A Crown of Winter Roses

By imintheblackparade

217K 5.4K 275

Game of Thrones Fanfic This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5 Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his el... More

Prologue Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Prologue Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Prologue Part 4

Chapter 11

6.6K 172 1
By imintheblackparade

Being at sea was never an enjoyable experience, her unsullied were sometimes sick, although they never wished to speak of it. A weakness they called it. It had taken longer to approach home now, and the news of her return had sparked excitement among the free city. 

Rosaerys saw the shore now, the large pyramid that stood proud against the crashing shore of the waves. She took a breath, home; she thought. Her head turned to the side, eyes locking on Oberyn's. 

It was his briefest of grins that always got her, the way his cheek quirked at catching his wife watching him. He pulled her close, nestling her into his arms. 

"A silver stag for your thoughts." He was mindless with his words, his eyes now preying on the free city. 

"It's good to be home." Rosie replied, the shore was coming closer now, threatening to stop the ship in its tracks. 

"Home?" Oberyn asks, his own eyes settling on that towering structure. 

"Family," She replied, a slight hint of a smirk on her lips. The ship had finally threw its anchors overboard, and they gently came to a stop. The pier only a short distance away. The familiar sounds washed over her, some repeating the phrase Mhysa. 

She smiled to each and every person she passed, her hand sometimes extending out to others before continuing on, her feet climbing up the steps, running, to reach her family. 

Before she had even reached the top, the doors were flung open, Dany running out. The two Targaryens pulling each other close, Rosie's eyes closing at the feeling. She had missed her aunt beyond what she thought possible, her closest relative in this world. 

She pulled back, eyes electric. "Dany! It's so good to see you!" The young girl smiled, before pulling her niece in to the pyramid, away from the beating heat of the city. 

"And you, Rosie! You should see the dragons, they've grown so big since you left. Not quite full sized, yet causing damage." Rosie took this all in, it had been months since she had returned, and she wasn't surprised that the dragons were causing some damage. They should have almost doubled in size since then, and that was dangerous in itself. She would no longer have such control over them. 

"We'll talk more on them later, tell me about the cities. They are under control yes?" Her niece nodded, before smoothing her hair back. 

"Of course, but we believe the masters aren't satisfied, they want to break it, and take back the slaves." It was Rosie who nodded this time, contemplating. 

"Alright, tell the Unsullied to rally more support with those enslaved, see if we can cause some kind of uprising. I want to leave you in charge here while I am away, Daenerys; you're the only one I trust, along with Daario that can fully keep this part under control." Dany was confused, you could see it in the way her brow dipped so slightly, Rosie almost chuckled. 

"I won't be here much anymore, I've got to gain more support, so Westeros will be ours. For replacement I want you to be Queen of Meereen." Dany fell to her knees, sweeping into a bow. 

"I don't know what to say." This time she did giggle, bringing the girl back up. 

"You don't have to say anything, just accept it. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have this bay, I mean it Dany; you've really helped me these past few years, I want to do this in return." The girls embraced one more time before tugging apart, 

"Before I go,  I need you to do one last thing for me, I need you to travel with me to Vaes Dothrak, I have some unfinished business there." Dany nodded, the two walking through the private quarters. 

"You haven't introduced your handsome husband yet, that really was a good match." Rosaerys smiled to her before peeking over her shoulder, dark orbs meeting her own. 

"I thought it would be better over dinner, where we were all together, and we can tell you of our plan." Dany nodded, dinner wasn't too far away but she would have preferred to know the Stranger who had entered her home. Rosie sensed her unease, giving a gently squeeze of her hand before a soft smile. 

"You can trust him Daenerys, he wouldn't hurt us." She believed that with her whole heart, Oberyn wouldn't; perhaps with the odd word spoken out of spite but other than that, never. Dany placed a small kiss on her cheek before departing, Oberyn soon filling her space. 

"Dany does not approve?" He was reserved, which was unlike Oberyn. His dark brows were bent, the slight in dent in the middle evidence he was uncomfortable. This wasn't the Oberyn she was used to. She rose a hand to his cheek, her thumb running across his cheekbone. 

"No! Just apprehensive, she doesn't know you." Oberyn nodded, before smiling. 

"So I'm handsome, am I?" A laugh ripped from Rosaerys lips, trust Oberyn to pick up on that. 

"Come Lover, we may have time in the market place before Dinner, I want to show you the beauties of Meereen." Oberyn began to wrap his hand around hers, letting her tug him wherever she wanted.

"I'm already looking at a beauty of Meereen." Rosie shook her head, the blush rushing to her cheeks before she could control it. He was slick with his words, she would give him that. 

