DAY 5 (part two)

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Three hours later, Harry was storming out of their Transfiguration class, closely followed by his best friends.

"Come on Harry, you knew she would react like this..."

"No ! How doesn't she see it ?! It's more obvious than ever now, that Malfoy was behind all of this ! Who else would send threats signed with "The Dark Lord" ?"

Harry had talked to Professor McGonagall at the end of the lesson, trying to explain her why she should consider the possibility and at least interrogate the Slytherin students. But she dismissed him with a glacial stare and a snappy "just because you have a personal issue with the boy doesn't mean the rest of Hogwarts should" as well as a "be glad I'm not retrieving any points from Gryffindor for your little nocturnal stroll".

He wasn't obsessed with Malfoy. The scenario of yesterday's events was crystal clear but lacked evidences, and without evidences he wouldn't be taken seriously. Unless...

"I'm going to talk to the Winchesters. I'll explain them my theory and see what they think of it. They said we should come to them if we had an idea, didn't they ?"

Ron and Hermione looked at each other hesitantly, uncertain of what to say.

"I'm not sure it's the best idea. They might go after Malfoy unnecessarily..." Hermione said.

"It's not unnecessary !"

"Listen to me Harry, please. This cannot turn into a vendetta between Dean and Sam and whoever tried to harm them – probably Malfoy, I know. Be careful."

"She's right you know" Ron said, smiling half-heartedly. "These guys look like they can be pretty impulsive sometimes..."

"Of course, no worries. I'll tell them it's just a theory. But I have to do it now."

They turned into hallways and climbed multiple stairs until they reached the North wing and Harry knocked loudly on the door, taking a deep breath.

The faint murmur of conversation behind the shiny wood stopped instantly and for a few seconds, everything was silent. Then heavy footsteps resonated closer and closer to the door, until it clicked and Dean's frowning face appeared in the gap.

"What is it ?"

"We'd like to talk to you Sir, about what happened yesterday. I have... A theory."

Dean's face dropped and he opened the door completely.

"Well that's good, 'cause Sam just had some weird nightmare vision and it would be really helpful if someone could clear things up. Come on in."

Castiel was sitting on a bed, next to Sam who had changed into his pajamas and looked rough from sleep ; a probably not-so-relaxing sleep. He looked at the students without saying a word, one arm wrapped around his chest, his face blank. Dean gestured at them to sit on the other bed and grabbed a chair.

"So, you think you know who Freddy-Kruegered my brother ?"

"Uhmmmm... Yes Sir"

Whatever that meant.

"Yesterday evening we saw three people run away in a corridor, obviously coming from the restroom considering the direction they were taking. They looked like they were headed to the Dungeon, which is were the Slytherin dorms and common room are situated : that's why I believe the attack was perpetrated by Slytherin students."

Dean narrowed his eyes. "Okay... Three people ?"

"Yes Sir"

"I only saw two" Sam whispered, his voice raspy as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

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