
By The_true_rake

46 4 0

This is the event that changed Rakes life in his childhood and two other kids. More

Part 2
Part 2 continued
Chapter 3:ANNA!?


28 2 0
By The_true_rake

Rake is the younger brother of Slender-man. And here is his story of his childhood.


Rake and Slenders mom and dad was burned in a fire an their memory was erased of both of them being sibalings.

Rake tried saving a little girls parents but had no luck. Her name was Anna. He was about 8 or 9 at the time of the incident.


Rake woke up from his tree top he spent the night in and net hunting, poor kid didn't eat enough and all his bones were visable. He coughs two racoons. "*stomach growls* Man, another day with less food than before." He stuffs his head in ones stomach and starts eating.

He was also wondering what that glowing wall meant he found in a building in the bottom of a huge ocean.

When he got done he heard some nearby voices, using his keen hearing, he could make out a woman and a mans voices along with a son and daughter.

"Another camping trip for a family." His stomach growls again. "They might have those things called marshmallows that are supposed to be mouthwatering." He stalk the family for a while and everyone goes and does something an the little girl is staying at the camp then sees the Man. "Oh no." He scampers off quickly and scratches a tree with his metal claws on accident, leaving a deep and long claw mark.

He climbs back up in his tree and his stomach growls more and more. "I-I'm starving." He sheds a tear. "I-It hurts so much." He silently cries to himself.

Night came fast and the family's camp fire attracted Rake to sorta check it out so he silently climbed down and stalked the family for a while, sorta feeling the warmth of the fire.

After a while the family goes into some tents and the brother and sister share a tent. He walks to the camp site and tries to silently steal some food but then he hears the brother and sister fighting and he tries running away but trips and falls then gets back up and climbs up a tree fast.

"S-S-S-So hu-*stomach growls loudly*" He holds his stomach tightly and he sees a nice juicy wolf and his eyes brighten up. "That looks really good." He jumps off the tree limb and kills the wolf with a silent yelp.

He drags the wolf up the tree and to his limb and starts to eat it like a lion eating meat that hasn't eat'n in 4 months.

After he gets done the mom and dad comes out to check on the kids and the look at eachother and smiles then the wolfs move in. "Huh? Oh, oh no!" He tries getting down in time but the wolfs jump on the parents and he shoves the wolfs off.

He starts to cut the wolfs violently and the wolfs retreat and he goes to the parents and he tries helping them. "Come on. Come on. Your not dying-" He hears some moving in the kids tent an some groaning and he takes the parents under his tree and tries healing them.

"Come on. Please don't die." The dad talks to Rake for a bit then takes his last breath and he closes both of their eyelids. "May you go to heaven and live in piece then go to hell and live in misery."

He climbs up the tree and keeps an eye on the bodies to make sure no wolfs eat them.

In the morning the son yells and wakes the sister up and shows he the pool of blood and Rake sheds a tear. "Poor kids. Not having anymore pawents." The kid find the parents bodies then the wolfs come in and the brother tries protecting the sister and tells her to run then the wolfs jump on him and she runs an Rake tries getting down very fast and shoves the wolfs off the brother and kills them and sees the brother in his condition and the look of fear in his eyes don't help. "Y-Youw welcome."

Doesn't risk getting killed so, Rake runs away deep in the woods.

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