Could It Be Forever (Book 1...

By SourFig44

12.2K 23 1

Looking back it all seems like just a dream but when reality sets in we look back an think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

354 1 0
By SourFig44


When I landed at Heathrow airport, it was late but I had to call, Liz.
By now she would have received the box from Keith. I would have loved to have been there watching her face as she opened the boxes.
I got my cell from my pocket and dialled her number.
She picked up almost immediately. Just hearing her voice made me want to take the next plane back to Cape Town.
She sounded so excited and I let her speak. The last thirty six hours has been hell for me. Not seeing and touching her.
I finally told Liz that I loved her and when she said she loved me to, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. That was the confirmation I was waiting for.
It was hard to say goodbye to her after that but I had to get home. It was snowing when I got outside the airport.

The taxi pulled into my driveway and thought of how I would have liked Liz to see how beautiful the river Thames was in winter.
I stepped through the front door and switched on the lights on my way up to my bedroom, lighting up the house. It was a house that was a newly built. It was spacious and had glass for most of the walls, letting in the natural light. I hired an interior designer to furnish and decorate the house. Hans decorated it with simple modern peaces but it was tasteful.

I dropped my luggage on the bedroom floor and went to the study to switch on my laptop. A noise came from the front of the house and I heard my front door being opened.
Only one person had a set of keys to my house but I wasn't ready to deal with her just yet.
I walked back down the passage and as I turned the corner, I saw Gerry in the kitchen, head in the refrigerator.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house! And how the hell did you know I'm back," I shouted at her but she carried on with what she was doing.
It's like she didn't hear me, pretending that I just didn't shouted at her.
"Hi, Rheese. I've missed you," Gerry said, running to me, throwing her arms around my neck.
She kissed me on the cheek, batting her eyelashes at me.
"I want my keys back," I demanded, taking her wrist in my hands, tightening my grip around it.
"But gave it to me, remember." I was brewing with anger. " took it without me knowing," raising my voice at her. "Besides, I'm gonna have to see you when we have the baby."
Gerry was a fucken spoiled  brat, used to getting what she wanted, beside me, until the day of my sister's wedding. I can still kick myself for giving in to her.
"I want my keys back and about the baby. We have an appointment with one of the gynecologist I know at the hospital, in the morning."
Fuck, this shit. I walked to the kitchen to get a beer but she beat me to it and handed me one.

This was gonna be a nightmare to get her out of my life. The move to Cape Town was just what I needed. I wasn't sure if I should leave but after meeting Liz and her reciprocating my feelings, it didn't seem like a bad idea.
I had to get hold of Dr. Van Dyk and have a video call with him about taking the position as head plastic surgeon at Van Dyk Clinic. He was the CEO to his own hospital and was still performing surgery at his age on patients that was in need of it and couldn't afford to pay the astronomical fees. Van Dyk was getting old now and wanted someone to take his place. He wanted me to run the clinic and perform the operations. The offer was an attractive one.

I took the beer out of her hand, avoiding contact and took a big gulp.
"Look Gerry, if you are carrying my child I'll take responsibility for it but that doesn't mean that you are part of the package. And I'm moving to South Africa soon anyway."
She went pale and falling back onto one of the bar chairs. Acting like the wife receiving bad news.
"When we find out how far along you are and if I'm the father of the baby, then we can sit down and talk."
She jumped up and started screaming at me, being hysterical.
"Fuck you! Rheese. You can't leave me. You can't. You are the father of our unborn child, please Rheese...I love you."
Her screaming turned into crying. She walked over to where I was standing and fell on her knees in front of me.
"Get up, Gerry! You look pathetic. I never said I loved you and you know what we had was just fucken sex. Fuck, it's not like I'm the only one you've fucked while we were together."
Putting my beer on the kitchen counter and pulled her up onto her feet. Taking her by the hand, I grabbed her bag off the chair, on my way to the front door. Dragging her along, I rummaged through her bag for my spare set of house keys and took it out. I had enough of her drama.
"I'll pick you up in the morning. Be ready at 9:00 am." I said, before opening the door.
I shut the front door closed, leaving her outside on the porch. I locked the door with the spare set of keys I got out of Gerry's handbag and went back to my room.
Fuming with rage I took a shower, trying to wash away the stress of the last half hour.
The minute I closed my eyes, all I wanted to think of was Liz and how she made me feel. I pressed my hands up against the shower wall and wished that I was looking into her big brown eyes, making love to her.


