Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm...

By Alisha2426

123K 6.2K 7.7K

"I've been waiting to see the apartment. Time to see what the new place looks like" I put my keys into the do... More

Moving in
Waking Up
"Parent" Meeting
What's this feeling
The Storm
Aproval from mum
Our Little Date
Day With The Parents
Hoshi's turn
The date starts
Getting closer
Photo Time
Old videos
Wedding Day
Cherry Blossoms
I'll Look After You
Dance With Me
Now Its Your Turn
Autumn Fall Confession
SEVENTEEN WHY?!?!?!????!!!?!?
Happy Birthday
Lets Watch Something!
Gentle Fall of Snow
Happy Anniversary~
My Melody
Easy Going
Goodbye and Thankyou


2.7K 130 375
By Alisha2426

//Hey guys... Yes I know it's been a while and I was supposed to update on Saturday but Friday was my birthday and we were celebrating on Saturday. Then I had to do all my work on Sunday but I didn't want to wait till next week so I'm writing it during my school breaks hahahah. Also I got the Best Couple Kpop WattyAward for the OTP category so yay!!! (Picture they gave me above) Anyways I'm sorry for the long wait and here is your next chapter//

Jihoon's pov
It was Jeonghan's birthday today (Happy 20 days late birthday our Angel!!!) so Soonyoung and I are getting ready to go over to their house to celebrate it with a few friends of ours. I'm standing in front of my cupboard yet again wondering what I should wear. Soonyoung always says that my clothes don't suit me well also that I can't match anything together so now I'm confused to what I AM able to wear without Soonyoung telling me off again. Sighhhhh.

"Where is Soonyoung when I need him..." I whined quietly getting frustrated at myself.

I know he is in the bathroom brushing his teeth and that I can easily just shout to get him to help me but I'm not sure my heart to able to right now. A little while ago when we bumped into each other as I was leaving but he was entering the bathroom, I squealed and ran to my room. What made me panic wasn't since he surprised me but since he had put his clothes on... but not fully. His jeans weren't buckled so they fell down a bit but just enough that the top rim of his boxers are seen and his shirt wasn't buttoned up at all. The shirt was like trying to hold onto him as the sides slid off his shoulders, showing more of his bare chest. His messy bed hair, tired glare and morning voice as he said good morning to me didn't make it any better either. All of it put together was too much for me to handle that I couldn't even reply to his good morning and tried to get away from his as fast as I could. Now I'm here needing his help but every time I want to shout his name, images of his body comes up again and I end up a flustered mess crouching on the floor with my hands on my face. This cycle has been repeating for a while until I eventually stopped and actually tried to pick out clothes for the party.

"Ahhhhh Soonyoung why do you have to be so picky on what I wear!!" I growled, reaching my limit.

"Did you call for me?" I heard coming from my door.

Oh no. Why did I had to be so loud... Well at least he should be dressed by now. Well I hoped that was true but it wasn't. I turned around to look at Soonyoung to be met with 'that' again and instantly regretted it. I then quickly looked back at my cupboard since my heart was beating too fast and I needed to calm myself down. I leaned into the cupboards more as I gripped the part of my shirt that was closest to my chest.

"Hello? Are you deaf of something?" I heard Soonyoung say again unaware that he was getting closer.

I looked down, trying to make it seem like I was concentrating to much to hear him but then felt something warm on my chin. Before I could comprehend what it was, my face was quickly turned right where I saw Soonyoung's face just centimetres away from mine. I screamed in the sudden action as I pushed him away but ending up loosing my balance and falling backwards.

"Ouchhhh..." I said as I rubbed my back.

"Are you ok??" Soonyoung worriedly said as he kneeled down in front of me.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine..." I say as I avoid eye contact, lying about the pain.

It wasn't too bad but it may take a while before the aching fades.

"I know you're lying. Where is it hurting?" He bluntly said back to me.

