Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

By _KayParrilla

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Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... More



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By _KayParrilla

Five years later...


This was my life now. Dodging camera after camera as I made my way to event after event. I wasn't complaining though. How could I when I've got amazing people living this dream with me?

After Dinah linked my song so many celebrities contacted me and asked me to join their team. It took months for me to decide but I ended up siding with Alicia Keys. Best decision ever. Not only is she my mentor but she's a great friend as well.

"Lauren! Can I have your autograph?" A little girl asked as she held out a pen and paper for me to grab.

"Sure honey," I said with a smile as I took the pen and signed before handing it back to her. "There you go, bye beautiful." I said as I hugged her.

"Mrs. Hansen we don't have time, your wife and family are expected you." My bodyguard Mike said to me.

Mike Morgado has been my bodyguard for nearly 4 years now after Dinah put out an ad for someone to go out and make sure that I'm not trampled by crazed fans when she couldn't be there to protect me.

At first I was a little skeptical of him, I wasn't sure why but there was just something about him. That quickly went away though.

"Mike its fine, besides the release party doesn't start for another 30 minutes." I said as he continued to guide me through the busy streets of LA.

We got to the car and he opened the door for me to get inside. "While that's true, Mrs. Hansen I promised your wife that I'd get you there sooner, besides she said that the kids are bugging her about you. Stella Luna especially." He said with a smirk.

I smiled at the mention of my kids.

Gabby is 9 now and is our little genius. At the age of 6 she became one of the youngest people to start her own Autism Awareness program. Throughout the years she's grown quieter which worried us but we learned that her quietness will just be apart of her but when she does speak it's as if you were talking to an adult. She's got so much to say about so many things and talking to her is one of the highlights of my day. She does have days that are better than others but Dinah finally got her a piano and when she's playing it, she enters a world of her own.

Giovanni is our little firecracker. At just 6 years old, he's so energetic and sassy. He's following in Dinah's footsteps when it comes to music which he absolutely loves. He really takes full advantage of being our only son and is so protective of his sisters even though he annoys them 24/7.

Last but not least is our little girl, Stella Luna. She's a mommy's girl and is very stubborn. She definitely gets that from me. I gave birth to her four years ago on a plane surprisingly, and Dinah had to deliver her. Luna is our sensitive and goofy child. She laughs at the silliest things and cries for just about any reason. Everyday is an adventure with her because we never know what to expect.

Just being a mother to the three of them is one of the best things that I could ever ask for.

"Oh well why didn't you say so Mike. Get me to my kids."

He chuckled and climbed into the drivers seat. "Will do."


When we finally arrived to Dinah's newly remodeled studio he escorted me down to the video studio; the same place where my new life had began.

"There you are. Thank you for getting her here Mike."

Dinah Jane. Still after five years the sound of her voice never ceased to make me smile.

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Hi babe."

She leaned down to kiss me as she wrapped her tattoo covered arms around me. Ironically over the years she's become accustomed to getting a new tattoo as often as she could. I loved it, tattoos looked amazing on her.

"Hey beautiful. How was your interview?" She asked before our lips met.

I sighed. "They asked that one question that everyone asks; can you tell us how you went from Video Vixen to uprising indie/pop singer?"

Dinah smirked. "Haven't they read your book? I guess not. Come on Everyone is here."

"Ally and Lance even?" I asked.

Two years ago, Ally and Lance relocated to Texas where Ally decided to become a high school teacher. Word on the street is she's the meanest but the kids absolutely adore her. Lance became a judge which suits him well. They ended up having a third child whom they had named Lucas Josiah and the twins have grown a lot as well. Still trouble makers though but cute ones of course.

"Yes, they're here"

"What about Camila and Normani?"

Normani and Camila were doing great. Camila quit modeling and went to college for an Arts Major. Everyone thought it was silly but its really paid off for her. Now she's making great money working with Disney, Cartoon Network, and anyone else who wants her to come and work with them on creating new projects. She even does voice characters from time to time. Normani finally passed her bar exam after 5 attempts. Now she's winning cases back to back and is on her way to becoming one of the best women attorneys in California. Devon and Lyla are growing up as well and are definitely Normani's and Camila's pride and joy.

