
By glitter_xox

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{Book Two Of The Millionaire Series} {Book Three And Four Have Been Included As Well.} ... More

Chapter 1- Carrington Here We Come
Chapter 2- I Shot Picture Guy
Chapter 3- I'm Not Normal
Chapter 4- Living Next To A Confused Robin Hood
Chapter 5- Seriously? The Mafia?
Chapter 6- Cooking For 20 Guys?
Chapter 7- I Think I'm Going To Go Crazy
Chapter 8- Kare-bear Is Going To Dig Herself A Grave
Chapter 9- Dangerous Is My Middle Name
Chapter 10- Dominico Bassi
Chapter 11- Are You Serious?
Chapter 12- The Truth
Chapter 13- Caitlin
Chapter 14- Our Happily Ever After
Chapter 1- Wedding Dresses?
Chapter 2- She's Too Young!
Chapter 3- Drunk Gia?
Chapter 5- Daddy I Want A Mommy
Chapter 6- Do I Scare you Gia?
Chapter 7- Wedding Day Chaos
Chapter 8- Caitlin's Married?
Chapter 9- Happy Birthday Caitlin
Chapter 10- Pregnancy Nightmares
Chapter 11- Angelina Brooke
Chapter 12- Angelina Brooke Part 2
Chapter 13- The End
Next Book- Caitlin!
Chapter 1- "I'm Going To Miss Smokey"
Chapter 2- Hawaii Trip
Chapter 3- "I Heart Gabe?"
Chapter 4- Child's Play?
Chapter 5- Bryton?
Chapter 6- Dress?
Chapter 7- Gabriel Blake
Chapter 8- "It's Midnight"
Chapter 9- He Talked!!

Chapter 4- New Beginnings

5.3K 289 125
By glitter_xox

Word count- 2840

"Angel. Angel" I hear Caitlin's voice.

I open my eyes, to see her sat up on the bed, shaking Gia.

Gia's wrapped her arms around me. How did she get here?

"Daddy! Angel's in my place" Caitlin pouts at me.

I chuckle, sitting up. I put Gia's arms down, on herself, and open my arms for Caitlin.

She climbs over Gia, and sits on my place.

"Daddy why is Angel here?" She asks, laying her head on my chest.

"Gia is not feeling well" I say and she nods

"Daddy? Do Angel make you happy?" She asks looking up at me.

"What?" I look at her confused

"You smile this much with Angel" she spreads her arms out

"Okay princess. You're too clever" I tickle her and she starts giggling

"Daddy! Daddy stop!" She laughs

"Caitlin?" Gia mumbles, sitting up slowly. 

"What am I doing here?" She asks confused

"Angel! You steal my place" Caitlin says

I laugh at her and place her on the ground.

"Go wake up Ryan. Tell him we need to be ready in two hours" she nods kissing  my cheek, and running towards the door. She stands on her tip toes and opens the door, running out.

"What time is it?" Gia asks looking at me slowly.

"It's 9 in the morning. You wanted to sleep here with Caitlin." I say and she nods

She stands up and I smile slowly.

She looks hot in my clothes.

"Can I see Kara?" She asks and I nod

"Yeah. Just make sure you knock on the door first." She nods

"Which door?" She asks quietly

"Oh. It's the door with the words, 'Welcome To The Queens Room.' On the left" I say and she smiles walking out of the room.

Let's get ready to go and meet my parents.
I'll drop Gia off first.
She's getting engaged today. I haven't forgotten.
"Caitlin stop!" I shout.

She stops at the door, in her underwear.

"Daddy I don't want to go" she frowns at me walking back.

"You have too. We got an invitation, especially to meet you."  I say pulling her dress down.

"You look like a princess" I smile

"I do?" She smiles back running towards the mirror.

"Daddy! I look like a princess" she gasps

I chuckle standing up.

"Yep" I smile walking towards her.

"Daddy you look like a king!" She gasps again.

"I know" I smirk at her.

I grab my shoe and walk towards the bed.

"Princess where's my other shoe?" I ask as I wear the other one.

"Here Daddy!" She runs towards me with my other shoe. She places it on the floor and climbs onto the bed.

I wear it quickly and stand up, grabbing my Rolex watch and wear it.

