Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 13

2.9K 43 1
By tyler-seguin

I wake up to my phone vibrating. It's a strange number, but I get up and answer it anyway.


"Hi, is this Meghan Rask?" A female voice asks.

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"I'm Amy Peters, I work for the internship program at the university. I understand you're interested in doing an internship with an athletic trainer, specifically hockey and possibly with the Boston Bruins?"

"Yes I have been."

"Well we have been able to grant you that. You are going to be working with trainer Don DelNegro, the Bruins' head trainer, on pay."

"Thank you so much! Wait, pay?"

"Yes, this will be a paid internship, and the crew even said if you are good, they will hire you, of course that being after you finish schooling. You're a sophomore correct?" The news about this being a paid internship surprises me.

"Yes, I'm a sophomore, but I took a lot of college classes to build up to this in high school so every year I take a lower amount of classes then most."

"That was a smart idea. Yeah, they could hire you before you graduate if they wanted to, but you need a diploma and to be certified, which this internship will do."

"Alright, so when do I start?"

"January, just as school starts up. You will still have to come to school when you have classes, but the rest of the time will be spent with the trainer and team when there's work. I know you are pretty close with most of the team so it should be nothing new to you to be around them, just that now you are working with them, this is your job, treat it like a job because it basically is "

"Don't worry, I will."

"Alright, well I will let you go then. If there's anything you need, questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at this number."

"Thank you Amy, bye."

"Bye bye." She hangs up.

I jump in joy at the news. I've been waiting for this moment for two months now. And it will be a paid internship. Just before school started, I quit my job at a restaurant because the boss was a douche and a pig, he was always hitting on me.

"Meg?" Tyler wakes up.

"Oh my god Ty!" I jump onto the bed and crawl on top of him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks as I straddle him. He tries sitting up, but I basically have him pinned.

"I got the internship!" I bounce in excitement. He grabs my hips and holds them down.

"Oh Jesus, don't do that. Congrats baby." I laugh when I realize what I did.

He leans up and kisses me, but I lean down, his head lying back down on the pillow, and move my tongue to his. I don't even hear the bedroom door open.

"Was I interrupting something?" Brad's voice startles me as I sit back up.

"No, I got the internship." I say, laughing in embarrassment.

"Oh, more time with the team, how sweet. Now I hate to interrupt, but your boy toy has practice in an hour and a half so he should probably start getting ready." He points to Tyler and turns and leaves. We laugh.

"Boy toy, huh?" Tyler grins.

"My one and only." I kiss his soft lips and get off of him.

He gets up and goes in the bathroom. I go downstairs.

"Morning sis." Tuukka says as he notices me walk down the hall and to the bathroom.

"Morning Tuuk." I call, shutting the door.

My period is done, thank god. I fix my hair, putting it back out and going back out.

"So you got the internship?" Tuukka asks as I sit down. He passes me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I start in January after break." I take a sip.

"Sweet. Go tell Tyler to hurry up, it's winter, we got to start leaving early for practice." I nod and run upstairs. He stands in front of the door, fully clothed.

"I'm coming." He says, walking past me. I follow him downstairs. Brad stands with Tuukka in the kitchen.

"Ready Segs?" Tuukka grabs his keys.

"Yup. Love you." He gives me a kiss as he leaves. I watch them drive out.

I go up and take a shower and get ready. I'm going to go in town and do some shopping, Christmas shopping. I don't know what to get any of the boys, but I'll probably find something.
I wear a comfortable outfit, a pair of dark blue jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, and a navy blue scarf. I put on my Uggs, my only pair, and grab my phone and keys and head out the door. It took longer to get ready then I thought.

As I start the car, my phone vibrates. A text from Tuukka.

*Hey, if you're planning on leaving the house, please be careful, the roads into town are terrible. If you want, Tyler said take his truck, 4 wheel drive.*

I look out to the road, I think I will be okay.

I pull out of the garage and drive down the road a couple miles. I feel my car sway on the ice covered road. I have studded snow tires, they should have better traction. I get caught on a strip of black ice on the side and I can't get off of it. I frantically try turning off of it, but it doesn't work, my car seems to pick up speed on it. It pulls me off the road and down over the ditch, straight into a tree. My head hits the something hard and quickly, the windshield smashes in my face. I'm pinned to the steering wheel where I can't breathe.