The two slipped away from the Pyramid, and into the winding streets of Meereen. Heavenly spices tickled their noses, before the colourful trinkets drew them close, the traders of Meereen dressed in some of the finest silks available. 

"Have you been to Meereen before, Oberyn? I don't recall asking you." He turned, his eyes remaining alert at any dangers for the Queen. 

"No, one of the few places I have never been. It is beautiful however, I regret not coming here before." His attention darted from one seller to another, he had Dornish guards trailing them, along with some Unsullied but they couldn't get to them close enough if there was a sudden attack. Oberyn's hand hovered lightly over the dagger stuffed into his belt, the cold metal a symbol of protection. 

"Hopefully you will be seeing more of Meereen in your time here." Rosie said before turning away, her eyes captured on a small pendant. It was stunning, a silver dragon clasping onto a red jewel. Rosie's orbs grew bright, her fingers clasping on. 

"Ow!" She lifted her pale finger, the drop of blood already freshly drawn from the small wound pooled, its vibrant colour standing out. 

"Are you alright love?" Oberyn asked, his attentive eyes already accessing the wound. 

"It's just a pinprick, nothing to worry about." Rosie smiled to those around her, the Dornish guards had made themselves present, spears at the ready. Bring her finger to her lips, she sucked for a moment, the pain soon stopping. 

They drew their attention to the trader, his eyes too eager on the Queen for Oberyn's liking. 

"I am sorry my Queen, please take anything you wish." Their eyes met, his a rich green like that of a forest, and her's a rare gemstone. Rosaerys coughed for a moment, before returning a smile to the trader. 

"It's fine, things like this happen..." Another cough ripped from her lips but she carried on. Was she coming down with something? "How much for the pendant?" With one hand covering her sputtering mouth, she delved into her pockets, ready to pull out what was asked. 

"Please, no charge, no charge." Rosaerys managed a sigh before dumping a few golden coins onto the table. 

"What stone is..." Her throat was clogging, her hand scratching at it before turning to Oberyn, eyes wide. She just needed some water, was her body reacting to something? 

"Rosaerys?" His voice panicked, his arms sliding underneath her before she fell. 

"Water..." It was no use, Oberyn had already slammed his dagger into the throat of the trader before spitting on his face. His feet beginning to dash through the streets of Meereen before reaching the towering Pyramid. The guards around them were preventing those around them from coming near, spears raised at anyone who got too close. 

Oberyn's nimble feet flew up the stairs, taking two at a time. 

"Help!" He screamed, his eyes looking back to Rosaerys. Blood was pouring through her nose, the deep red resting against her lips; eyes closed. It couldn't be Devil's Dance, nor Widow's Blood. This was acting too quickly even for Long Farewell. 

Jorah burst through the doors, his eyes taking in his falling Queen. "Get my cabinet from my chambers! The one locked! It'll have the antidote!" Jorah swiftly left, Oberyn soon following after before laying Rosie down. The blood had trailed from her eyelids now, falling across her face and merging with her hair, staining it red. 

Barristan followed next, helping Jorah with the cabinet. Oberyn pushed his necklace into the lock and it opened, hands flurrying through the cabinet in search of a cure. He'd had to combine a few. 

"What happened?" Barristan roared, his eyes ablaze with fury. Oberyn couldn't focus, pulling packets and potions and mixing them together before smearing them across Rosie's lips and pouring it down her throat. 

"A trader, he, he had a pendant; a dragon pendant, It was poisoned and she pricked her finger. It was all a blur, I came as fast as I could." It wasn't working, Oberyn continued to mix potions before finally he came up with the antidote for The Strangler. With a simple slip into her mouth, she should stop bleeding. 

"What happened to the trader?" Jorah questioned, his stance becoming protective over his Queen. Oberyn stopped, his actions had been rushed earlier. 

"I killed him." It was Daario that blew up. 

"You fool! You should have kept him alive! We could have questioned him! Asked him if there are anymore of them! If he had a motive!" Oberyn grew tense, his body raising with grace as he approached the Tyroshi sellsword. 

"I was not going to let him live, let him breathe, while my wife, your Queen, was dying." The room silenced, the tense air still tangible in their mouths. 

"She won't wake for a couple of days, but she will live. Let me take her to my chambers." Oberyn scooped Rosaerys up once more before leaving the four watching him depart. 

"I don't trust him, there's something about him." Daario said, eyes glaring at the lost figure. Barristan shook his head before turning to them all, knowledge coming forth. 

"Oberyn is a good man, I've spoken to the Guards and what happened was the truth. They searched the body, he was a hired Assassin from Cersei, the papers were on him." Daario shook his head, he was going to get to the end of this, one way or another. 

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