When it Rains (SasuNaru)

By XxTheDarkLordxX

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*Complete* This is a story about a very sad and lonely Naruto. His happy smile and determination are all an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Seven

10.4K 391 250
By XxTheDarkLordxX

Bolded words are memories. I know it sounds like a broken record but some people may be confused.

Sasuke's Point of View

           Naruto slammed his door shut in anger. He was years older since the last memory. He had a headband on so he was at least 12. Some of the villagers had caught him on his way home and spewed their usual hate. It made him so angry and so sad at the same time. He pulled out a kunai and cut a deep cut. Deeper than he ever has before. Blood came flowing out of him in rivers. Naruto sighed in delight.

          "Naruto! You cut too deep!" Kurama growled. Kurama usually does not heal Naruto's self inflicted wounds, but this one was deep. He had to.

           "Damnit Kurama! I barely had anytime to enjoy that!" He yelled in his mind. Kurama ignored him but sent a warning growl at him.

           Naruto was so angry, he clenched his fists and sent them straight at his bedroom door. The wood crumbled from the force and splintered into dust.

           "Woah. Such power. No chakra either. Stronger than Sakura's for sure." I commented. Naruto smirked and nodded. I had a hunch that it was even stronger than Tsunades.

           The pain from the blows calmed him. He sat on his bed panting hard. He forced the words from the villagers out of his mind. He spotted teddy and started talking.

           "So teddy, today I was assigned to a team. I was put on Sakura and Sasuke's team. I wish Sakura had been placed on another team. I swear that damn voice of hers is going to make me lose my hearing one of these days. If I have to hear her go on and on about Sasuke anymore, I think I will vomit. Any idiot can tell that he is not interested in her."

           I snorted. It was true. Naruto smirked.

           "I am glad to be on Sasuke's team. It means that I can spend some time with him, even if he does not like me. Although I am worried about him. You should have heard him teddy. During introductions he was talking about an ambition of his. He said he wants to restore his clan and kill a certain someone. I know he is talking about Itachi."

            I looked sharply at Naruto. How did he know about Itachi back then? Naruto looked away quickly. My suspicions rose.

           "He is set on a path of revenge, which worries me. It is not the revenge itself. I in my own way want revenge on this god forsaken village. But it is more of the fact that Itachi is innocent."

           "WHAT?! Naruto you better start explaining some things or I am going to lose it." I demanded. He had a nervous expression on his face.

           "Calm down Sasuke. I will tell you. But please be calm. I don't like seeing you like this." He said with worry in his eyes. That calmed me. I could tell he cared about me. Inside I was jumping for joy. Not that I am going to admit that to him. Instead I nodded sharply.

           "One of the times when I was in Jiji's library, it is the Hokage's personal library. Only Hokage are allowed to enter. I had snuck in while everyone was sleeping. I was trying to find some jutsus to learn when I noticed a bunch of scrolls that had blood seals on them. Only Hokage were allowed to open them. Or someone of the Hokage blood. With my dad being the fourth Hokage, I knew my blood would work-"

           I cut him off. "Your dad was the Fourth Hokage?" I ask narrowing my eyes in shock. He does resemble the fourth a lot. I wonder how I did not notice this.

           "Yes but that is besides the point. Anyways my blood worked. One of them was about the Uchiha clan. The scroll talked about how the Uchiha clan led by your dad was planning a coup d'état. They were going to overthrow the Hokage."

           My eyes widen. What?? I thought back to fleeting memories of my dad. Whenever I did see him he was always stressed. There were many clan meetings that I was not allowed to go to. That was nothing unusual but the amount of meetings was. There was always a clan meeting at least three times a week. I never thought about it then but it is odd. Hmm. Maybe there is something to this.

           "Yes it is shocking. Your dad wanted Itachi to help, Itachi was apart of Anbu but he had no love of your clan. He knew that if the Uchiha clan overthrew the Hokage that it would throw Konoha into a civil war. That would make us all vulnerable to neighboring villages as well. Itachi could not let this happen. He went straight to the Hokage and his advisors and told them what was happening. The Third Hokage told Itachi to give him some time. He was determined that the clan could be reasoned with. Itachi and his friend Shisui Uchiha had come up with a plan."

            "Shisui? I remember him. He was my brothers best friend." I said remembering the guy. He was always kind to me.

            "Yes, Shisui had the Mongekyo sharingan. One of the abilities that it granted him was the Kotoamatsukami. Which allowed him to enter another persons mind and manipulate them by giving them false experiences. Making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will. It also left no trace. No one would know that he was there. He planned to use his eyes to change the clan. It would have worked too. I know it would have. The only problem was Danzo. An advisor to the Hokage."

