nevermind + poetry.

By http-livv

4.4K 490 83

in which i write poems about love and growing up and everything that comes in between More

the girl who was okay.
midnight thoughts in the middle of the day.
a girl called savannah.
chalk outlines in pink and blue.
safe at home.
the law between her legs.
the little girl who cried 'wolf.'
a girl who tastes of june.
a letter to savannah.
painting of a woman
you taste like blue
kisses from heaven
poems written like stars
who i am ( girls like me )
my saddest poem and the grouping of constellations
home ( my heart is sore )
storms raging in silly veins
fire, fire, fire
me- part I
autumn ( ramblings from a tired mind )
me, part II. ( confessions and being sick to my stomach )
fever switch ( who i am )
arsonist's love
from eden
a letter to you
i am on fire
the thing about love
you asked me why i wouldn't take you back.
i was never yours to keep
green-brown eyes make me feel blue
scars ( and why you should love yourself for having them )
silly love
the poet drops the bullshit
i wish you had loved me how i loved you
cheap glances
solid words from flimsy people
love love love
if i painted a picture of myself
heart hope
i am a gentle thing
bury me in the bathroom mirror
not crying on a sunday
a smile from across the room
bitter longing

storybook babies

61 10 3
By http-livv

princess is born to a bit more than nothing. the queen likes to drown her soul, and the king really only rules delusion

when the princess is small she watches the queen fold inward on herself like a paper doll faced with wind, and she listens to the king tell tales of love and lust by moonlight.

and- Prince Charming really isn't so charming at all.

the union is arranged. forged through gilded hearts and blood and not knowing any better.

but princess is young- and fragile, porcelain eyes and innocence chattering over her body-

and when Prince Charming speaks he is loud, violent- so she folds inwards on herself-

like a paper doll faced with wind.

She waits for a while,

For a hero on horseback to come and steal her away.

one day she meets a peasant boy, with shiny eyes and a shinier soul. he tells her the world is full of beauty, and if she cannot find it- to be beauty herself.

but he falls ill. for the kingdom is poor, the king is bloody, gilded heart bruised from the inside.

when princess is young she watches the king beat the queen to rubble.

Prince Charming is only a boy with a black heart and a sweet tongue to make up for it-

and she spends long nights wondering who loves her more-

The boy with the shiny eyes, or the blade pressed against her silly wrist.

But she is not a princess. She is a girl. And the king is a boy who became a man too young, the queen is a woman who smells vodka like love.

She meets Prince Charming when she is small, and she becomes addicted to him more than she is to nicotine comfort.

for this is real life, and there are no storybook characters-

no one will come to save you. you shall learn to save yourself.

and happily ever after isn't a place, no one can take you there.

it is a feeling, just below your throat

at the right side  of your chest.

( I don't even understand this and I wrote it lmao. This sucks im )

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