Of course he could tell. Well by now, we have lived together so long that I could tell when he was lying or hiding something.  By that time, he probably is the same to me. Stilling looking away, I indicated to my back. Seconds later he reached behind me and pushed the spot where the pain was coming from which cause me the jump and grab his wrist.

"Yep there it is. By the reaction you just gave me, I'm guessing you bumped it so it's going to leave a bruise but it won't hurt badly later if you don't touch it," Soonyoung explained as I tried to find an opportunity to escape from his hold.

"Are you even listening?" He asked finally noticing me looking away.

"Yeah I'm listening but could you put your clothes on properly. It's distracting," I requested as I felt my cheeks heat up.

... There was a long pause but nothing was said. My face started boiling hot now getting embarrassed from what I've said. Ahhhh I can't take it anymore so I looked up and saw Soonyoung staring right back at me. He was just smirking but I'm getting a bad feeling of the reason behind it.

"Why should I hmmm?? We're both guys so there isn't a reason to look proper," Soonyoung eventually said.

"We're going to the party soon. I don't want people to see you like that when we are outside!!" I yelled.

"Oh so you don't mind me dressing like this when we're at home then," he smirked.

Ok now I understand the grin but thinking about him dressing like that all the time...

"Haha you're all red. So you like it then??" He said cheekily.

"Ye-yes ahhhh no I don't. It's ha-hard to look at you so can you pl-please put your clothes on and then help me pick out clothes to wear," I stuttered a lot.

Great now I'm a mess. Thanks Soonyoung! Can he just please back off so I can at least get up and away from this close position.

"Oh so that's why you said my name before!" He exclaimed as I nodded in reply.

"So can you help me pick out clothes after you straighten up," I say getting more and more shy.

"But I'm too lazy~~," he pouted. "Why don't you do it for me."

"What!!!" I shouted instantly. "Do it for you!? I'm I your maid or something? Do it yourself then help me get ready. We are already late."

Soonyoung gave me the face of disappointment but I'm not sure I have won yet as his smile came back.

"Well if you aren't going to do it, I'll just make you," he declared.

As he said that, he started crawling closer to me and my reflexes kicked in and I started shuffling backwards until I hit the wall. I bet this was all his plan -_- He got me back against the corner of the room and has his hands on either side of the wall beside me so I can't even attempt to run. He started leaning over me and moving even closer till the point where we can feel each other's breath on one another. During this whole time, his grin stayed intact and it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere anytime soon.

"I'm amazed you lasted this long hahahaha. I guess me always teasing you helped you build up some resistance huhhh," Soonyoung said sounding like his normal self but that disappeared in moments and that smirk came back again.

"Looks like I got to go even more extreme," he said as he took hold of my hand.

He held my wrist tight that I couldn't move it.

"Open up your hand straight," he demanded and I obeyed wanting him to stop his strong grip.

Before I could comprehend anything, he quickly then moved my palm closer to the gap between his shirt onto his bare skin.

"Shhhhh Jihoonie. This is what you asked for. I'm glad I worked out a bit when I was bored so that you'd be touching something lean and not squishy," he whispered into my ear.

"How is it?" He asked and I couldn't respond.

I can't think about anything. Ahhhhh why must he do this. It's killing me with all this skinship. I can't say it wasn't nice but I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"I'll do it," I stated, interrupting him.

"Do what?" Soonyoung asked.

"I'll put on your clothes probably but only your shirt. You can do your pants yourself. In return can you let go of my wrist," I requested.

He looked at me for a moment then laughed.

"Hahaha deal. I guess you've gotten to your limit of teasing. Alright I'll let go so button up my shirt," he replied as his grip weakened.

"Alright..." I mumbled as I massaged my wrist.

Moments later I started getting closer to him so I could reach his shirt. One by one, I buttoned up his shirt while trying my best to not touch his skin. I felt him lay his head on mine. Eventually I finished and backed away.

"Ok thanks for doing that but now I gotta dress you before it gets even more late," Soonyoung said while getting up and moving towards me again.

