Avengers Preferences and Imag...

By palmsandsunshine

185K 2.7K 686

I try to update weekly, but that doesn't always work out, so... Requests: CLOSED Avengers/Marvel characters A... More

"I Knew Her" | Bucky Barnes
On Your Right | Steve Rogers
Your Secret Abilities | Preference
The Book Store | Bucky Barnes
The Panels | Avengers Cast
Cheater | Clint Barton
Food | Steve Rogers
Bullet Wounds | Pietro Maximoff
Missing | Bruce Bamner
Your Couples Songs | Preference
Fav // Memories | Bucky Barnes
Flight Attendant | Sebastian Stan
Chance | Loki
Fav // Love Story | T'Challa Udaku
Right Next To You | Clint Barton
Fav // Mute | Sebastian Stan
Mute Pt. 2 | Sebastian Stan
Fav // Red | Steve Rogers
Red Pt. 2 | Steve Rogers
Letters | Bucky Barnes
Redundancy | Peter Quill
Hellish Flame | Pietro Maximoff
Fav // I'll Just Love You Tomorrow | Clint Barton
How You Sleep | Preference
Fav // Useless | Steve Rogers
Req.&Fav // Useless Pt. 2 | Steve Rogers
Spitting Image | Steve Rogers
Spitting Image Pt. 2 | Steve Rogers
Circus Act | Clint Barton
Yes Ma'am | All
Fav // Breakeven | T'Challa Udaku
Fav // Lay Me Down | T'Challa Udaku
Behind the Scenes | All

Req.&Fav // Shy Girl | Steve Rogers

2.6K 35 0
By palmsandsunshine

Requested by @Ultimate_Fangirl1307

OC: Afnan Yusuf

Steve stepped into the large conference room half-asleep. The Avengers (or what was left of them) had gathered to try and free the others that had been captured by the government, including Tony, Natasha, Peter Parker, and the Guardians.

Steve sat down at the head of the table, like he always did, and instead of Fury handing him the file, a woman with chocolate brown skin did.

Steve took the file from her, a small smile sent her way, and she returned it, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

She handed everyone else their papers, and left the room, closing the door with a quiet 'click'.

Wanda rolled her seat up to Steve's with a smirk. "Someone's in love..."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Wanda."

Steve entered SHIELD Headquarters, passing Maria, who was carrying a huge stack of papers and her tablet, obviously struggling.

As the stack precariously tipped over, Steve took the papers from her hands, balancing it easily. "You okay, Ma'am?"

Maria nodded. "I'm fine, Steve. Could you do me a favor and take those to the Secretary on Level Three?"

He nodded. "Sure. See you later, Agent Hill."

She dismissed him with a wave, walking off in the opposite direction as Steve made his way to the elevator.

The elevator took him to the third floor, and he walked forward, placing the stack of papers on the desk that was right in front of the elevator, against a huge glass wall that overlooked the training field and hanger.

The same woman from the day before was there, typing on her dual-monitors.

She glanced up at Steve, and whispered a small "Thank you," before picking up the stack, and placing it on the ground, next to the file cabinet.

Steve noticed she seemed uncomfortable, so he tried to talk to her. "So, what's your name."

"Afnan, Sir."

"You don't have to call me sir, you know."

A small smile and blush appeared on her face. "I feel more comfortable if it was that way, sir." She responded meekly, he hands folding neatly in her lap.

"Sure, Afnan." He waved at her, walking back towards the elevator that had just opened. "I'll see you later."

Her hand came up in a small wave, and the elevator doors closed in front of Steve.

"Hey, Afnan." Steve greeted, falling in step with her, as she tucked a piece of hair that fell out of her bun behind her ear.

"Hi, sir." She replied, seemingly more confident than their last encounter.

Her arms tucked once again beneath the folders she was holding to her coral-colored blouse. Her heels made her just a few inches shorter than Steve, although her back was hunched over in an effort to keep her face hidden from her co-workers as she walked swiftly to her next meeting.