"Daddy I want to wear lipstick" Caitlin crosses her arms, pouting at me.

"What? You're too young Caitlin, and you don't need make up. You look beautiful. Let's go" she shakes her head.

"Daddy, Auntie Kara, has so much rossetto. I want one. Please?" She frowns at me.

"Rossetto?" I look at her confused

"Lipstick daddy. Lipstick. I nearly 5 daddy, and I have no make up" she pouts.

Oh god. I do not want her to become a teenager.

"What about balm? I don't have any lipstick?" I don't even have balm but it's better than lipstick.

"Auntie Kara does. She has this much" she spreads her arms out.

"You don't need make up princess. You're beautiful" I pick her up

She wraps her arm around my neck.

"Daddy I know I beautiful." I smile.

"Then?" I raise my eyebrow at her, as the door opens and Ryan walks in wearing a blue suit.

"Ryan! Ryan I want lipstick" I groan as Ryan picks her up.

"Let's go to Kara's room" they walk out.

Caitlin is Ryan's favourite. Caitlin is everyone's favourite. Not only Ryan's. They all spoiler her too much.

I walk out of the room and towards Kara's room. Ryan is sat on the bed, applying red lipstick to Caitlin,who has her mouth opened.

"Red? No. It's too bright. Take it off" I say

"What about nude colour?" Ryan says to me.

"Nude colour? What's that?" Ryan shows me a lipstick, that's like her dress colour.

"Yep. That's perfect. Now hurry so we can go" I say and he nods wiping her lips with the duvet, and applying the other lipstick. The nude one.

What names do they give them?

"There you go. Done. Pucker up princess" she smiles at Ryan, and hugs him tightly.

"I love you ryan" he chuckles.

"I love you too. Now let's go" he puts the lipstick down, and holds her hand.

"We're taking the Ferrari right?" He asks and I nod holding Caitlin's hand, and walk out of the room.

"Where are you two going?" Kara smirks at us.

"To our parents anniversary" Ryan sighs.

She nods slowly, confused.

"Well enjoy your time" Ryan takes Caitlin out of the house.

"Either we come back bruised up or either we come back smiling. It's up to fate now" she looks at me confused, and shocked, as I take the Ferrari keys and walk out of the house.

"Don't do something stupid Seth" she calls from the door.

I laugh.

"It won't be me" I chuckle as Ryan rolls his eyes.

"Caitlin wait!" I run after her. She runs into someone. I look up to see my mom and dad.

Caitlin walks back towards me. She stands behind me and Ryan.

"Hey its okay" I pick her up

"Oh sweetie. You made it. I thought you weren't going to come" mom looks at me.

"Well I did. Ryan wanted to come" I say and she smiles at Ryan.

"How are you honey?" She hugs Ryan slowly and then steps back next to dad.

"Good. Happy anniversary" Ryan smiles at them.

"Thank you. Is this Caitlin?" Mom looks at me. Ryan sighs.

"Yeah. This is Caitlin" I say smiling at Caitlin. She smiles back.

"She's so...lovely" she fake smiles at me.

"Why don't you guys go and get a table yourself. We're just going to meet other guests" mom and dad smile, and walk around us.

"I think we should go back" Ryan mumbles, as I put Caitlin on the ground. She holds Ryan's hand.

"Nope. I need to see this today" I mumble walking forward.

I find a table at the front and sit down.

"Caitlin you sit he-" she jumps up as Ryan places her on the chair.

"Angel! Angel!" She shouts waving at someone behind Ryan.

Ryan turns around and I see Gia with Adam.

Adam the asshole.

They walk towards us.

"Caitlin? Seth? What are you guys doing here?" She asks confused

Now here's where we lift the red curtains, ladies and gentlemen.

"It's our parents anniversary today. Right Adam?" I smirk at him, standing up.

"Yes of course. Did mom invite you?" I chuckle

"Definitely. I am her favourite son right?" He frowns at me.

"No. I'm her favourite. She disowned you two right?" He scoffs at us.

"Yeah and that's why we're here" Ryan rolls his eyes

"Angel! I got on rossetto" Caitlin says to Gia.

Gia stares at us confused. She has a little fear in her eyes, when she looks at me.