           I growled. "I know him. He is always trying to suck up to me and give me advice. He keeps telling me to find a girl and settle down. Little does he know that I am gay and in love. Jokes on him." I smirk when Naruto blushes.

           "Quit distracting me Sasuke." Naruto said sternly, glaring at me. He may think he has that emotionless thing down but his eyes give him away. The sparkle in his eyes was a clear give away that he was not angry. Actually he was amused and embarrassed. I nodded my head letting him think that he had won. For now.

           "He told Shisui that it would never work. That the powers of his needed to be used for something better. He attacked him and stole one of his eyes. When Itachi found Shisui he told him what happened. He told Itachi to take his other eye and to kill him. He said that he needed the Mongekyo Sharingan, he believed that Itachi could change the Uchiha. He had wrote a suicide note so no one would be suspicious. Then he stepped off of a cliff and fell to his death." My eyes bugged. I remember when I was little that Itachi had been questioned on the death of Shisui. They had subtly hinted that they believed Itachi to have been involved.

           "When the Hokage found out that the only plan they had was now thwarted he did not know what to do. They could not stop the clan without harming anyone. Danzo said that the only way was to have the clan slaughtered. It was either the whole clan or the village. If the Uchihas successfully overthrew the Hokage it would have been bad. I think there could have been another way, but he was not wrong in saying to have them killed. You know this Sasuke." He paused and looked at me worried.

           My mind tries to process this. Part of me wants to selfishly say no. But he is right. If it had been the Inuzuka clan or any of the other clans that had done it instead, he would agree. No one clan can plan a coup and think it was okay. If there was no other option for a resolution than killing the clan was for the good of the village. I just have to look at it from another point of view. I do not like it. But I can understand. I nod in understanding letting him know he can continue.

           "Danzo said that it would make sense to have Itachi be the one to kill the clan. The Third disagreed. He said that it was too cruel to allow him to do so. But Itachi interfered. He said he would do it if they allowed him something in return." My eyes widen what could he have wanted? What would make him be okay with killing his own friends and family?

           "He asked that his little brother be spared. That he be under the protection of the village. He could murder the whole clan, but he could not kill his little brother." Naruto said softly. I could see the warmth and sadness in his eyes. No pity. Just understanding of my feelings.

           Tears start flowing down my face. My brother would do that? For me?? Naruto pulled me into a hug. I knew I was not acting like I should be. Like an Uchiha. But I do not care. This is Naruto. He is showing me himself. Literally. He is showing me the worst parts of him. I can show this side of me to him. He won't judge me. He starts rubbing circles on my back. Whispering words of reassurances  to me. I think about all the memories of Itachi that I have. My adoration of him. My love for him. And I can remember all the times he loved me. I can feel it all. I can also remember the day he left. There were tears in his eyes. He was so young, he had a burden no one should have. It was not fair. The tears come harder. I am openly sobbing into him. I could care less. I need him. He holds me the whole time. He lets me wet his shirt with my tears. When I think I am under control, I pull away and look at him. What I see there stops me cold.

           He has love clearly showing in his eyes, mixed with worry. He gently wipes the remaining tears on my face away. "I am here for you Sasuke, always." He whispers. I close my eyes and let that look of love sear into my soul. It has been so long since I have been loved. I open my eyes and nod to him. "I will hold you to that." I warn lightly. He smiles slightly. I tell him he can continue. He grabs my hand and holds it.

Meanwhile in the apartment

           Sasuke speaks, drawing everyone's attention. They all tense when they hear him say, "Itachi." They all freeze in their tracks when he starts crying. Kakashi held back Sakura while Asuma held back Ino. No one said a word. Sasuke starts sobbing. Tears streaming down in face. It was a sad sight to see. None of them there had a close relationship with Sasuke. Considering he was an ass, but they all felt a tug seeing him cry.

           Naruto moves for the first time causing everyone's eyes to widen when they see him drop his arms from around his knees. He changes his positon and envelopes Sasuke into a hug. Sasuke cries harder. No one knew what to do. They can't interrupt them. The danger still poses a threat.

           "I am hear for you Sasuke, always." Naruto whispers. Some jaws drop open in shock. Some were wondering what was going on between the two. They shook away any romantic thoughts though. No one could believe that. Except the four who knew. After sometime the tears stop flowing. Naruto wipes away the tears gently. "I will hold you to that." Sasuke warns. Naruto smiles. The two stay in this position. After awhile the room goes back to what it was doing before.

           "I should be the one comforting Sasuke-kun. Not that idiot." Sakura grumbles. Everyone glares at her.

           "Well that should answer your question Neji." Kakashi states with an eye smile. Neji nods. Oh yes, Naruto did like Sasuke back. He smirks at Shikamaru who also had a smirk on his face.

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