"So, Afnan, I was wondering if you would like to join the Avengers at a gala."

Afnan stopped abruptly. "Me?"

Steve smiled. "Yes you! Why not."

She was speechless. "B-but there are hundreds of other girls here! You could have any hot agent you wanted, and you chose a boring secretary!"

Her cheeks flushed red at the sight of all the other agents staring at her after her rant.

Steve just smiled at her. "Extraordinary becomes boring after a while. Maybe I just need something different. Will you come with me to the gala?"

Afnan sighed. "Sure."

"I'll text you the details?" He asked, holding out his phone, where a new contact was made, the phone number empty.

"You smooth mother-effer."

"What's the date again?"

"Next week. The twelfth."

"Okay, great. My dress should be ready by then."

Steve chuckled, walking in the conference room, adjusting the phone so his shoulder held it in place. "I'm just using the suit I wore during the last gala."

"Cool. I had to go out and get dancing shoes today. My old ones were so beat up."


"Yeah!" It's a gala. There's ballroom dancing, right?"

"Y-yeah, of course there is."

"Great! I hope you're a great dancer."

"Hey, Afnan, I have to go. I have a conference."

"Sure. I'll see you later."

Steve set the phone down on the table, rubbing his hand up his face and into his hair, groaning.

"What's up, buttercup?" Bucky teased, walking into the room with a stack of files.

Steve took a folder from his hands. "I asked someone to go dancing."

"Stay away from planes and the arctic."

"Buck!" Steve cried out, slapping his arm. "We have a real problem here!"

"Okay, sorry, sorry," Bucky chuckled, holding a hand up. "But it's not my fault you have two left feet. Didn't the serum enhance your coordination, too?"

"I don't know! I just can't dance!"

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Just don't step on her feet."

Afnan nearly burst out laughing. Her phone was on speaker on the passenger seat of her car, and she heard every word.

"If you didn't know how to dance, you could've asked me." She stated.

A long, long silence stung the air.

"...You're still there?"

"Yep!" She cheekily responded.

"Damnit, Steve!"

"Buck! Don't patronize me!"

"Guys, it's not that big of a deal. Steve, we'll practice some day soon."


"Dear god, Afnan, please help stupid, uncoordinated little Stevie."

"I swear to the good lord, Buck, if you don't shut up, I will shove that Nazi-created menace of an arm down your throat and-"

"Okay, then. Bye, boys!" She yelled, and quickly hung up the phone with a tap to her screen, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation.

"There's so many rich people! They're staring at me like I have something in my teeth. Is my dress ripped or something?!"

Steve chuckled at her vice-like grip on his arm, waving to someone across the room, and speaking through the corner of his mouth. "You look amazing."

"You do too."

Steve picked up two glasses of rosé off a waiter's tray, and handed her one, clinking the glass together.

"Let's hope the alcohol will make everyone forget my fails."

"Steve! You'll do fine."

A song played on the speakers, and Afnan smiled. "Perfect. Now, shall we dance?"

Steve took her glass, handing them to a waiter who passed by, and held out his hand. "Isn't that my line?"

"Shut up, I'm a feminist."

He led her to the dance floor, setting his hand up on her waist once they reached the edge of the dance floor, not wanting to go to the brightly lit center.

Her hands were set on his shoulders, and they swayed back and forth to the beat of the music.

Afnan chuckled. "This isn't what we practiced."

"Shhh, it works."

She took a step back, and grabbed one of his hands in her own, and he spun her around, the bottom of her mermaid dress billowing up.

They moved in sync, perfectly weaving around people and loving around the dance floor until they had made a full circle, and ended back where they were before.

Both watched their surroundings fly past and laughed as they steadied, and swayed to the beat. Steve pulled her closer by the waist, their noses bumping in an Eskimo kiss.

"We should do this more often," she whispered.

"I agree."

Dun duh duh daaaaaah!

I hope you liked this! I might've veered off your request a little bit, but I tried to get it as close as possible.


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