"You guys are brothers?" She whispers

"Adam, Adam. You didn't tell her? You can't just hide a family member right? Especially from your girlfriend" I fake a smile at him.

"Hey Gia" I smile at her.

"What?" She looks at us confused.

She looks beautiful, in her teal blue long dress, with sequins.

"What? Come on Gia. I've known you longer than him, and that's the reaction I get?" I say

"Hi" she blushes slightly.

"There you go. Perfect" I say

"Come on. Let's meet my parents" Adam pulls her away.

"She's Adam's girlfriend? But you love her? Then why are you- I don't understand none of this" Ryan shakes his head

"Let's go Caitlin. We'll get something to eat" he picks her up and walks away.

Gia. Sweet Gia.
Adam. Asshole Adam.

My parents are billionaires, just like Kara's family. The only difference is, that my parents are very strict.

They don't accept gay people. They don't accept sex before marriage.
They especially don't accept kids before marriage.

Now back to Adam. Adam is the middle child. I'm the oldest, then it's Adam and then Ryan.

My parents don't accept me fully because of Caitlin. They don't fully accept Ryan because he's gay.
Now Adam on the other hand is their 'normal' child.

He's doing everything right, like my parents want.

The only reason why my parents are happy to see us today, is because of the reporters, flashing their cameras every time.

When they leave, it'll turn into a war zone.

When I saw Adam with Gia the first time, I was shocked. Gia was mine. But then Adam the asshole came in and took her.
And he never said anything about us being brothers. It didn't matter to me because he would always be in Florida.

But now? Now mom's going to be even more excited to know that he's getting engaged.

Gia doesn't love him.  She said it to me. She won't agree to the marriage.

"Daddy! Look I bought you food" Caitlin runs towards me with Ryan behind him.

Ryan places a plate in front of me with steak and chips with Chinese chicken, and some noodles.

I pick Caitlin up and place her on the table in front of me.

"Daddy we're going to share" she claps her hands and I nod handing her a few chips

"I'll go get you some ketchup. Ryan help her" he nods moving closer to her.

I walk towards the buffet, and pick up a small plate.

"You asshole. Why didn't you tell me" Gia pushes me slightly

"Tell you what?" I smirk picking up the spoon full of ketchup and placing it on the plate.

"That you're his brother. Seth, you're not going to tell him about yesterday right?" She whispers putting some fries in her plate.

"About you not loving him, and that he makes you sit on the naughty chair and that it hurts?" She nods

"I do love him. And I was only joking about the naughty chair. We're too old for that" I nod turning around to look at her

"But you don't really love him. You just think you do"  I walk back to our table.

I just turned into a therapist.

I sit down in my chair in front of Caitlin.

"Daddy can we go and dance? Please?" I nod

"Yep but first eat." She nods dipping the fries in the ketchup and stuffing them in her mouth.

"I come back for more later?" She says and I chuckle at her.

"What's the rush?" I say standing up as she gets down slowly.

"Don't eat my food" I look at Ryan, who's stuffing his mouth with chicken.

Caitlin runs towards the dance floor, and I walk after her.

She's too small for me to dance with.

I shake my head, smiling at her, as I twirl her around.

This is the first time I've taken Caitlin out to a big event with the paparazzi.

It's the first time, everyone is going to see my daughter.

She giggles as I twirl her around.

"Daddy!" She tries to twirl me around.

"Okay then" I twirl around, as people stare at me. She claps her hands.

"My turn" I twirl her around.

Some of the people aww at us. Well what can I say? I'm a hot dad.

"Now l-" she shakes her head

"Angel! It's Angel's turn!" She says as Gia and Adam walk on to the dance floor. Caitlin runs to Gia and pulls her towards me.

She puts her hand in mine and I smile.

Caitlin's playing cupid. I love you princess.

"Oh. Cait-" I spin Gia around and she gasps holding onto me.

"Seth!" She exclaims looking up at me, as her hands are on my chest.

"Yes Gia?" I smirk at her.

"Again daddy! Again" Caitlin claps her hands together.

"Your wish is my command" I spin Gia around a couple of times. She laughs a little.

"Seth! Stop now!" She laughs, falling back on to me.

