Could It Be Forever (Book 1...

By SourFig44

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Looking back it all seems like just a dream but when reality sets in we look back an think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

362 0 0
By SourFig44

When I got to the hospital, my mom was sitting in a wheelchair, ready to go home.
"Elizabeth, I thought you forgot about me." I put on a smile and gave her one of our signature bear hugs.
"Hi, mom. Sorry I'm late. Are you ready to go?"
"Ready as ever."
My mom signed her release papers and I had to wheel her down to reception.
The hospital gave her a walker to get her from A to B for the time she needed to recover.
She got out of the wheelchair by the entrance and took hold of the walker.
I could see that I had my work cut out for me.
The taxi was waiting for us and although it was a struggle getting my mom into it, we managed.

We got to my mom's house and once inside I made her comfortable in bed.
"Elizabeth...I was wondering if you brought your laptop with?" my mom asked.
"No, mom. I forgot but I'll bring it with me tomorrow," I replied.
"Do you want lunch, mom? I can get some fish and chips if you like."
Growing up we always had fish and chips on a Saturday. I was more than willing to get some because then I wouldn't have to cook.
I was not the type of girl that liked cooking.
Just before I left to go buy lunch, I checked my cell again but still had no miss calls or messages from Rheese.
My heart felt heavy and I didn't know if it was such a good idea for me to have been stubborn not to call him.
Maybe he didn't care that much about me but it made know difference how I was feeling.
When I came back, my mom was sitting in the lounge, watching television.
"Mom, why are you not in bed?" I scold at her.
"Elizabeth, I'm fine. I've spend enough time in bed when I was in hospital," she said and got up to sit at the dinning table. When I wanted to help her, she gave me one look that said 'leave me alone'.
I dished up our lunch and joined her at the table.
"What's the matter darling? You trying to act like nothing is wrong but I can see something's troubling you. It's written all over your face. Is it Rheese?"
I should've known that I couldn't hide things from my mom. Just hearing Rheese's name made my eyes cloud up with tears again.
"Talk to me, Elizabeth."
"We sort of had a fight last night. And now I don't know what is happening with us."
My mom got up from the table and walked over to me with the walker.
I turned to her and burst out crying.
"Ssssss...come now. No man is worth crying over my girl but I know it still hurts." She held me a little tighter and I was glad that she was still around.
We went back to eating our food and I was half way done when I started feeling nauseous again. I couldn't understand why I was feeling sick again.
I drank some water that was on the table and felt a bit better. I thought it was all the alcohol I had last night but thinking back, I use to feel like this when I got anxious about things and maybe this Rheese thing, is responsible feeling the way I did.
I cleaned up after lunch and went to my old bedroom. It looked exactly the same as before I and I threw myself down on my old bed, needing to sleep.

In the far distance I heard my mom speaking to a man and it sounded like, Rheese.
Not long after, I heard a knock on my bedroom door and the turn of the doorknob.
When I opened my eyes, the room was dark with only the light of the passage shining through.
I must have fallen asleep.
"Liz...are you awake?"
The voice belonged to Keith. I stretched out my body, yawning and turned to face him.
"Keith, w...what are you doing here?" surprised to see him at my mother's house.
He came to sit at the foot of my bed.
"I was told to deliver this to you," putting a silver box in front of me with a envelope.
"W...who is it from?" I asked, picking up the envelope and box.
"We took Rheese to the airport and he asked me to give it to you."
I was feeling shit knowing Rheese left and us not resolving what happened between us.
"I'll give you some space and go join Ben in the lounge with your mom."
With saying that, Keith got up and left.
I reached for my bedside lamp and turned it on.
I opened the box and saw two smaller boxes in it.

The first box I opened had two sets of keys in it.
The note said, " Keys to my apartment and car. I know your car's giving you trouble, so use mine till I get back. I know you love the ocean, so stay at my place an when you look across it, remember I'm thinking of you. Happy holidays."
The second box I opened held a solid rose gold bracelet. It was a plain bracelet but had an inscription on it.
I started reading the inscription ' The one who holds my HEART ' and my eyes welled up with tears.

I picked up the envelope, ripping it open, wanting to see more.
It read: ' You are always in my thoughts and especially in my heart. '
' Liz...I want to say so much but words are gonna fail me but I'll try.
Before you walked into my life, baby I was lost. I never thought that time would plan for our paths to cross. The wheel of fortune stopped by chance and lead to our romance. And I fell in love with you.
You opened my eyes that has been closed for so long. I thought I had it all before I met you but clearly I didn't have the one thing that matters, LOVE. I'm sorry about last night and the way I behaved. Please forgive me I never meant for you to cry. Maybe I should have told you in person but maybe I'm to much of a coward.'
'I LOVE YOU, LIZ!!!! Oh, Happy Christmas xxxxx

I pressed the card to my chest and cried silently, my body shaking.
'He loves me'
Why was I so stubborn. How could I let him leave without saying goodbye. I was already missing him like crazy.


