Make It Stop {destiel high s...

By Geekstiel

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Make It Stop {Destiel high school AU}
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

7.5K 366 471
By Geekstiel


"And I love your blue eyes..." I say tiredly.

"Dean, you already said that and your tired, you need to go to bed." He says.

"No, I said that I'm going to stay up with you and that's what I'm doing. We just got to find something to do to keep us awake." I say sitting up.

"Ok, well, how about play a game?" He suggests.
"What game?" I question.
"Sure, they should be somewhere in my closet." I say.

He walks over to my closet and opens it up. He looks around for awhile then gives up. "Erm I don't see it anywhere."

"Oh, well I guess it's in Sammy's room." I say getting up. I walk over to the door and walk out into the hallway, Cas following me.
We creep into Sam's room quietly.

Castiel stepped forward and the floor creaked. "Shh." I joke.

I walk over to Sam's closet and Cas follows. "Alright tell me if you find it." I whisper. He nods.

"Ooh found it!" He says. "Be quiet!" I whisper but end up giggling.
He reaches up to grab it. BANG! A whole bunch of board games fall down. I quickly look back to see if we woke up Sam. He's still asleep.

"That's not being quiet." I laugh. "Sorry."
"Oh, there it is." I say then we both reach down to grab it. Our heads hit each others. "Ow!" I complain. "That was your fault, I was going to get it first." He says.
We start arguing and have a cat fight. (Playful of course)
"Urgh!" We hear Sam moan. I look over at the bed then back at Cas. "Way to go you woke him up!"
"I did not, well er-you also did." He argues.
I laugh then lean forward and kiss him real quick. "Now you got to make him go back to bed." I say pressing my forehead to his. "Nah, he's your brother you gotta take care of him."
My hands wrap around his waist and I pull my self onto his lap.
"So, you heard what he said," I kiss him. "the other night, he likes you better than me."
"You know that's not true." He says then lifts his chin to press his lips to mine again. "Mmhm." I mutter as we kiss again, but this time longer.

"Dude, can y'all kiss somewhere else?" I hear Sam call from his bed. I laugh then say: "C'mon lets go play cards." I grab the pack of cards then we leave Sam's room.

"So much for not waking up Sam." I say shutting the door after Cas walks in my room. "Yep, mission, not wake up Sam, failed." He laughs then sits on the ground.

"Wanna deal?" I ask sitting on the opposite side of Castiel.
"Sure." He says taking the cards from my hands.

I watch his hands as he mixes the cards. He does it perfectly.
"Your like a master at that." I say with a laugh.

"Eh, I play cards a lot so, you get used to it after playing it every other day."

"I'm hungry, are you?" I ask noticing how hungry I was.
"No, how could you eat in the middle of the night?" He says looking up.
"You never do? I do it ALL the time." I say then get up to go get a snack.



I smirk as Dean walks out of the room to go get food. They seriously do things a lot more different than my family. Which was good cause I hate my family.

I deal the cards and wait for Dean to come back.

I wonder if my dreams mean anything. Nah, they couldn't, could they? If so what does it mean. Maybe I should look it up. But right when I was going to grab my phone Dean came back.

"Got food." He whispers while shutting the door.
"What did you get?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I got crackers and soup." He says then sits down sitting the soup in the middle of us.


We play cards and other board games till five.

"Your turn." I say looking at Dean lay on the floor. He looks exhausted.
"Huh uh. Ok." He stutters but doesn't do anything but keeps his eyes shut.

I laugh then kiss his forehead. "Good night babe." I whisper then pull the blanket off of his bed. I put it on him then lean against his night stand and watch him sleep.

Now I just have to stay up one more hour till we have to get ready for school. Can't be that hard right? Wrong.

I keep dozing off and halfway falling asleep. I try everything to keep myself up. I did splashing water on my face, to watching tv, to reading, I even try playing Deans video game.

I decide to take a power nap.

I wake up and Dean was still asleep. I look at the clock; 7:01. Crap. I slept longer than I thought. We had to get to school.

"Dean," I whisper and shake him slightly. "Wake up were late for school." I say keeping my voice soft and smooth.

"C'mon, I know your tired but we gotta go." I say shaking him some more.

"Ugh," He moans.
"You awake?" I ask not knowingly. He didn't reply but that doesn't mean he's not awake. I lean forward and press my lips to his. Aha. My plan worked because he kisses back, so he is awake.

I laugh then lean back. "So you are awake, now get up." I say. A smile appears on his face and his eyes flutter open. "I don't want to go to school." He moans tiredly. "Don't be a whiney assbutt." He say then get up.

"We are already running late so hurry up." I say.



I sit in history class, doodling on my paper as the teacher talks. "Hey Dean, I heard that Cas was now living with you," Chuck says. I look over at him. How the hell did he know? We haven't talked to anyone ever sense he moved in with me. "It's not like what you think it is." I say.

I look back at my paper I was doodling on. Seriously how did he know?

I look back at Chuck. "Um where'd you hear this from?" I ask.
"Anna's been going around saying it." He declares.
That bitch. "Oh, thanks for telling me." I say then look away again.