I couldn't wait to get back to my apartment. I would see his face again. Talk to him again. My heart was beating faster just thinking about it.

When I walked in the first thing I did was start up my laptop. While it was rebooting I took my cell out of my bag and dialled Rheese's number.
I looked at the bracelet on my wrist, running my fingers along the words engraved on it.
His cell rang for a bit and went to voice mail. I switched off the end call button and re-dialled the number. On the third try I left a voice message saying, ' Hi, it's me blue eyes...You said I must call you, so this is me calling you. I'm home.'
As I pressed the off button again, I threw my cell on the coffee table. I was upset that he asked me to call but wasn't there to answer my call. The time was 04:55pm when I looked at the kitchen clock and strolled to the freezer for ice cream.
I took out the whole tub of tinroof ice cream and grabbed a spoon on my way back to the lounge.
I fell back into the couch and switched on the television. Flipping through the channels to find something to watch but nothing good was showing. I eventually ended up going through my hard drive and switched on ' The Choice '.
It was one of my favourite movies by Nicolas Spark.
I didn't realised that I finished almost the whole litre of ice cream by the time the movie ended.
Feeling tired I decided to call it a night and went to the bathroom, going through my routine shower, brushing teeth and taking my birth control tablets before going to bed.
But when I picked up the packet, I discovered that I haven't taken it for a more than a week. With everything that has happened with my mom, work and Rheese, I forgot all about it.
I was in deep shit.
What if I'm pregnant? Oh my god, this can't be happening to me.

I quickly got dressed in my pajama's and fetched my cell from the lounge that I threw down hours ago on the coffee table.
I needed Ben to talk to and dialled his number.
"Lizzy...," Ben answered, sounding happy as ever.
"Ben, I need you. Can you come over? I don't know what to do... I think...I might be pregnant."
"What the fuck! Are you sure?" Ben exclaimed.
"I don't know..." I didn't know if I should cry or laugh at the absurdity of my situation.
"I'll be over soon."
Ben hung up and I plonked myself on the couch, drawing my legs up into my chest and started rocking from side to side.
My cell rang and I picked it up without looking who it was.
"Liz...Liz!" Rheese shouted, trying to get my attention. "Hello...Talk to me." Rheese sounded anxious. "I'm sorry I missed your call," Rheese said apologetically. When I heard Rheese shout out my name, I snapped out of my trance.
I needed to act normal and not let anything slip about me missing the pill or the fact that I could be pregnant.
"Hi, I'm here...just tired. I've got a lot on my mind. That's all." I replied, finally. "How's the family?" I asked.
I had to be mad at Rheese for not answering when I called but with the situation I found myself in, I forgot to be mad at him.
"I'll see my mom and dad tomorrow. Just need to get my head straightened out. I'm also just feeling tired after my flight."
"Okay, I won't keep you then. We can skype tomorrow. Get some rest. I'll speak to you tomorrow then. Night, Rheese. Have a good sleep."
I missed him but it was best that he didn't see me in the state I was in. If we had to see each other tonight, he would surely know that something was wrong.
"Night, baby. Speak to you in the morning. I love you," Rheese said.
The last sentence had me all choked up and the tears started running down my cheeks.
"I love you too, blue eyes. Got to go. Ben's at the door," I replied, keeping my voice steady as possible.
Ben buzzed just as I was saying goodbye to Rheese and I walked to the front door to let him in.
The front door opened a minute later and Ben came waltzing in.
"Let's go and see if you preggies," Ben waved a pregnancy test in the air, laughing.
"That's not funny," I said, grabbing the box out of his hand.
He walked behind me to the bathroom and I pushed him out.
"Hey, I want to see."
"I can do this on my own," I said and closed the bathroom door behind me.
"I would hope so. I wasn't there when you made it!" Ben shouted from the bedroom, laughing.
I opened the box and read the instructions on what to do.
I followed the instructions and now all that was left to do was wait. I left the bathroom and found Ben sitting in the lounge on his cell, talking to Keith.
"And..." he asked, holding the phone away from his mouth.
"I don't know what it said. I can't look," I told him and sat down next to him.
He said goodbye to Keith and jumped up, storming off to the bathroom.
My eyes was fixed in the direction of my bedroom, waiting for Ben to come out.
"You are in deep shit, Lizzy. It looks like I'm gonna be an uncle," Ben said, walking towards me with the pregnancy test stick. He held out the stick to show me the two blue lines.
' How did this happen,' I talked aloud.
I was glued to were I was sitting. I was in utter shock.
"I can tell you, if you don't know," Ben replied to my statement and laughed loud.
"What's so funny, Ben? It can't be." I grabbed the stick out of his hand. "It's too soon. It's only been a few days. It can't be pregnant, yet. It could be wrong." I was trying to convince myself that this wasn't happening.
My cell beeped at that moment, alerting me that I had a message. It was from Rheese.

