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It goes without saying that Sam felt more than a little uncomfortable on that Wednesday morning as he watched the students take their seats. Completely aware of the furtive looks he was receiving from a group of giggling girls, he stealthily took a few steps towards the desk, trying to put as much distance between him and them as possible. Dean started laughing again and Sam gave him a disgruntled look, his cheeks on fire. Trying to hide his embarrassment, he faced the class and forced himself to smile.

"Hello everyone ! Today we're tackling a pretty massive topic so let's jump right into it. So... Demons. Ever heard about them before ? Do you know anything about them ?"

The students shook their heads, and Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Really ? You know about ghosts but not about demons ? Huh. Weird."

He turned to the blackboard, grabbed a chunk of chalk and started drawing a big circle while Sam began the lesson.

"Okay, so... A demon is a spirit. An entity, kind of like an angel, only demons are evil. Like we said yesterday, when they're on Earth, they need to possess a vessel, a human body ; which of course helps them blend in very easily. Any random person that you walk by in the streets could be a demon... Could be possessed by a demon, to be exact. You would never know until they reveal themselves, but there are some tricks that can help you spot them.

Now of course, demons are extremely powerful. They can kill you, torture you, control your mind, send you flying across the room with a flick of their wrist. But they're also pretty sneaky. The best way to recognize a demon is to look at the person's eyes : if they're completely black or red, you can be sure there's a demon trapped in there somewhere."

Dean turned to Sam.

"That's not all of it. Some of the demons we met didn't have black eyes, or red eyes. Like Lilith or Alastair for example, they had white eyes. Or Azazel, he had yellow eyes."

"Well yeah, but they seem pretty rare y'know ? I mean, Azazel was the only yellow-eyed demon we ever met ; same with Lilith and Alastair, no other demon had white eyes."

Dean shrugged, resuming his sketching. "Yeah, true. But who knows, maybe there's more."

I hope not, Sam thought, internally cringing. Azazel, Lilith and Alastair were without a doubt the nastiest, most dangerous demons they ever fought against. Memories suddenly flashed before his eyes : 'Yellow-Eyes' killing their mother, Lilith releasing her Hell Hounds on Dean, Alastair trying to yank Castiel's grace out of his body... Breathing deeply, he tried to push aside those mental images and continue his explanations but Dean spoke first. He had finished his drawing and put the piece of chalk back down, facing the class again.

"There are other ways to recognize demons. Wherever they go, they leave a strong smell of sulfur behind them. That's something you can look for in case you suspect a demon was in the room before you got there. Also, if you say "Christo", you'll see their eyes turn black for a second. Oh and, let's not forget : when they're not possessing anyone, demons can be perceived by the human eye as a big whirl of black smoke. If you see it, run like hell, it's never long before they knock you down and climb up your throat."

He clapped his hands. "Alright, on to the fun part ! Unfortunately, those bastards are very, very difficult to kill. Unless you have a more powerful demon on your side. Or an angel."

Every student turned their head to Castiel in a comically simultaneous movement.

"That is true. Demons are weaker than angels. We can kill them but they can't kill us, unless they have an angel blade, which is a significant advantage." Castiel explained.

"Welcome to your first Hunting class"(Supernatural // Harry Potter crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