When myself and Keith walked back into the main restaurant, I could see from across the room that Liz was absent. I asked Ben about Liz and he said she left. My whole body tensed up and my heart felt like it was empty. I knew then that my life would not be complete if Liz wasn't in it.
After I got back to my apartment, I picked up my cell so many times to call her but I didn't. Giving her the space she needed to calm down. I had to be certain of Liz's affection towards me if I was going to rearrange my life.
I fell asleep on my bed holding the pillow Liz layed on, against my chest, breathing in her sweet lavender smell.
When I woke the next morning and had a quick shower. I got dressed and was ready to pack but instead went down to the Waterfront to get boxes for my gifts that I wanted her to have for christmas and in my absence.
I got back to my apartment and started boxing the gifts but had a few instructions for Keith on how and when to deliver the box.
By the time I was finished packing, Keith and Ben was knocking on the door. On my way to let them in I looked at the clock again the wall and saw it was early evening.
My flight was due in three hours.
I gave Keith and Ben instructions on the gifts and we left for the airport.
I checked in at departure and we went to have a few drinks before I had to leave.
I said goodbye to the boys and walked off to board the plane.
A lump in my throat formed, sad that the woman I loved was not here to say goodbye to me.


I didn't hear the bedroom door open and Ben came onto my bed slipping him arm around me. I dropped my head into his shoulder and kept crying. We sat like that for a long time, until my tears stop rolling and my body went still.
"Feeling better?" Ben asked.
"A little," I replied. " Ben...why didn't he call me?"
"He wanted to give you time to think. I think he knows that you have strong feelings for him and I sort of told him that you loved him."
"You just had to, hey."
I smacked Ben on his chest for telling Rheese that I loved him.
We went into the lounge were Keith and my mom was sitting and then Keith announced that they had to go.
I walked them out and saw Rheese's car parked in my mom's driveway.

I spend the night at my mom's house and woke up with my eyes feeling heavy from crying the night before.
I took the bracelet out of its box and clipped it on my right wrist.
I was glad that me feeling nauseous,, left me. I got up feeling better about myself and Rheese. He actually said he loved me and smiled to myself, getting dressed.
When I got to the kitchen my mom was busy making breakfast with one hand.
"Mom! I told you..." I protested but my mom held up her hand to silence me.
I carried out breakfast to the table and we sat down to eat.
"You looking happier today. Ben told me about what Rheese told them to do. I think that man is crazy about you," my mom said, sounding happy about it.
"I feel happy, mom. He makes me happy. Its just I thought we would have more time to explore our relationship," I replied but deep down I wish that I could have seen him before he left.
"Well, go home and come back with that laptop of yours. I miss my grandchildren and your sister."
After I cleared the table and fetched the two sets of keys and kissed my mom, saying I'll see her later the afternoon.
I took the car keys and opened the door. The first thing that hit me was the musk smell of Rheese hanging in the air surrounding me. I started the car and drove off to my apartment.


I got back to my mom's place just after lunch time and bought a Sunday lunch. I was trying to keep my mom's routine but when I walked in the neighbour, Mrs. Daniels, was sitting with my mom having lunch.
"Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late, mom," I said, feeling shitty that I was late with her lunch.
"Lizzy, it's not a problem keeping an eye on your mom. In fact I'll take care of her so you don't have to run up and down all the time," Mrs. Daniels said.
"Thank you. I appreciate that," I replied, eyeing my mom.
I left the old ladies to get on with what they were doing before I interrupted them and booted the computer up.
I skyped my sister and on the fourth ring she answered.
"Hi, Liz. How are you, sis? Is mom doing okay after the fall?" my sister asked.
"I'm fine, Sophia. How's Peter and the kids? Mom is just finishing lunch and then you can chat to her."
I was dying to tell her about Rheese.
"I want to tell you something. I met a guy from London as well. His names Rheese. We have been seeing each other for about two weeks now..."
I told Sophia everything that I knew about Rheese and our relationship.
When I finished talking to her I said hello to my nieces. I promised to visit as soon as I had enough money saved and then handed them over to my mom.
I left my mom to speak to them and went off to watch some television.
My cell rang and I jumped up to get it.
When I picked up my cellphone, Rheese's face looked back at me.
"Rheese! I'm sorry," I started saying, not giving him a chance to speak first.
"I miss you and I love the bracelet. It beautiful. The words on it...oh Rheese, do you really mean what's on it? Am I the only one who holds you heart?" I asked, my voice sounding a little croucky.
"Liz, I. Love. You. You are the only one. Just you. Did you hear what I'm saying? Don't worry, baby. I'll be back before you know it," his husky voice rang in my ears."
My heart was yearning for his touch. I started crying once again and I couldn't control what I was feeling.
"Liz, baby, don't cry. I'm not with you to kiss your tears away." Just hearing his voice was comforting somehow.
"And that not all I would like to kiss away."
"Rheese..." I said through sobs. "I...I love you." The words left my mouth and I felt relieved that he knew how I felt.
"I love you too, baby. I wish you were in my arms at the moment. We can skype tonight. Call me when you get home, then I'll log on to my laptop. I have to go. Speak to you later, baby."
I didn't want to say goodbye but I had to.
"Bye, blue eyes. Speak to you later."
And with that, the line was silent.


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