Danger Zone

By BabyChangbiinn

71 14 6

One dark Night, I had a Fright, Was a Sight I'll never forget... ********************************** I... More

Entry #2
Entry #3
Entry #4

Entry #1

18 4 1
By BabyChangbiinn

"Where... Where am I?... Who am I? What am I?" I snapped my eyes open as I gasped for air, taking in the tainted air that surrounds me.

"Huh. Same dream over and over again. Well today marks the day 1,080. 3 years ago I was put in this stupid place. Although I don't remember why, it was probably for a good reason. Reason number one is probably talking to myself, haha," a dry laugh escapes my mouth as I put another line, marking another day on my personal tally wall using the chalk I "borrowed."

A loud alarm rings through my room as I try to open the door to see if one of the night guards had accidently left the door unlocked. Nope, of course, how could they forget the 10,000 locks that basically made up my door.

"Hey, you worthless scum, don't try and escape, it won't work again, you know!" One of the many guards on duty stationed by my door shouted as he snapped open the little metal sliding thing on the door so that he could see me. Although it was all in vain as he couldn't get a good look at me for it was pitch black in my little cell.

"SHUT UP! WHO ASKED YOU ANYWAY?!" I growled back. "You won't win. You do realize that one day I will get out, I WILL escape, and whenever that day comes, I want you to know that you are taking up first place on my hit list with that big head of yours," I finished calmly.

As he stormed away to get someone else to guard me, I heard someone else speak up, "You do know that one day he is going to quit because of you, correct?"

I gave him a look showing that what he had just said was truly stupid, "Yeah well, that is, after all, my goal in all of this. Do you know how hard I tried to make him say just two simple words?"

He narrowed his eyes in confusion and curiosity, "What 'two words' are you talking about?"

"Wow, newbie. Never knew someone could be so dense." I insulted, "The two words I'm talking about are-"

As I got cut off from my enlightening sentence, I could hear a yell from down the hall. I knew exactly who it was. It was the guard that was here a few minutes ago. He was saying the two words that I love to hear the most, "I QUIT!"

I broke out into a sickening grin as I made sure to keep that moment locked into my head forevor, "Oh, those sweet, sweet words I love to hear oh so very much. They're my favorites, you know."

I stepped closer to the light shining through the opening near the top at the center of the door. With each step I took I got further and further into the light. When he saw the smile on my face he began to tremble. I could hear his heart racing, his blood flowing. I could see his body stiffen at the sight of me. But mostly, I could smell the delicious scent of fear, as it radiated off of him in waves.

"I'm just guessing here, but, you've never seen blood before, have you?" I chuckled out, "Well, let us change that." As he was frozen in place, I reached through the opening in the door, and unlocked every single one of the locks keeping me trapped inside.

As I pushed the door open, it creaked and grumbled, having been the oldest door in the building. I slowly stepped out of the room, blinking rapidly, adjusting to the newfound light.

I curled my sharp nails around his neck and dragged him back into my room. I slammed the door shut and lay him down onto the floor, where the drain is for the shower water.

"Where to start.... OH! I know. My cell could really use a new paint job," I picked him up by his hair and slammed his head into the concrete wall. A sickening crack echoed throughout my cell as his blood rolled down the concrete.

"Aww!" I pouted, "I hate the quiet ones, your screaming makes me feel better! It's not fun if your dead!" Well, there is nothing I can do about it. Let's continue painting. I take my sharp nails and rake them across the skin on his neck, causing blood to drip down on the floor.

I push my hand into the wound, feeling the blood flowing out into the palm of my hands as I scoop it up and slam them onto the wall creating blood splatters and red waterfalls gliding down it, even get blood on my face. I lick my lips, forcing the thick substance onto my tongue as I swallow and feel it flowing down into my stomach, like a waterfall.

After that, I take a shard of glass and carefully cut into the skin as I begin to cut it off, I am going to use his skin as my brand new rug. It'll be a beautiful work of art after I stitch it together. I hang the skeleton on the wall to let it drip dry, giving a new friend to those already there to the others and I hurry over to my mini freezer, that I also, "borrowed," and stuffed the organs inside, to preserve them.

I graffiti the walls and even the ceiling, painting the room a beautiful shade of red you can only receive from living, breathing creatures. Like humans. Their blood tastes the best out of anything else I've ever had. Their organs are delightful, my favorite is the heart, it stores the most blood in it, creating a feast for me. What I do with the organs is I preserve them until Thanksgiving day, and I gobble them all up.

I'm no cannibal, it's just the only way to survive in a place such as this one. They don't give you any normal human food to eat. Well not to me anyway, seeing as they only see me as a monster. I can't deny, however, the title. I worked hard to earn it.

In fact, it's the name I go by in here. Now, if I were to be in the outside world, things would be plenty different. The rules I am supposed to abide by in here, aren't the same as out there. Those in the outside world live completely different lives compared to those who live in here.

I don't mind it though, this place just so happens to be, my favorite place ever. And I love it here. Even though, I am going to escape, at this very moment, I have all I've ever wanted. Right. Here.
I'm so excited to write this you guys, and I hope you're not upset with me for disappearing for awhile, but at the moment I'm doing the #JustWriteIt thing for October/Halloween. So prepare for blood. And, I'm also planning on a new book, and a new chapter for my book, "Back and Better than Ever."
Stay tuned my lovely Chickypoos.


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