I can hear faint voices, but that's before everything goes black.

Tyler's POV

"Good practice boys, game tomorrow, be ready for it. Now, I want to discuss a few things." Coach says, grabbing his clipboard. I hear my phone vibrate in my clothes bag. I debate whether I should look at it.

"Segs, I think that's your phone." Horton whispers.

"I know."

"Check it, Coach isn't looking."

I rummage through and find my pants, reaching in the pocket and pulling out my phone. There's a missed call from Meghan. She knows we have practice right now, why would she be calling?

I notice Tuukka looking over at me. I mouth 'Meghan' to him and he nods and waves me over. I get up and sit over next to him.

"Did she call you too?" He asks.

"Yeah, she knows we have practice."

"Yeah, she never calls."

"Maybe it's an emergency." I don't want to think that it is, but now that the thought comes, I can't stop thinking of what could be wrong.

"I don't know." He sighs. I get up and walk over to Houda.

"Hey, bad timing, I know, but I need to make a call." He looks at me kind of funny.

"Can't it wait Tyler?" He sighs.

"It's an emergency." I respond quickly. His expression quickly changes.

"Oh, alright, go ahead."

"Thanks." I pat his back. I grab my phone and walk outside of the locker room and call her back.

"Hi is this Tyler?" An unfamiliar woman's voice answers. Her voice is shaky and I quickly want to know who the fuck she is and why she has Meghan's phone.

"Who is this? Where's Meghan?"

"I'm Rose, well Meghan has been in an accident and I've been trying to get a hold of people from her recents."

"Wait, hold up, an accident?" My voice cracks. No, no she couldn't be.

"Yes, she went off the road and hit a tree, big time damage. I have an ambulance on the way, actually it's coming right now, she's unconscious."

I feel my heart start to race out of control and my eyes start to sting.

"It can't be her, no, no not my Meghan. Is she hurt badly?"

"I didn't want to touch her, I'm afraid of hurting her more. I saw her phone on the floor of the car on the passenger side. I called you and Tuukka, you guys must be Bruins players."

"That's the least of my worries right now, I need to be there." I snap. I didn't mean for it to come out so rude.

"Sorry, I will let you go, ambulance is here."

"Wait, where are you?" But the woman has already hung up. I don't know what to do. I need to leave, I need to go to her, I need to know if she is okay, she has to be, Meghan. I start to cry.

"Tyler?" Houda comes out of the locker room. I look up and he looks confused.

"Tyler, what the hell is going on?"

"I gotta leave." I hesitate to say through my tears.

"Please, what's going on?"

"My girlfriend, car accident, I need to go. I need Tuukka." I tell him frantically.

"Yes, come on." He pats my back as we head in the locker room. I instantly strip of my gear and get in my clothes.

"Tuuk, you too. Get going." Houda says.

"What? Why?" Tuukka asks, confused.

"Meghan." I grab my phone. He quickly strips of his gear and changes into his clothes. We hurry out of the rink and out to his truck.

"Tyler, tell me what's going on." He asks frantically.

"She got in an accident."

"She what?! Holy fuck no! Not my baby sister, is she okay?!" He starts losing his cool.

"I have no clue, some woman called from her phone and said she was unconcious which is just a fucking lovely thought. Where would she be?"

"Oh my fucking god, this can't be fucking happening. Probably Mass. General." He holds his face in his hands. I try not to cry, but the tears come out.

I never cry, I never like crying. But when it comes to Meghan, I don't know what else to do. This girl is my everything, I never thought I'd find another. If she hadn't come into my life, I don't know where I'd be. And now the thought of her unconscious scares me to death. I need her, she can't leave me, she can't leave any of us.

I drive to Mass. General Hospital and Tuukka and I run into the emergency room.

"Can I help you?" The woman at the desk asks.

"Has there been a girl named Meghan Rask admitted?" I ask quickly.

"I don't think so, but there was just a young lady who came in, I don't know if it is her or not."

"Blonde hair?" Tuukka asks.

"No, brown."

"That's not her then." I sigh.

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Where is she? Is she okay? Is she alive? All these questions running through my mind.

That's when an ambulance pulls in, unloading a stretcher from the back.