But how does she know? She doesn't live anywhere next to me. What if Cas' parents knows the truth? No they couldn't, it's almost impossible.

I lose complete concentration. I ask my teacher to go to the bathroom and,thank god, she says yes.

I walk down the hallway then I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I take it out to see who it is: mom.

I answer it. "Hello...?" I say walking into the bathroom.
"Dean, the police are at our house, they came here to question about Castiel. His parents are looking for him. You need to talk to Cas as soon as possible." My mom says quickly.
"Wait what mom slow down."
"I got to go Dean-Bye." She says then hangs up.

"W-what?" I say then turn off my phone.

Minutes after that happens I hear: "May Castiel Novak please come to the front office. Castiel Novak please come to the front office."

I run out to the hallway-which was still empty. I try to remember what class Cas was in. It takes me a minute to remember but I finally do. He was in Spanish class which was downstairs (Deans upstairs) and a lot closer to the front office.

I take off running. I skip down the stairs and nearly tripped and landed face first on the floor. I run past a teacher who started yelling at me not to run in the halls but I just ignored her. I see Cas' back and he was still far away from me and really close to the front office. I was exhausted. I got maybe two hours sleep last night. "Cas!!" I try to yell completely out of breath. Luckily he hears me and looks back at me. I jog over to him. "It's your parents you can't go."

"Dean, can I at least tell them bye?" He asks looking down. "Sure." I say.

He walks off into the office.

I wait outside in the hall. I wait for about fifteen minutes then Cas comes outside-in tears.

I don't say anything, I just walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. "Lets go." I whisper then walk him outside to my car.

We get in then I leave the school.


I pull into our driveway. The cops weren't here anymore. Cas had fell asleep with his head on the window seal. I don't know how he fell asleep. I only live like fifteen minutes away from school but he did stay awake practically all night.

I get out of my car and walk over to the passenger side. I open the door and catch Cas before he falls. I hold him like a baby and walk to the front door. My mom opened the door for me.

I set him down on the couch.



I open my eyes. I roll on my back and see Dean above me. I didn't even notice my head is laying on his lap.

I remember everything that had happened today and I wish I didn't.

"Hey, Cas." Dean says in a whisper.

"Hey Dean." I respond. I sit up. Dean leans forward and kisses me on my forehead gently.

I scoot closer to Dean. He puts an arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

I doze off. "You dumb faggot, you have disappointed me, your mother, and God." My dads voice fills my head.

"C'mon Cas, you can fix this. You don't have to be like this and we can help. Just come back with us and we'll get you fixed." My mothers voice pops in my head.

I snap out of my daze.

"Dean, they said I could be fixed," I say looking up at Dean. "but your right, I'm not broken. They think it's some type of sickness, but it's not..." I say shaking my head.
"No it's not." He agrees.
"I don't want to see my parents ever again." I say.
"Ok, that's fine, because I convinced my parents to move." He says looking me in my eyes.
"Oh Dean, you don't have to do that."
"But I want to, Cas. We, want to." He says grabbing my hand.
"What about Sam, and your school and friends, and your dads shop, and your moms going to-" I get cut off by Dean pressing his lips to mine. I close my eyes and kiss back.
He pulls back.
"Stop." He says. "Stop trying to push me away. I'm done with your shit. Castiel, I love you. And My family likes you. Now, we will move, and everything will be okay."
I nod then wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.

I pull back. "I love you too Dean." I say then kiss him again.


"Last box, I think. Why don't you boys look around the house once more." Mr.Winchester says then carries the last box out to the moving truck.

Dean takes my hand ad we walk around the house.

"I admit that I am going to miss this house." He says as we walk from the living room to the kitchen.

We make out way upstairs. One last time into Dean's room.

It looks so different empty. I look at Dean.

He steps closer to me and puts his hands on my hips. I look up into his green eyes for a few seconds then press my lips to his.

He lifts me off of my feet and I wrap my legs around him. He takes a step forward and I get smash into the wall. I whimper. He turns his head giggling.
"God, you are so cute." He says in my ear.

His lips go down to my neck and he sucks hard then lets me go. My feet meet the ground again. He kisses me again.

"We should go now, there's no boxes in here." I say then start walking out of the room.
"Wait Cas, there's one more box." I hear Dean say behind me.
I turn around and he is on one knee with a small black box with a ring in it, in his hand.
"I know we are only Juniors in high school and I know we are still young and this might be crazy. But I love you Cas so.... Castiel Jimmy Novak will you marry me?" He asks.
He is right. It's crazy, but I do love Dean and the feelings I have for him I have NEVER felt, and I truly do love him.
I nod my head. "Yes." I say. He stands up and I run into his arms. He slides the ring onto my ring finger. We kiss then he sweeps me off my feet and carries me out to the moving truck.

"He said yes!" Dean yells putting me down. "Yay!" His family says

"Welcome to the family Cas!" Mrs.Mary says.

"Congrats!" Sam says walking over to us.
I feel my cheeks burn as they congratulate us.

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