In the middle of it all.

By Keri8794

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Desperate to salvage all that's left in his and his brothers' careers, Daxton enlists the help of the innocen... More

Authors Note


10.6K 692 33
By Keri8794

Song: "Problem" - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea.


Mikayla wasn't sure what she expected to see upon arriving back home an hour later. Things between her and Cameron were already strained after his muffled declaration. All Mikayla had a desire to do was sleep. She'd prefer to pretend they day seized to exist.

Daxton had other plans.

The media had other plans.

She should have known better.

"What the hell is this?" Daxton's voice was loud and sharp. His vicious accusation startled Mikayla. Daxton chose to ignore her fright though Cameron couldn't,

"You alright?" he asked her. His hand moved to the lower part of her back. His thumb rubbed softly against her cardigan. She nodded.

"Stop touching!" yelled Daxton. Cameron sighed in exasperation. Mikayla sagged her shoulders. She moved away from Cameron carefully, as inconspicuously as she could, and turned towards Daxton's huffing.

"Perhaps we'd be more inclined to answer you in you clued us in on the cause of your frustration." She spoke calmly to him while her arms folded stiffly against her chest. Her words were meant to pacify but she made sure her hard expression let him know she was mad too.

"Your photo is all over the internet." His words were lower in volume, but nothing hid the frustration.

"So," said Cameron. She heard him move away from the front door. His gait was calm, and she knew his aversion to react drove his brother closer to murder. "Isn't that what Mikayla is here for?"

"This wasn't planned." Daxton's words were clipped and pushed through his teeth with effort. Mikayla held her head. It was going to be a long night if the two of them continued going nowhere except only to irritate one another.

Cameron's walking stopped. "So, I can only kiss my fiancé when you deem it so." His words were riddled in condescension.

"Yes," answered Daxton immediately. Mikayla rolled her eyes aggressively. She was certain Cameron did too if Daxton's next words meant anything. "I mean, um-"

"No, by all means, don't try and justify your controlling ways," said Cameron sarcastically. Mikayla bit her bottom lip in worry. "You're right. Who are we to defy you or, heaven forbid, make up our own minds?"

"Damnit Cam, that's not what I mean, and you know it." Cameron scoffed. Daxton groaned loudly. "Tell him Mickey. I didn't mean it that way."

Mikayla sighed. The short months that had passed in the presence of the Reynolds brothers had been mostly fun for Mikayla. She'd learned a lot about them, and she'd come to love being around them but, sometimes they behaved like children. "I think you and I need to have a little talk." She said to him quietly.


"It's not a request. Come on." She stuck her hand out for him and was relieved when she felt him drop his heavily into hers. He wasn't happy but he was listening. Slowly she pulled him away from Cameron and towards their safe haven. When Daxton realized which direction she walked in, he stepped closer towards her. His body seemed to relax more.

Good, she thought. She needed him to calm down so they could discuss everything properly.

Once they were inside the greenhouse and on their bench, Mikayla dropped Daxton's hand. She turned her body so that it was facing his. "You want to tell me what's going on with you?" At first he scoffed, ready to deny her accusations. She wasn't going to give him time to. "Don't deny it. If you want to make sure this ends with us all happy, you'll talk."

He sighed and she felt the bench rattle a bit as he fell heavily into the back. "Something could have happened to you two. Why did you leave without me?"

"Why are you keeping secrets?" she said. She was sure he glared at her.

"I'm not keeping secrets."

"You're keeping something away from Cameron. I don't care if you never tell me, but he deserves to know."

"No, he doesn't." His words were soft, but the bite was painful.

Mikayla turned away from him and sat playing with her fingers in silence. They weren't getting anywhere with their talk. Their anger and stubbornness were stopping their argument from moving anywhere. Mikayla knew one of them had to extend the olive branch. She hopped it were him but, Daxton seemed in no mood to admit his wrongs.

She breathed out. "We wanted to go out and do something fun. You left things," she thought through her words, "badly," she chose. She turned to face him again. "Cam has been cooped up in this house for nearly two months. He was going crazy. At least if I went with him, I could make sure he wasn't a danger to himself. Plus, we were mad at you and thought tis was a good way to say stuff you."

To her surprise, Daxton chuckled. "Well, mission accomplish."

She rolled her eyes. "He wanted to go to a club. Ice skating and dinner from a food truck is a far better choice. Instead of yelling at him, you should be praising him."

"The picture."

Mikayla groaned in frustration. "Stop letting your jealousy make you an ass."

"Hey!" he yelled.

"Really?" she asked with a raise of her eyebrows.

He was quiet for a few seconds before exhaling loudly. "Whatever."

She swayed until her shoulder bumped against his. "Don't do that. What you did was wrong. Grow up and apologize."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you."

She smiled. "I appreciate it but, Cameron deserves the apology, not me." She could feel his hesitation and it annoyed her. "What is so wrong about saying sorry to your brother?"

"It'll give him the opinion that he is allowed to do it again."

"What? Live his own life."

"That's not fair," he said instantly. "Don't turn it around like that. You know I only do this to protect him. It's worse enough my brother hates me for it. I can handle it but," his voice cracked. "I can't handle you doing it. I know my methods aren't the greatest, but it comes from a good place." His voice hitched.

"Hey, it's alright. I didn't mean it." Mikayla instantly reached for him and wrapped her arms around his body.

"I don't want to see him hurt. I can't lose him. I need to protect him." Mikayla continued to coo at him and rub his arm. She placed clumsy and awkward kisses on his body, and she continued to calm him down. Eventually, Daxton's body relaxed in her arms.

When she felt he was calm enough, Mikayla spoke softly. "Is there a reason you're so afraid for his safety?"

Daxton instantly tensed in her arms. "He could hurt himself." His words were too forced and the way his tone lifted at the end sounded like he was asking a question.

"Dax," she said softly.

"No," he interrupted.

"What's really going on? What's got you so scared?"

His body jumped from her grip suddenly as he moved towards the door. "I'm not talking about this."

"Why?" she asked as she jumped to her feet. "What are you hiding? Why won't you speak to us?"

"It's none of your business!" he snapped. Mikayla froze in her place. "You're not my wife. You're not even my girlfriend. Stop pushing so hard to know my business."

He wasn't yelling. He didn't to. His words hurt enough.

Her shoulders dropped straightaway as a gasp left her lips. "Mickey," he called quietly.

"No!" she yelled. "Don't try lie and say you didn't mean it." He didn't object. Somehow, it hurt Mikayla worse. The tears began to fall down her cheeks quickly. Her throat started closing as a heavy sob lodged it way there. She could feel a breakdown coming but, there was no way she would have it in front of him. She moved away from him and towards the door. He tried to reach for her, but she yanked her arm away quickly. She moved faster out of the greenhouse. She needed to get to her room.

She ran with her hand along the wall, feeling all the dots. It felt like years ago when Daxton surprised her with such thoughtfulness. Now, she hated it all. She hated most that she still wanted to use them.

She rushed up the stairs until she found her bedroom. She heard rushed trotting behind her and knew Nelly had found her. Nelly felt her anxiety and rushed to whine at her feet. Tears flew freely down her cheeks as she fumbled with the doorknob. Eventually it opened and she flew her body past the threshold.

The only got as far as closing the door before all her effort drained from her body. She fell against the closed door and wailed while she gripped Nelly's fur. Nelly did exactly what Mikayla needed. She stayed still and gave her all the love she wished the boy downstairs could.

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