The Loving Boyfriend

By sugarspice1513

558K 5.3K 561

Daniella Simpson is an average high school student. Does soccer and gymnastics. Has a boyfriend, Dayton Ridge... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Nine
Authors Note-READ
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Four
Forty Five pt 1
Forty Five pt 2
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine (Valentine Special)
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Thank You
I am Back!!

Twenty Eight

7.2K 68 6
By sugarspice1513

Ella isn't being rude anymore.I don't really understand why she was in the first place but I made sure she stopped.she felt so bad she made cookies for the whole girlfriend is pretty amazing.anyway she must have worked to hard on those cookies because now she's sick.Ella never gets sick and when she does it's bad.
"Dayton I'm not going to school"she said to me
"ok I'll grab you school stuff and come by later to check up on you ok"I said
"ok"she closed her eyes
"love you"I kissed her forehead and left for school
I got to school and it's weird not having Ella with me.its like I missing a piece of me.the day went by slowly and the amount of times I was asked where Ella was a lot.i guess it just shows they care maybe.i got Ella's house and both of her parents where home and Ella was sleeping on the couch.
"hey Dayton"her mom greeted me
"hey how is she"I asked
"nothing much has changed"she said
"is it just a cold"I asked
"I don't know she can't keep anything down"she explained
"that's not good.well I don't want to wake her up will you tell her I came by and hope she feels better"I said
"of course"she said
"thanks"I went over and kissed her head
"love you"I went home
"Dayton is that you"mom asked
"yeah what are you doing home"I asked
"oh I got off early"she said
"oh ok hi"I said
"ok I have big news"she smiled
"oh god please tell me your not pregnant"I groaned
"what no"she said
"ok good I was not about to give up my spot for youngest"I said
"no you three are all I need"she pinched my cheeks
"haha ok what"I said
"first Eric is on his last tour and he'll be done with his service."she smiled
"no way"I said
"Yep,he's coming home"she gushed
"that's great"I said
"yeah next your sister is finally moving back to Florida and she has big news for us"she said
"oh that's good.momma will have her little ducklings close to her"I smiled
"of course I love my guys where pain in the asses to get out"she said
"that's great to know mom"I laughed
"just saying you and your big heads"she shook her head
"remember you made me"I said
"yep should have wrapped it up"she smirked
"oh please Eric was the accident I was planned"I said
"sure honey"she smiled
"love you ma"I kissed her cheek and went to do homework
I was cruising through homework until Ella called me.
"hey baby how you feeling"I asked
"horrible"she said
"I'm sorry"I sighed
"I hate being dying"she said
"you're not dying you just aren't used to being sick"I said
"I know but I feel like I am"she said
"well I hope you don't."I smiled
"awe I knew I picked the right guy"she said
"thanks should get some rest.ill come by in the morning and check up on you ok"I said
"ok love you"she said
"love you to"I smiled and we hung up
After talking with Ella I finished my homework and watched tv.its weird not being with Ella after school.we usually every week either one of us spends the night at each other's houses multiple times but Ella's been sick for awhile so we haven't.the best day I went to see Ella in the morning.she hadn't was was hard.i went back to Ella's house after school.she was throwing up when I got there.i got to her and then helped her clean up.her parents had to go work but where going to be back soon so I stayed with her until then.
"do you need anything babe"I asked and she just groaned
"ok I'll be here if you need anything"I said
I worked on homework.Ella slept and watched tv.i didn't know what to do.i don't really deal with sick people.
"Dee I don't feel good"Ella said
"I'm sorry baby"I went over to her
"make it go away"she cried
"I wish I you want something to drink"I asked
"I can't keep anything down"she sighed
"im sorry"I held her
"Dee I'm really dizzy"she said
"let me get you some medicine"I got up and went looking for medicine
"Day-Dayton"I hear Ella call my name
"one second baby"I grab some medicine and went back
"th-thank..."then she ran to the bathroom
"oh baby"I sighed and followed her and grabbed her hair.
"shhh your ok"I rubbed her back as she continued
She kept going and I was getting worried.i looked up and saw red stuff in the toilet.she said she hasn't eaten I called my mom whose a doctor
