The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tai...

By Dreya_san

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[C O M P L E T E] Fairy Tail gets a new mysterious member who catches the attention of everyone in the guild... More

The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tail FanFic]
Chapter 1: The Sound of her Voice
Chapter 2: The Actions of the Girl
Chapter 3: The Given Chance
Chapter 4: The answer
Chapter 5: The bridge
Chapter 6: The DragonSlayer
Chapter 7:The sad and happy memories
Chapter 8: The Mission
Chapter 9: The Dragon
Chapter 10: The Threat
Chapter 11: The Past (Part 1)
Chapter 13: The Past (Part 3)
Chapter 14: The Broad Action
Chapter 15: The one who needs to be saved
Chapter 16: The Fairies
Chapter 17: The Five-Member Guild
Chapter 18: The Jack of all trades
Chapter 19: The Master of None
Chapter 20: The Puppeteer
Chapter 21: The Kid
Chapter 22: The Muscles
Chapter 23: The Father
Chapter 24: The Witch
Chapter 25: The Wizard
Chapter 26: The Monster
Chapter 27: The Predicament
Chapter 28: The Blood of a Dragon
Chapter 29: The Leader
Chapter 30: The Guild
Chapter 31: The Guild's Mission
Chapter 32: The Sacrifice
Chapter 33: The Voice in Her Head
Chapter 34: The Blood, The Tears, The Guilt
Chapter 35: The Hello's and The Good Bye's
Final Author's Note

Chapter 12: The Past (part 2)

2.9K 114 3
By Dreya_san


"Did she eat you?" Happy asked such a silly question which led him to a smack in the head by Lucy. "Think before you ask." she said.

"If she did, then I wouldn't be sitting infront of you, would I?" I answered with a question. This caught him thinking first, as if the answer wasn't obvious... He just nodded in seconds after realization.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat "Anyway, so I met her."

The dragon was so majestic and scary at the same time, but even if she looked scary, I didn't run away. I felt much safer here than being alone in the woods where those wolves might attack me again.

She leaned down on me and to my surprise, she licked my ankle... that was bleeding! I looked back at the thing I tripped on and it branch with a lot of spikes! No wonder!

It was only then when I noticed the pain, and oh! It hurts!

"Human blood tastes disgusting" my whole body shuddered at her statement. She was tasting me?! "Go home. It's not safe here." she shooed me away. She then walks back into the huge cave, which was behind me the whole time!

"B-but I can't..." I answered then she turned back around to look at me. "I broke my ankle... I can't walk."

"Isn't that your fault? I know the people from your village warned you not to play in the woods." she then scolded and continued to walk inside. "Pay for your mistake."

"B-but... I never understood why they wanted me away, the forest is so beautiful and the only thing that are scary here are those wolves." I explained. The dragon turned back to me and leaned it's face closer to me again... it asked "The wolves are the only things scary in this forest? Are you sure?"

I suddebly felt scared "Don't tell me there are bears here too?!"

I somehow saw disbelief in the eyes of the dragon and she answered again "Well yes, anything else?"

"Are there tigers here too?! Or maybe Lions!? Or... wait... Don't tell me there's a dinosaur here!" I crawled up into a ball. If there are those animals here then I'll never come back here again!

"Of course there are no Dinosaurs here, there are some tigers but no Lions." I was able to sigh in relief, and look into the dragon's eyes. "Aren't you afraid of me?" I got confused at her question.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" I asked "You just saved my life! I mean, sure, you look ferocious, but I know you won't hurt me... because you just protected me." I smiled at her.

It was a moment of silence but I was surprised when she laid her head next to mine. I didn't know why she did that, but after speaking, I found out.

"Little child. I'm not protecting you, I'm just not eating you because I hate human blood. Don't get the wrong Idea. And another thing... I don't want to see a human die because she wasn't given a chance to fight, so I'll guard you for now. But I'm going back as soon as you're better"

"Awww.... That's one sweet Dragon!" Happy reacted and everyone 'shhhh'd him again.

"You always interupt the story! Damn blue cat" Gray scratched the back of his head in irritation.

"I swear, do that one more time and I'll punish you" Erza threatened because she was really listening to me.

I just forced a smile and continued.

"Starting that day, I visited her everyday. Just spending time with her and having fun. She never got used to my company, but she never complained. And I was kind of happy for that

"But one day... I was surprised when Chi offered me something."

"How about I teach you Magic, Aka?"
My eyes shot open, and I felt a smile growing "You're going to make me a wizard?! Oh yeees!"  I jumped up and down and Chi was a little happy to see my reaction, which was rare!

"I see you're excited." she said and I just nodded rapidly. "I want to teach you because I want you to learn how to protect yourself."

I agreed, but the reason I want to learn is so I could protect Chi. She's done a lot for me so I want to do the same. I know a dragon can protect itself, but a little extra guard won't hurt.

"First up... drink this." she offered me something liquid in red, it was on a leaf and it made me wonder "What is it?" I asked.

"Oh, something that'll give you power." she didn't really give me a valid answer but I drank it anyway. I want to become a wizard so I could protect her.