Dinah shook her head. "They all caught Lyla's cold. They send there love though. Taylor is here if that makes you feel any better."

I smiled at the mention of my sister's name. She had gotten her new heart a month after our wedding and two years later she joined the Olympics like she said that she would. Swimming has always been her thing so that's what she did. Last year she won her first gold medal and since then she's been unstoppable.

"Yay, alright let's get this over with I'm ready to go home and spend time with you guys."


The release party was for my new album entitled Chapters. Basically the album included songs about life lessons and about everyday situations. I've already had 5 hits from the album and pretty soon I'd be going on my very first tour. After the release party Dinah and I gathered our children and headed home.


As usual, we made it a thing of ours to have movie nights where we'd all get to pick the movie for the night. Tonight was Dinah's turn and of course she picks The Lion King. Gabby and Giovanni loved it but Stella's never seen it. So of course when she cried about Mufsa dying Dinah got a big kick out of it.

"Dinah, stop laughing at her. Lulu come here."

She climbed into my lap and pouted. "Mommy, I don't wanna watch this no more. Can we watch Sesame Street?"

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Here watch it on my phone. Guys are you hungry?"

A chorus of yeses were heard.

I stood. "How does Tacos sound?"

The kids cheered and Dinah gave me a thumbs up.

"Mommy can I help?" Gabby asked as she stood.

"Sure, come on."

She grabbed a hold of my hand as we walked off to prepare dinner.


Dinah and I made it a habit to always have dinner as a family no matter what. It was an important part of our day because it gave us all a chance to share with one another how our day went.

"Gabby did you tell Mommy about your meeting today?" Dinah asked.

Gabby looked up from her food and looked at me. "I was a little nervous at first."

"Why Nugget?"

"There were a lot of people there, but Mama stayed with me so I was okay talking in front of everyone after a while. Everyone liked my idea to write books to spread awareness about autism, and I can have Aunt Mila help me with them too...but um I'll need a lawyer."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm proud of you babe, but why would you need a lawyer?"

"Well, there are people in this world who can't sit for five minutes to come up with their own ideas. For copyright purposes. Don't you have a lawyer?"

"Oh," See, she's got a lot to say. "Well Normani is a lawyer so I guess so."

"She failed her bar exam a few times mommy. She's good but I was thinking someone better than her."

Dinah snickered.

Oh did I mention that Gabby still has no filter?

"Well I'll be sure to find us both great lawyers. Dinah it's not funny."

"Yeah it is, Luna and Gio, stop playing with your food please."

Just then the doorbell rang.

"I've got it." I said as I stood and headed towards the door.

Nobody ever comes over this late or comes over at all without calling first.

"Who is it?" I asked.

There was no answer. Furrowing my eyebrows I pulled the door open and my eyes went wide.

"Hi Lauren..."

I didn't say anything.

"I um...I know it's late but I saw you on TV a year ago and had to come find you...Just to um-just to say that I'm sorry...and to just see your face."

Still, I said nothing.

"Y-you look so and Taylor. I'm so proud of you both."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"To make things right with you Lauren...I-I got clean a-and I've got a job...J-just please?"

I clenched my jaws together. "No. I don't know how you figured out where I lived and I don't care but you need to leave and never come back here again. I forgave you years ago but I'll never forget Clara."


I slammed the door shut in her face and wiped away tears that I didn't even know had fallen before I headed back into the dining room.

She's in my past and I refuse to let her into my present. Because of her I've dealt with dark times but thanks to her...I've learned to over come just about anything.

"Hey, who was at the door?" Dinah asked as she walked over and wrapped her arms around me.

Being in her arms instantly made me feel safe. "No one. Come on let's go and get the kids ready for bed."

She nodded and kissed me before we walked off hand in hand. 



Now the book is officially over. There WILL be a Normila fic based off of this so you'll definitely get to see more Laurinah and Allyance (Sorry I had to LOL)

Also look out for my Alren fic.

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