"It's her." Tuukka says, running out the doors. I follow him.

Sure enough, her blonde wavy hair surrounds her face, her white shirt covered in blood.

"Excuse us gentlemen." The man says, pushing through Tuukka and I.

"Do you know her?" A woman asks.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend and his sister." I point to Tuukka and I.

She nods and directs us in with them. They rush her to a room.

"We can only have one other person in the room." The male doctor says.

"Go ahead Tyler, I got to call Dad." Tuukka pulls out his phone.

I rush inside and take a seat in the chair across from the stretcher. They quickly hook things up to her. I feel less tense when I hear the heart monitor start. She's still alive, thank god.

"Everything so far looks good, but we definitely should run some tests when she becomes conscious enough." The doctor says to the nurses, then looks over at me.

"Will she be okay?" I stand up.

"I think so, she's coming out of it. Give it a few minutes. May I ask who you are?" He asks.

"Tyler Seguin, I'm her boyfriend." I shake his hand.

"Dr. Wilson. Should have known it was you, huge fan. Now that was Tuukka Rask with you, correct?" He pats my shoulder and I give him a slight smile.

"Yeah, Meghan is his sister."

"Really? Well I'll give him permission to come in and see her, I'm sure he would want to." The doctor smiles and walks out of the room.

They move Meghan from the stretcher to the bed next to them and get her hooked up to oxygen and monitors. They all smile as the leave.

"She'll be okay, don't worry." One says, resting her hand on my arm.

"Thanks." I smile at her as she leaves.

The room is silent for minutes. I just stare at Meghan. I've never had to deal with something like this before. I never thought I'd be in this kind of relationship before where it's like us. I wonder if Laynee and I were still together if I would have been the way I am now if something like this had happened?

Meghan and her are so different. I loved Laynee, but it's not the same kind of love that I feel towards Meghan. I know the one I have for Meghan is actually real.

This girl lying in that hospital bed has been able to bring out the real me, not the guy who is out to get every girl and party hard all the time. I'm not saying that I won't party anymore, because I do enjoy it, but I've got her now, and I'm doing it for her. I don't want that image on me.

"Ty?" I think I'm just daydreaming or something when I hear her voice, but when I look up at her again, her eyes are open and her arm is stretched out. I quickly get up and rush to her side.

"I'm here." I kiss her cheek. She smiles slightly which makes me smile. I move the strands of hair from her scratched face.

"Where's Tuuk?" Her voice is quiet.

"He's on the phone last I knew, talking to your dad." I sit down at the end of the bed and rub her leg.

"I don't want him down here, I don't need him stressing out anymore."

"Let's hope not then. Do you want Tuukka in here?"

"Yeah." She slowly sits herself up as I go and get Tuukka.

"Ow!" She shrieks.

"Are you okay?" I hurry to her side.

"I think I have a broken rib or something." She rubs her side.

I place my hand down where she was rubbing and she straightens. I can tell by the expression on her face it hurts.

"Ty, stop." She pushes my hand away.

"Sorry, I'll go get Tuuk." I turn and leave the room.

Tuukka is pacing back and forth in front of the door, still on the phone.

"Yeah, I'll call you back Dad." He hangs up the phone.

"You can come in if you want." I tell him.

"But they said only one person?"

"Dr. Wilson said you have his permission."

"Oh, alright." He smiles and walks in the room.

"Tyler!" A man calls, I turn down the hall and it is Dr. Wilson. He hurries to meet me.

"Hi." I say.

"Is she awake yet?"

"Yeah, she has been for a few minutes."

"Does she have any pain that you know of?"

"Her side hurts. Probably her ribs."

"I figured that. I'm going to take her and get some x-rays and run some tests to see if she has anything wrong with her brain. I think she may have a concussion by the way she hit her head."

"Oh, alright. Yeah, she's awake so." I walk in the room, Dr. Wilson walks in behind me.

"Meghan Rask, I'm Dr. Wilson. Can I take you to get some x-rays done?"

"Sure." She struggles to sit up, holding her side the whole time.

Tuukka helps her stand up, her body language instantly saying she is in pain and nervous. Dr. Wilson takes the oxygen and other stuff off of her and we head down to the x-ray room.

