In the middle of it all.

By Keri8794

537K 24.1K 2.1K

Desperate to salvage all that's left in his and his brothers' careers, Daxton enlists the help of the innocen... More

Authors Note


9.9K 677 60
By Keri8794

Song: "Night is young" - China Anne McClain.


The vehicle came to stop, and Mikayla sighed in relief. Cameron finally stopped his singing.

"We were just getting into the best part of the song," whined Cameron. Mikayla tried to hide her smirk. Neither her nor Benny had the heart to tell him how awful his singing was.

"We've reached our destination," replied Benny.

"Where are we?" asked Mikayla.

Cameron gripped her forearm tightly. "We at the hottest club in town. Only the rich and famous get in." Mikayla's stomach dropped. She gripped the side of her seat and turned her body away from Cameron.

"This is a bad idea. Let's just go back home."

She heard him chuckle. "No ways. I need a good night out."

"You're still in recovery Cameron. This is a bad idea." Mikayla knew allowing Cameron to choose their activity would be a disaster. He only had one goal, to let loose. Unfortunately, Cameron hadn't learned how to do that without alcohol.

She heard him sigh and his tight grip loosened. She heard him fall into the seat beside her. "You're right. I need to be better. I owe it to Daxton."

The car fell into silence and Mikayla fiddled with her fingers. The awkwardness returned and she hated it. She'd never really been alone with Cameron for an extended period of time. It was odd being around him. There were times she felt they were opposites and had nothing in common. Other times, he'd make her laugh and she'd feel relaxed. She couldn't figure him out and it bothered her more than she liked to admit. She liked understanding people. It helped her to know their motives. It was the only defense she had against trouble.

Cameron was her first challenge. She wasn't sure if he liked having her in his life. She wasn't sure what he really thought of their ruse. She wasn't sure about anything where he was concerned.

"What should we do now?" asked Cameron. His sudden question startled her. She nibbled her lip in thought and then smiled.

"How about I show you how normal people have fun?"

He laughed. "I am normal."

"You know what I mean." She reached across the seat until she found his hand. "Let me show you how to have a good time without alcohol and loud music."

"Is that even possible?" He sounded incredulous and she giggled. Many thought she was naïve, but she may have competition.

"Come on."

He sighed. "Alright. We'll do it your way. Tell Benny where to go." Mikayla cheered in her seat and quickly told Benny to go to one of her favorite places. Benny was quick to leave the center and go to her destination. Surprisingly, they were close by.

"An ice rink?" said Cameron when the car stopped. "This is fun to you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes. Have you ever tried it?"

"I shot a movie scene once on an ice rink. Took us only ten shots. That's about the extent of my experience."

Mikayla chuckled. "Then you'll love this. Come on. The weather is warming up so it's the perfect time to go."

He sighed with effort and Mikayla rolled her eyes. Despite his reluctance, he stepped out and helped her find the ground. He kept her hand on his arm and his arm around her waist. He'd have to be her guidance since they'd left Nelly at home.

He walked her towards the entrance. The air around them got a little cooler the closer they got. Benny followed behind them obediently. It helped ease Mikayla's anxiety. No matter what, she believed Benny would ensure her safety above all else.

"So, how does this work?" asked Cameron.

"Have you ever been ice skating before?"

She could feel him shrug against her. "I told you, the closest I've come was for a movie. That was three years ago, and we only stood on the ice."

Mikayla laughed. "Well, luckily for you, I have some experience."

"How?" he asked. She stopped walking. "I didn't mean that offensively," he said quickly. "I'm just confused. How does a blind woman skate?"

She shook her head. "As long as I have someone there to direct me, I don't need my eyes. I need my feet."

She could hear the smile in his voice. "Good thing you have two good ones huh."