"hey bud"mom answered
"mom Ella is throwing up something red"I said
"she probably ate something red"she said
"mom she hasn't ate anything for the past couple days"I said
"oh no.son you need to get her to the hospital"she said
"what why mom what's wrong"I asked
"she throwing up blood"mom said
"shit"I hung up.i ran around the house like a mad man getting everything in the car before grabbing Ella
"come on baby"I picked her up and gave her a bucket because she was still puking
"your going to be ok"I drove to my moms hospital
"mom I'm almost to your hospital"I called my mom
"ok I'll be ready is she still puking"she asked
"yeah"I said
"ok I'm out by the emergency door"she said and hung up
We got to the emergency door and mom was there with a crew.they took Ella and didn't really tell me what's going on.
"Dayts call her parents"mom said and I did
"hello"someone answered
"hi I need to speak to Mr.Simpson"I said
"I'm sorry but he is currently in a meeting"she said
"I need to talk to him urgently"I said
"I'm sorry but he can't come to the phone"she said
"you tell him his daughter is in the fucking emergency room"I yelled and hung up and called my friends
"hey Dayton what's up"Spencer asked
"Ella's in the hospital and I can't reach her parents"I explained
"oh shit what's wrong"he asked
"I don't know she started puking up blood and mom said to bring her to the hospital"I said
"I'll try the Dad again then we will meet with you guys there.ill tell the others"he said
"thanks man"I hung up and waited in the waiting room.
"Dayton"mom called
"how is she mom"I asked
"I don't know son.we are running tests"she said
"has she stopped puking"I asked
"no"mom said
"Dayton where's my daughter"Mr.Simpson
"I'm so sorry sir.she was puking and wouldn't stop"I tried to explain
"Richard we are running tests on her.she was puking up blood and she hasn't stopped.we will do everything we can to figure out what's is wrong"mom said
"where is she"Mrs.Simpson asked
"getting tests"mom said
"ok tell us when you hear something"Mr.Simpson said
"of course."mom left
"thank you for being with her"Mrs.Simpson said
"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything"I sighed
"you brought here her"Mr.Simpson said
"Dayton is she"Ryan and the others came in
"we don't know and her crew are testing on her"I said
"oh man.i hope she's ok"Michael said
"what happened"Shea asked
"we were talking and she got dizzy and then ran to the bathroom to throw up and she just kept throwing up blood"I explained
"oh man"Marina said
"yeah and she hasn't stopped"I said
"she'll be ok"Rya said
"I hope so"I said
We waited for a long time before anyone knew anything.even then they weren't 100% on what was wrong.until like four hours later.
"she will be fine.she had a stomach ulcer that burst and that was the reason she couldn't eat and she threw up blood.we took the ulcer out and we are giving her fluids and pain medications."doctor said
"great can we go see her"Mrs.Simpson said
"yes but only family"he said
"they are all family"Mr.Simpson said and we all went to her room
"my baby"Mrs.Simpson ran to Ella's side
"I'm ok momma"Ella said
"you gave us a good scare"Mr.Simpson said
"sorry daddy"she said
"it's ok I'm glad you are ok"he kissed his daughters forehead
"don't ever do that to me again"I went over to her and kissed her cheek
"sorry Dee.thanks though"she smiled
After talking for a while.Ella had to stay in the hospital for awhile.i stayed with her most of the though she was being released
"you ready to go home Ella"I laid beside her
"yes get me out of this place"she said
"your parents are filling out the paper work"I said
"thanks Dayton for taking care of always do"she smiled
"hey your my girl I gotta watch out for you"I smiled back
"I can't say thank you enough.i don't know what would have happened if you weren't there"she said
"welcome.i always be there for you my love"I kissed her
"awe literally the best picture"mom squealed
"ugh mom"I groaned
"oh hush child it's cute"she showed us

"ok I'm pretty cute"I smirked
"and humble"Mom said
"ok you ready to go home"Mrs.Simpson asked
"yeah take me home"Ella said
"lets go"I got up and picked my girl up to put her in the wheelchair
"I can walk"she whined
"but you shouldn't"I wheeled her out to the car
"thanks Dayt"she said
"welcome babe"I pecked her lips
"I'll call you later ok"she said
"ok take it easy please"I said
"oh she will"Mr.Simpson said
"ok love you"i kissed her
"love you to"she kissed back
My girl was going to be fine.Love her!

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