joining us tonight. I trust that you took the time to read my telegram : sadly, the circumstances that reunite us today aren't of the most joyful category." Dumbledore said, his quiet voice resonating slightly in the crowded office. "It is my duty to inform you about the actions of Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle ; actions that will undeniably lead to severe consequences."

The three Gryffindors exchanged an intrigued look : Harry knew they were all wondering the same thing. What punishment are they going to receive ? Are they going to be... ?

"Yesterday evening, between the hours of 10PM and 11PM, those three young men attempted to ambush and threaten Mr Sam Winchester, temporary teacher at Hogwarts. They casted several spells at him, spells that included Serpensortia, Everte Statum and Levicorpus. They had also prepared a fake letter containing threats about how the Dark Lord would come to get him and his brother, also temporary teacher at Hogwarts. When Mr Winchester uncovered their hiding spot, Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle casted a Sectumsempra curse at him, unaware of the curse's effects, which resulted in serious, life-threatening wounds and important blood loss. Luckily, he was found by another student shortly after."

Lucius Malfoy turned his head slowly to face the hunters and the angel.

"Unfortunately, we haven't been properly introduced to one another. Which one of you ?..."

"Me. It was me." Sam said sharply.

"Of course" Lucius replied. The corner of his lips twisted upwards into a devious smirk, disdain dripping from his voice. "Muggles, am I correct ? I see that our Headmaster continues to fulfill his little fantasies. Taking such liberty regarding our young witches' and wizards' education is... Hazardous, to say the least."

Dean's right eyebrow hit his hairline. "Hazardous ? Seriously ?"

"You mentioned severe consequences earlier ; can you please enlighten us ?" Lucius asked Dumbledore, completely ignoring Dean.

McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Upon discussion with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape, it has been decided that Mr Malfoy will receive one month of detention, starting next Monday. His actions will also cost 50 points to Slytherin."

Lucius Malfoy tightened his grip on his son's shoulder, but he stayed silent.

"As for Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle... Approving of such a horrific plan and taking part in it is one thing, but putting a teacher's life in danger is much worse. Moreover, hate crimes are not and never will be tolerated at Hogwarts. Therefore, I'm sorry to announce that you two are to be expelled from this school within the next 24 hours."

The moment of shocked silence that followed was quickly broken by a concert of protests from Crabbe and Goyle's fathers.

"What ?! You can't do that !"

"This is unfair, completely unfair !"

"Why isn't he expelled ? He's the one who came up with the whole thing !" one of them said, pointing at Malfoy.

"I advise you to watch your mouth, Crabbe" Lucius Malfoy said glacially.

"I'll say whatever I bloody please, Malfoy. It's your son who put us all in this mess. He should be the one expelled !"

"Enough ! Our decision is final. There is no discussing it." McGonagall exclaimed.

"That's ridiculous ! Our sons don't deserve such a bad treatment !" Goyle Sr replied.

"And Sam didn't deserve to be half-murdered in a freaking bathroom. Justice is served, get a grip." Dean snapped back angrily.

"Well he's still alive, isn't he ? What more do you want ?" Crabbe Sr said.

Sam's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "You're joking right ?!"

"Your son almost killed my brother and you wanna pretend everything's fine ?"

"In your own words : get a grip" Crabbe Sr spat out. "Muggles... All you people can do is whine and complain. I say my son tried to do the world a favor, getting rid of you pathetic—"

Click. Dean's gun was aiming at the wizard's face before anyone realized what happened. Harry's breath caught in his throat and he heard Hermione gasp beside him ; they backed away, and so did Malfoy, the sudden tension in the room making them anxious.

"I suggest you stop talking before I tear you a new one" Dean growled through gritted teeth.

Sam called out his brother softly, his voice tensed, but received no answer.

"Mr Winchester, will you please lower your weapon ?" Snape whispered.

Dean didn't move, his hands steady, index on the trigger. Crabbe Sr's lips stretched into a rictus. "Do you really think that your little... contraption is going to scare me ?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But I could always blow up your kneecaps, just to make sure."

Crabbe Sr's smirk vanished and he whipped out his wand. Harry knew the situation was just going to escalate from this point onward and he was about to speak up when Sam stepped between the two men, facing Dean and raising his hands.

"Alright, that's enough. Drop it, both of you. Now."

He held Dean's furious stare until he uncocked his gun without a word. Crabbe Sr was still pointing his wand at the brothers and Castiel grabbed his wrist, forcing his arm back down to his side without any effort despite the man's attempts to resist. Harry Ron and Hermione all sighed in relief, the sound particularly audible in the now eerily quiet room.

Dumbledore leaned forward, a pained expression on his face.

"The last thing I wish is for a conflict to erupt, even more so a bloody one. Unfortunately, as Professor McGonagall said earlier, our decision is final. Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle may spend their week-end at Hogwarts, but they shall be gone by Monday morning."

Well, this is it.

Everyone glanced at each other in uneasy silence ; Goyle Sr was the first one to move, one hand pushing his son towards the door and the other pointing an accusing finger at the Headmaster.

"This isn't over. You haven't seen the end of me Dumbledore, I can promise you that !"

Crabbe Sr shot a vicious stare at the old wizard and exited the room with his son, mumbling under his breath.

"Well, I guess that's my cue. I would thank you for the truly interesting evening, Dumbledore, but... Come on, Draco. We need to talk." Lucius Malfoy whispered, hand still clawing at Draco's shoulder. The pale boy looked at the Gryffindors, eyes filled with resentment, before letting his father guide him out of the office ; and Harry knew he wouldn't leave them in peace after they got his trusty acolytes expelled. But he could handle him. They could handle him. That being said, he wasn't feeling exactly happy at the moment.

"We did the right thing, didn't we ?" he whispered in Hermione's ear.

They both looked at the two brothers shaking hands with Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall, a small smile on their faces and mumbling a gruff "thank you".

"Definitely" she replied.

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