' Just letting you know that I'm thinking about you. I hate not having you next to me. Thinking of all the things I want to do to you;) Love you, baby."

How am I gonna tell him about the me being pregnant. What if Rheese wasn't interested in having children. We just declared our love for each other. This could be the end to our beginning. And I was still too young to have a baby.
I had to reply to the message Rheese send me and started typing.

' I'm thinking of you too. Wish you were here with me. My bed will be empty without you in it. Oh, and I can just imagine what you would do to me:) I love you too.'


Me having a shower didn't help much because when I finished, my cock was as hard as a rock. Just thinking of Liz and how I wanted her sweet sex around my it was enough to drive me insane.
I ended up having to turn the shower water onto cold to tame my erection. When I finished in the bathroom, I walked back into my bedroom and took my cell out of my briefcase. I had a few miss calls from her and felt shit missing her calls. She left a message and I listened to it. Liz called me as promised and I fucken wasn't there to answer it.
Fuck Gerry and her drama queen behaviour.
I had to call my girl. Even if I was tired, I just had to hear her voice before I went to sleep.
She picked up her cell and I apologized for missing her calls, hoping she wasn't mad at me.
The silence after I spoke was worrying and then her voice rang out. I was glad to hear that she was just tired like me and she said had a lot on her mind.
Maybe she was worried about her mom but I couldn't shake the feeling that something else was troubling her.
As we were saying goodbye, she announced that Ben was at the door.
It was late and what would he be doing at her apartment at this hour.
Something must be wrong.
Liz has been very sensitive and she was crying a lot before I left. I didn't like seeing her cry, especially if I'm the reason for making her cry.
I text her a message, reassuring her of my feeling towards her. She text back, being a little flirtatious with her text but I still needed confirmation that she was okay.
I dialled Keith's number because he was the only one who would know what Ben was doing at Liz's place so late.


Ben left and I asked him not to tell Keith about me being pregnant.
All I could do was hope that my secret would be safe with him.
I got into bed and held onto the pillow Rheese used when he was here last. If ever I needed him it would have been tonight. I wanted his arms wrapped around my body, holding me and to say everything was going to be fine.

My sleep was full of horrible dreams and I was restless though the night, tossing and turning. I got up just after the sun came up over the horizon.
My head pounding with a migraine from hell. I made myself coffee and grabbed some rusks on my way back to my bedroom. I had to get to my mom but I was still tired. I crawled back under my duvet and called my mom's house phone.
"Hello, Lillian speaking," my mom answered.
"Hi mom, it's me." I said, controlling my emotions.

"Elizabeth, is everything okay?" she asked, sounding concerned.
"I'm okay mom but I don't know if I'll make it to come to you today," I replied.
"That's fine my girl. Aunty Carol is with me. Don't worry about things here at home. I've got it under control. Take care. Mommy loves you."
"I love you too, mom."
I burst out crying and wanted to tell her about the baby and how I felt but I couldn't. She would be dissapionted that I let this happened.

The tears ran down my face and my pillow soaked it up. For the first time in my life I didn't know what the future holds for me and the tiny pea that was growing in my tummy.
My hand automatically went to my stomach.
' Your daddy doesn't know about you but your mine and I love you.'
I stroked my tummy with the palm of my hand, feeling a little foolish, drifting  off to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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