The Joker and Batmans daughter

By Jazz_lew

98.1K 3.3K 484

Everyone goes a little crazy sometimes right? The daughter of the infamous Bruce Wayne is suffocating in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

4.1K 147 34
By Jazz_lew

"Where have you been?!" My father demanded as I walked through the entrance to our apartment

"Just with some friends" I answered lazily

"Friends huh?"

"Yeah dad just friends"

"Shay it's pretty obvious you're seeing someone" he replied

"Dad as if" I said rolling my eyes

"I'll find out eventually sweetheart" he called after me as I made my way to my room and turned the shower on.


Jokers POV

I walked into my morning meeting with Frank rather pleased after spending most of the night with Shay.

"Jay" Frank said smiling at me

I gave him a questioning look

"Is it done" he asked, elaborating

"She's fallen in love with me" I said almost boastfully

"Good news indeed Everything is going to plan" Frank replied

"She believes I love her also" I finished

Frank raised an eyebrow

"Jay, you can't love her. You don't right?"

I remained silent, examining the tattoos on my knuckles

"So you love her" Frank concluded

I looked at him showing little emotion

"Don't let this cloud your judgement Jay! Remember all that batman has done to you. Arkham asylum didn't catch you by themselves, and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to throw you back in there no matter how much his daughter loves you" Frank reasoned

"I know" I said quietly

"Batman must die"

"You must use the girl to get to him Jay."

I nodded and began walking to another meeting with my crew to discuss a plan to end the batman forever


Shays POV

I was in the middle of picking an outfit when my phone began ringing

"Hello?" I spoke

"Shay! It's lexi do you wanna get lunch today"

"Lex, yeah sure met me in the lobby in half an hour?"

"Sounds good babe see ya then"

"Bye" I said hanging up to rifle through more clothes

I finally found an outfit and was ready to go to lunch when I received another anonymous text that I couldn't ignore

Oh Shayla Mr J is playing you. You shouldn't be so trusting of a sociopath.

I exhaled frowning at the message

Who is this? I wrote back

Wanna meet me? Come to the Jokers run down mansion, outskirts of Gotham. I'll be waiting

I grabbed my keys heading for the lift, I quickly texted lexi for a raincheck on lunch. I wanted to know who this person was and if Jay was hiding things from me.

Twenty minutes later I arrived outside the mansion. I stood in front of it unsure what to do next.

"Hello?" I called out

No reply

Stupid idea I thought to myself. It was probably just a prank. I began to head back to my car

"Leavin so soon" said a childish Boston accent I turned to see a rather unique looking blonde standing on the steps to the mansion. She slid down one of the railings and landed in front of me.

"Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya" she said introducing herself

"Shay" I said shaking her out stretched hand

She laughed

"I know who you are darling" she grinned "the question is do you know who I am?"

I shook my head

"Well Shaylaaaa, I've been looking out for you. Sending you all these little texts, I mean not that you've been listening to any of em" she said almost rudely

"Why should I not trust the joker Harley" I asked quietly

"He doesn't do things without ulterior motives doll face. So what is it he can gain from you?" She asked me

I frowned

"Nothing really" I replied

"Think a little harder doll, isn't it a little coincidental that your the daughter of his biggest enemy?" She said raising her brows

"No he wouldn't do that Harley he said he loves me" i said a tinge of defence in my tone

Harley was cackling with laughter

"Look doll your going to need to get a lot better at seeing manipulation. Do you know how the Joker escaped Arkham Asylum?" She asked a small spark in her blue eyes

"Well yeah he got his nurse Harleen-" that was when realisation hit me

"It was you" I whispered

"He told me he loved me and that if I did him one little favour we could be together. When he got out I saw who he really was he abused me and took advantage of me before turning me into a copy of himself" Harley said no emotion showing in her eyes

"I'm so sorry" I said

"Don't be. I have to help you now, I'm pretty certain that The Joker is planning to kill your father and not just that he's going to use you to help him or at least the fact that you have been seeing the joker"

"Harley, I know the Joker used you horribly but I don't think he's doing it to me" I said holding my breath

"You love him. You don't want to believe that he's doing this, i get it. But let me prove to you he is."

"How?" I asked slightly confused

"If its happening soon he will be having meetings about it, all you have to do is crash one. The truth isn't far away Shayla don't you want to be certain" Harley persuaded

I nodded

Harley grinned

"You drive" she said walking towards my car


Jokers POV

I sat at the head of the table. Waiting for my crew to arrive, they knew I was securing the demise of batman for all of them. Everyone of my henchmen had something against the batman, each had their own reasons for wanting him dead. I just wanted to ensure Batman was killed and Shay stayed safe.

Third person POV

The Joker waited as his men began arriving one by one to begin discussing the details of their demonic plan to kill batman.

On the other side of town Shay drove her black Range Rover towards the lair of the Joker, using her ever so charming passenger Harley Quinn as some sort of human gps.

"Were here" Harley announced as Shays car pulled into and underground parking lot

"Still wanna do this doll?" Harley asked as she swung her baseball bat

Shay nodded rather nervously as Harley led the way to the stairs.

Meanwhile upstairs of the very same building the Jokers henchmen had arrived and plans where in deep discussion of a flawless way to murder the bat.

"I'll go up first" Harley whispered to Shay who nodded back to her.

Shay watched as Harley stood on one side of the doors leading into the meeting room. Harley cocked her head as an attempt to hear more. She paused before calling Shay up after her but if was too late Shay climbed the rest of the stairs and stood next to Harley.

"No that's not a good way to get to the bat" one man yelled to another

"You think he's just going to believe the fact that his daughters screwing the Joker? No no no, he'll want proof"

"Proof?" The other man scoffed  "So what should I hire them a personal photographer then"

The Joker was becoming tiresome and irritable. These discussions had been going on for quite some time and his men couldn't agree on anything.

"Here's what's going to happen so listen up!" The Joker yelled

"I'm going to catch the batman. Have a little chat inform him of his daughters betrayal. Blow his brains out and for good measure I might even marry his daughter just so the next generation of Wayne's isn't so keen on saving the world"

"Or just kill her, problem solved Jay" yelled one of the jokers men

A few around the table nodded in agreement

The Joker searched his mind quickly looking for an excuse to save Shays life

"Or just do it now" said a feminine voice from the doorway

The Jokers eyes flew up to see Shay

"Shay" the Joker started as he began to walk towards her

"She was right about you after all" Shay said as one tear fell from her eyes

"Who?" The Joker asked as he reached out to grab Shays hand

"Harley Quinn" 

Readers!! Hope you enjoy this chapter and that some of your questions are answered. If you think this is the end for Shay keep reading there's much to come yet. Have an awesome day 💕💕

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