Little miss popular

By koolkat99

749 14 4

Cherry was the most popular girl in year eight at Littlewood primary, with the whole school crowding up to be... More

chapter 1 - living the life
chapter 2 - the new kerry
chapter 4 - a school surprise
chapter 5 - guilty
bonus chapter - meeting the girls

chapter 3 - secret party

73 2 0
By koolkat99

Chapter 3 - secret party

photo is of georgia

Cherrys's pov

This was so bad. Sure I was glad my identical twin sister was back, but I thought I could have just 2 years, 2 years! Of not being second best to Kerry! She was always smarter, and there was never any chance of being prettier than her because we're identical twins!

Tonight was Em's mascarade party, but I knew that if I told my parents about it they would make me take Kerry, so i told them I was going to a study group for a french, I knew dad wouldn't mind if I was out late because he's very passionate about french. The only problem was that he couldn't see me leaving because I would be all dressed up. So I was going to sneak out, and send dad a text saying that Georgia and her Mum had picked me up in a rush, Georgia's Mum was late for work. She had dropped us back of at Georgia's place, where her 18 year old sister Addison would be  babysitting us.

Actually, Addison, Georgia, Lilly, and Rock would pick me up and take me to Ems place. i think Em (short for emily) was a bit surprised I was going to her party, but there are reasons.

(1) I really LOVE the whole mascarade theme, i was thinking of doing that for my birthday but instead I decided on hawaian.

(2) She's good friends with Lilly, they take the same extra credit math class.

(3) Half the school is attending this party.

I take a look at myself, I think I look good. I'm wearing pinky red ankle boots with heels, fishnet stockings, a little black dress with sequins on the front, and my mask, my mask is the best! its gold with a little black string to keep it on and it's got all different coloured feathers sticking out of it.

I hear a car pull up, that must be them, but I listen again, to make sure. the car stops, honks, then starts again, its them, thats our signal, but they've parked across the road so dad won't think its for us and look out the window. None of them know about Kerry, I just told them that my parents don't like Em's parents and that they didn't want me to go to this particular party. Actually my parents don't even know Em's parents, let alone not like her!

I open my window and step out on the room. I go to the very edge and start walking along a wooden plank. when I get to the end I was standing in front of my treehouse. I used the key on my necklace to open the padlock on the door. It opened up and i stepped inside. You may be thinking treehouse's are for little kids, but this is a very different sort of tree house.

It was made out of a special type of wood that looks like its been polished, its really expensive. Dad said I could paint it but it looked to good, and it's so well made that it keeps out the rain. Inside there's my huge beanbag, it's about double the size of a normal one, it's really cool. Dad used the same type of wood to make a shelving unit, I put a whole lot of cool stuff on. there's also a little set of draws with a tv on it. I walked across to a door on the opposite side and opened the door. I descended the rope ladder and jumped when I was close to the ground. I ran across the road, my heels clicking.

Addison owns this cool superflash black convertible. It has a drivers seat, a passenger seat, and three seats in the back (including te middle seat), there are only two doors in the front, but that didn't matter, I just jumped over and landed on some tan leather. Addison took of as I clicked my seat belt.

Addison was driving (obviously), Georgia was in the passenger seat, Lilly was in the middle seat next to me, Rock was in the seat behind Georgia, and I was behind Addison.

Lilly high fived me and we all started talking about the party, which Addison is actually going to be attending, both of Ems parents are leaving on the condition that addison stays the whole time. I suddenly remebered to text dad but we were almost there so i got Rock to do it like 10 seconds.

When we got there we all jumped out and headed into Ems house. There was a song playing quite loudly, I recognized it as super bass by Nicki Minaj. We went through to the room that the music was coming from and we found, Em opening presents of a huge table, a table with food on it, and a bunch of people dancing.

I hadn't really bothered with the present, I just got her a bracelet from this cool shop, Electro. I placed the present on th table and made my way over to the food and drink table with Rock and Georgia, Lilly was wishing Em a happy birthday while Addison took a call in the hallway. I poured myself a cola in a plastic cup and so did Rock and Georgia. We sipped our drinks slowly, while watching Em open some presents. I got pretty bored of watching.

Suddenly Addison burst into the room.


First everyone froze and turned to stare, then about half the people in the room started to run out, while Em and her group of friends started to clean up. Rock, Lilly, Georgia and I started talking to Addison.

"Her parents didn't agree to this, they thought Em was having her friends over for a little party and some food, obviously i have to stay, but you guys gotta go, er, go to to the super smoothie!" Addison rushed. "I'll pick you all up when the party's over."

We all agreed and headed out and down the the street, the super smoothie was just around the corner.

"Well, that didn't go very well" Lilly broke the silence we were walking in.

"Atleast we won't have to woryy about whether she likes our presents or not!" Georgia attempted to lighten the mood.

"What did you guys get her?" Rock asked.

"Bracelets" I answered.

"A C.D" Lilly answered.

"Some lip gloss" Georgia finalised. "What did you get her?" she asked Rock.

"A pair of earrings" she replied.

We reached the super smoothie and we all headed in. I got a cherry whirl, Rock got a dark berry, Lilly got a bananaberry, and Georgia got a lime. We all sat down at a window seat and tried to pass the time by playing a funny game Georgia told us about.

"Everyone pick a number between 1 and 10" Georgia instructed.

"3" I replied.

"7" Lilly answered.

"4" Rock replied.

"Cool, i pick 6" Georgia said. A car went past the window and she turned to it.

"1" She said. We still didn't know how to play the game but we counted along with her. When we got to 3 a red station wagon went past. We all started to laugh.

"Is that my car?" I spluttered. Georgia nodded and we all laughed harder.

"Atleast it's red" I spluttered again.

When Rock's car came past it was a blue 4 wheel drive. She was okay with that but we still laughed. Next was Georgia who got a huge truck, that was really funny. Then last was Lilly who got a white box car. We were laughing so hard the waitress asked if we were okay.

Eventually Addison came and picked us up and started to drop us of. Rock was first, then Lilly, then me. i went up to my treehouse and changed clothes, then went through the front door and told dad that the study group was great. Then i went to bed.

What a night.


Hey everyone, thnx 4 readin! :)

sorry the pics all messed up! :(

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Koolkat99 :)

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