The Accidental Babies (Hart #...

By Mindlessly-Wondering

97.8K 2.5K 56

She didn't mean for it to happen, he was there and then they were doing the worst thing they could. He had a... More

The news
The dinner
Thank you
The Funeral
Waking Up
How It Happened
15 Hours
Time Jump
Extra Scene
So Twin
Babies For Everyone
Oh Please
The Man
I'm Sorry
Alternative chapter
Authors note

Lost Time

3.8K 71 0
By Mindlessly-Wondering


4 hours later I walked down the stairs and looked at the clock.

"We still have like 4 hours." I muttered shaking my head.

My phone rung and I picked it up to put it on my ear.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Dani." Jess said as I rolled my eyes a little.

"What's up." I asked her as she chuckled.

"Did you work it out yet." She asked as I bit my lip.

"Why are you asking." I asked her as I could see her rolling her eyes.

"Because, I can buy more time if you need it." She said as I debated this is my head.

Get the kids back early or have more alone time with Josh.

"I took a nap." I lied to my sister in law easily "He wasn't talking and I didn't feel like fighting."

"Danielle, this is exactly why your never going to get past this." She groaned as I bite my lip.

"Sorry." I said as she sighed loudly and took a breath.

"You have 6 hours, get to work." She said as she hung up and I smiled.

Moving back to my husband and sitting on his body.

"Yes Wife." He asked as he faced me again.

"How much do you love me." I asked as he raised a eyebrow at me.

"A whole lot, but why are you asking me this." He asked me as I smiled my arms around his neck.

I was also sitting right over his lap and I could feel his hips over my underwear.

"Because I lied to your sister." I said as he seemed really confused.

"This is good because." He asked waving a hand.

"It bought us 2 more hours without the kids." I said as he smiled at me in reply.

"What'd you lie about." He asked as his hands rested at my waist.

"Told her we were yet to talk, she yelled at me but it's okay." I said as he laughed at me in reply his head falling back.

"Of course you'd do that, what to do with 6 hours." He asked as I grinned at him.

"I can think of a few things." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

"And what might these few things be." He asked me as I smiled moving closer to his ear.

"Well first of all, your hands are a little to high." I whispered in his ear airily as he took a breath.

"Are they." He asked as I nibbled his ear.

"Yes they are, and then there just a little to much clothes in the way." I said as I then moved to bite softly behind his ear.

Only to know a hickey formed as his fingers dug in my waist. Then again I was right against him and I know my hips were pushing into his.

He groaned quietly as my hips bucked his again my teeth nipping at his skin. I smiled biting his very soft skin as his breath got a little harder.

Along with something else I could feel but that was expected.

"Your getting to good at that." He said softly as I kept biting at his skin.

Just biting nothing else to get revenge on him for his constant teasing. He was holding my hips in place but he forgot something.

He was then pushing me down over his pelvis. Yep he screwed up groaning again.

He flipped us so he was over me and his lips were moving roughly on mine. I didn't object kissing him back as my hands ran in his hair.

But he was also pushing his hips into my own. It was his payback my body burning more every time he did.

I moaned softly in his lips but he kept pushing. I got loud his lips not covering anything or silencing it.

The pleasure grew and so did my moans.

His hands all over my my body as I lost control.

"Josh please." I moaned out as he smiled against my neck.

He did give me what I wanted his hands pulling off the shirt that was his to expose my body. He groaned as he saw the still very purple underwear I was wearing.

My hands to busy pulling at his hair as I moaned.

When it was actually time to get the kids back it had been quite a day of nasty events. But I sure did feel great and that's a fact.

"Mommy." Scarlett yelled as she saw me running to my legs.

But I was still in his shirt and I laughed bending down to her height.

"Hi, did you have a nice day." I asked as she nodded happily.

"It was so much fun Mommy, we saw all the animals and we got ice cream." She said as I smiled at her in reply to her words.

"That's sounds lovely." I said as I saw Seb like tackle Josh.

Who laughed picking up his body to face the little boy.

"What's up little man." Josh asked as the boy smiled brightly.

His eyes twinkling as he stared at his father.

"We did so much daddy." Seb started "You won't believe the things we saw today." He said as Josh smiled a little more.

"That's great buddy." He said as I faced Scar again.

"Did you say thank you to Anut Jess and uncle Dan." I asked as I looked up at the couple.

The kids both took off to bear hug the awaiting couple.

"Thank you," They said together as Dan and Jess smiled.

"Any time guys." Dan said as they kept hugging them.

"Did you guys eat dinner." Josh asked as they both faced him nodding.

"We had fries and chicken nuggets, it was so good daddy." Seb said as Josh laughed at him.

"In that case, I think it's time for some kids to go to bed." I said as they all faced.

"Mommy no." Scarlett said as I nodded standing up.

"Mommy says yes, lets go." I said as they both grumbled but started walking.

"I liked you better when you babbled." I said as they both grumbled more.

We still went up the stairs and they changed.

"In the beds, you guys should know how this works by now." I said as they both climbed in the beds.

"Do we have to go to bed." Scar asked as I went to her bed tucking in the blankets.

"Yes you do, you guys need sleep after such an exciting day." I said as she sighed at me.

I still got them to bed and went back down the stairs pushing my hair back from my face.

"Where Alex and Avery." I asked as I saw the pair sitting down.

"Mom's, they've been way to excited so we gave them to her for the night after we got out from the Zoo." Jess said as I nodded sitting next to Josh.

"Well thanks anyways, it was nice to relax for once." Josh said as they shook there heads.

"No I get it, we all can use a break and you guys are at what almost 7 months before today." Dan said as we both nodded.

"Yeah just about, then back to the same pattern tomorrow." I said as they laughed.

"Well tomorrow we get a day off, it's going to be peaceful." Jess said as I pointed at her.

"It's always peaceful." Josh and I said as she shrugged.

"Doesn't matter anymore, we should get going." Jess said as I waved a hand.

"Night guys." I said they waved and they left.

Only for me and Josh to go to bed next tired ourselves but for different reasons. Easily falling into a deep sleep in his arms.

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