"That was the start of my training as a dragonslayer. I practiced for two years straight just to master one skill, but up until then I couldn't do a thing, Chi also made me drink the liquid everyday. I did improve my fighting skills, also my flexibility, but that wasn't enough. I wanted to learn how to use magic... I wondered how. But Chi said it'll only take time so I needed to be patient. Honestly... Back then, I didn't know that a dragonslayer had elements, I didn't even know what a dragonslayer was!" Their eyes shot wide open, and I just chuckled. I only found out when a random guild came along in the forest." I stopped there and hesitated to tell the next part.

"Random?" but the others curiosity got the best of me. I promised to tell them. So I will.

I gulped at my words...

"The guild was pretty small... it only consisted five members"

"What are you doing here?" I pointed a spear at the white-haired guy. Who seems to be the leader of this group.

"We're just here to look for a dragon... Ma'am" he answered obidiently.

My eyes glared at them and I shouted "Why are you looking for a dragon?!" If they're planning to hurt Chi, I'll scare them to the point that they won't return here again!

"We just want to pledge our undying loyalty." I got confused at what he said.

"Can you repeat that?" I asked, just to make sure I heard him right.

"I said-"

"Hiyaaah!" Before the man could continue what he had to say, a girl, who was one of his followers, tackled me to the ground.

"What the?! Get off of me! You're heavy!" I shouted as I tried to squirm out of her grip.

"That's rude girl. I'm not heavy!" she said then suddenly her hand transfomed into a lizard-like hand with five sharp claws. I was frozen in fear. "Maybe I should teach you how to speak properly."

"Hibika!" The white haired man shouted. "Stop that! We're not here to fight."

"Oh c'mon Ryuu... let me kill her! She's annoying" the girl shouted back and poked one of her fingers at my cheek.

"No." the guy firmly said "Bard... stop her." he ordered a muscular guy with them and that guy stomped his way towards us and with ease, he took off the girl named Hibika on top of me

"Let go of me Bard! Grrr!" she tried to fight, but she soon gave up "Hey Heina! Help me!" she asked help from the other girl. She looked like the exact opposite of Hibika. Hibika was, annoying to admit, sexy, while the Heina girl had a small body frame... just like me.

"I only follow Ryuu... sorry Hibika." she said emotionlessly.

"Grrr! How about you Koujiro? Want to help me kill that girl?" she then asked the final member who hasn't been introduced. Koujiro was a kid. He held a dragon doll and he just shook his head. "Ugh! You guys don't know how to have fun!"

I was dumbfounded at the sight I just saw, but I ran away as soon as I got my senses back.


But out of nowhere, a sudden slice almost hit me, but it just passes by the side of my face, maybe millimeters away.

I turned around to find all of them grinning.

I was never going to speak. I don't mind dying if it means protecting Chi!

All of them slowly advanced towards me... but somehow stopped.

"W-what's the problem?" I asked them... but then I noticed that I was eaten by a shadow... I turned around to find Chi standing behind me.

"Chi! These people are dangerous! Get back!" I said as I got closer to her, without breaking eye contact with the strangers.

They all looked at us confused. "Chi?"

My eyebrows just borrowed.

"It's you people again." Chi uttered feeling troubled. "Could all of you just leave me in peace? I told you I wasn't dealing with this."

"But Lady Dracul-"

The white haired man wasn't given the chance to finish his sentence. Chi suddenly roared! It left all of us in our defense position. It was loud and long, enough to probably reach the town.

"I now go by the name Chi, human. That name is now history." Chi sounded upset and I wanted to know why. "Leave, I don't want to see your faces again." she turned around and finally left the six of us in the woods.

I was frozen in my place, still wondering what had happened, until Chi's call snapped me out off it. "Aka, follow."

I ran towards her, and closely watched that group as I got far.

But when I was still at the distance where I could hear them talk, I heard Ryuu say: "So that's the blood dragonslayer"

"I got more curious after what he said, so the next day I tried looking for him again." I narrated

I looked at my surroundings, finding any signs of at least one of the stangers coming back here again.

"Oh, hey there." from behind me a husky voice whispered, I turned around swiftly with the intent of attack, but that person jumped just right at the nick of time. "Aka, right?" He smiled at me and I just gave him my look of suspicion.

"That name really suits you, you know" he commented and it somehow made me feel a little easier. But I won't let my guard down completely.

"I have a question for you." I stated and he just shrugged his shoulders. "I knew that. Lay it on me, little girl."

I got irritated at his remark but I still continued. "I heard you say something yesterday... something about a blood dragonslayer?" I pondered and he just chuckled.

"Yes I did say that. I was talking about you." he shot straight at my face. I never expected to get that out of him immediately. But it was a good sign, it meant that he was willing to answer any question I throw at him.

"Mind explaining me what that meant?" I ordered crossing both my arms.

"What do you mean? You don't what you are?" his eyes were wide open.

"I'm a human... No, I'm a wizard!" I answered back.

"You are a dragonslayer, my dear. A special case of wizards who were taught by dragons!" so that's what they call me. "You seriously don't know? Geez. What has Lady Dracul been telling you?"

I felt my blood boil. "Her name is Chi!" A sudden outburst of irritation came out of me, and I just couldn't help but glare.

"Woah. Don't go drinking my blood now." he held his hands in front of him and took steps back jokingly. "Look, I hate to break it to you Aka.. but her real name is Dracul and you can't change it. That's where our guild's name came from."

"Don't tell me-" Wendy gasped. And I just nodded hesitantly.

"The guild's name was-

Drac Dracul."

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