Chapter 1- Carrington Here We Come

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Word count- 1864

"Why are you crying? Mom, I'm going with Noah. Don't worry about it. If anything goes wrong, I'll come back straight away" I say and she nods, wiping her eyes.

"Kara, this is for you. It's a credit card. It's unlimited. If you need anything else, call us okay?" Dad says and I hug dad tightly.

"Dad, you've got us a house, two cars, and now a card. I don't think I'll need anything else" he sighs letting me go.

"Why can't you just work close to us?" I smile

"I am dad. It's like 3 hours drive away from here, but I got a job. And I want it to go perfect. Like I said dad, I have Noah" he walks down the steps.

"Speaking of me, where's my credit card?" He asks dad, as he puts his suitcases down.

"I know what you would spend it on. Girls, drinks. I'm telling you Noah, no partying when you get there. There's going to be a few guards with you just in case" I sigh

"Dad.."He shakes his head

"Nope. It's for your own safety. The paparazzi will come there as well. You do remember how they came on your graduation?" Dad looks at me and I nod.

As soon as I climbed onto the stage, paparazzi flew down on helicopters, taking pictures of me, and my family. I just frozen at the flashes.

Paparazzi can do anything.

"We better me off" Noah looks at his phone.

I nod hugging my parents again, and he hugs them as well.

"We'll miss you a lot. Especially dad's food" Noah whispers.

"Hey. I can bake." Mom crosses her arms, as we let them go.

Noah has always been mom's favourite. Noah is my half brother. His mom was in jail, but now she's out, but he never went to go and meet her.

"I love you mom" he hugs mom tightly.

I smile and take his suitcase outside, just as car horns at me. I look through the window to see Max. My first boyfriend and my last.

He gets out of the car with Rosie behind him. She's my best friend.

"Max" I smile, wrapping my arms around him as he kisses me slowly.

Rosie coughs. I step back blushing, looking at Max.

"Hey" I smile looking up at him.

"Hi." He smiles at me.

"Love birds, you might want to break it up. Your dad is looking through the window" I step back quickly, letting max go.

He sighs, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Kara, let's go" Noah walks out, placing his bags in the car.

"I'll miss you a lot" Max hugs me tightly.

I hug him back.

"I'll come to see some time. We can Skype as well" I whisper as his hands tighten around me.

"Yeah. I love you" I smile

"I love you too" he let's me go, and I hug Rosie.

"Call me okay" she nods letting me go.

"I will" she smiles

"Kara! Come on!" I nod  waving at them and running towards my car.

"Follow me" Noah says driving his car.

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