The Sprites

By JSRiddle

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The Sprites (Sirius Black Love Story)
Sher Holmes
Charlie Kent
Nicky Fassbender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

183 7 0
By JSRiddle

Sher and the girls had just finished their school shopping, and were heading towards Zonko's. They had heard stories about this shop and how it had loads of pranking gear so they were very excited. 

As they entered the store, they were bombarded with flying items, kids running around, and bright colors. They then split up. Nicole went to the candy section of the store. Charlie went to the fireworks. That left Sher to store any pranking gear. She took many items and was proceeding to the check-out when she crashed into someone. 

Thump. She fell to the floor and all the toys scattered accross the floor. 

"Oh Merlin's beard!" She quickly started picking up the items, when she noticed a hand sticking out. 

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." She looked up and saw a rather handsome looking boy with shaggy curly hair. 

"It's all right, I guess I was a bit distracted too." She replied simply as she took his hand, pulling her up.

As she stood up, she felt his stare. Soon she felt uncomfortable and said goodbye, while again walking towards the register. 

The boy kept his eyes on her as she walked away. He almost didn't notice his friend behind him,

"Sirius, Who's that?" His friend asked.

"I don't know, James, but whoever she is, I hope I see her again." And with her on his mind he left.

Sher felt him stare as she left and payed for her stuff. "Hey," Charlie asked literally popping out of nowhere, "Who was that?" She asked her. 

"I don't know, but he made me drop my stuff."

"He's cute." Charlie replied before vanishing again.

"Mmm hmm" 

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