The Boy (Creepypasta x male!c...

By Tomboy_Love

210K 4.2K 1.9K

Little (M/N) and his little sister Lisa were abandoned in the woods bye their parents. Without anywhere else... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

5.7K 152 26
By Tomboy_Love

Author's P.O.V

The next morning (M/N) didn't want to get up. 'Aíma's fur is way to soft, I don't want to move.' (M/N) thought tiredly to himself. (M/N)'s thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice. "Master its time to wake up." Aíma said softly. "But I don't want to get up." (M/N) said pouting. To say at the least Aíma was surprised to see this side of his master. "It seems master that I've already become very close to you." Aíma stated getting off the bed. "Now get up, its time for you to get dressed." Aíma said looking behind him at (M/N). "Why won't you love me!?" (M/N) asked almost hysterically. "Master you really need to get up and get dressed breakfast will be served soon." Aíma said while walking over to the closet. "Fine, fine. How do you know all of this anyway?" (M/N) asked. "I went through you mind and parts of slenders to figure out what you do and what time things are supposed to happen." Aíma stated. "Well ok then give me some time and I will get ready." (M/N) said while walking into the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

Once (M/N) was done he walked out of the bathroom and put on his shoes. This time (M/N) had on a suit that Trender put in his closet. The suit had black skinny jeans with a belt that had a silver buckle that stood out, a silk black button up shirt, a black tie that had a red lace pattern on it, a verst that went over the two half of the best was just like the tie and the other side it was black, there was a overcoat that was just like the tie, and black and red converse. "You look nice master." Aíma said pleased with what (M/N) was wearing. "Thank you. I fairly like the suits that Trender put in my closet." (M/N) said pitting on his natural blank face. "It's time to go downstairs master." Aíma said walking toward the door waiting for (M/N) to open it. Walking over to the door and opening it (M/N) and Aíma head downstairs to the dining room. Once they get there (M/N) notices that Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were not there. "What's wrong master?" Aíma asked. "Toby, Masky, and Hoodie aren't here. I wonder why?" (M/N) said. While (M/N) sat down with Aíma at his feet (M/N) decided to asked Slender. "Hey Slender where are Tomby, Masky and Hoodie?" Looks like Lisa beat (M/N) to the question. "They are on a mission I sent them on. They are my proxies so I send them on missions to do something I'm to busy for or just so their not in the house all the time." Slender explained. "Oh, ok then." Lisa replied and started to eat her breakfast. Once (M/N) was done eating he put his dish in the sink and turned towards Slender. "Can I go outside? I want to train with Aíma so I can summon another wolf or two." (M/N) asked. "Yes child you can go. Jeff go outside with (M/N)." Slender replied. Standing up Aíma walked over to Jeff with (M/N). "Let's go." Jeff said a little excited to see (M/N) summon a wolf. Walking outside Jeff sat on the ground while (M/N) and Aíma went about 12 feet away. [or 4 yards how ever you want to say it.] "Alright master what type of element do you want to summon?" Aíma asked. "I guess I will go with the original four elements first then the others." (M/N) said while thinking of which one he shod summon first. "First just think of the element you want to summon and then think of the animal you want it to be and it shall appear." Aíma explained. "Ok, let me try." (M/N) said before going silent. He was silent for awhile. Jeff was about to ask if (M/N) was ok until a bright white glow blined him. When the light died down a beautiful white wolf was standing in front of (M/N). The wolf had fur that was pure white, with sky blue eyes, sky blue lines going around its eyes, a symbol was on the wolfs head of the same sky blue color, with noticeable blue swirls of wind floating around the wolf and and a black cross hanging from around its neck. "Who summoned me?" A deep elegant voice came from the wolf. "It was me Ánemos." (M/N) said staying the wolfs name. "Then you must be the only one who can summon me very many demons have tried same with this wolf you have here. That must mean you are my destined master." The wolf now known as Ánemos spoke. "Well my name is (M/N) call me what you please." (M/N) told Ánemos. "Why did you call me?" Ánemos questioned. "I was training to see if I could summon more wolves." (M/N) explained. "Oh and you decided to call me." Ánemos said almost sarcastically. "I want to see if I can summon another wolf." (M/N) said taking note of Ánemos' sarcasm. (M/N) went silent again. The time was a little shorter than before when a ocean blue glow blinded them again. Once the glow disappeared a wolf was this time kneeling in front of (M/N). This wolf was all whit with a tail that looked like blue water and streeks of the same color on its paws, and on its chest. On the wolfs head it was the same water blue color except it faded to a ocean green color and its eyes where a dark blue. Lastly under the wolf there was a big puddle of water even though the wild looked dry. "You must be the water wolf." Aíma stated. "You are correct, you guys meet Neró." (M/N) said. "How do you know my name little boy, and who summoned me?" A strong female voice asked. "There's just this thing in the back of my mind and it just clicks when I see you like I've known you all of my life and I'm the one who summoned you." (M/N) explained. "Then that must mean-" Nero was cut off by Ánemos. "Yes he is your destined master and no demon ever could summon you just like us." He said monotonously. "Yes, exactly but didn't have to cut me off." Neró said sassily. "Now, now no arguing. Neró and Ánemos you both are dismissed. I will call you both back when I can summon all of my wolves." As soon as (M/N) said that Neró and Ánemos disappeared. "Let's go inside that's all for now master you are doing great." Aíma said while willing into the house with Jeff (M/N) trailing behind them.
What will you summon next? Find out in the next chapter!😊
A/N: Ánemos is pronounced
{Ann-i-m-O-s} it kinda sounds like animals.
Neró is pronounced
{n-arrow} it sounds like narrow. (obviously)
Here is what the wolves look like.

This is Ánemos

This is Neró
Thanks for reading have a nice day/afternoon/night.

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