Psst.. You have cool hair...

By SceneDreamXD

644K 16.9K 6.3K

Sasuke Uchiha, the guy with all the girls falling to his feet. Well not me, boy you have another thing coming... More

Psst.. You have cool hair... (Sasuke Love Story)
Messing with the Uchiha
Yeah I'm vicious..:D
Dirty Uchiha
Some teachers really are evil
Black Eye
Ninja Time
Large egos
The Hot Enemies
Red Eyes and Silent Cries
Letting It Slip
Let Me Tell You a Secret
He Lied to Me Right?
How to Escape an Uchiha
Uh Oh, I Need Your Help
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun, Unless You Share With Everyone
Stare Down
Itachi, you lie.
I Should Have Expected That From a Dirty Uchiha
Ha Ha Ha This Isn't What It Looks Like...
To Say You Love Me Is Quite The Comitment
A Later Time

Uhh.. Hey! Whatz Up MY Man!?

16.8K 526 373
By SceneDreamXD

This chapter is dedicated to foolishlyifailxsmhx, I busted up laughing at ur comment, I could never do that! lol

Here's the next chapter!



(Lori's point of view)

Sometime during the night I shot awake. I looked over next to me...

'Strange man...!' I saw someone else in the bed.

Before I could scream, a hand was clamped over my mouth . Said "strange man" who turned out to be Sasuke was glaring at me.

"Don't you even dare." He growled. He pulled his hand away from my face when he realized I wasn't about to scream anymore.

"Oh yeah.. right... ahahah I guess I forgot I'm living with you again... ahaha..." I laughed nervously as he just continued to glare.

I looked over at the clock and read 3:00AM.

"Now go back to bed." A smirk slowly made itself onto my face.

"What if I don't want to?" I joked defiantly. The next thing I knew I was on my back with Sasuke right over me.

"Then I will make you, unless you wanted to do something else..." I felt my face burn up and the actual closeness of our bodies became very apparent.

"S-Sasuke!" I said startled that he would even imply such a thing, well I guess I shouldn't be that surprised based on past experiences.

"Relax, I'm kidding." He said as he got off me.

"Jerk!" I went to playfully slap him, but he caught my wrist. Shocked at his speed, I just blinked. He quickly pulled me into him.

"Then again, I can make this now all too serious." I felt the heat on my face come back with a vengence as he just chuckled.

"Will you go to bed now?" He taunted. I just quickly nodded.


"Good." He said as he let me go and layed back down. Silently, I layed back down too.


(Sasuke's Point of view)

I looked at the now silent girl beside me.

'Hm, shes just too easy to tease.' I thought with a smirk as I let myself fall asleep.

I was first to wake up,which mean I was the first to realize that I had pulled her against me during the night. I felt my face flush as I let her go and started to get out of bed.

"Murder..." I heard her mumble as she rolled over. I stopped in my tracks and looked back over at her. What was she talking about?

"Don't eat the pancakes Sasuke... don't eat them... they are evil..." All seriousness of the situation I had just heard flew out the window. However, this was still quite entertaining...

"WHAT FRUIT!?" She yelled as she all of a sudden bolted up and woke up. I watched her blink a few times as she finally was awake.

"Oh, hey!" She said as she looked over at me.

"Whats up?" She asked as if nothing just happened, she probably doesn't even remember...

I just shook my head as I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

I soon got ready for the day and headed out of the bathroom.

"I had the weirdest dream..." She told me as she grabbed some clothes to change into.

"Was it about pancakes?" I asked. She stopped moving and slowly looked over at me. Her face was priceless, her eyes were as wide as saucers and her mouth was slightly open.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW!? Do those eyes of your's also give you the power to read minds!?" She asked in horror.

"Yes." I lied just to see her reaction.

She went wide-eyed again and shook her head and practically ran into the bathroom muttering something about me being a dirty and creepy Uchiha.


(Lori's point of view)

After getting dressed and ready to go, I went back into the bedroom to see Sasuke sitting on the bed. The second I came in though he looked up and stood up.

"You're coming training with me." He stated as he walked past me.

"Okay!" I cheered as I caught up with him.

On our way there I couldn't help but to think of the fact that he could read minds... That's really scary...

I felt my face flush as I thought about one specific dream I had a few nights ago, one that I wanted to not think about, ever again...

"So you can actually read thoughts, huh? Does that mean dreams too?" I asked, not meaning for the nervousness to leak out into my voice.

He looked over at me and I quickly looked away as I knew my face was really red from embarrassment.

"I was kidding, I can't actually read minds, you were talking about pancakes in your sleep."

"KIDDING!?" I slapped his arm, "Meanie! I thought you were serious." I pouted. He just smirked in response.

"Why? Were you worried about me seeing your dreams?" I felt my face get hotter.

He looked over and quirked an eyebrow at me,

"You really were weren't you? Why, having naughty dreams about me?" He teased.

"NO!" I hissed all too quickly. His smirk just grew.

"It's okay, it's only normal for a girl to dream about me." I slapped his arm again.

"Arrogant" I muttered. I let the topic die away.

We were soon at the training grounds and he started to precise on some targets, not knowing what to do, I decided to just relax. 

I walked over next to a rock and layed down on my back. I shut my eyes and started to doze off. Before I could fall asleep though, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Lori, wake up."

"No." I mumbled as I tried to go back to sleep.

"You sure?" I felt Sasuke's breathe as he said that on my lips as he was only a few centimeters away. My eyes shot open to meet his black ones.

"Sasuke! W-What are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

"Waking you up." He stated simply.

"What are you guys doing?" I heard some ask.

We both looked over to see the knuckle-head ninja himself, who I personally have not seen since school...

Sasuke and I were both silent, unsure of what to say.

"Uhhh.. Hey! Whats up my man!?" I greeted.

"Nothing really, just got some ramen and I was heading to come train when I saw you two... on the ground... with Sasuke on top of you..." He said scratching the back of his head.

If possible, my face heated up even worse.

I watched Sasuke get up and he reached down and pulled me up as well.

"I was waking her up." He explained.

"What, by raping her?" Naruto teased, "How charming."

"Rape?" Another voice chimed in. I looked over to see Kiba standing their looking at us oddly.

"Yeah, the Uchiha here wakes up people by raping them." Naruto joked. I busted out laughing as Sasuke just glared at him.

"Remind me not to fall asleep around you..." Kiba mumbled. Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Especially you Akamaru, he likes animals the most." Naruto said in an eerie voice as he whispered to the dog.

At this point I was in tears laughing, I was able to see Sasuke punch Naruto really hard in the head though.

"OWW!" He hissed and grabbed the side of his head.

"C'mon Kiba, lets run away and leave the rapist to.. well... rape." The blonde said as he walked over to Kiba, who I'm guessing he came here to train with.

Naruto and Kiba ran away before Sasuke could punch the lights out of him again.

After a while of training we headed back home. Once inside, I headed over to the refrigerator to get some water.

"I have a question." I heard Sasuke say from the other side of the kitchen.

"Mhmm." I encouraged for him to go on as I poured some water into a glass on the counter.

In a matter of seconds, Sasuke was behind me and had his arms on either side of me with his hands on the counter. The fact that his body was right against my back made me get really red in the face.

"That dream you had... did it consist of things like this...?" Before I could even comprehend what he was talking about he spun me around and,

his lips were on mine.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I personally enjoyed righting this chapter because... well... I just thought it was fun to write. I hope you enjoyed it as well!

Nightmare13; I added Naruto and Kiba in there like u wanted :)

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