She shook her head and pulled him towards the entrance. Cameron paid for their entrance and skates. He directed them towards a bench where Benny had to help them both put their skates on. Mikayla wished she could see Cameron's reactions. He sounded appalled and equally amazed by it all. She imagined his lip was pulled as he stared at the rental skate. The image in her head made her laugh.

Once she was on her feet, she reached her hand out for Cameron. "Let's go." Reluctantly, his hand found hers. She pulled him up only to feel his weight lean to the left. She gasped and gripped him. Benny shot forward at the back to righten them.

"Woah," said Cameron. He sounded scared. "I don't think this is a good start."

"Surely you can stand in skates."

He scoffed. "Yes. I just um, lost my balance a bit. I've got this." He moved forward with his hand in hers. The short walk towards the rink was clumsy. Cameron's steps were exaggerated, and he'd mumble under his breath with every step. Mikayla hadn't stopped smiling and giggling. He really was like a little kid.

Cameron directed her towards the ice and once she felt the smooth surface under her feet, calm covered her immediately. She happily pushed her feet forward as she enjoyed the small movement. She turned around to face Cameron and try coax him onto the ice.

He reached for her hands and held them in a death grip. "You won't let me fall right?" he asked.

She chuckled. "You'll most likely make me fall." She smiled encouragingly at him. "Just keep your balance. That's the important part."

She pulled on his hands lightly. Cameron lifted his feet over the small barrier and onto the ice. His arms were stiff. Once both feet were on the ice, he stood still. Mikayla chuckled. She didn't have to have eyesight to know his legs were stiff and straight. He was afraid to move. She'd have to ease him into this.

Mikayla moved until she was beside him. His right arm moved to grip her around her waist while his left held her hands tightly. She was flush against him. Mikayla noticed instantly how much taller than Daxton he was. He was more built too. Daxton was lean and thin. Cameron was strong and firm.

"Okay, I'm going to start skating. Remember, keep your balance. You'll need to move your feet too or we're going to fall."

His head shook violently against the top of hers. She could feel his hand shake in hers. "No one said I had to move my feet."

She laughed. "What did you expect to do on the ice?"

"Look pretty," he said instantly.

She giggled. "I'm sure you do but, you'll look better if you actually move." He sighed and Mikayla took that as a sign to move. She directed him on how to move his feet. She encouraged him to take it slowly while she also moved slowly. They barely moved but Mikayla was in no rush. She enjoyed being on the ice. She knew Cameron would eventually ease into it and they could then move faster.

After about ten minutes, Mikayla felt his grip on her loosen a bit. It was a good sign. They continued to move across the ice in small, barely-there strides. People mostly moved out their way. If Mikayla was going too straight, Cameron would simply tell her to swerve. It was pleasant. Mikayla enjoyed the experience more than she thought she would.

"Are you at least enjoying yourself?" she asked Cameron. "Is it better than a club?"

He scoffed. "It's exhilarating in a different way, that's for sure."

"How do you mean?"

"Clubbing gets my blood pumping, and I can just let loose and dance all night. Here, my blood is pumping because of fear I'll die."

Mikayla's loud laugh caught her off guard. "You won't die."

"You don't know that! I could fall and someone could skate right over my leg and I could bleed out here for all to see."

She giggled. "Don't be ridiculous. I'd never let that happen."

Cameron stopped moving. She felt his body turn towards him. "You wouldn't?" he said quietly.

She smirked. "Of course not. Daxton would kill me."

He sighed and turned away from her. "Yeah, Daxton would."

"He cares about you, you know. A lot. I don't know many brothers who would do all he has done for you."

She felt his body stiffen. Somehow it felt different to when he first stepped on the ice. "I know he does. It's his biggest downfall."

She smacked his chest lightly. "Don't say that. Caring and loving a sibling is not a downfall."

"No, but letting me be the center of his life is. Daxton worries too much about me and keeping me safe that he shuts everything else away. He doesn't go out, he doesn't date. Nick is his only friend and even then, they don't see each other often. Daxton spends his life worrying about me when all it does is make me worry about him."

