My Everything Jariana

By agbsweater

54.1K 1.1K 132

Every girl has they're ups and downs, but as soon as Ariana meets the famous Justin Bieber, her world is crus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 5

1.6K 32 2
By agbsweater

• Natalie's POV •

We are almost close to New York,Can't wait!

"Hey." Justin said,hugging me as he got finished getting ready.

I hugged back and felt butterflies,I wish I could freak out but then Justin will think I am a creep,oh well.

"Can't wait until we get off the tour bus." I said,giggling.

"Tell me about it,I usually love going touring but every once in awhile,I just sometimes I could just like take..a uh,uh a break." Justin said,holding my hand,looking into my eyes.

"That is amazing that you love touring,only for your beliebers,that's just very sweet of you." I said,trying not to freak,well c'mon I just couldn't hold it in,I giggled. I AM HOLDING JUSTIN'S HAND!!(;

"Natalie,there you are!" Chaz said in a girl voice,as I laughed loud.

"Uh,Chaz,that is not how I speak,but you speak like this," I cleared my throat and spoke at my man voice. "Yo,was up Justin,lets go buy something." I said,laughing,putting my face in Justin's neck.

"Geeza-wheez,Natalie,very funny!" Chaz said,laughing. Sitting across me and Justin.

"I'll be right back." Justin said,getting up. Kissed my left cheek.

• Natalie and Chaz talking •

"So,Natalie,I see you like Justin." Chaz said,snickering.

I roll my eyes. "Yes,but not like how his beliebers like him,it's just more than that." I said,picking at my pinky.

"Ya know,he likes you back." Chaz said,getting up when Justin was walking in.

I widened my eyes,I couldn't believe it. JUSTIN BIEBER L-LIKES ME!!!!!!

"Nataaaalie." Justin said,waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Oh-my bad,sorry." I said,laughing.

• Justin's POV •

I just couldn't believe that Natalie likes me,I heard it when I was walking out. I smiled while looking down.

"Natalie?" I questioned,looking into her eyes.

"Yeah,Justin?" Natalie smiled,looking right into my eyes.

I leaned in,she closed her eyes. Then,the bus honked cause we were here. I pulled away. Quickly.

"Alla-board!" Ryan yelled,stepping out first.

"Dude,we are not in a train." I said,getting my stuff,and getting Natalie's IPhone. Don't tell her I took it,shhh.

"Dad! Where's my phone!?" Natalie yelled,panicking. I stepped out of the bus,laughing hard.

Natalie came off and she looked mad. I looked at her and held out her phone,in front of her face. Natalie snatched out of my hands,smiling.

She then took my hat,I ran after her and I picked her up,spinning her around. I kissed her cheek again.

"Justin! Quit,save it for the bedroom bro!" Za said.

"You think wrong!" I said,walking back over with Natalie.

• At the dance studio •

We were practicing before my show ..tomorrow anyways. I really want to perform my new hit song 'All That Matters' #1!!

Then,it came on. I started dancing and my back-up girls,surround me,touching my arm,my chest. Then we danced and I got tired. I saw Natalie walked in with her dad. I got all blushy.

Then,thank god the song finished,cause I was a little to perform in front of her. We all took breaks and everything. I walked over to Natalie and Scooter.

"Good job!" Natalie said,high- fiving me. I hugged her with my sweaty body,then she laughed.

I did a bro handshake to Scooter.

"Alright,you're doing good we need one more dancer to fill in for the girl who quit." Scooter said.

"Ha-how about ..Natalie?" I said,looking over at her,she just mouthed 'no'

"Natalie,fill in for one of my back-up girl dancers. Please?" I said,holding her hands,on the corner of my eye I saw Scooter giving me a death glare.

"I-well,what should I saw dad?" Natalie looked over at him.

"Your choice,sweetie." Scooter said,half smiling.

"I-well-maybe-no-wait FINE YES!" Natalie shouted,happily. I picked her up,spinning her around.

"Well,you can go get changed. And we still be here." I said,as Natalie walked in the changing room.

• twenty minutes later •

We were dancing to 'All That Matters' and Natalie kept getting confused on one part.

"Alright,we'll take a break,I'll help Natalie get the moves right." I said,everybody walked out of the room,leaving me only with Natalie.

"Ok." I said,I clapped my hands,then I started smiling,

"So..I'll teach you how to do it ." I said,starting to grab her hand,cause I have to twist her in a circle,and kiss her cheek,then Natalie has to touch my body like the rest of the girls did.

The song came on and I grabbed Natalie's left hand,and spin her around,then I kiss her cheek,as she blushes.

Then,she got nervous at the last part. I grabbed her hand and put it on my heart,that's where she is,in my heart.

"Okay,so you'll just touch my heart while the rest touch my chest or something." I said.

• Going home •

All of us were leaving and I was walking out with Natalie ..paparazzi swarmed around us,as I held her hand.

Then I open my passenger seat for Natalie to get in. I ran toward the driver seat and I turned on my car and left.

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