Part 2

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After a few years, Rake still lives in the woods, in his tree. Still can't get good game. Still skin and bones.




Rake is now 20. He grew old of the woods he lived in and he went exploring for new woods.

He goes in some fenced in woods.

It looked like some very very nice woods. We wasn't looking where he was walking and tripped over a treasure chest and a cabin was infront of him and he gets up and looks at the chest and someone bumps into him from behind and they fall back.

He turns around and sees a woman laying there and he helps her up and she is holding his hand and she pulls it back and blushes and so does he.

He thinks to himself:"She's really pretty." He points to the chest. "I tripped on this chest." She gets all excited and tells him to open it.

He laughs a bit and opens it. Cold coins, many different types of jewelry, and many gold bars. First thing that popped in his head:"OH MY GOD! I WILL NEVER BE HUNGRY AGAIN!" She sees the gold bars and asks for one.

He tosses it to her expecting her to catch it but it hits her nose and she falls back and holds her bloody nose.

He runs up to her. "I-I'm so sorry. I'm very sorry. Are you ok?" She said yes and he smells an sees the food in her back pack.

When he smells them and sees them, his stomach growls loudly. She asked him to have lunch with her and without hesitation he nods his head. She laughs and walks in the woods and he follows her like a little puppy.

After they ate, he asked her to play chase, his game of tag, and she counts to 10. When she counts, he quickly digs many tunnels and hides in one.

After she counts he says to follow his voice. When she found him, he had his back turned towards her and he holds back laughter. She taps him on the shoulder and as he turns around, she kisses him and his eyes widen in surprise and turns frozen stiff.


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