I felt him try to pull up my shirt so I started sprinted around the apartment to escape his plans.

Soonyoung's pov
Eventually we got to Seungcheol's house in time before the party ended hahhaha. We walked up to the front door and knocked to be immediately opened by a raging Jeonghan.

"Where have you guys been!? The party started more then an hour ago!!" He shouted.

"Sorry we were held back by something..." Jihoon replied as he looked at me with annoyed face.

Seeing that look of his just made me laugh and pat his head.

"Hmmm... I'll ask about it later but for now hurry up and take your shoes off and come inside. We are in the middle of a game of truth or dare," Jeonghan explained then opened the door for us.

We quickly walked in to see familiar faces.

"You're late," Seungcheol said as he saw us sit down and join the circle.

"Yeah sorry," I answered.

"Well since you guys are late, you can make up for it by playing the next rounds," he suggested and we agreed.

"I'll go first," Jihoon said as he brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them.

I nodded and let him go first knowing that he wants to get it over and done with.

"Ok Jihoon. Truth or dare?" Seungcheol asked.

"Truth," he replied.

"Alright I'll go straight forward and ask, do you prefer guys or girls?" Seungcheol asked wanting to make SoonHoon a thing.

"Ummm in what way?" Jihoon questioned.

"In a relationship type of way. Let me ask the question again. Would you date guys or girls," Seungcheol restated.

"Ohhh ummm...." Jihoon mumbled while rubbing his neck.

His face slowly faded a tint of red which I found cute.

"I prefer guys..." he finally answered.

Wa-wait... did he say guys?!

"You're gay??" I couldn't help but ask to make sure I heard correctly.

"Ye-yes.. I am," he answered getting more embarrassed.

I was astounded. I can't believe it. I may have the chance. The whole room was quiet in awe (well more like they all were in awkward silence already knowing that Jihoon was gay from the many obvious hints but Soonyoung doesn't need to know that^_^).

"Ok Soonyoung is next," Seungcheol said breaking the silence.

"Alright," I answered not fully recovered from that sudden news.

"Truth or dare?" Jeonghan asked.

"Dare," I said not wanting any secret to come out like how I'm also gay or about my past.

Jihoon is the only one who knows about both of those things and I'd like to keep it like that.

"Hmmm... Can I ask something first before I give you a dare?" Jeonghan questioned as he signalled Seungcheol to get something but I didn't pay attention to what is was.

"Yeah sure what is it?" I replied not thinking it would be something personal.

"If you had to choose from only the people here. Who would you choose to date?" He asked.

Well that's not personal at all. It's not like I actually do like someone who is here -_-

"Well?" Jeonghan asked again.

"Hmmm... we-well I'd choose Ji-Jihoonie," I stuttered.

"Really???" Jihoon exclaimed. "Why?"

"Well you're the closest person to me s-so I wouldn't mind dating you if I had to. Plus you're really cute so that's a bonus hahhahaha," I answered.

I saw Jihoon look at me with surprise as his face heated up. He quickly then hid his face in his knees as I laughed and patted his head.

"Alright then. Now to my dare. DARLING!!!" Jeonghan shouted.

Before I could notice what was happening, Seungcheol came behind me and handcuffed me with Jihoon.

"I dare you and Jihoon to act out a confession scene just like in the dramas. If you don't make it convincing, I won't unlock the handcuffs," Jeonghan said smiling.

I can't even complain. What am I supposed to do. How can I act it how when it's the person who I really want to confess to!!! Ahhhh my mind is going crazy. What am I going to do.

"Sorry Soonyoung. They really like messing with me," Jihoon whispered so that only I could hear.

Ohhh why did he have to say that. I feel guilty for making him feel like it's his fault. I'll let go of my pride for this. I don't like seeing him frown without a good reason. I hope this cheers him up a bit. I took a deep breathe and moved my free hand onto his cheek.