"Yay!" Caitlin jumps up and down slowly.

"My turn!" She walks closer to us.

Gia stands up straight, smiling at Caitlin

"I have to go. Have you eaten?" She asks and Caitlin nods

"Yep. I ate lots of patatine fritte" Caitlin says

"Good girl. Now you go with your dad. Bye" she walks back to Adam.

"Daddy let's go to Ryan" Caitlin pulls me away from the dance floor.

"Thank you for coming" mom smiles at the last guest.

They close the doors, just as Adam gets down on one knee for Gia.

Please say no.

"Angelina Brooke, will you marry me?" He asks pulling out a huge diamond ring.

She nods, smiling at it.

"Yes" he places the ring on her finger and stands up and kisses her. I cover Caitlin's eyes.

Gia pushes him away slowly, whispering something into his ear.

Maybe she lied to me? She was drunk. Maybe she does love him.

"Oh honey! That was so sweet!" Mom hugs Adam.

Sweet? He didn't even say a whole essay?

"Daddy can I look now?" I remove my hands from her eyes, smiling down at her.

She's my main priority.

Caitlin and Ryan, then the rest of them.

I pick her up and she rests her head on my shoulder.

She's been dancing a lot.

"Why did you come?" Adam asks us

"We were invited" Ryan says

"You're invited every year, but you never turn up. It's just for publicity" mom mumbles rolling her eyes.

"We better get going" I say to Ryan.

"Why? We have as much right on you guys as Adam does. Just because I'm gay and he has a daughter you're going to disown us? For fuck sake it's the 21st century!" He shouts

"Don't you dare talk to your mother like that"  dad glares at him.

"Why dad? Aren't mothers meant to love their sons no matter what? He never knew he was going to get a daughter? I never knew I was going to be gay!" He shouts

"Ryan forget it" I say

"How can I forget it Seth? It's happening all the time. You can't have a normal life just because you have a daughter. Really mom? What do you want? Do you want him to get married? It was a mistake. He didn't know anything. He was fucking 21 years old" he exclaims

He really shouldn't be swearing in front of Caitlin, but he needs to get it out of his system.

"Yes! He should of got married first. She's growing up without a mother. She'll turn out exactly like her father. A stupid fuck up" mom throws her hands up in the air.

"You can say shit about me, but not my daughter. Fuck you asshole of parents. Let's go Ryan" I walk toward the door. I pull it open,  and walk out with Ryan behind me.

"We don't speak of this ever again. We don't come here ever again." I say to him and he nods opening the car door for me. I put Caitlin inside, and she has tears running down her face.

I frown.

"Princess why are you crying?" I wipe her face, bending down.

"They don't like me?" She whispers

"I love you, and that's all that matters okay?" She nods slowly,

"I love you too daddy" she hugs me tightly.

Fuck them asshole. No one makes my daughter cry.

No fucking asshole.

"Do you want ice cream?" I ask and she nods letting me go. She looks at me confused.

"Daddy does Angel no love me too?" She whispers

"Front now it's me and you only. Pinky promise" she entwines our pinkies together and I kiss her hand.

"Ryan? You love me?" She looks behind me.

"Yep. I love you" she claps her hands

"You marry me?" I chuckle

"Yep. I'll marry you too" Ryan smiles at her.

This is my family.
Caitlin, Ryan, and the rest of them. And how can I forget my girlfriend? Kara.
If it weren't for Kara, Caitlin wouldn't be staying with me.

"Daddy I want ice cream" she kisses my cheek.

"Hey! I thought you were marrying me! You can't go kissing other people!" Ryan exclaims at her.

"I'm sorry" she gasps covering her mouth.

"I want a kiss now" she kisses his cheek.

"I love you Ryan this much!" She spreads her arms out and then hugs him.

"I love you too. You have to buy me ice cream too" she nods and they both sit in the car.

I get up and sit in the drivers seat.

Tomorrow, Caitlin will be going to school.
Tomorrow is a new beginning. For all of us.
Hey guys!

Secrets are out!

Did anyone thing Adam and Seth might have been brothers?

There will be more updates today.

How perfect is Seth?!

Leave a comment and a vote,  letting me know what you think of this chapter!


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