Mikayla squeezed Cameron into her side. She let her head rest against him. "You're good to him." Cameron scoffed. "I'm serious. Worrying about him means you love him as much as he loves you."

He shrugged and tried to play his admission of casually. "He's the only family I have. He's always been there for me."

"You're lucky."

"Yeah, I suppose I am. We're older now though. I think it's time we both started finding our own lives, outside of each other."

Mikayla pulled away with a gasp. "You don't mean that, do you? That'll kill him, Cam."

"But it'll be good for us. Daxton needs a life outside of me. All he does is worry about me and keep me focused. I love him for it but, I hate the guilt. I hate knowing I'm out there living the life while he's inside staring at numbers."

"He chose that life Cameron."

"Doesn't mean it's a good one for him. And now it's worse."

She pulled away from him completely. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "He's finally found something in his life. He found you except, like always, I'm in the way."

Mikayla shook her head. "No, it's not like that. We all agreed to this plan. Daxton and I are just friends." Cameron scoffed. Mikayla sighed. "Alright, we're something more than friends but, it doesn't matter. We're both adults. We knew what we were getting into when it started. We both want what's best for you and we had an agreement. Daxton and I will sort whatever is between us when the time is right. You may not like it but, for now, you're our focus."

"It isn't fair to you both."

"Perhaps," she said delicately. "That just means you should try harder to show Daxton you can control your own life. Choosing to go to a club isn't how you do it."

He chuckled. "It wasn't my best choice." He reached for her again and they continued to move slowly. "You're right. If I'm going to stop feeling guilty about stealing Daxton's life, I need to prove that I can be an adult."

She pat him gently on the chest with a smile. "I know you can do it. We're here to support you."

Cameron bent down to kiss her on the top of her head. His arm squeezed her waist. They continued to skate in silence with their arms around each other. They spoke about trivial things. Cameron did most of the talking. He retold a lot of his crazy adventures in Hollywood. Mikayla laughed, a lot. It was the most she'd laughed in a long time. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. Cameron's presence was electric. He was bubbly and eccentric, and he drew you in with each laugh and story. She couldn't help but be swayed by his charm.

"You know," she said once they came to a stop at the boundary of the rink. "You're not what I expected."

He hummed. "What did you expect?"

She shrugged. "The media had you pegged as an asshole. Daxton made you sound like a selfish immature man."

Cameron cleared his throat. "Wow."

She giggled. "Good thing is, you're not like that. You're charming and funny. I had a lot more fun tonight than I thought I would. Thank you."

He moved closer to her. "Well, since you know I'm not all bad..." he trailed off.

"What?" she asked, curious as to where he was going.

"Well, there have been two paparazzi watching us for about ten minutes." She gasped. "What do you say about giving them a show?"

She gulped. "What do you mean?" she whispered.

He moved closer until both his arms were wrapped around her waist. Mikayla moved hers around his neck in reflex. Cameron made sure there was no space between their bodies before his head dipped low and he caught her lips with his. The kiss was gentle and slow. Cameron took his time as he let his lips move gently against her. It was too much, too different. It was borderline sensual, and Mikayla was lost. She wasn't sure how to feel.

Eventually, Cameron pulled away first. "Wow," he said in astonishment. Mikayla kept quiet. Her heart was beating too much in her ears. "Thank you, for tonight." She nodded. "You know, you're the best thing to happen to us."

Mikayla's head shot up. "What?" she gasped.

He squeezed her closer to him. "You're a light of goodness we've been missing." Mikayla blinked at him. She was at a loss for words. "It's a pity though."

"What is?" she asked.

"That my brother got you first." 

A/N: Thank you to everyone who commented on Chapter 23. It was interesting to see which country you're all from. I had no idea how diverse my readers are! Thanks for your support and patience with this story. And guess what... we finally reached 500k views! 

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