"Jihoonie it's not your fault trust me," I reassured him.

He was so confused but later understood what was happening and tried his best to play along. He then placed his hand over the mine and pulled in down before intertwining our fingers. (Alisha: Go grab some tissues. You got them? Ok. Let the drama scene begin!!!)

"But it is. It's my fault for everything we do together. People hated me for reasons I don't know of and accidentally dropped food on you when we were at that cafe you loved. We got stuck outside when it was raining and I got sick making you look after me but then you got sick afterwards. I brought back bad memories of your past without knowing what to do to make you feel better. You are always looking after me and I never give anything in return. How could you forgive me!!!" He shouted as I feel his grip become stronger.

I'm confused. All he is saying is true but we are supposed to be acting. What is happening!? I pause for a moment shocked and thought for a moment. Ahhh that's it. He doesn't like talking about his problems so I think this is his way of secretly doing it. I guess I could do the same and secretly tell him how I feel. Looking at him again, I smiled.

"Because I care about you. You brought meaning into my life. Everyday with you is fun and I enjoy teasing you all the time. We are friends and friends care about each other without asking for it in return. We just give because it makes the other happy and then that makes us happy," I say pulling him into a hug.

He hugged me back and laid his head on my chest.

"But I want to give something back for all the times and things you've given me. Is there anything I can do in return?" Jihoon asked looking up at me.

"There is one thing," I reply.

"What is it. If it's possible then I'll do anything to make it happen," he said eagerly.

I laughed and stroked the back of his hair.

"Can you be mine? I want you only to me. Don't look at other guys. Only love and care about me and I'll forever be by your side. Since day one I thought you were cute and it took me a while to admit it was love. But when I did, I fell for you even more. My feelings grow everyday and the moments we are apart, even for a moment, I miss you. Please be mine as my heart is already yours for you to keep forever," I confess while softly smiling.

Jihoon looked at me. His face flushed red but he smiled back.

"Of course I will," he answered as he hugged me tighter.

"Thank you Jihoon," I say.

"I-I lo-love you Soonyoung," he stuttered which I found adorable and laughed.

I kissed his forehead and then laid my head on his.

"I love you too," I said back.

"Ok cut! Cut!!!" Jeonghan shouted.

Instantly we both forgot we were acting and separated at once.

"I give you my approval. That was touching guys. It seemed like you two were actually a couple," jeonghan said as he passed me my phone.

"Why did you have my phone?" I asked.

"We couldn't help it and recorded the whole thing on your phone. Dont worry about losing it since I send a copy to Jeonghan's, Jihoon's and my phone," Seungcheol answered for Jeongcheol as he unlocked the handcuffs.

"You what?!?!" Jihoon shouted furious and red from embarrassment.

Immediately after the cuffs were gone, he got up and started chasing after Seungcheol. I just sat there and laughed as Seungcheol sprinted around the house with Jihoon right behind him with his guitar. (Alisha: The holy Jisoo Christ have yet again blessed us with his presence) For the rest of the day we played more games, stayed to have dinner and then sang happy birthday to Jeonghan before having some cake. Midnight came and Jihoon and I walked home together while talking about random things. We got home and went our separate ways to our own bedroom to go to sleep. It was hard to sleep that night so I watched the confession video that Seungcheol recorded. I watched it over and over again until I fell asleep. I know it was all just an act but it helped me sleep peacefully that night hahaha. I hope it happens again soon but real this time.

While Soonyoung fell asleep, Jihoon was also watching the same video and wishing the same thing that night. I hope their wishes come true soon.

//Yeah... Um this totally wasn't supposed to come out on Monday after the first delay... Yeah sorry guys. When I was talking at the start I meant it to only be a day late and come out on Monday but I got busy and now it's Wednesday. To make it up to you I made this chapter 3000+ words when it's usually 2000+ and I'll also try my best to give you another chapter this weekends hahaha. I hope you enjoyed and have a great day, afternoon or evening. Byeeeeee

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