bad idea [A&A]

By -moonlightobrien

4.2K 139 11

Ally Dawson. A girl who escaped California to get rid of Dallas, now she is starting a new life in Miami, she... More

i n t r o d u c t i o n
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
a u t h o rs n o t e
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
m i g h t d e l e t e ?
f i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
a u t h o r s n o t e
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
l a s t a u t h o r s n o t e
t w e n t y - f i v e

s e v e n

139 7 0
By -moonlightobrien

Austin and I have been texting non-stop. But those questions are still in my mind. Every night when I go to sleep, the questions haunt me. I need to know. 


We need to talk. 

Okay, I will see you soon. 

See you soon. 


"Come in" I turn around, Austin was standing there in the doorway. "Hey" "Hey, how's he doing?" "He looks okay. His heart rate hasn't raised up but he's fine" Hopefully. We stepped out. "So what do you wanna talk about?" "Why did you try to kiss me?" At first, he didn't say anything. "Ally-I-I" "Austin, do you even want to be my friend or are you just messing with me?" "Why would you think I am messing with you?" "Because most guys do" "And you think I'm one of them?" "I don't know anymore" He was lost. "The last guy I was dating, our relationship wasn't a real relationship" "What do you mean?" "I thought he loved me, I thought he was the one, but..." I hesitate. I try not to talk about Dallas and the terrifying days with him. "He started hitting me whenever he gets angry" "WHAT!" I can see the fire in Austin's eyes. His hands was shaking, his facial expression changed. "Austin, don't worry about it. He's out of my life" "What if he isn't" I never thought about that. I start feeling scared. I start shaking. "Ally, calm down" He wraps his arms around me, I feel safe. I feel like nothing or nobody can ever hurt me when I'm in Austin's arms. "It's gonna be okay Ally. I won't let him hurt you" I smile. Maybe I was wrong about Austin. Maybe he wasn't messing with me. Maybe he is my real friend. "Thanks Austin. I really appericate it" "You're welcome, how is your dad?" "He's fine. Still not awake" Hearing those 3 words made my heart broke. I try to be strong, to control my emotions. "Ally, he is going to be okay" I had enough! I stand up, tears going down my eyes, rage into my blood. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONE SAYING THAT! I NEED TO KNOW WHO DID THIS TO HIM!" Rage ran through my body, I felt like punching something. Even worse, cutting myself, taking my life away. 

I mean what's the point to live? My life has been a living hell since the beginning. I can hear Austin walking towards me. "Ally, I know you are dealing with a lot of pain but it will get better" I turn around, tears roll down my eyes, my eyes were lost, all I can feel is rage. "Austin, you don't understand! You don't have to deal with the life I'm dealing with!" He didn't say anything which made me even more mad. "Say something, make me feel better and not like this" He came to me and hugged me. This time I really want him to hold me. "I'm always here for you" those words made my heart skipped, that made my chest hurt. "Okay" "Okay" I let go. "Thank you" He smiles. I wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Let's go inside" "Okay" 


I check my time. 8:00pm. "I have to show you something" I grab my songbook, open to the page and show the song I been working on. "I been working on this song, what do you think?" I saw his eyes scanned the lyrics. "I really like it. But it suits more to you than me" "Yeah. Well I was thinking if we should come up with the rest of the lyrics to the song we wrote" "Okay" I open to the page, grabbed my pencil, and start to think. "Okay, so this is what I was thinking about" 

"Not gonna break till the music stops, Keep on climbing till we hit the top. If you got a dream, gotta let it out. Show'em what you're all about, about" 

"What do you think?" "I like it! Let's add this!" "Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, I got this feeling that tonight's the night, yeah.Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, I got this feeling that it's our time" 

"Keep going, I think I got the rest of the melody" "Okay" "Let's take this out to the streets. Everyone's following me, We'll throw our hands up to the sky. We're celebrating our life. 

"Come on let's give a shot, This may be all that we've got. Right here, the moment is now. Let's show'em what we're about" 

"Perfect" "This song rocks! Another great song Ally" "Thanks Austin, maybe you can sing this at the open-mic night at Shredders" "They are having a open-mic night at Shredders?" "Yeah, on Friday at 8. This can be your big break, you should totally do it" Austin smiles because he knows I'm right. "Okay Ally, I'll do it! But I want you to be there with me" You mean on stage. "You want me to sing with you?" "Yeah, this can be our big break" "I don't know Austin" "Oh come on, you told me yourself that you want to be performer, so why not start now?" "I'll think about it" 

Beep. "Oh, sorry Ally, but I have to go. My parents wants me back. Sonic boom tomorrow?" "Austin, we have school tomorrow" "Psh, I knew that" I squirted my eyes, gave him that look. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "See you soon" "See you soon" I watch him go, I enter my father's room. Rage is still taking over my body. I grab my Apple Mac and went on Twitter. Somebody has to know who did this to my father. I post a tweet. 

I need you guys help. My father is in trouble which means he is in the hospital. Somebody might cause this, so if you guys have any info, sent me a message in my inbox. Thanks guys!~@AllyDawson

I click send. Now the waiting game begins. I go to Instagram scrolling through different people's accounts, until I found Austin's. I click his name and look through his profile. I kept scrolling, all I can see is pictures of him and Kira. I can feel something that I never wanted to feel before, jealously. I kept scrolling and some of his pictures that he posted was him. I sent him a comment. @AllyDawson- Nice pic Austin! Sent. I close out of the app, and just sat in the chair jamming to music. 

I am freaking out about the open-mic night. I want to do it with Austin but...I don't know. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be good cause right now, I am really nervous. 

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