"If you two would help her back to her room, that'd be great. I'm going to go process these and I'll be there shortly." Dr. Wilson says, heading out of the room.

We help her up and out of the room, heading back to hers. Lots of young nurses grin and wink at me.

I look at Meghan, who is biting the inside of her cheeks, something she does when she's pissed off or jealous. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze, letting her know. She looks up and at, giving me a slight smile. I hate how she isn't giving me her natural, warm smile. I know she is in pain and is stressed out, but if I could just see that smile, I would feel much much better.

We help her lie down on the bed. She breathes deeply through her teeth as she slowly lays down.

I don't like the fact knowing she's in a lot of pain, if I could I would wrap her up in my arms for as long as possible to make her feel better. A hug from her would definitely feel nice right about now. A few minutes of silence go by and Dr. Wilson walks in with a tan envelope.

"Alright, your x-rays are processed and you do have a few broken ribs. No internal damage, thankfully. You tore a muscle up around your left shoulder, but it's not too serious. And for your brain tests, you have a mild concussion, which is good news since you hit your head pretty hard. So we'll get you braced up and you can be on your way." He smiles at her, patting her arm.

Tuukka and I stand up and shake his hand as the nurses put a brace on her.

"Thank you." Tuukka and I say at the same time to the nurses and they smile.

"You ready babe?" I ask her as she stands up.

"Yes." She grabs my arm in her hands. I wrap it around her waist. She's really tense as we head out to the truck. She sits in the front.

"Here Ty, you can drive. Probably make her more relaxed if you're in the front with her." He hands me the keys as he gets in the backseat. I get in and start the truck.

I look over at Meghan before I pull out onto the road. She has her eyes closed.

The ride home is silent. The roads are now bare. I see where her car went over the ditch, which is so close to the house. When we pull into the driveway, Brad's car is parked off to the side, where he always parks, my truck next to it.

"Come on Meg." Tuukka opens the passenger door.

She opens her eyes after falling asleep. She moans and grabs his hand, getting down out of the truck. We walk inside and Brad comes rushing over.

"What the hell happened?" His eyes widen as he takes in Meghan's appearance.

"She got in an accident." I tell him, helping her sit down on the couch.

"I love you Ty." She says as I place a kiss on her forehead. The words I've been waiting for all day.

"I love you." I smile and walk back to the kitchen.

"Where? I didn't see anything when Bergy and I drove through."

"Little ways down the road." Tuukka says.

"You should probably call him by the way, he wanted to know what was going on."

"I'll give him a call." Tuukka goes down the hall.

"So what's wrong with her?" Brad sits down on a stool.

"She's got a broken rib, mild concussion, and a tore muscle in her left shoulder, noting too serious though."

"Thank god."

"Yeah, head on into a tree."

"Wow, didn't Tuuk text her?"

"Yeah, I told him to. She should have taken my truck, it's heavier and has four wheel drive."

"Oh well, she's alive and that's all that matters."

"You could say that again." I sigh.

I turn around and look at her on the couch. She's sound asleep.

"You must be relieved." He laughs.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Bergy's gonna come over tomorrow and see her." Tuukka walks into the kitchen.

"We're gonna have to tell the whole team tomorrow." I say.

"Yeah, they'd probably find out quickly anyway." Brad laughs.

"She means a lot to a lot of people." Tuukka sighs, looking at his sister.

"She sure does." Brad agrees.

I forget that I'm not the only one who cares for her as much as I do, the whole team does. She's like a little sister to most of them.

"She should probably go to bed." Tuukka suggests.

"I'll bring her up." I walk over to her. She's sound asleep.

I carefully lift her in my arms and carry her upstairs. I gently set her down on the bed. She moans in her sleep as I cover her up. I push her hair back.

"Ty?" I turn around.

"What babe?"

"Stay." I smile and walk over to the other side of the bed, getting in with her. She smiles and rests her head on my shoulder.

"You have no clue how relieved I was when you woke up earlier today." I laugh, running my fingers through her hair.

"I was so scared Ty." Her voice cracks and tears slowly stream down her face. I feel a lump in my throat.

"It's alright, you're home and alive." I choke, wiping her tears away.

"I love you so much Ty, you have no clue."

"I love you." I kiss her soft lips. I don't know what I'd do without this girl.

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